greg-heffley-pardoy · 8 hours
today's vetted fundraisers. eid just began - instead of a happy time of togetherness and celebration, families like these are having to spend the holy days amidst the cruelest of circumstances, deprived of all components of safe and healthy life. now is a more vital time than ever to support these campaigns. any contribution you can make is valuable.
june 16th:
Dentist Tamer Al-Deeb, his brother (also a doctor), and their parents (€8,206/€40,000) - @tameraldeeb, verified by @/ibtisams
Samer Abu Ras, his wife Shurooq, and their three young children (kr8,220 SEK/kr450,000 SEK) - @sameraburass, verified by @/ibtisams
Mohammad Awni and his family of six (€1,535/€45,000) - @mohamedawnisblog, verified by @/nabulsi
Mohammed Al-Azayza and his family, including a young child with Down syndrome (kr2,043 SEK/kr200,000 SEK) - @hamouda-az, verified by @/sayruq
Iyad Sami, his wife Amal Mahmoud, and their four children (the family has been separated for months) (CHF291/CHF20,000) - @eyadsami, verified by @/mohamedalanqer
Momen Alostaz's family of ten (including his chronically ill parents and a newborn) (€10,938/€70,000) - @mo98h, verified by @/palipunk
The Abu Shammalah family of eight (€7,194/€100,000) - @ahmed8311, verified by @/el-shab-hussein
Mahmoud Khalaf's family of eight (€6,129/€30,000) - @mahmoudkhalaff, verified by @/ibtisams
Amani Hasan and her three children ($8,249/$17,732) - @amani93gaza, verified by @/nabulsi
Suad Ahmad, her husband, and several extended family members (Suad is pregnant and urgently needs medical care and a safe place to have her baby) ($10,436/$28,000) - @suad-ahmad, verified by @/fallahifag
if the list seems extra long today, take it as a signal that your help, in whatever form you can give, is urgently needed.
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greg-heffley-pardoy · 8 hours
by the way this is the procedure to get out of gaza
it costs 5k USD per adult and 2.5k USD per child
if you want to raise this money via GOFUNDME it has to be arranged by someone who is NOT living in Palestine because GFM does not release money to Palestine. GFM also verifies every detail so it has to be accurate so you need someone who is out of Palestine and also familiar with the bureaucracy.
once you raise the money one of your FIRST ORDER RELATIVES have to deposit this money IN CASH and IN PERSON at the Cairo offices of a company called hala. this person cannot be a Palestinian male under 40 because they are not allowed to be Egypt without a permit
once you pay the money you have to WAIT for your names to be published by Egyptian military at the Rafah crossing and the you have 24 hours to get out
it is a very long and convoluted process that is impossible for most Palestinians who do not have contacts in other counties. Please please donate to the GFMs you see floating around because they’ve been verified and this is only the first step in an arduous journey. Once in Cairo, Palestinians aren’t allowed to work so they need money for their support also.
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greg-heffley-pardoy · 8 hours
Honestly there's nothing a child can do in public that's as much of a disturbance as an adult yelling at them
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greg-heffley-pardoy · 10 hours
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This is why a lot of people are furious that the ICC is not charging Netanyahu and his government with genocide
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greg-heffley-pardoy · 10 hours
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greg-heffley-pardoy · 10 hours
Reminder for this pride month.
Here is a list of sources you SHOULDN'T listen to about intersex issues & bodies
Anyone who uses the term "DSD"
The medical establishment in general
The trans community
Trans forums
Perisex (non-intersex) people in general
Futanari porn
Here is a list of sources you SHOULD listen to about intersex issues & bodies
Intersex advocacy groups
Intersex people
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greg-heffley-pardoy · 10 hours
I am Tamer Al-Deeb, a Palestinian dentist from Gaza.
[Picture of Tamer before the war in his clinic]
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I have hesitated and delayed for a long time to write these words and create an account on GoFundMe, but the need has become very urgent due to what I see of death approaching myself and my family.
To begin our story, it is important to introduce my family, who are the core of my existence and the source of my strength during these turbulent times:
We are a family of four suffering for over 9 months from a brutal war that spares neither humans nor stones.
Mother: The Heart of Our Home
My mother embodies generosity and kindness as a devoted homemaker, always prioritizing her family's well-being. Her unwavering love remains our sanctuary amidst the chaos.
