greggoylc · 3 years
where: ministry memorial service status: open
He wasn’t exactly sure why he’d come, not to pay his respects, he didn’t know or particularly care about Kingsley Shacklebolt. Still Greg watched the events unfold in a corner at the back of the atrium. People crying, those looking please with themselves, but all and all everyone seemed blurry under his drunken state. Alcohol seemed to be the only thing that kept the images of the dead goblin and Ernie out of his mind. He was bitter about the response from the group who came to ‘rescue’ them. Gregory hadn’t expected a parade but a thank you or something wouldn’t have gone a miss. As he watched the charade unfold around him he untwisted the cap off his flask with a scoff. “Want some?” He asked the person who was now staring at him. 
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greggoylc · 4 years
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greggoylc · 4 years
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greggoylc · 4 years
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greggoylc · 4 years
location: Greg’s home
status: @greggoylc·
He wasn’t sure why he hadn’t written first or just floo’d to Greg’s house. Perhaps he needed the brisk air after his apparation to relax or was it that he wasn’t sure why he had even come here? He hadn’t set out with seeing Greg in mind but his present sat in the pocket of Theo’s thin coat so perhaps subconsciously he wanted to be here. His friend felt safe in a way no one else he knew did. Everyone loved Daphne and if they weren’t connected to her, it was Astoria they supporting. Though some of the judgement Theo was feeling from their age group did seem rather personal. He supposed he was overthinking again as he often did. Greg was the perfect choice then. Not a friend of Daphne and very much not a fan of overthinking. 
Standing at the door, Theo almost forgot himself and simply walked in. His head these days was never present. He didn’t feel the same. Maybe he had been charmed or hexed like he once suspected. Instead, he knocked and pulled the wrapped gift of Caipora power out of his coat. “I should have owled. I’m sure you’re busy.” was out of his lips the moments the doors opened. “I just wanted to give you this before I had forgotten.” And to give his friend the opportunity to say he had been right.
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Greg enjoyed not having what other witches and wizards would consider a ‘real job’. His time was his own to do with as he pleased and that was a much better way to live if you asked him. When he heard the knock on the door he was taken by surprise as he wasn’t expecting any guests. But given his stock it wasn’t uncommon to get someone desperate for a dose turning up at his front door. Greg checked his pocket for his wand before answering the last thing he needed was for the unknown visitor to ruin his peaceful day and if they tried he’d at least want to be prepares. He was taken further aback by the sight of a tired looking Theodore on the doorstep. Quickly he shook his head “Bollocks, i’m never too busy for you.” 
The lightness in his tone quickly faded the better of a look he got his friend. “Come on in.” He insisted shutting the door behind them both. “Whats wrong?
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greggoylc · 4 years
location: gregory’s place closed: @greggoylc·
When Wade left the cottage, everything else was a blur. Of course because of apparating but also his mind was trapped in that cottage. The only time he could collect his thoughts and breath was when he left and regretted it immediately. He should have stayed but he shouldn’t have said anything that night. They were both frustrated due to different events that happened in the day. Wade couldn’t comprehend his own thoughts when he was around Susan much less when he encountered the Redeemers. It was a delayed choice not to go to work the following day and one day blended into two until he requested off for that week. Seeing Susan at all felt like the last good idea in his mind. They both needed time to think and get space, but Wade felt like when he didn’t hear from her and days passed without anything, he expected she wasn’t going to care if he came back or not. Perhaps he did the right thing by leaving.
Wade stirred awake from his position on the couch when he heard a clutter in the kitchen. The stream of morning light blinded him once he blinked his eyes open, shifting onto his side. He was grateful for Gregory for letting him stay with limited questions and Wade only fed him limited answers the more he stayed. There was a bitter taste in his mouth, not knowing if it was a substance or the drink he had the night before. He caught a blur of Gregory or someone in the kitchen. “What time is it?” he called out, rubbing at his temples as he tried to gain some clarity. “Fuck, what day is it?”
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Wade turning up at his flat door was a surprise, but still Greg didn’t think twice before offering the disheveled man his sofa. Seeing his friend like this was a strange turn of events for him. For the first time he felt like he was the normal functioning adult in their friendship and that never had happened before. As the week passes and Wade hadn’t returned home or even got up to go to St Mungos Gregory began to worry. He did his best to supply as he could whether that be in support or recreational activities. Wade usually choosing the later and who was he to deny his friend.
