gregvick-games · 6 years
1. Acceptance of These Terms These Terms of Service (these “Terms”) govern your access to and use of the website and applications operated by Greg Vick, (“Greg Vick,” “our,” “ us,” or “we”) and our Greg Vick mobile applications (together, the “Greg Vick Services ”). By accessing, browsing, using and interacting with Greg Vick Services, you agree that you have read, understood, and accept these Terms. Please read them carefully and let us know if you have any questions. If you do not agree with any of the terms herein, do not use the Greg Vick Services. These Terms do not govern your use of any other products or services that may be offered by Greg Vick or any products or services that may be offered by third parties from or in connection with the Greg Vick Services or otherwise, which are subject to their own terms and conditions. You must accept any terms and conditions relating to such products and services as a condition to receiving such products or services. 2. Changes We may revise and update these Terms from time to time at our sole discretion. Any changes are effective when we post them. Your continued use of Greg Vick Services following the posting of revised Terms means that you accept and agree to the changes. We may also offer different membership and purchase plans and change them and their features from time to time. If you sign up for one of our plans, you agree to the terms, conditions and limitations associated with them that are posted on our website or applications. 3. Fees and Renewal & Membership Cancellation A. Fees and Renewal Fees for content that you download, membership plans, subscriptions and other services will be stated at the time of your purchase or sign-up, as applicable. The fees for our various content and membership plans may vary. All fees are subject to tax and are non-refundable. We only accept credit cards and such other payment methods (if any) as may from time to time be indicated on our membership page. If your membership plan or subscription involves a recurring payment of a fee, unless you notify us before a charge that you want to cancel or do not want to automatically renew your membership or subscription, you understand it will automatically continue and you authorize us (without notice to you, unless required by applicable law) to collect any then-applicable fees and any taxes using any authorized payment method that we have on record associated with your account. If none of the payment methods we have on file for your account remain active and valid for payment of your membership or subscription fees, we may cancel your membership or subscription. If you provide us with a new payment method that we accept and we are able to successfully charge applicable fees before your membership or subscription is cancelled, your new membership or subscription period will be based on the original renewal date, irrespective of the date of the successful charge. B. Membership and Subscription Cancellation You may cancel your membership plan and any subscriptions by visiting your account details page provided on Greg Vickapp.io and adjusting your membership settings and subscription preferences, or by contacting our customer service team at [email protected]. If you cancel your membership or subscription, you will not receive a refund of any fees already paid. Your member benefits terminate when your membership is cancelled. 4. Use of the Greg Vick Services You may only use the Greg Vick Services for its intended purpose and solely in accordance with these Terms. The Services may contain links to other Internet websites and third-party resources, and we may employ third party technologies in connection with the Greg Vick Services that require you to accept such third party’s terms. Greg Vick is not responsible for either the availability of these outside resources or their content, including for any products or services you may obtain by contacting any person or entity as a result of use of the Services or the features hereof. Greg Vick may, but is not obligated to, monitor your use of the Services. 5. Changes to Greg Vick Services While we hope to always offer Greg Vick Services and all of its features, we reserve the right to change or cease offering Greg Vick Services or any part, portion or functionality of a Greg Vick Services without notice. We will not be liable if for any reason all or any part of a Greg Vick Service is unavailable at any time 6. Privacy Policy All information we collect on or through the Greg Vick Services is subject to our Privacy Policy . By using Greg Vick Services, you consent to all actions taken by us with respect to your information in compliance with the Privacy Policy . 7. Prohibitions You may not use Greg Vick Services in any of the following ways: in violation of any law, rule or regulation; to impersonate any other entity or person, to harm or exploit Dell or our users or expose them to liability; to overburden, disable, damage or impair the Greg Vick Services or others’ use of the Greg Vick Services, to monitor or copy any material on the Greg Vick Services using robots, spiders or similar devices; to introduce malicious code (such as viruses, worms, and Trojan horses); or to attempt to gain unauthorized access, interfere with, damage or disrupt any parts of the Greg Vick Services or any server, computer or database connected to the Greg Vick Services. 