gremlinkween · 5 years
Bad Moon Rising
Part 2: Mermen, Vampires, and Werewovles, Oh My! 
Summary: The reader finds and rescues a hurt merman who tells her that his name is Jim. She helps him without a second thought, but his presence might attract the attention of other supernatural creatures she never knew existed. This will eventually be a foursome (Jim Mason x Michael Langdon x Duncan Shepard x Reader) mythology/supernatural au.
A/N: I'm not dead! Instead of just saying that I was gonna do something, I figured my welcome back post would be the next revised chapter of BMR as an apology. I had some repressed memories come up and they were repressed for a reason so that rocked my boat real hard, but hi everyone! I'll get to the asks sitting in the inbox hopefully tonight, but it might have to be tomorrow. So for the new readers, the last one of the foursome is introduced, but we’ll get to actually see more of Michael and Duncan in the next part. There is an oc in here, Rory, that we’ll see more later. I’ve had him for awhile and he’s actually one of my fave characters ever. You can totally imagine Cillian Murphy for him. Again, if you want to be on the tag list, just hit me up and let me know what you think!
Warnings: No smut yet, sorry. There is blood, injury, mentions of mental illness, depression, crying, concern about having a total break from reality.
Word Count: 2.3k
Tagging List: @langdonsinferno, and @moonagecordelia and remember, my tag list is all sorts of messed up so please lmk if you want to be on it! either for this story or all my work! 
Previous Parts: Part 1
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“I thought that vampires fed off of humans? Why did he go for you instead of me?”
“Well, yeah, vampires feed off of humans, but that’s not their only food source. Faerie blood is actually more nutritious and flavorful for vampires, just humans are more readily available and easier to hunt. He probably smelt my blood and sought me out.”
“… Wow, I mean makes sense, I guess?” It really didn’t, nothing made sense to her, but also Jim could tell her that the sky was actually purple and the ocean was orange, and she’d believe him at this point.
“You should probably take care of him.”
“Yeah, probably. Do I need something stronger than rope.”
He scoffed, “Yes, probably something more like a stake through the heart.”
She looked to the darkly angelic figure passed out on the floor. He looked helpless now, and she could see that the wounds that were on the cat adorned and tarnished his skin. He was hurt, and probably just looking for a way to heal himself. She felt bad, but on the other hand, Jim was in danger. So was she. This was fucked up. “No.”
Jim gave her a look like she might be insane.
“I said no. He’s just trying to survive like you. I’ll get like, chains or something. That should hold him?”
Jim looked at her with such bewilderment, she felt like she was the weird one in the room. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. It’s probably going to end badly.”
She was still looking at the vampire. Probably, she was thinking, but that’s not what she said. “I think it’s going to be fine.”
“…. Okay, if you say so.” Jim was still so unsure of this. “Just move him please.”
“Yeah, no problem.”
Moving the vampire that was nearly double her size wasn’t an easy feat, but she did it. Thank god for the hauls of fish she’s been lugging around her whole life or this might actually be impossible. She had him propped up against the support beam in the living room. That was the sturdiest place in her house she could think of, but you knew you needed to move fast. There was no telling how much time you had before he woke up, and she couldn’t imagine he’d be happy when he did. Now, the next problem was finding chains and a lock that was probably heavy duty enough. She figured the boatyard, but she’d really have to move her ass.
She grabbed the keys to her dad’s old beat up pick up truck and a jacket and hurried out the door. She was humming to herself in a tense song, a habit she did out of nervousness, and fumbled with the keys.
“Hi there, Y/N, a little la-” a familiar voice called, but with the night’s events, she was already under so much pressure, and she yelped and nearly threw the keys. “Didn’t mean to startle you.”
“Hi, Rory. Sorry, it’s been a night.” Oh Rory, the older Irish gentleman that ran the dock’s favorite bar to go to in the evening, and her next door neighbor. She had known him her whole life, a steady constant in this crazy shit show her life had been these past couple of months. She really wasn't alarmed with him being out so late. With his business, he always had been a night owl.
“I can see that,” his thick accent rang out with a chuckle, and she blanched for a second. “Dragging in buckets of sea water?”
“It’s an art project,” She answered maybe a little too fast and he cocked an eyebrow. “You know, for processing trauma. I read about it.”
“Okay then, Y/N,” he was unsure, but he was going to drop it. He knew grief made people do some strange things sometimes. 
“I’m going out for more things.” She didn’t know when to stop talking apparently.
“Well, good luck with that at 3 am. Just be careful,” he wished her well, “It’s a full moon, all the crazies are out tonight.”
She just chuckled uneasily, if she could only tell him. “Will do, you get some rest.”