He’d woken up a little after 11 going to make himself a cup of tea in the kitchen. He tried to be as quiet as possible, but clearly his attempts were useless waking Wade in the process anyways. “Just past 11 and Wednesday I think.” He replied with a shrug keeping a calendar seemed useless until now. “Mate don’t you think it’s time to make up now?” He considered the repercussions before asking hoping Wade would see it for what it was. Genuine concern and not a want to get the man off his sofa. 
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greggoylc · 4 years
“I thought we went over this at the ball, Goyle.” She chuckled, shrugging her shoulders. The people around him, around them, seemed to keep going with their lives. The beauty of the alley. Yet she felt that perhaps she would want to move deeper, somewhere else. She felt at home there, the darkness inviting other darknesses to hang about, to share and keep their secrets. Yet Georgina continued. “I think you keep finding me here. Or…” She trailed off, leaning closer to him. “Or you’re just getting worse at your job.” Her words came out in a whisper, but the smile never left her ruby lips. 
She truly was in a predicament, one that she didn’t know how to get out of, or even if she wanted to. Greg was a one-time thing, but the run-ins kept her wondering what it was. “So what will it be?” 
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Whether they’d discussed similar or not. It didn’t seem to change the fact that almost everywhere he turned he’d eventually bumped into Georgina. Gregory wasn’t about to complain about the coincidence either. “On the contrary, my job is only getting easier.” It seemed that witches and wizards were currently in desperate need to forget for a little while. He had his suspicions why they were the same reasons he’d gotten into this business in the first place. The same reasons he’d like to forget. 
He brought a cigarette up to his lips and held it in his teeth as he lit it. Taking a long drag and blowing the smoke into the cold air Greg considered her question. Of course he knew what she was referring, but it was so much funner to pretend he didn’t. “Usually one needs both sides of the offer to make an informed decision.” He countered. 
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greggoylc · 4 years
These days, the knockturn alley seemed to be the one place that offered her some comfort. Within the walls, the sneaky wizards, their dark stares and the way they moved. Was predictable, thought out, even though no one could know exactly what they were doing. The one thing was certain - they were all up to no good. Even if they were just buying some small little jinx. Everything had a cost, and everyone had a mission of their own. 
Which was why she found it curious when her dark eyes once again laid on the familiar back. “We’ve got to stop meeting like this. Some might think it’s even intentional.”  She smirked, waiting until he turned around. 
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Gregory had gotten cocky, for months he’d been able to supply his customers with little interference from anyone. His usual sneaky behaviour had been replaced by a more confident one. Well aware that there was a lot worse roaming the streets of Knockturn Alley these days than Greg and a few herbs. It was actually a delight for him to be out of and completely oblivious to the dramas this time around. 
He scoffed loudly as the familiar voice filled his ears like honey. He hated how a smile grew on his face so quickly shook it off quickly thankful to the darkness for hiding it. “I’m starting to think you’re stalking me Miss Snyde.” He commented smoothly. 
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greggoylc · 4 years
beep (wade & Gregory)
✉ a comforting text
Greg → Wade: It’ll all be okay mate, it was just a fight. I’m sure she’ll forgive you in the morning. 
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greggoylc · 4 years
brotp (wade and Gregory)
who steals french fries off the other’s plate
Greg, what’s yours is his.
who jokingly moves in for the kiss when someone asks if they’re a couple
Both of them
who has to bust or bail the other out of jail
Wade would have to bail Greg out for his “activities” 
who gives the other advice/comfort about dating issues
Wade, Greg has no idea what he’s talking about.
who shamelessly cheats at games by reaching over to cover the other’s eyes
Either of them would cheat because they hate losing.
who immediately calls dibs on the top bunk
who starts and who wins the pillow fights
Wade would start and then Greg would take it too far.
who says “your pants would look better on their floor” to the other’s potential crush
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greggoylc · 4 years
He had shame in how things had transpired between the two now. Though at the time Greg hadn’t known any better than to run from any sign of affections. He knew he’s have to face her eventually, but he also didn’t think it would be so soon or in such public circumstances. Instead of facing her like man he chose to avoid it all together like most things. Greg was starting to wish he’d listened to Marcus and remained at home where the company was fewer and drinks cheaper.  The masks made avoidance ten times harder. He couldn’t tell people apart in a large crowd on the best of days let alone with everyone wearing face coverings and some with delusion charms. 
