gregornotgorger · 2 days
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crying sobbing blessed with fandom rays of love!!! đŸ„č
will get a cake at 50K and send it to you all so that we could eat crumbs together just like this ship has done to us
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gregornotgorger · 2 days
“Dogs don’t know what they look like. Dogs don’t even know what size they are. No doubt it’s our fault, for breeding them into such weird shapes and sizes. My brother’s dachshund, standing tall at eight inches, would attack a Great Dane in the full conviction that she could tear it apart. When a little dog is assaulting its ankles the big dog often stands there looking confused — “Should I eat it? Will it eat me? I am bigger than it, aren’t I?” But then the Great Dane will come and try to sit in your lap and mash you flat, under the impression that it is a Peke-a-poo
 Cats know exactly where they begin and end. When they walk slowly out the door that you are holding open for them, and pause, leaving their tail just an inch or two inside the door, they know it. They know you have to keep holding the door open. That is why their tail is there. It is a cat’s way of maintaining a relationship. Housecats know that they are small, and that it matters. When a cat meets a threatening dog and can’t make either a horizontal or a vertical escape, it’ll suddenly triple its size, inflating itself into a sort of weird fur blowfish, and it may work, because the dog gets confused again — “I thought that was a cat. Aren’t I bigger than cats? Will it eat me?” 
 A lot of us humans are like dogs: we really don’t know what size we are, how we’re shaped, what we look like. The most extreme example of this ignorance must be the people who design the seats on airplanes. At the other extreme, the people who have the most accurate, vivid sense of their own appearance may be dancers. What dancers look like is, after all, what they do.”
— Ursula Le Guin, in The Wave in the Mind (via fortooate)
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gregornotgorger · 13 days
i think one of the mutually agreed upon pieces of fanon that’s my favorite is when Merlin is pissed off at Arthur, he does his job Perfectly. and Arthur Hates it.
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gregornotgorger · 19 days
me at the job i begged god for
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gregornotgorger · 19 days
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fellas does your boyfriend ever feel a little sad so you create an elaborate story that makes him think he's the chosen one from ye olde prophecies and you have everyone he's ever known stand around and clap for him
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gregornotgorger · 19 days
Someone: Arthur almost died. There must be a Traitor among us! I think it’s Merlin!!
Elyan: Impossible.
Percival: Absolutely not.
Gwaine: If it is Merlin, we would know.
Someone: How so?
Lancelot: Then Arthur wouldn’t be almost dead.
Leon: Arthur would be dead for sure.
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gregornotgorger · 19 days
Do you ever think of how, to Arthur, Merlin is a clumsy, idiot of a servant with no care for tradition, but he makes Arthur laugh and gives the best advice and somehow, without Arthur even noticing, has become his best friend in the entire world, the person he wants to face every battle with, not only so he can protect Merlin but also so he can have Merlin’s support and approval
And then it turns out that Merlin doesn’t need protecting, and he’s the most powerful sorcerer to exist, he has magic, and has actually been the one protecting Arthur this entire time
And Arthur has to face their entire relationship being turned upside down, because okay you have magic, he’s had his suspicions about magic not being evil for a while now and of course Merlin isn’t evil, but it’s more how dare you not tell me, after I’ve came to you for everything and I thought you did too, I thought I noticed when things were wrong and put a smile on your face but this whole time you’ve not trusted me
And in a matter of hours he has to relearn their entire friendship and try to understand why Merlin has done this and why he keeps doing this and make sure that everything else about our friendship is true please say the rest was true
And by the end, because he is dying and the end is so very near, it doesn’t matter anymore because he is Arthur and he is Merlin and it doesn’t matter that they’re also the Once and Future King of Camelot and Emrys the Most Powerful Sorcerer Ever to Live
No, they’re just Merlin and Arthur in their last few minutes together and they both know it and this is his last chance so it’s not you betrayed me and I need time and how could you do this to us, instead it’s it’s okay and hold me and thank you because if this is his last chance to protect Merlin then of course he is going to take it, that’s always been his job and neither death nor magic is going to change that
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gregornotgorger · 19 days
once again, i am thinking about how they're literally the funniest people alive:
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in the face of serious situations, what do they have? JOKES
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bbc merlin - 03x06 The Changeling
only just about a singular braincell between them and it's mostly used for comedy (not that i'm complaining)
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gregornotgorger · 19 days
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bbc merlin - 03x10 Queen of Hearts
scenes that make clinically insane
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gregornotgorger · 19 days
REBLOG if you are old enough to remember what a VCR is.