8. Intellectual Property The content of the Greg Vick Services is protected by law, including without limitation United States copyright law, trademark law, and applicable international treaties. You are granted permission to display the materials on the Greg Vick Services solely for your own personal, non-commercial use. You may not remove any legends placed thereon. You may not “mirror” any content contained within the Greg Vick Services without our express prior written consent. Except as stated herein, none of the content may be reproduced, distributed, published, displayed, downloaded, or transmitted in any form by any means without our prior written consent, or the consent of the applicable copyright owner. Greg Vick does not grant you any licenses, express or implied, to the intellectual property of Greg Vick or its licensors, except as expressly stated in these Terms. 9. Copyright Notices Content Posts Any material, information or ideas that you share or post to or through the Greg Vick Services by any means will be treated as non-confidential and non-proprietary, despite any legends to the contrary, and may be used, copied, modified, distributed and displayed by Greg Vick and its designees for any purpose whatsoever. We do not review user content before it is posted and may not remove it promptly after posting. We are not liable for any action or inaction concerning transmissions or content provided by any user or third party. User and third party content may be inaccurate and we disclaim all liability arising from any reliance placed on such content. Any content that you post or transmit must comply with these Terms. You must not post any other person’s or entity’s content or any copyrighted content without proper consent. Copyright Infringement If you believe that any Greg Vick Services content, including any user or third-party content, infringes your intellectual property rights, including copyright, please send notice to [email protected] We may terminate accounts of repeat infringers. International Use The Greg Vick Services are controlled and operated by Greg Vick from within the United States. Greg Vick makes no representations that materials contained within the Greg Vick Services are appropriate or available for use in other locations, and access to the Greg Vick Services from locations where such activity is illegal is prohibited. Those who choose to use the Greg Vick Content from other locations do so on their own initiative and are solely responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. Limitation of Liability EACH OF THE PARAGRAPHS IN THIS SECTION APPLIES ONLY UP TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED UNDER APPLICABLE LAW. NOTHING HEREIN IS INTENDED TO LIMIT ANY RIGHTS YOU MAY HAVE WHICH MAY NOT BE LAWFULLY LIMITED. THE SITE, INCLUDING ANY CONTENT CONTAINED THEREON, IS PROVIDED BY Greg Vick ON AN “AS IS” BASIS WITHOUT REPRESENTATION, WARRANTY OR CONDITION OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. YOUR USE OF THE Greg Vick SERVICES AND CONTENT AVAILABLE THROUGH THE Greg Vick SERVICES IS AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION AND RISK. Greg Vick DOES NOT REPRESENT OR WARRANT THAT THE Greg Vick SERVICES WILL BE AVAILABLE AT ALL TIMES OR THAT USE WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR FREE. Greg Vick MAKES NO CLAIMS OR PROMISES WITH RESPECT TO ANY THIRD PARTY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, CONTENT PROVIDERS AND OTHER USERS OF THE Greg Vick SERVICES. ACCORDINGLY, Greg Vick IS NOT LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE THAT MIGHT ARISE FROM THEIR ACTIONS OR INACTIONS. IN NO EVENT SHALL Greg Vick BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, PUNITIVE, EXEMPLARY, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF PROFITS OR ROYALTIES) UNDER OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE Greg Vick SERVICES, THESE TERMS OR THE SUBJECT MATTER THEREOF OR HEREOF, EVEN IF Greg Vick HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, WHETHER THE ACTION IS BASED ON CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE) OR OTHERWISE. Greg Vick’S TOTAL MAXIMUM AGGREGATE LIABILITY UNDER OR IN CONNECTION WITH THESE TERMS OR THE SUBJECT MATTER HEREOF SHALL BE LIMITED TO AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO $10.00 OR, IF YOU ARE A PAYING USER OF THE Greg Vick SERVICES AND SUCH AMOUNT IS GREATER, AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO THE TOTAL FEES PAID BY YOU TO US DURING THE THREE MONTHS PRIOR TO THE DATE ON WHICH YOUR CLAIM AROSE (SUCH AMOUNT BEING INTENDED AS A CUMULATIVE CAP, AND NOT PER INCIDENT). 10. Terms and Termination These Terms are effective as of the date of your first access or use of a Greg Vick Service, and shall remain in effect for the duration of your access or use. Your right to use the Greg Vick Services shall automatically terminate upon your breach of these Terms and we may disable your access at any time if, in our opinion, you have violated these Terms. 11. Choice of Law and Venue You consent to service of any required notice or process upon you by email, registered mail or overnight courier with proof of delivery notice, addressed to the address or contact information provided by you when you register as a Member. If Greg Vick goes to court to enforce any of its rights and is successful in such action, you agree to reimburse Greg Vick for its attorneys’ and legal fees and other reasonable costs and expenses incurred in connection with such action. 