After making his way toward his one solace, the alcohol table, he’d managed to regain part of his nerve. It was then he’d seen a dark haired girl that stuck out among the rest. His eyes were drawn to her as he scanned the room and he put it down to her light colored dress. After a few sips he’d made his way over to her. “Enjoying the party Miss Snyde?” He asked in hushed tones. 
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greggoylc · 4 years
Marcus let out a grunt as he yet again fixed his mask. He honestly did not want to come out. He begged Greg to stay in and just light up a joint and just chill. What was the point of getting out, dressing up and simply strutting along the masses of people. It was just another working day, except that people worse masks. “Mate.” He said, pointing his head towards Greg. “What are we going to do? Don’t expect me to go mingle like the rest of them. I do not want to see anyone from work. And honestly, since you’re the one to drag me out here, you really should be the one thinking of festivities for me.” 
Just then a person with a tray of champagne walked by them, and Marcus stropped them. Motioning for the server to wait, he immediately downed one glass, picked up another two – handing one of them to his friend. “I am not going to get through this sober.” He muttered though his eyes were already fixated on the women in beautiful gowns. He wasn’t going to say anything to Greg, but the mysteriousness of the masks, the rush of just having the fun without anyone knowing who it was? That could be part of the evening that could save it. “What are you so jumpy about anyway? Look at these ladies.” He grinned, his eyes once again wondering through the crowd. 
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At this point in the evening Gregory was wishing he’d listened to Marcus and stayed in for the evening. However it was too late now as they both looked around the ballroom and the last thing he wanted to do was admit that Marcus had been right. Originally he’d thought that the evening would turn into some form of entertainment they could watch from the sidelines, but now he was spending it avoiding anyone who even dared resemble Georgina Snyde meaning anyone with brown hair and a mask at this rate. 
“What exactly would you have me do? Orchestrate some chaos to keep you entertained?” He questioned sarcastically knowing full well that that’s exactly what his friend was expecting. Greg gratefully took the champagne from his friend taking a few gulps of the golden liquid. His gaze followed and he shrugged turning his gaze back to the drink. “Ladies are exactly my problem, mate.”
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greggoylc · 4 years
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Halloween Masquerade Event - Gregory Goyle
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greggoylc · 4 years
Draco wasn’t the same person that he’d been when he used to strut about the hallways of Hogwarts. All of that had changed at the end of his fifth year and he’d never been the same again. There weren’t many of his school mates that he could say were the same. Everyone had been changed in some aspect or another. He supposed that death and war did that to you. He wasn’t stupid enough to think that Goyle still considered him a friend, but Draco wasn’t going to be an asshole. 
He ordered his own drink and let the barmaiden add Goyle’s to his tab. If things went south, he supposed he could just down his drink quickly, pay his tab, and then go to another bar where he hopefully wouldn’t run into someone he’d used to call a friend. Taking the drink into his hand, Draco took a long swig, before asking, “How are you? It’s been a while.” 
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The bar was usually the place Goyle went to drink away his problems and escape his shitty past. But it seemed today that it had lead his past to sit down next to him and make small talk. He did however appreciate the drink and so almost simultaneously he brought it to his lips taking a big gulp before setting it on the bar tapping it with his fingers.
He had to stifle the sarcastic laugh building in his chest. “Bloody super...” He responded with a shrug not knowing if Draco knew what he was up to, was making small talk to fill an uncomfortable conversation, or if he was genuinely interested in knowing, either way it got the same response. “What about you? A healer at St Mungos that’s really-” fucking ironic. “-Something.”
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greggoylc · 4 years
Thank Merlin for the weekends. Marcus felt as if he could finally throw off his suit, his facade that he worse at work and simply relax. Even though he didn’t always tend to complain about his job, as he did like creating the rules, assessing everyone and making sure everyone fell inline behind his ideas, it still was work. It still felt that, at times, he had to put all the hours away for it, playing this man who wasn’t  itching to get his wand out in certain moments. But it’s been three years, and he had not once lost control. Of course, that was also due to the fact, that the weekends he did have off, he spent them in a way he wanted to. Though the past few ones, he did have to stay behind and work on the last minute details. 
