greengingerale-blog · 8 years
New Tumblr
This tumblr was activated with my old college email that doesn't exist anymore and I also have lost the password for this account. Finally deciding to start from scratch. If any of my followers get a random follow today it's just me!
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greengingerale-blog · 8 years
Do u ever miss your ex though. 4 years is a rly long time
No. When we broke up I was over the whole thing. That was over 2 years ago. I'm very happily married with a new baby and he's moved on as well.
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greengingerale-blog · 8 years
hm :/ what was the biggest difference? I've been with my so since high school and that has me worried lol
It will work out if you both stay aware. When it came down to it we just had different interests and values. He was a few years older than me, so had I known myself better before it would have saved some time. But I was only 14 so how was I supposed to know? I basically grew up thinking what he wanted was also what I wanted. Then one day I discovered my identity and realized this wasn't so. I'm quiet, yet self expressive with the need to create and have originality. My dream is to have a cute smaller home and maybe move out west one day. I'm not looking for anything lavish, and care more about how I effect the people in my life. He was the opposite: loud, boisterous, TOO into sports. I think he feels like he needs to prove something to the world. Cared about how much money he made yet never knew how to save it. We pissed each other off, we resented each other. I also stayed in it unhappy for a long time because I didn't really know what to do. So as long as you're happy don't worry about it.
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greengingerale-blog · 8 years
me: mom im hungry
mom: eat a fruit
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greengingerale-blog · 8 years
*coughs up blood* I'm fine!: Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius
*sneezes* I'm literally about to die: Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Pisces
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greengingerale-blog · 8 years
*looks in a mirror* you again
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greengingerale-blog · 8 years
my roommate is 2 days younger than me so i’ve gotten into the habit of saying “when i was your age..” and then describing what i did 2 days ago
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greengingerale-blog · 8 years
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greengingerale-blog · 8 years
what happened with ur high school sweet heart?
We were together over 4 years and I think just outgrew each other. I could sit here and say mean things but really we just had different visions for our lives and were trying to force them together. We were engaged and when I wasn't excited to plan the wedding, I knew something was off.
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greengingerale-blog · 8 years
if u could have a do over what would you change
Probably would have broken up with my high school sweetheart sooner, quit college when I first knew I didn't belong there then leaped into cosmetology. But only if I still managed to meet my husband and us work as well as we do. And of course our little girl has to exist. All of that would have saved me a lot of grief though.
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greengingerale-blog · 8 years
srsly though i dont feel like it's a super personal question I mean there has to be some challenges there yes? dont want you to know who I am because we see each other a lot and dont want to be awk
Eh, I don't mind to know who you are. Wouldn't bother me at all. Just not on tumblr.
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greengingerale-blog · 8 years
chuck it in the fuck it bucket and move on
I love that saying lol
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greengingerale-blog · 8 years
i just heard a bouncing noise and then that was followed by my dad saying
“oh no my potato”
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greengingerale-blog · 8 years
do you and your husband live with your mom and dad? If so is that challenging?
If you know who I am enough to ask questions like these, then it doesn't need to be anonymously on tumblr. I have nothing to hide from a person with a face. Otherwise, this is downright creepy.
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greengingerale-blog · 8 years
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you ignorant fool
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greengingerale-blog · 8 years
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greengingerale-blog · 8 years
that little chunk of chocolate at the bottom of the drumstick cone reblog of you agree
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