“You too, dear.”
She was finally able to get the truck open and started, and she sped off to the boatyard.
The yard was desolate and particularly eerily this night. Mist from the water was creeping over the place and gave it an all too fitting gothic appearance. She really wished that the world would stop being so poetic for a change. She found herself pulling her jacket tighter as she walked in between the older and busted up boats, something making the hair on the back of her neck stand up on end. A presence was following her, but she was all too tired of the night's weirdness to give into the thought. Surely, tonight couldn't get weirder. 
She had to kick the door down to the supply shed, but she doubted anyone would really care. This was the forgotten side of town anyway. She found heavy duty chains and a padlock fairly quickly, a feeling of satisfaction filled her that was quickly overshadowed by something else. Her head whipped up to the door and then to the window. She saw nothing, but she swore she felt eyes on her. Very intent eyes. God damn it. At this point, she was just hoping for another human.
The best thing to do was just get the hell out of there regardless, she decided, and without actually breaking into a run, she moved as fast as she could.
Outside, she swore she hear footsteps of something. It was much too big to be a person, but she didn’t know what it could be. Could be anything. She didn't know, and she was getting tired of this one night getting so fucking weird. There was an idea trying to creep into her mind, one that she was trying to violently shut out. She actually might just give up if she was right.
There was a movement and then a soft growl. She blanched again, but sighed. Of course. No, of course this would be the night that even more insane shit has to happen. She turned to the boat she saw the movement coming from and her eyes widened, yet she was somehow not surprised. A giant wolf monster sat perched up on the cabin and she nodded. “Sure. Yep. This might as well happen. Let’s just get this over with.”
It glowered at her as it crept down and off the boat, but in the bright moonlight, she saw the deep wounds ruining the lay of the coat. It growled again and began to stand on this back legs, standing at it’s full eight foot height, but she held dropped the chains and held up her hands. “Don’t even think about it, buddy,” she said firmly and the wolf’s ears pitched forward, clearly curious about the lack of fear.
“I’ve got a hurt merman and a vampire I need to restrain soon or he’s going to try to eat the merman at home. I see that you’re hurt. I can take care of you, but I need you to stop being a dick.”
It looked like it was debating something it’s head before settling down on all fours and cautiously moved towards her before gently nuzzling into her neck, smelling and licking her, she figured that this was some kind of greeting that werewolves had, but he was being friendly, but she just rolled with it. It was that kind of night that was already weird enough. She scratched behind it’s ears and it practically mewled and she had to smile, that was pretty cute.
“Come on, let’s go. I have to get back before the vampire wakes up.”
He limped along with her, and she had to help the poor thing up into the bed of the truck, but he was behaving quite well. She covered him up, with one of the tarps she used for the fish, and hopped in. Hopefully, she wasn’t too late, and she felt worry pit itself in her stomach.
She had to make sure the lights on in Rory’s house were off before she uncovered the newest friend and boy from her truck and hurried him into the house.
The first thing she did was check to make sure that the vampire was still out and passed out where she left him. Thankfully, he was, and she was able to breathe a sigh of relief. She went back to the kitchen as the werewolf began sniffing around. “Go upstairs, it’s the room with the lights on.”
The wolf looked at her uneasily, but he relented and sulked up the stairs on all fours, looking over its’ shoulders at her.
She grabbed the chains and quickly secured the vampire to the post. There was a moment that nearly had her passing out, his nose flared a couple of times when she got closer, but luckily that was his only response to her.
She didn’t waste anymore time though, grabbed the medical box for the third time tonight, and she was running up the stairs. Once she reached the top of the stairs, she saw the large furry head pop out of the doorway. It was odd to have such a large creature in her house, but she didn’t think about that just yet. She sat the box down on the desk and she heard it growl softly.
“Come on, I know this is going to hurt a little bit, but,” the wolf cut her off with another, more aggressive growl.
“Uhhh, Y/N,” Jim called from the bathroom. “What was that?”
She turned around and went to the door. “I might have made another new friend tonight.” The wolf’s head popped into sight from the door to look at where the other voice came from out of curiosity, and Jim went white.
“That’s an alpha werewolf.”
She grunted as he pushed his way into the bathroom and began smelling and licking at Jim’s neck like he had done with her, and Jim couldn’t help the giggles that escaped his mouth and it only encouraged the wolf to tickle him more, but he eventually pushed him off gently.
Jim smiled shyly at the wolf before looking to her again. “Why was he growling at you?”
“I was just getting ready to stitch up his wounds.”
The monstrous animal’s ears pinned back at the word and Jim swatted his muzzle, startling the wolf.
