The difficulty of being a black person in modern-day society stems from the unethical conditions and false ideologies of black people rooted from hundreds of years ago. My portfolio emphasis the major difference in the black experience in-world experiences. The first paper is discussing the misrepresentation of Black people in the media, the second is exploring the source of these prejudices views on Black people and how hese methodologies get passed down generations. Lastly, thought paper #3 is focused on a more nontraditional lifestyle such as cross-dressing and the drag community. Again, the Black experience will always be the misconceiving experience, inconvenient experience and underrepresented experience. This is not right and as a society, we are the responsibility for educating ourselves and taking action.
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This paper focuses on how Black people are misrepresented in the media. There is always more to it than what the eye sees. That Black young H&M model wearing a jungle shirt isn’t just simply that. The mental representation of the color black isn’t just simply the physical construct of that. There’s always more to the overall.
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Excuse the language of the caption, but do not excuse this behavior!
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So ADS BARELY include black people period. So when H&M finally includes a young black boy they make him where a fucking shirt that says “coolest monkey”.
-H&M I’m fucking disgusted unless you have been living under a rock you would know this violates. Even if (highly doubt it) wasn’t intentional you DONT DO THIS.
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#DiversityWhereAreYou ??
☑️ A black superhero
☑️ A White female superhero
☑️ A bunch of white male superheroes
🔲 A trans superhero
🔲 An Asian superhero
🔲 A gay/lesbian superhero
🔲Shuri to challenge t'challa for the throne
🔲 A disabled superhero
🔲 A Latino/Latina superhero
🔲An afro-latino/a would be nice because I know they are underrepresented in the media
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This paper emphasizes the fact that history replays itself in different forms. The reason for this negative history towards black people gets passed down carried is due to people who continuously inflict negative stereotypes and ideologies to their social group which ultimately manifests in their behavior. As stated in this paper“ These difficulties were set before them yet this is something they (the community) have to be faced with”. #ThePastDoesNotDefineTheFuture
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Some modern day Rosa Parks fanart for you <3
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Connection to the course: The liquid is black and the bottle is label mass media. Media outlets would rather not have a black centered focused although the black dollar goes further than the white dollar does. #FoodForThought
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In all aspects of life traditional or not, there is a difference in the Black experience. It is important to acknowledge that there is nothing like the Black experience and its differences may or may not make their lives more difficult. Open this essay link to explore the black experience in regards to the drag community.
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RuPaul in Vanity Fair.
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naomi smalls
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“Black Drag Queens Invented Camp”
Lena Waithe at the Met Gala 2019
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📷: 1242 Crew #bellhooks
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In conclusion, the key to revamping and provide an accurate representation of Black people will be taken years of constant repairing the same way it took years to dehumanize this same population. It is important as a community we recognize these differences but do continue to treat people according to their differences. There is one race, the human race but its important to recognize that due to societal construct, society is unable to live freely and respectfully in one race. These papers analyze the unthrodoxity society has pressed on the Black experience and it is up to you the reader on what action you could possibly take to refute this. 
This course has taught me the power of conversation. The start of change starts within an interaction among people with different life experiences. This class consisted of all different types of black experiences, whether that was the American black experience, Carribean black experience, African black experience, Latinx black experience. Although we had our differences, respect was always kept and maintained throughout the entirety of the semester. I thank my classmates for the influential conversations and to Professor Miletsky for providing an educational outlet to discuss aspects of life that impact all. 
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