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gregornotgorger · 4 months
Mushishi's second episode genuinely is so wild. It goes:
Do you know what happens when you close your eyes?
No, not your physical eyelids. When your very being shuts in and you travel too deep within yourself, stray too far away from the wordly light, kind and familiar, when you close your inner eyes, you may find a path to a place where the true darkness dwells. It's the darkest shade of night you've ever known, and ever darker than that, and terribly deep. Any absence of light in the outside world will pale in comparison to this great nothingness, and any unlit space will seem welcoming with illumination, and the tiniest speck of light will scorch and scar your retinas. And inside that void you will feel something beckoning, something almost eager to greet you back and make you stay. And inside of you, in response to its greeting, you might feel something willing to listen.
But if you're brave enough and curious enough and the darkness won't claim you, the eternal light will. Because there, at the bottom of pitch black emptiness, lies the river of light and it's the throbbing, quivering, shimmering heart of life itself, its beginning and its cradle. And it smells sweet like euphoria and wine and rancid like rotting flesh and humus, and it's the brightest shade of dawn you've ever known. Its ever-changing, undying beauty is entrancing and it will devour you whole if you don't find in you the strength to avert your eyes -- and you won't want to.
And swarming near that luminescent vein, the wondrous and bizarre creatures play. If you look hard enough, you might be able to discern them in the brightness flowing past you. They're simply life at its most basic, its most pure, and they're not like anything you've ever seen. And their shapeless, foreign otherness will take your breath away, but this otherwordly delight will be so profound you may mistake it for fear. Don't be afraid. Even when they feast on your flesh and enter your dreams and sap your eyes of the ability to see, they do not seek to harm you. Beauty tries to colonize you, as does decay, and so nature pulls itself back into balance, perpetuating life indefinitely. And there, at the spring of all things that lies in the thick of the world's putrescence, you cannot look away from it.
Oh, and there's also him. Some random dude wearing a polo shirt. Who apparently only has one eye and, wait— Is he smoking a blunt? Hello, Ginko.
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gregornotgorger · 4 months
I adore Mushishi. It's like.
Here are some things inherent to the world around you. They can be found in nature, in the home, or in you. They may be a disease, an animal, or a person. All at once. You can speak to them. They might answer. You will not understand each other. The ground under your feet will flourish and your neighbors will suffer for it. They will live in your eyes and your ears and they will gorge themselves on your senses. Your wife was missing for a month; here she is sitting next to you, she is beautiful, and did she ever really leave? These things will bless you: they will comfort you, give you everything you ever truly needed, until you dissolve in your joy. The rainbow you saw at the waterfall had it's colors backwards. Your grandmother died last year,but she is your age and she lives in your house. These things do not seek to harm you. They don't seek anything at all. These vibrant, fascinating horrors are in every nook and cranny of the earth. They are the closest thing to Life itself and they do not care about you. You can not see them. You have the terrifying pleasure of living with them.
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gregornotgorger · 4 months
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in another life you would have been more than just a dream
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gregornotgorger · 4 months
my new thing whenever an embarrassing memory jumps up out of some backwater neuron to t-bone my present-day thought process is to declare a statute of limitations. like i can burn down an entire building in the state where i live and the law deems it both unfair and illegal to prosecute me after six years have passed, i think that thing i said in high school can be expunged from my record.
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gregornotgorger · 4 months
i hope you write (i hope we both write)
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gregornotgorger · 4 months
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is this anything
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gregornotgorger · 4 months
Not my white ass locked in the duke’s dungeon again because I fucked his favorite jester đŸ˜©
I didn’t know he was so territorial over the silly little guy 🙄
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