“Be nice. She doesn’t know anything and you can’t talk in that form,” Jim chided with a small smile.
“You don’t need to rub it in!” She was almost defensive, but Jim was laughing.
“Werewolves don’t need stitches, particularly alphas. He’ll be fine by tomorrow night, you won’t even know that he was hurt.”
She nodded, but then stopped. “Why did he come with me then? If he didn’t need help.”
Jim’s eyes were practically shining with mischief. “He probably thinks you’re cute.”
She was bright red now and she looked at the clear amusement both of them had.
“Or he had other reasons, I’m just,” He had to think about it. He wasn’t sure about the human word for this. “Having my fun?” He had a little shy smile, and while she was scowling, her heart melted a bit at the expression.
“I didn’t realize I was opening my door to such jokesters,” but even she had to laugh.
She let out a yawn, and she realized how tired she was out. It hit like a freight train now that she didn't have a murderous vampire on the loose and she no longer had to play doctor. “Well, I think I’m going to be retiring for the night. Jim would you like a pillow or something?”
He cocked he eyebrow. Right, that makes sense that they wouldn’t have them in the ocean.
“I’ll go get one for you away.”
The wolf followed her out of the bathroom and crawled up on the bed for no regard to his weight as he circled like any dog would before settling down on the bed. She grabbed one of the extra pillows and returned to stuff it in the corner between the wall and the bathtub and Jim hesitantly rested his head against it before his eyes lit up.
“This is very comfortable. What did you call this?”
She chuckled, “A pillow. Goodnight, Jim.”
He smiled, “Goodnight, Y/N. Thank you. again.”
“It’s no problem.” With that, she left again for the bedroom.
She looked at the wolf, seemingly asleep, and she decided what the hell. She took her bra off and her pants, leaving herself in just a shirt and underwear. She crawled into bed under the blankets and tried to get comfortable, but sleep wasn’t coming to her at all. She was just replaying the events of the night.
So, at the beginning of the night, it was crippling loneliness and a solid crying session, then late night sailing on the boat …. Then she saved a merman …. Then they got attacked by a vampire ….. and then she picked up a werewolf ….. and now there’s a merman in  her bathtub, a vampire chained up in the living room, and a werewolf in bed with her. She sighed. This was…. weird. This was a weird night. This couldn’t have happened, could it? This stuff was made up. Oh god, she was having a mental breakdown. She was breaking and this wasn’t real. None of this was real.
She was starting to hyperventilate, panic gripping her, but then she felt a warm head, a very warm, very large, and very fluffy head nuzzle into her chest. A strong, furry arm ending in a hand with extremely long and sturdy claws wrapped around her abdomen and pulled her tight. An animal’s tongue licked her cheek and she had to laugh at how much it tickled. She heard the wolf make a noise deep within its throat in approval and she relaxed. This was real. It was very very real and she had the feeling that this wolf wouldn’t let anything happen to her.
Sleep soon took over, and for the first time in what felt like years, there was a smile on her face.
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gremlinkween · 5 years
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they have matching friendship bracelets 
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gremlinkween · 5 years
*Margaret speaks*
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gremlinkween · 5 years
🥺����🥺🥺🥺 is a bottom thing, change my mind
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gremlinkween · 5 years
So I’m just doing chores and random stuff that needs to be done, any of y’all wanna talk? I feel chatty and like making friends 🥰
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gremlinkween · 5 years
Bold of you to assume that that ask wasn’t the thing that made me think of that 🥺🥺
🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 is a bottom thing, change my mind
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gremlinkween · 5 years
🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 is a bottom thing, change my mind
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gremlinkween · 5 years
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does this even need a caption? like his beauty is just enough sorry but the antichrist is hot
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gremlinkween · 5 years
My guinea pigs are now freaking the fuck out and I hear other things, well, it was nice knowing all y’all
My life is suddenly not a heeping garbage fire and I’m feeling better and time to make the mistake of watching spooky things in my haunted house when I’m home alone
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gremlinkween · 5 years
My life is suddenly not a heeping garbage fire and I’m feeling better and time to make the mistake of watching spooky things in my haunted house when I’m home alone
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gremlinkween · 5 years