Mrarcus didn’t bother to change, he simply took off his cloak, grabbed a bottle from his bar and headed out again. It wasn’t a great week and there was only one person he knew was going to be down to simply relax and do whatever it took. Wherever. Him and Goyle had been friends for a long time, through all the wars, through Hogwarts, through all the craziness. And at this point, they were even on the same side. How funny did the world work sometimes. 
He apparated to the others apartment, and without knocking - barged in with a winning smile. “Aight, mate? Thought we’d kick the night off with a little bit of booze.” He grinned, peaking through the rooms, half hoping to find the other with a girl in his bed, just so he could tell her to fuck off.” 
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He’d gotten so used to Marcus’ antics over the years of being the mans friend that the barging in hardly even surprised him anymore. Instead he rolled his eyes trowing a chastising “Don’t you know how to knock.” followed by a friendly laugh. Since his fall out with the other Slytherin’s of his own year he was glad he still had mates such as Marcus and Wade to drag him out of his place every so often or he wasn’t sure he’d ever leave the comforts. Greg got up from his spot in the lounge and headed to his always fully stocked bar cart grabbing two crystal glasses, ones that probably cost way more than they should, handing one over to the other man and offering him a seat. Not like he needed the invitation. 
“So what is the plan for tonight?” Their evenings together usually went to same. Booze, girls, maybe a fight or two if Goyle felt like punching something. Despite this he still always looked forward to seeing him. Without what most would refer to as a real job he was always quite interested in Marcus’ tellings of life in a suit at the ministry. 
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greggoylc · 4 years
Georgina arched her brows in question. “Well, by now I do know the events that will follow in a bar fight. One says something, the other doesn’t like it. Wands come out, spells and jinxes muttered and then there you go. It’s  the end of the night and someone is cleaning up all the blood spilled on the stone floor.” It was so predictable that even guessing what the fight about became mundane and boring. It was as if people no longer lead interesting lives that would at least give them a will to live. Bad mouthing one’s mother seemed like a pathetic excuse. “See, this is why watching you and your exchange is way more exciting.” She knew his tone was filled with mockery, but she didn’t mind, instead, she looked up at him again, through her thick, dark lashed, and allowed her pearly white teeth to show through her smile. Not a threatening way -  almost flirty but not quite. 
“Hmm,” Georgie said, enjoying this far too much. “I’m sure that’s not the only reason they come back to you. You cannot think that you are the best provider in London.” She placed her index finger on his forehead and tapped it lightly. “Even you’re too clever to think that.” Goyle had been a mystery to her for some time. In Hogwarts, she thought that the only good thing he had in him, was fallow Malfoy around, doing his bidding, and having no mind of his own. But perhaps, if given the benefit of the doubt, things changed. Enough that he was here selling while Mafloy was pretending to. be a healer. “It is a pretty face, can’t deny that.” She didn’t have to answer the question, she would simply allow him to make his own conclusions. It was better people assumed things about her than really knew what she was about. “So, what is the next step, Goyle?” Georgie was still standing close to him, a coquetish smile playing on her lips.
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She wasn’t wrong and Gregory knew it. Everything had begun to repeat itself, the beginning of this war was beginning to feel like the last. And every exciting event something that might give him some excitement was starting to get repetitive too. This time he was out of the action and Goyle knew this was for the best but that didn’t make it anymore boring... His jobs, the slight chance something could go wrong, was the only thing that got him up out of bed anymore. Other than drinking alone at the bar. He met her gaze with ease searching her features for some sign of what the hell she was up to. 
The corner of his lips pulled up into a smirk. He wasn’t the only provider in London, but perhaps the most handsome in his opinion or the only magical one that would sell to anyone without any questions asked. A perk to not tying down his loyalties this time. Something that he knew Georgina was avoiding the confirmation of her own and his question entirely. His hand came up to caress her chin softly cocking his head to the side helping him contemplate his next move. “Whatever I want, love. It’s a perk when no one tells you what to do anymore.”
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greggoylc · 4 years
Like a child >[ (from Gabi)
“I mean if the shoe fits.”
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