“I’m one of those people that you have to keep your eye on or I’ll wander off into the woods and forget to come back.”
— Jack White
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she was standing in the kitchen sipping her tea, a cuppa waiting for rabia as well because it was obvious she hadn’t been home last night, her bed was made and empty. it made azra’s heart sink to find her bedroom empty, she had tossed and turned in bed wondering if her sister was alright. but as she stood there in the morning hours worrying she had to realize that rabia had been, well, who knows where but on her own certainly for the better part of four years. it would be unfair to ask her to suddenly change overnight. so she wasn’t mad when rabia walked in with apologies and welcomed the hug. 
“i was worried, not upset. and yes there are rules but you’re practically an adult and i can’t make too many requests of you. but you will be back at school soon and they won’t be so lenient, rab. i know this adjustment is hard, but you’re safe here, always. and yes, i would appreciate a note if you’re not planning to sleep here, just to ease my mind. now here, i made us some tea, why don’t we make breakfast together?”
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it’s almost unfair for azra to be so understanding, and rabia, for a moment, feels more guilt for assuming less of her than her sister deserved. it was a weird adjustment for all of them, she needed to remember, and more, she needed to remind herself that while she’d been out in the world convincing herself she (rabia) was the only family she (again, rabia) needed, azra had been right here, worrying about her. “I can try harder,” she said, and she meant it; she’d try to keep true to it, too. peeling away from her sister, though, at the mention of school, rabia groaned. “i’m not ready for this. I know, realistically, that there is nothing I can do to make a month longer, but. ugh. I feel so .... “ she sighed, unable to find the strength to make herself say the rude words, and skipped over them instead, “I should’ve finished two years ago, what if i’m practically remedial, and I fail everything?”
she took the tea, though, and the suggestion to make breakfast, calmly. at least that was something, no failure to be found there, apparently. and even then, that was only because rab was neglecting to mention that she was yet to sleep. “it’s just weird. but it’s my own fault, I did that to me, so, i’ll just have to get used to it. I shouldn’t complain, anyways, it’s so stupid. my life is already five million times easier and better than it’s been in years, I shouldn’t be complaining about anything.”
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she’d never laid eyes on the redhead in her life, but rabia wasn’t daunted by this in any way. for someone who craved solitude, she was certainly far from shy; on the wrong day, rabia probably couldn’t tell you what a stranger was. there was nothing casual about her approach, either – rabia had abandoned her day entirely to turn around and follow wherever the redhead who’d passed her by was heading. and as soon as rabia’d caught up, words were falling out of her mouth as she fell into step with the other, “hey, oh my god, i love this top. it suits you so perfectly, it would have been a crime not to tell you.” she pauses, but really only to offer up a bright grin. “i’m rabia, i’m new to these parts, and you are very cute and have excellent taste. we should be friends, what do you think?”
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it was probably disrespectful, to the plants around, anyways, for her to be  touching their leaves and stems with her tobacco stained fingers, but that didn’t stop rabia. regardless of form, she’d always admired pretty. and plants were pretty, or they could be, anyway, even if she couldn’t keep a rock garden alive on a good day. “so would you say,’ she started, still wandering through the shop, still touching leaves, “that, like, your life’s ambition is really just to be surrounded by plants? not a job or anything, but like, as long as you, wherever you were, were surrounded by plants, like, that would make life tolerable and .. I don’t know, peaceful? I guess? for you?”
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location: diagon alley 
She knew she needed to go shopping for school. There wasn’t a lot of time left until she would go back. She felt like an entirely different person since she left Hogwarts in June. Truth be told, she was. Loosing her mother was enough to make her an entirely different person. She wouldn’t have even realized how close she was to September if she hadn’t been reminded. It was the reason she was in Diagon that day. Normally, she would do this with her mother but well…she couldn’t anymore. Thoughts of years passed caused her to not be paying attention, barely managing not to run into someone who was exiting a shop. “I apologize,” she said with a small smile. “The Alley is a bit distracting this close to school. Too many things to look at.” 
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she couldn’t possibly have known how parallel her thoughts were to the other girl’s as rabia crashed into her; she’d been lost in thought herself, eyes on the windows like those of many a first year before her. “no, please, you’re fine. I was totally .... eyes on windows.” she laughed, making a tunnel vision gesture before shrugging like she didn’t have any need to explain herself beyond that, but choosing to do so anyways. “i’ve been here before, but i’ve never done the whole ..... back to school shopping in diagon, thing, before. this is the most distracting thing I will ever fail miserably at doing.” her eyes don’t stay on her new companion long, wandering again, to the sights around her. “you wouldn’t happen to feel like taking pity on the pretty, would you?” she asked, no shame at all, it seemed, in asking for help today, or in her plight as a teen undergoing ‘reform’. “I should’ve graduated two years ago in france, and instead, i’m shopping to go to hogwarts for the very first time as a sixth year. I need help in the worst way.”