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I don't want to see xavier cry again bitch
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gremlinkween · 5 years
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Cody Fern as Xavier Plympton in AHS1984 ep 1
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gremlinkween · 5 years
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Ugh this whole scene we love an actor
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gremlinkween · 5 years
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Like/reblog if you save, feel free to use wherever you want ❤️
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gremlinkween · 5 years
it's instincts, baby
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⎯ tainted love▪soft cell
⎯ your love▪the outfield
⎯ when doves cry▪prince
⎯ holding out for a hero▪bonnie tyler
⎯ hysteria▪def leppard
⎯ maniac▪michael sembello
⎯ take on me▪a-ha
⎯ west end girls▪pet shop boys
⎯ don't you want me▪the human league
⎯ africa▪toto
⎯ just like heaven▪the cure
⎯ owner of a lonely heart▪yes
⎯ need you tonight▪inxs
⎯ sweet dreams (are made of this)▪eurythmics
⎯ hungry like the wolf▪duran duran
⎯ smalltown boy▪bronski beat
⎯ you spin me round (like a record baby)▪dead or alive
⎯ maneater▪daryl hall & john oates
⎯ (I just) died in your arms▪cutting crew
⎯ relax▪frankie goes to hollywood
⎯ let's dance▪david bowie
⎯ little red corvette▪prince
⎯ push it▪salt-n-pepa
⎯ me so horny▪2 live crew
⎯ gett off▪prince
⎯ I think we're alone now▪tiffany
⎯ somebody's watching me▪rockwell
⎯ heart of glass▪blondie
⎯ devil woman▪cliff richard
⎯ what is love▪haddaway
⎯ take my breath away▪berlin
《 listen here 》
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gremlinkween · 5 years
Xavier x female reader x Ray, getting caught by Montana and Brooke and Chet. Reader has handcuffs and a bong.
okay so i forgot to incorporate the whole handcuffs thing but uummm yea. lol 
tagging @voidkasey @gremlinkween @our-mrlangdon @alinastrawberry @kpopmademedo-it @alicecooper20 @wroteclassicaly @thebrunchbitch @hecohansen31 @smolbwean @bigstudentpatrolbonk @anemia-doll @s7venwonders @melodylangdon @xoxoeevee @junebennett @bloodyantichrist @softmoonboi @mallorys-winter @imjustasadhoe @aradevil @aradevil @venusxxlangdon @avesatanormalpeoplescareme @trelaney @langdonsboots @rosesometimeswrites @gracebtw @1-800-bitchcraft @codycrazy @littledemondani @bahsasblog @monster-manual-5e @billielourdings @confettucini @thewalkingtrenchcoats
wc: 1.3k 
pairing: xavier plympton x ray powell x reader
warnings: m/m/f threesome, vaginal sex (spitroasting), blowjobs (m/m and f/m), handjobs
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Ray looks up at you from under dark eyelashes, thumb flicking at the lighter as he positions his lips over the mouth of the bong. He takes the hit like a champ, sucking an impressively massive tuft of smoke into his lungs without so much as a grimace.
When the last of the gray smoke has left his throat, amalgamating with the rest of the dreary fog that hangs low within the walls of Xavier’s van, he screws up his face in thought.
“Was kinda hoping you’d say dare.” He tilts his head to one side, passing the bong to Xavier, whose hooded blue eyes are already droopy and bloodshot. “Okay, I got one. It’s lame though. Out of everyone in the group, who would you most wanna bang?”
Too high to scoff at the perverted childishness of his question, you actually think about it for a minute. You’re deep into staring at Ray’s expectant expression, admiring the smoothness of his velvet-deep skin and fullness of his lips, when you accidentally let it slip: “You.”
His eyes widen and you hear Xavier laugh, low and lazy, into the mouth of the bong. Your heart skips a beat once it registers what you’ve said, but the pot has made it near impossible to care.
“No shit! Never woulda guessed.” You can tell Ray is trying to suppress a self-satisfied grin, white teeth digging into his plump lower lip. “Honestly was expecting you to say Chet.”
“I was expecting you to say me,” interjects Xavier with a joking twinge to his voice, one hand positioned behind his head, handing the bong to you. “And to be totally honest, I’m a little offended.”
You stare down at the bong, for a moment forgetting how to use it, and you wonder whether the hazy atmosphere of the van is due to the amount of smoke that’s built up, or your intoxicated state.
“Aw, don’t be, Xavy Gravy,” you nearly slur, using the intentionally cringe-worthy nickname you’d thought up for him when you’d first met. “I’d totally fuck you too.”
Xavier’s lips fall open into an exaggerated look of surprise. “You would?”
“Yeah,” you say casually. “Why not?” You’re being serious, too. You have a thing for guys who wear earrings.
Ray stretches, the hem of his shirt lifting and exposing a sliver of his smooth, sculpted tummy, and you find yourself licking your lips (and maybe it’s just the weed, but you could’ve sworn you just saw Xavier do the same).
“I mean, we’re all alone, right?” Ray says, eyes flashing from you to Xavier and then back again as he moves to lift his shirt up over his head. “Why don’t we try it out?”