12. Miscellaneous These Terms may not be modified, supplemented, qualified, or interpreted by any trade usage or prior course of dealing not made a part of these Terms. “Greg Vick” and all associated logos displayed within the Greg Vick Services are our trademarks (unless otherwise noted). The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of these Terms shall not affect the validity of these Terms as a whole and any such provision should be enforced by authorities, and reconstructed if need be, to apply to the maximum extent allowable under applicable law. The failure by either party to enforce at any time any of the provisions of these Terms, to exercise any election or option provided herein, or to require at any time the performance of the other of any of the provisions herein will not in any way be construed as a waiver of such provisions. Reasonable attorneys' fees and costs will be awarded to the prevailing party in the event of litigation involving the enforcement or interpretation of these Terms. The section headings used herein are for convenience only and shall not be given any legal import. 13. Contacting Us All questions, comments, feedback and other communications regarding the Greg Vick Services should be directed to [email protected]
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gregvick-games · 6 years
At Greg Vick apps . and its webpages, apps and other apps, we believe privacy is very important. This text defines the type of information identifiable as personal and data about you we can use in the various webpages, apps and apps we offer (“Webpages/Apps”), in what we will process and in due case disclose the data to third persons. Your installing and use of Webpages/Apps, and/or the information you provide us with, constitutes your consent with this privacy policy. There are two types of information which may be registered with the use of Webpages/Apps: “Personal data” which consist of information which can be related to a specific user, such as full name, address and email address, phone number, picture, location, credit card information and, in some cases, username; and “Usage data” which consist of anonymous information registered by the use of the Webpages/Apps, linked to the computer and/or device used for this. 1. How we register and process Personal data and Usage data: If you decided to open an account with us, we shall register your name, address and email address and/or phone number. If you connect with one of our Webpages/Apps through a social network, such as Facebook or app Center (on iOS devices), we shall gather personal information form your profile on this network, such as your name, username and photo. If you decide to carry out a transaction through our Webpages/Apps, we shall register the data of your credit card or other payment information. If you decide to use any public forum, comments section or chat apps, we shall compile all information disclosed by this medium. If you decide to send a message to a specific user or group of users through our messaging apps, chat, comments or others, we shall gather all the information you disclose therein, as well as the relevant personal information of the user(s) with whom you have been in contact, in order to facilitate communication (note: we shall not compile information sent which is not linked to our Webpages/Apps, including emails and text messages). If you decide to enable notifications, ee shall register your Personal and Usage data, such as device ID, in order to send you these notifications. If you decide to share your Personal data with us for any other reason and in any other way, we shall compile the personal information provided and use it for the purposes for which it has been provided. We shall gather the following information when use your our Webpages/Apps: IP address of your computer, the unique ID of your mobile device or other linked identification elements, information on your location, the firmware software platform of your device, the type of browser used, the date and time on which you use our Webpages/Apps, the actions you undertake within them, your app progress, the duration of the app , your score and achievements, the URLs visited and/or apps you have used before or after the use of our Webpages/Apps. We shall not gather any personal data if you only visit our webpage; we shall only register them if you decide to share them with us. You state and guarantee that all Personal data provided by you to use are real and correct and linked to you and no one else. 2. Use of Personal data and Usage data which we gather We shall use your Personal and Usage data to provide you with a good, service or app which you have requested or answer the questions you have made. Likewise, we shall use this information to contact you ad promote our Webpages/Apps, competitions and special offers. If we send you publicity or marketing material, we provide you with the possibility of cancelling this possibility in the future. You can also cancel the receipt of these materials at any time, in accordance with the instructions specified in our privacy policy. We shall use the Usage data for administrative, analysis and investigation, optimisation, security and other purposes. Specifically, we shall process your Usage data to learn about your app activities, personalise your app content, compile statistics, answer customer service questions, provide security, as well as improving your experience as a player. These data may also be useful to direct publicity to you which might be of interest to you. The information on your location shall be used to determine the jurisdiction in which you are resident and known the applicable law in your case. Your device ID is useful for sending you notifications (if you enable this option) and follow up on your use of our Webpages/Apps in order to better understand your preferences and trends, which will allow us to improve your experience and provide you with offers within the app and tailored notifications. 