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not that rabia and punctuality had ever been close bedfellows, but, tonight, rabia was running a lot later than she’d intended to be. and she had intended for this to be a late night, but following old tactics on a whim, switching the script to keep her sister on her toes meant  waiting for her to fall asleep and between azra and rabia a battle of wills could last for years. by the time she’d finally been sure her sister wasn’t going to check on her and slipped out the window ... and made it far enough away to apparate ... and made it to the pub ... hooo. the fact that she wasn’t panting, and didn’t have a hair out of place, and hadn’t broken a sweat had all been very carefully executed, but she couldn’t help the desperate excitement in her eyes as she scanned the crowd and found the face she was searching for. she ran up to doris without hesitation, smile on her face. “am i too late? i didn’t miss it, did i?”
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okay, maybe she wasn’t much for rules, but ... rabia was still one for respect, and azra deserved hers, after all she’d done for rabia, for emira – even if rabia couldn’t bring herself to respect the rules laid out for her. still, a little, this much, was better than nothing, and considering the sun was up, and she was perfectly aware that not only was her sister awake, she was already wise to the fact that rabia’s bed was empty – rabia used the front door to make her entrance, quietly, though not sneaking. there was no need to wake up emira, and she was sure there was no rest for her, either; there shouldn’t be, wouldn’t be. rabia had promised herself she’d do at least three things to help azra today as penance before crawling into bed.
“damn it,” she said, instead of the ... well, actually, she hadn’t gotten as far as an opening line; she’d been planning to stop for a breakfast treat, and thoughts of an opener had derailed her. but she hung her coat up where it belonged, already letting words pour from her mouth now she’d started; no use giving azra the upper hand so early. “i wanted to make my apology better with breakfast, but I fucked that up, too. i’m sorry, i know, i know, that we talked about this, and the girl, and i’m sorry. i should’ve left a note or something.” she looked to her sister, eyes full of guilt, but moved forward and wrapped her arms around her anyways. “i didn’t go home with any strangers, and i looked both ways before i crossed every street. please don’t be mad at me.” 
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—— isn’t that rabia greengrass? yeah that is them, sitting there at the hufflepuff table with those other sixth years. when sybill looks into that crystal ball of hers, she sees glass slippers, abandoned at midnight; proving a point if it’s the last thing you do; being able to accept help, even when you can’t ask for it; the scent of candles and bubblebath; a window dying to be used as a door; an adaptable spirit hard at work; and the foolhardiness of falling head over heels over and over again, even though it only ever ends in heartbreak;  which seems about right for that nineteen year old. anyway i’ve heard they’re pretty wary, an escapist, and smarter than she looks (or pretends). apparently they’re neutral (for now) and pureblood but i’m sure that’s not related… —— playlist || pinterest  
death mention tw
lydia bennet - pride & prejudice; margo - paper towns; mary-ann (goodbye earl) - the chicks
→ NAME: rabia ceylan nimet greengrass → NICKNAMES: rab (and she LIKES it, specifically because rabastan and regulus both turn around anyways); rabi, rabid (thanks, emira); cey   → AGE / D.O.B.: 19 / 12 April 1958 → SPECIES: pureblood witch → GENDER / PRONOUNS: cisfemale / she&her → SEXUALITY: bisexual (has recently sworn off men for the thousandth time, but things change)
FAMILY → PARENTS: azra greengrass is the only parent rab acknowledges, currently → SIBLINGS: brother: burak sisters: zehra, azra, emira → COUSINS: ? → PETS: she has a pet rat, named Louis (she found him 3 years ago)
LIFESTYLE → BORN: france → RAISED: france; the streets (I couldn’t stop her) → CURRENT RESIDENCE: london - with azra ; hogwarts castle → NATIONALITY: turkish; french → SPOKEN LANGUAGES: english, french, half decent spanglish → OCCUPATION: Hogwarts’ Biggest Flight Risk™; student;  → DRINK | SMOKE | DRUGS: she’s laughing, give her a minute → RELIGION: god is a dj, life is a dance floor
PHYSICAL ATTRIBUTES → FACE CLAIM: bahar sahin → ETHNICITY: turkish → HEIGHT: 5ft. 4 in. → WEIGHT: 105 lbs → BUILD: small and skinny, always looks like she needs a cheeseburger → HAIR: long, brown; sometimes she makes it look nice, sometimes she doesn’t → EYE COLOR: green → DOMINANT HAND: left → SCENT: cigarette smoke and whatever soap azra has been buying, she hasn’t decided who she wants to be next yet, it’s still in the works → NERVOUS HABITS: she straight up just leaves, now, when she’s uncomfortable; but, for the people she’s close to, and her family, anyone who can keep her in place, she has a tendency to either over/undershare, change the subject so thoroughly your head spins (repeatedly), and tends to to tell the truth halves to test the waters
CHARACTER → MORAL ALIGNMENT: neutral good → MBTI: isfp → WESTERN ZODIAC: aries → SONG: runaway - bon jovi / edge of seventeen - stevie nicks
MAGIC → WAND: black walnut, fairy wings & demiguise hair; 9 5/8 inches → PATRONUS: crow → BOGGART:  she’s not ready to talk about it; it isn’t pretty
rabia used to be the pretty, spoiled, third and (incredibly) overlooked daughter. 