Father: The Pillar of Strength
My father, Majed, a dedicated professor, faced the destruction of the university he served. Despite this, his commitment to education and society remains unshaken.
Brother: A Beacon of Healing
My brother, Mohammad, a compassionate doctor, confronts the challenges of healthcare amidst dwindling supplies and occupation brutality, showcasing remarkable dedication to healing.
Tamer: A Dream Deferred
As for myself, Tamer, I was on the verge of a new beginning, with aspirations to further my career in Germany. I had saved thousands of dollars for the mandatory block account to support my stay abroad. However, the conflict has not only shattered my professional dreams but also consumed what didn't burn of my savings, compelling me to fight for my family's survival amidst the escalating costs of basic human necessities.
[Picture of the family before the war]
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I have lost the lives of my dearest friends, neighbors, and much of what I loved.
We have lost our home with all its dreams and memories. A five-floor house completely leveled to the ground!!
[Pictures of the destroyed house]
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I lost my clinic, my only source of livelihood.
[picture of the clinic]
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My neighborhood .
[picture of the destroyed neighborhood]
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Since the beginning of the war, we were forced to flee our home in the north of the Gaza Strip to the supposed safe area in the south. But unfortunately, this was just the beginning. We have been displaced four times in the same southern area, fleeing from death always surrounding us.
Initially, we fled to a school belonging to the UNRWA in the Nuseirat camp until we were forced to move to another area, and the Maghazi camp was the intended destination. Then a UNRWA school, where we were residing in a tent inside, was targeted, killing 7 civilians. We were forced to flee again to a tent in Rafah, but the scarcity of clean water and the spread of epidemics and diseases forced us to flee again to a UNRWA school in the Deir Al-Balah area until now.
UNRWA has been providing refuge to hundreds of displaced families for the past six months at schools that have become vital community hubs, offering shelter to thousands of individuals trapped in the southern region.
Women and children sleep inside classrooms, and the men sleep outside in tents set up in the courtyard. Rainstorms recently have flooded our tents, and it's very difficult to take care of our basic needs.
[Pictures of Tamer after the war in the UNRWA school and his tent]
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I am currently volunteering at Al-Aqsa Hospital, assisting in the maxillofacial surgery department. However, a sense of helplessness and despair often overwhelms me. It's hard to put into words the horrors and injuries I witness daily. Surrounded by the shroud of death and the cries of the wounded, I feel powerless. "I want to save you, I want you to live," I often think, "I will do everything in my power to make it happen!" Sadly, many times, they become part of the countless casualties from my homeland. The shortages in food, water, and medical supplies are dire, to the extent that we sometimes perform surgeries without anesthesia. The suffering is unimaginable.
Now we hope to escape death, we hope for the end of the war, we hope to leave the Gaza Strip, and we hope to live a decent life away from bombing, occupation, and destruction.
It has been 9 months of hell and horror. This genocide has been too long to bear, and our mental health and lives are in constant danger. (I can’t describe enough what I have been dealing with daily in the hospitals for the past days. We have reached a point where there is no hope left for us here in Gaza, where we are unfortunately just waiting for our turn to die, and even if there is a ceasefire, the destruction in Gaza is beyond prompt repair
Evacuation fees are expensive, especially now that I have no source of income. Once we can evacuate, your donations will cover our travel expenses and help us get immediate support in Egypt. There will be meal expenses, wardrobe expenses, emergency expenses, etc., but no generous contribution will go to waste.
To cross the “Rafah” Gaza-Egypt Borders, you need to have your name listed in the Crossing List (paid permit), and coordinators in Egypt who have the power to add my family’s names to the list at the border are now asking for anywhere from $6-8,000 per PERSON! They will not add the names until we can prove we have the money ready.
I ask for your help because this is not just my battle alone, but a battle in which we seek your helping hand to survive and preserve our families. Any donation, big or small, will have a huge impact on the lives of my family and me. I am grateful to everyone who donates, and I will remain grateful forever for giving hope and opportunity to me and my family to survive and build a better future.