3. Cookies As per the above statements on Personal and Usage data, we add the use of cookies (small texts stored on your computer’s hard drive when you visit certain webpages which identify your computer and may store certain information on you) and other technological elements to learn about your preferences on our Webpages/Apps, in order to improve the latter and the services they provide. The management of Usage data and cookies described above shall not disclose your identity or Personal data. 4. Disclosure of Personal data and Usage data which we gather Greg Vick reserve the right to share your Personal and Usage data with other entities from our partners; nevertheless, this information shall be governed by this privacy policy. We shall not trade, loan or transfer your Personal data to third parties, unless this is stipulated in this text. We shall not store information of your credit card. Likewise, we shall have a secure server service to process transactions with it. Associated service supplier parties have restricted access to your Personal data, which they only process for the agreed purposes, such as processing the credit card, granting a prize, marketing assistance, customer service and data analysis. The companies we shall hire for said procedures have access to your information for its use exclusively in the way requested. Likewise, we shall share your Usage data anonymously with these partners to perform administrative, analysis, investigation and optimisation processes. We may disclose your Personal data or other gathered information if required by law or a judicial order, if said information is linked to a threatening or damaging action, in order to investigate and/or take legal steps against illegal, suspicious activity in terms of abuse and non-authorised use of the Webpages/Apps and in order to protect the property and security of third persons. With regard to an entire sale of the company or commercial line (including derivative assets), user data are considered to be part of the transferred assets, which includes your Personal data, which shall be shared with or sold to the requesting party if this sale or commercial procedure is performed. We collect information from a number of different sources, but most of it comes directly from you when interact with our apps, Website, advertising, or other Services. Broadly, the information we collect about you relates to the type of device you are using and how you play our apps (such as levels attempted and purchases made). We may also collect information from advertising platforms and partners and other third parties such as information about purchases and interests. You are not required to provide any personally identifiable information to us to visit the Website unless you choose to access features on the Website that require such information, for example, using the “Contact Us” page of the Website. Note that when you purchase items via our apps (such as those you can purchase in the appstore, on Google Play, or on Facebook) we do not collect or store any payment information from you. If you would like to know what data is collected or how payment information is processed, please familiarize yourself with the appstore’s privacy policy. Depending on which of our Services you interact with we may collect and process the following kinds of information: personal identifiers (such as advertising identifiers when available on a device) and device identifiers (such as IP address, carrier user ID, Media Access Control (MAC) address or social network ID). We may collect, use, and provide access to your advertising identifier in accordance with the applicable platform provider's policies. We are also able to identify when you install a app as a result of advertisements and/or campaigns that we launch on other services, including in social networks or platforms (e.g. on Facebook or otherwise) and the source-ad which led to such installation, and when a you view or click on such advertisements; click stream data such as server address and domain name; location data from GPS-enabled device (to the extent that you explicitly allowed it) provided by the devices’ interaction with the apps or association with your IP address. In addition, third parties may track and collect information regarding your online activities over time and across different online platforms (such as, websites, applications, etc.). For more information regarding your ability to cease such tracking and collection, please see below; your account number(s) on Google Play apps or Apple app Center, if enabled; if you contact us or respond to messages and communications that we send to you, we may collect your name and email address, as well as keep a record of that correspondence; your interactions with us on our social media channels; information we collect via cookies and other similar technologies, as explained further below; and