greenoceanblog · 7 years
My Ever Growing List
So I’ve been working on my bucket list lately. It’s about 16 pages long...I keep coming up with new ideas, so I thought I would write down some of the stuff I have completed. Please feel free to steal these ideas.
1.Get a 2018 calendar 2.Spike Hair 3.Magic Mike XXL 4.First potluck at work 5.First potluck 6.Turn in flash drive 7.New headphones 8.Plastic on windows 9.8 bundle tray 10.Happy TV Show 11.Lights went out at work 12.Pixie hair cut 13.Go to $ store 14.Buy crayons 15.Buy dress shoes 16.Santa House 17.Hang stockings 18.Take baby girl to see Santa 19.Christmas coloring books 20.Canvas photos 21.Make baby girl a poncho 22.Buy baby girls gift box 23.Put together Mariah’s presents 24.Take out Trash 25.Vaccum floor 26.Watch Shameless 27.Do a sharing tree 28.Go over present list 29.Depo shot
30.Found out I can wear a girl’s size 6 shoe 31.Have a bank account again 32.Food stamps 33.Won a prize drawing 34.First 9 bundle 35.Recieve canvas photos 36.Wear all my earrings 37.Took a nap 38.Family party 39.Baby girl opens her gift box 40.Take out trash 41.Switch bed around 42.Hug everyone at a party 43.Open a small present on Christmas Eve 44.Christmas 45.Eart antlers tomorrow 46.Leave cookies for Santa 47.Wake up before everyone on Christmas 48.Hand out presents 49.Laundry 50.Take down tree 51.Take picture of 50th goal 52.Finish putting boxes in basement 53.Receive Dow card 54.Wear new Paris PJ’s 55.Take a nice long shower 56.Wear new socks 57.Turn in bottles 58.Watch 100 zombie movies 59.Have dinner for breakfast
60.Tackle a mountain of dishes 61.Take out trash 62.Fix baby’s hair 63.Give Nick a shower 64.Re-clean room 65.Eggnog rum covered pecans 66. Set up new bank account 67.See how much micro pigs are ($750-$3,500) 68.Get to the part 2 of suburbia 2 69. Buy a new trash can 70.Wear new emoji earrings 71.Fill out calendar 72.Watch the ball drop 73.New Years Resolution 74.Kiss someone on New Years 75.Baby’s Birthday 76.Wear new boots 77.Own a pair of superhero undies78.Have a new sweat shirt 79.Wear new gloves 80.Buy conditioner for my hair 81.Put up new calendar 82.New Years 83.Write in new notebook 84.Wear a cozy sweater 85.Give up pop for a year 86.Wear new top 87.Put a random item in someone’s shopping cart 88.Eat what I want until Jan 2nd 89.Wear new slippers
90.Captain crunch berries 91.Create a food budget 92.Pack lunch for tomorrow 93.Show Jason my picture 94.My fat fab life returns 95.Use new yarn 96.Sing in the shower97.Make Baby feel better 98.Find green pens 99.Pay off Library bill 100.Go to the library 101.Get 100 things done 102.Pop bubble wrap 103.Spend the day doing what she wants 104.Start looking up 2 bedrooms 105.Get baby’s birthday stuff 106.Wear clothes fresh from the dryer 107.Buy muffin’s from Kroger’s again 108.Buy a thong 109.Use new pens 110.Wake up earlier in the morning 111.Doctor’s appointment 112.Watch the sunrise and sunset in the same day 113.Buy some green clothes 115.Add fire burning to playlist 116.Read another James Patterson book 117.Roll yarn into balls 118.See Happy Death Day 119.Get boxes from work 120.Quit a bad habit in 21 days 121.Finish all 7 seasons of Shameless 122.Have a pillow fight 123.Binge watch Netflix 124.Use Applebee’s card 125.Figure out where to put myself 126.Candle lighter 127.Tried a long island ice tea (sour) 128.All star’s project runway 129.Winnie the Pooh Day
130.Popcorn Day 131.Have a tickle fight 132.Re-enrolled Baby at school 133.Randomly select a boo from the library and read it 134.Try white hot chocolate 135.Buy the futon from Walmart that I’ve been wanting forever 136.Bake cookies with Baby girl 137.Get valentines for her school 138.Have a nerf war 139.Read a Stephen King book again 140.Mom’s Birthday 141.Leave a note in a library book again 142.Shave 143.Recieve loaner computer 144.Take baby back to Center for the Arts 145.Take Baby to see dinosaurs 146.Squishy burger 147.Laundry 148.Use new skillet 149.Have party at McDonalds 150.School pictures 151.Return books on time 152.Have a green stress ball
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greenoceanblog · 9 years
23 days left of driving and got a new job. Not such a bad day after all
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greenoceanblog · 9 years
Praying I get this new job so I can save up and take my dream vacation. My family has known for years that I've been wanting to go to Paris, France and see The Eiffel Tower. I'm hoping the woman at Kelly's calls me soon!
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greenoceanblog · 9 years
Good News
I'm so proud of myself I lost two more pounds. I've lost four pounds so far, just have 29 to go. I'll be at 126 in no time. =)
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greenoceanblog · 9 years
Weight Loss Goal
So I still have about 31 pounds to go. I've recently lost 2 pounds. Because I started out wanting to lose 33 pounds. According to my height which is 5'3 I'm supposed to be between 110-127 but I'm stuck at 157 right now. That is why I'm planning on working my butt off and getting to a safe weight. Wish me luck
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greenoceanblog · 9 years
My Journey
Well as a new mom starting out, I have a lot of adventures ahead of me.
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