Thank you for reading my story. For sharing my story with your friends and family. I hope, there is a ceasefire, and we can get the rest and safety we deserve to build our lives all over again. ❤️
Tamer Al-Deeb
Our campaign is vetted by :
- @ibtisams 🫶🇵🇸 : Click here
- @90-ghost 🫶🇵🇸 : Click here
- @el-shab-hussein 🫶🇵🇸 : Click here
- @fairuzfan 🫶🇵🇸 : Click here
- @palestinegenocide 🫶🇵🇸 : Click here
- @el-shab-hussein 🫶🇵🇸& @nabulsi 🫶🇵🇸 on Vetted Gaza Fundraiser List Number [ 191 ] : Click here
@communistchilchuck 🫶🇵🇸
@sar-soor 🫶🇵🇸
@fallahifag 🫶🇵🇸
@plomegranate 🫶🇵🇸
@vakarians-babe 🫶🇵🇸
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greg-heffley-pardoy · 13 hours
Being unable to have children should not be grounds for being considered disordered. Period. I fucking hate the idea of defining who's has a "healthy body" in terms of evolutionary fitness.
There are perfectly healthy people who are infertile.
There are unhealthy & disabled people who are infertile. And they aren't unhealthy because they are infertile.
There are infertile people who want children, and their infertility causes them distress, this is absolutely valid. But it does not mean they are disordered for their infertility.
There are fertile people who with to become infertile through medical intervention. This does not make them disordered or disabled.
There are infertile people who enjoy their infertility.
There are fertile people who just do not want to reproduce.
We should not determine who is healthy and who isn't by their ability and/or desire to reproduce. Some people are infertile. And that's ok.
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greg-heffley-pardoy · 13 hours
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Make pride accessible for everyone!!!!
I made a post about this last year and the year before, and thought if I did it this way it gives people and orgs something to work towards. Often people forget that disabled people aren't just wheelchair users, and even those who are, need more than just that ramp!
My first ever pride, not only as a wheelchair but my first ever EVER pride, I went in expecting to feel at home.
Obviously I wasn't, I'm disabled, so why should I?
Instead there was just a ridiculous amount of uneven flooring, a steep ramp to the disabled toilet, no sanitary towel bin in the disabled toilet (???) no allowances to be let out of the festival to fetch things from my car, no where quiet and organisers who seemed genuinely surprised to see a wheelchair user!
My next pride, three years later, I was a seller, and while they had sorted their toilet problem (still no sanitary towel bin???), the hill to get in wouod have been genuinely impossible for me to get to if I hadn't been driving to get my stall in anyway, even with someone pushing me, no quiet areas, plenty of kerbs for me to get stuck at and again, genuine surprise.
Why is it so surprising to consider disabled people might be at pride? Not only do queer disabled people exist, but parents and family of queer kids and people, vendors and even entertainers!
Making pride accessible is crucial!
ID available in Alt Text
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greg-heffley-pardoy · 13 hours
this pride, i learnt about the Palestinian trans woman Oscar Al-Halabiye, dancer and resistance fighter against the israeli occupation in Southern Lebanon. she named herself Oscar after Lady Oscar from the "The Rose of Versailles", a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Riyoko Ikeda.
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her story is documented in Cinema Fouad(1993). zionists use pink washing to reinforce their genocidal terrorist narrative when queer Palestinians have been fighting against the occupation since the very beginning. you can watch it here with english subtitles. long live the intifada!
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greg-heffley-pardoy · 13 hours
I wish there was more actual intersex allyship in the queer community. I don't think "you're valid!!" counts as Actual Allyship.
I hate talking about the normalized medical violence faced by intersex people and getting a "oh that sucks :(" or "sorry about that" or "this reminds me of trans people and [insert completely different issue]" from perisex allies.
Like what the fuck, do none of you grasp the absolute horror of it? Of literal actual graphic violence against group that is so normalized that nobody bats an eye, even when it's right in front of them? When you Google my variation the first thing that comes up is surgery gore photos of children and babies being "treated" for being intersex. THAT IS APPALLING. Imagine if you couldn't Google "transgender" and the only thing that came up was violent gorey hate crime footage. And what if that was just normal and nobody cared.
That doesn't make you fucking mad? That doesn't make you sick? What the fuck kind of response is "you're valid!!" "So sorry" "*hugs* :<" to that.
Perisex allies, I need you to get pissed off with us.