information we collect about you from third party companies including but not to publishing partners, platforms, advertising platforms and partners, and data aggregators, which may include attributes about you and your interests, as well as other apps and services you use, demographic and general location information. We will use this information as described in this policy subject to any limitations in the privacy policy of the company that collected the information from you. We may also collect, process, and share some technical, statistical, and behavioral information in an aggregated or anonymized manner. In addition to the types of information listed above, this information may include but is not to device type, type and version of operating system, network provider, browser identifiers, type of browser, screen resolution, session information, click stream data, SDK version, API key, browser cookies, application version, in-app purchases and data regarding receipt validation, network status, local and time zone, clicks on advertisements, certain information about the advertisements you reviewed, your activities in the app (including without limitation any information relating to your activity in connection with the advertising displayed therein), and app play details such as time spent playing, levels achieved, tools and in-app functionalities used, screens accessed, user retention, performance errors and problems, app ’s stability, crashes, functioning, etc. 5. HOW WE USE INFORMATION ABOUT YOU We will primarily use the personal information you provide and any general information we receive from you to provide products and services to you. We may use such information: for statistical, analytical and research purposes for development and improvement of our Services (for example, analyzing and fixing of problems, developing new offerings, providing better content, simplifying and improving your experience including based on preferences shown by usage); to measure traffic and usage; to promote our Services; to enable certain ad serving features, such as, frequency capping (limiting the number of times a specific advertisement is presented to the same mobile device), etc.; to enable certain functionalities available within the app s, for example in-app purchases; to ensure proper functioning of the apps and Services; to respond to questions or requests which were provided using a “Contact Us” feature; to enable you to use app Center Features, if available; for authentication purposes including to verify your identity when you sign in to a app or interact with our Services, to verify clicks and/or installs, and to verify a user’s identity for the purpose of dealing with inappropriate interactions and/or fraudulent use of our Services; to measure reach and effectiveness of advertisements campaigns, to offer targeted advertising, to personalize experience by showing advertisements for products and services that are more likely to appeal to you (i.e. behavioral advertising). to send push notifications to your device after you agree to accept push notifications from us or third parties. You can deactivate push notification by changing the settings within the app and/or changing the notification settings in accordance with the instructions of the operating system running on your device; As required or permitted by any applicable law (see below regarding Release of Information for Security); and for any other purpose explained at the time collected. 7. NOTICE CoNCERNING CHILDREN Greg Vick apps is committed to protecting the privacy of children and has no intention of collecting personal data from children under the age of 18. We encourage parents and guardians of children under 18 to regularly check and monitor their children’s use of e-mail and other activities online. Please note that we provide general audience Services, and do not direct any of our content specifically at children under 13 years of age. We understand and are committed to respecting the sensitive nature of children’s privacy online. If we learn or have reason to suspect that a user of our Services is under age 13, we will promptly delete any personal information regarding that user. 8. WEBSITE SECURITY MEASURES This section applies only to the Website. Please note: We do not use vulnerability scanning, malware scanning, or scanning to PCI standards. We do not allow third-party behavioral tracking. We have not enabled Google AdSense but may do so in the future. We honor “Do Not Track” (DNT) signals and do not track, plant cookies, or use advertising when a DNT browser mechanism is in place. 9. RISK OF INTERCEPTION Please keep in mind that whenever you give out personal information online there is a risk that third parties may intercept and use that information. While Greg Vick apps strives to protect your personal information and privacy, we cannot guarantee the security of any information you disclose online. By using any Service, you expressly acknowledge and agree that we do not guarantee the security of any data provided to or received by us and that any personal information, general information, or other data or information received from you pursuant to your use of the Services is provided to us at your own risk, which you expressly assume. 