not the baby, not even the direct center, rabia felt invisible most of her life
and that was not exactly helped by the fact she and her siblings were raised by nannies
and she ... oh my god, that girl is hard to keep track of
she wanders off CONSTANTLY - always has, ever since she learned to walk
she likes to be by herself, though she doesn’t mind company; she just prefers to be out wherever the problems and the people arent (exceptions withstanding, of course)
she’s reckless when it comes to giving away her heart. convinced no one and everyone wants and should have it
but no heart ever breaks the same way twice, so she still wouldn’y call herself an expert on the matter although she’s made excellent strides in the commitment arena
it wasn’t her fault he left, it was his. okay, she kicked him out and that screwed her over, but he screwed her over first, and then he had to go and ... stop existing involuntarily
but that was last year, let’s back up
rabia was not under some misguided impression that her parents cared for her - she knew they didn’t. the role of she and her sisters and her brother was to make them look good. no more, no less
they didn’t care what she did, where she did it, who she did it with, or even to
and rabia really enjoyed testing the limits of this, even if she couldn’t admit how disappointing it was to realize, truly, that no one gave a single shit what you did, or even if you were alright.
and at beauxbatons, at the end of her 5th year, she couldn’t wait for the freedom graduation was going t bring her.
the freedom to move on – with her life, with everything.
but freedom came calling sooner than anyone expected
she was only fifteen when he asked her to run away with him, he was 17 already, he’d just graduated - was anyone going to miss her right away?
no, she’d said
and she’d been right - four four years, no one came for her
but rabia and her love, the boy worth leaving her family for, were over before the first year was out, but at the time their circle was still small, and the end was messy.
of course, in the time it took to kick him out of the flat, they’d lost the flat, so they went their separate ways, and rabia started continent hopping
she WAS starting to run low on funding, though, and from there on out the next three years was a life altering, swim or drown, course on grinding, coasting, and keeping yourself off the radar, while enjoying the freedom of having no ties
last year, they ran into each other, in mexico, no less
and it was almost okay
until it wasn’t
but a jail cell, in tijuana, was not high on rabia’s list of places to see
 it was his fault, and she just happened to be there, but he’d been in mexico longer than he’d said he’d been, and she’s still not sure she wants the full story of what happened that night
not the parts she witnessed, or the parts she missed
so she did what she did best – she went to the beach
then she went to spain, because spain is better than mexico
then she started feeling homesick
but she hadn’t been back in france a week before they’d found her; 
a day, honestly, because she went to london to visit a friend, and by that very same afternoon she was sitting on her sister’s sofa 
it’s been ..... weird.
rabia never was much for rules, especially not as invisible as she was before, and she’d been on her own for quite some time, so she’s still frequently in trouble
but it’s nice to have someone who ccares enough to be mad at her for not coming home on time
and it’s nice to be with emira again, too, even if she does have to go back to school
she still regularly sneaks out and has not learned the definition of grounded yet
but she and louis – who she found near versailles, by the way, and claims is descended from royalty – have been just fine on their own, so they are looking forward to trying out “normal” again
whatever that means
for a greengrass
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*tucks my hair behind my ear and looks off into the distance prettily like I don’t notice you looking at me*
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Bahar on Instagram
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Definitely, Maybe (2008) dir. Adam Brooks
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