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right now, a hotel in kyoto, japan is mass rated falsely 1 star reviews by israeli people because the hotel refuses to serve idf soldiers.
this is the message the soldier had recieved:
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if anyone is willing to help report the false reviews, it would help this hotel greatly. i think they deserve help with that for being ethical.
this is a link to the reviews on google maps
reblogs would be appreciated.
this was posted in an israeli group, so no non israelis know about it yet
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@exactlyqualityqueen is a scammer pretending to be @nadergaza
Always verify people in your askbox, Even if they say they are vetted
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I was blocked after the last message
Edit: Confirmed scam by Nader, Please support his gofundme, every bit helps
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I am Mohammed Almanasra, 32 years old, married, and a father of three children: Abdulrahman, 6 years old, Sarah, 4 years old, and Lina, 3 years old.
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My story began with the loss of my parents and four of my sisters who were bombed and lost their lives along with their children after the events of October 7 and the severe war on Gaza. Now, my wife, children, and I are displaced, without parents or siblings, living with our little cat that we embrace among us.
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Recently, I moved to the south of the Gaza Strip, fearing for the lives of my children. We left behind our memories and our new home, for which we had not finished paying the installments, in addition to losing my job. Currently, I live in a tent that does not protect me from the heat of summer or the cold of winter, and without the minimum necessary livinng basics including water, food medical care, clothe and even bedding .
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I suffer from a chronic asthma and severe attacks from tightness and an extreme allergy in the ear and I need medicine that are not available, or very expensive .
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Under these difficult circumstances, after five attempts at displacement and narrowly escaping death from the bombing, I am trying with all my might to protect my family, the most precious thing I have.
My dreams were shattered, and my house was destroyed, and I found myself living in a tent no larger than 4 square metres. My work turned from a tailor to a street vendor in order to barely buy a few crumbs of bread to feed my children.
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My main goal with this donation is to protect my children, my wife, and our scaredy cat and evacuate them to a safe place away from the ongoing wars. The funds will be used to cross the Egyptian border and bring basic needs and treatments to create a more stable conditions for my family. Approximately $18,000 will be allocated for travel expenses, and around $6,000 for securing suitable housing for a couple of months. As for the medical treatment costs, the exact figure will be determined after undergoing examinations in hospitals in the Arab Republic of Egypt & it gonna be in average $8,000. The remaining amount ($8,000) will be used to establish a small project to sustain our daily living, enabling me to provide for my children and wife.
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Look at what happened to my children because of the intense heat and the insects that thrive in the summer season. Every day, I take them to the hospital to treat them due to poisonous insect bites. I implore every kind-hearted soul to help me protect my children.
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My son, Abdul Rahman, has a deep passion for playing football and is a devoted fan of Real Madrid. He always dreamed of playing football at his school, but the war prevented this dream from coming true.
Where are you, Real Madrid fans ?
Help Abdul Rahman achieve his dream.
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Every donation will make an enormous difference in helping me save my family.
I feel very sad and embarrassed to ask for help, but I have no other options left. I know that this request is difficult, but I also know that there is still humanity and living consciences and I believe in miracles.
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Your support during this extremely difficult time will give us hope in the midst of devastation and despair.
If you have any inquiries or questions, feel free to ask me, please!
"I urgently appeal to you for moral and financial assistance to cover the necessary costs to escape to a safe environment, where we can build a secure future for our children and ensure the safety of our family. We thank you for your concern and support, and we hope that you can help us in these difficult circumstances."
@communistchilchuck 🫶🇵🇸
@communistchilchuck @90-ghost @sar-soor @fairuzfan @ibtisams @fallahifag @vakarians-babe @palipunk @palestinecharitycommissionsassoc @stil-lindigo @vakarian-shepard @northgazaupdates
@faggotfungus @ghost-and-a-half @three-croissants
Sincere greetings & thanks
Mohammed & the family
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Hi guys,🌹
2,626 $ has been raised out of 10,000 $.
Can we reach 3000$ today?
My family and I need your help to evacuate the ongoing genocide in Gaza.
Please donate or even share to help us.
@sar-soor @90-ghost @sayruq @dimonds456
@troythecatfish @humanvoicebox @nabulsi
@mayameanderings @i-am-aprl @el-shab-hussein @fairuzfan @ibtisams @vakarians-babe @plomegranate @miametropolis @northgazaupdates
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Free Sudan protests. London 2024
Photography by John Behets
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