10. DISCLOSING INFORMATION TO THIRD PARTIES Other than to the companies belonging to Greg Vick apps for the purposes set out above, and except as described in this Policy, we do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer your information to third parties without informing you in advance. We provide some of our services through contractual arrangements with affiliates, services providers, partners and other third parties (collectively, “Service Partners”). Our Service Partners may use your personal information to operate our sites and to deliver their services. For example, your data may be transferred to website hosting partners and other parties who assist us in designing and operating the Website, executing services (such as advertising), or helping us analyze collected data. These parties will only use your data for the purpose of carrying out the work as agreed with us and will be required to keep the information confidential. We encourage our Service Partners to adopt and post privacy policies. However, the use of your personal information by our Service Partners is governed by the privacy policies of those Service Partners and is not subject to our control. 11. ADVERTISEMENTS In addition to ads for our Services, we accept advertisements, in various formats (such as banners, interstitials, rewarded videos, etc.) from third-party ad networks that may be displayed in our app s. These third-party ad networks may collect and use information about your interaction with our Services in connection with such marketing, sales and advertising activities; geographic tracking and carrier network preferences; and information, such as age and gender logged from your device to ensure that appropriate advertising is presented within the app and calculate or control the number of views of an ad, and/or deliver advertisements relating to your interests, and measure the effectiveness of advertisements campaigns. Note that if you click on any of these advertisements, the advertisers may use cookies and other web-tracking technologies (such as tracking pixel agent or visitor identification technology, etc.) on your device to collect data regarding advertisement performance, your interaction with such advertisements and our Services, and your interests in order to serve you advertisements, including targeted advertisements, and for the legitimate business interests of such third-party ad networks. This data may include your personal information such as device and network information, unique identifiers, gender, age, and geo-location. We recommend that you review the terms of use and privacy policy of any third-party advertisers with whom you are interacting before doing so. Their privacy policy, not ours, will apply to any of those interactions. 12. RELEASE OF INFORMATION FOR SECURITY Greg Vick apps will release personal or general information without your consent for security purposes, when required by law, or to prevent imminent harm to any person or entity. We will such information upon receipt of a court order or subpoena, or to cooperate with a law enforcement investigation, which may include responding to requests and court orders from jurisdictions outside the United States. We fully cooperate with law enforcement agencies in identifying those who use our Services for illegal activities. We reserve the right to report to law enforcement agencies any activities that we in good faith believe to be unlawful, as determined in our sole discretion. Release of your personal data for security purposes, as described in this Policy to any person or entity under any circumstances shall be based on a determination made solely by us, exercising our own discretion, permission for which is expressly granted by you to us in accordance with this policy. 13. LINKS TO THIRD PARTIES We may insert links to third parties on the Website and in our apps. This Policy does not apply to such third-party websites. These links take you outside our Services and are beyond our control. This includes links from partners that may use Greg Vick apps 's logos as part of a co-branding agreement. The sites those links can take you to have their own separate privacy policy and although we seek to protect the integrity of our Website, Greg Vick apps is not liable for the content and activities of those sites. Your visits and access to such websites is at your own risk. Please note that those other sites may send their own cookies to users, collect data, or solicit personal information. 14. COOKIES A cookie is a small string of information that a website you visit transfers to your device for identification purposes. Cookies can be used to follow your online activity on the website and that information helps us to understand your preferences and improve your experience. Cookies are also used for such activities as remembering your user name and password, if such feature is available and you choose to use it. You can turn off all cookies, in case you prefer not to receive them. You can also have your device warn you whenever cookies are being used. For both options you have to adjust your browser settings (such as Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer, or other browser). There are also software products available that can manage cookies for you. Please be aware, however, that when you choose to reject cookies, this choice may limit the Services’ functionality and you may lose access to some of its features. 15. OPT-OUT RIGHTS To stop all collection of information from the Website, leave and discontinue use of the Website. You can also easily stop all collection of information through a app by uninstalling the app . 16. DELETING OR MODIFYING PERSONAL INFORMATION If you would like to access, modify, or delete any information that can personally identify you, please email your request to [email protected], and we will respond promptly. 17. Credit card transactions If you decide to acquire a product from our Webpages/Apps, you state and guarantee that all information provided on your credit card is true and correct and that you are authorised to use this card. Under no circumstance shall you provide us with false or fraudulent information. 18. Your rights We ask you to maintain your Personal data provide to us up to date and that you correct any mistake by contacting us at [email protected] If you decide to cancel communication with us, or wish to review and/or delete the information stored on you, please contact us and state your request at [email protected] Nevertheless, we reserve the right of preserving the file with your Personal data for some time for administrative purposes and in order to make sure that the way in which this information is eliminated does not constitute damage to the integrity of our database, also conserving an anonymous version of said information. If you wish to cancel notifications, select the properties tab of the Webpage/App in question and follow the pertinent instruction to remove it. You have the right of locking the cookies of your browser, in which case we cannot guarantee that the Webpages/Apps shall operate correctly. If you use the Webpages/Apps, it is your responsibility to maintain the privacy of your account and restrict access to your computer or device, also taking responsibility for all activities conducted on this account. 19. External companies and sources It is possible that our Webpages/Apps redirect to external pages, outside of our control. This privacy policy only addresses the way in which we process Personal and Usage data gathered by our Webpages/Apps. By entering external webpages, you accept their privacy policies. Please bear in mind that these may have a different policy on gathering, using and publishing Personal data. We do not exert control over them and are not responsible for your privacy with regard to third parties. Therefore, we recommend checking the privacy policy of all other Webpages/Apps. Without prejudice to the following section, we are not responsible for the actions, failure to act or policies of external Webpages/Apps. 20. Changes We reserve the right to change our privacy policy without prior notice, in which case the modifications shall be published in the «Privacy» section of our Webpages/Apps, including the date on which the changes shall take effect in the upper part of the same. Therefore, please review our privacy policy periodically in order to be aware of its changes. The continued use of our Webpages/Apps after said changes constitute confirmation of their acceptance; in the contrary case, we ask you not to use our Webpages/Apps and for you to duly notify us. 21. Safety of Webpages/Apps Providing personal information to us is under your responsibility. We and/or our partners have implemented physical, electronic and management procedures to keep safe and avoid unauthorised access to these data, guarantee their protection and use the gathered information from our Webpages/Apps in a correct way. We take, or require that associated parties take, the necessary precautions to avoid the loss, inadequate use, unauthorised publication, alteration and destruction of the information gathered from our users. Nevertheless, remember that the safety of information transferred online or through other wireless networks can never be completely guaranteed. As a result, despite our efforts to protect the data, we cannot ensure or guarantee the safety of the information transferred to or by us by email or other means; and it is you who are responsible for this risk. When we have the support of third parties to process the Personal or credit data of users, we take necessary measures for them to comply with our privacy policy, and for them to protect the information provided. If security procedures with regard to your credit card are not complied with on our Webpages/Apps, we shall immediately inform you and shall take the logical steps to resolve the problem. If you suspect that your data are being inadequately used by us or by third parties, please let us know as soon as possible by email at: [email protected] If you decide to open an account with use, you should not share your access information with anyone. 22. Legal notice Our Webpages/Apps operate in function of the state in which they are, and thus we cannot be responsible or guarantee that they are always available or that no interruptions or errors take place when using them. We do not take responsibility for the way you access them, nor any other measures outside of our control. Our privacy policy is governed by the law of California, excluding the provisions on the choice of jurisdiction. 23. Curriculums Clause In conformity with Organic Law 15/1999 on the Protection of [Personal] Data and its implementing regulations, we inform you that your personal data will be included in the CURRICULUMS file under the responsibility of Greg Vick apps . in order to manage the human resources of the company and cover vacancies when necessary. If you have any doubts regarding our privacy policy, please do contact us: [email protected]
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