Xavier’s pink lips curl up into a mischievous smirk, his cross-shaped drop earring swaying as he turns to poise an eyebrow at you.
For a moment, you’re almost apprehensive, before the feeling is overtaken with a much more poignant wave of arousal. There are two good-looking guys in front of you propositioning a threesome; you’d be an idiot to turn them down.
You grin. “Fuck it. Let’s do it.”
“I ain’t ever gotten head from a dude before,” Ray says, looking down to Xavier, who’s craning his neck up from where he lays to take one of his balls into his mouth.
“Well, there’s a first time for everything,” mumbles Xavier against Ray’s sensitive skin before delving back in, one large hand moving to entangle with your hair. Xavier’s on his back with Ray knelt by his head, while you’re settled on your stomach, using one arm to prop yourself up while you use the other to pump your fist up and down the blonde’s thick cock; Ray looks almost godlike as he jerks himself above Xavier, his head falling back as a moan of ecstasy escapes his full lips; You’re mesmerized, observing the way Xavier’s apt tongue forms shapes along the underside of the dark-haired man’s enormous erection, and quickly you come to the conclusion that this can’t have been the first time he’s done something like this.
Letting go of Xavier’s length, you spit crudely into your palm before resuming your prior motions, this time moving exponentially faster than before.
Xavier hums contentedly, the vibrations traveling to Ray’s cock, who groans and reaches down to grip tightly at the head of tousled blond hair beneath him.
“Shit, man, you gotta slow down. I’m about to bust and I still wanna fuck (y/n),” Ray sputters, drawing his hips back slightly. You and Xavier let out a unanimous giggle, your (e/c) eyes matching with his, and he shoots you a seductive wink.
“I’m that good?” he drawls, voice husky, causing Ray to groan in frustration when he pulls away. “Go on, then. Lemme see you fuck the shit out of (y/n).”
Ray stands, and eagerly you roll onto your back, making quick work of your linen shorts and flinging them across the van. You can hardly believe this is really happening, but it’s all moving too quickly for your drugged-out mind to comprehend, so you decide to just go with the flow.
“I don’t like you in that position,” Xavier remarks, coming up behind you to flip you back onto your front with ease; you nearly moan aloud at the rough feeling of his calloused hands on your sides, looking up at the blonde with wide, innocent eyes as he kneels before you. “C’mon, sweetie. Let’s see how well you can suck dick with a cock inside you.”
You take the cue to shift onto all fours, arching your back for Ray, whose hard-on is resting against your inner thigh. He places a hand on your hip before easily sliding his cock inside you, all the way to the hilt, until you can feel his balls slapping harshly against the tops of your thighs. You scream out, mouth falling open at the intrusion, tight walls stretching wider than you’d ever experienced before; Xavier takes the opportunity to shove his cock deep into your throat, muffling your cries as Ray begins to adapt to a fast, hard rhythm of thrusts.
You suck Xavier’s cock to the best of your ability, but it’s difficult, with Ray pounding into you like his life depends on it. You gurgle pathetically, a string of spit dripping from your lower lip and down your chin, knees raw and red from pressing into the hard floor.
“Fuck yeah, take my cock,” Ray murmurs under his breath, his fingers digging into your hips so harshly you’re sure you’ll have a few bruises to show for it tomorrow. “Taking me so good.”
You’re so wrapped up in the pleasure that you almost don’t notice the stream of soft evening light that cuts through Xavier’s dimly lit van, your eyes only opening when Xavier removes his cock from your mouth, sending you into sputters.
“Ho. Lee. Shit,” comes Montana’s voice, and you fall forward, scrambling around to face the source of light; to your horror, it isn’t just Montana standing outside the van: she also has Brooke and Chet in tow. Xavier and Ray scramble for their clothes, the van bobbing back and forth at the sudden rapid movement of three bodies. “I just made a joke about you guys having a threesome, but I didn’t really think it’d actually happen!”
She sounds almost gleeful, bouncing on the balls of her feet while Chet stares forward, emotionless; Brooke looks vaguely traumatized.
“We’ve been looking for you guys. We were starting to worry that you got captured by Mr. Jingles or something.”
“Ha, nope,” Xavier mutters, a flush of pink dusting his porcelain cheeks. Ray can hardly speak, his gaze fixed on the floor, refusing to face the very same people who’d just been face-to-face with his bare ass and balls.
“Well, now that we know you’re safe… don’t let us ruin your fun!” Montana wiggles her eyebrows suggestively before partially shutting the door of the van, poking her head through the open gap that remains. “Be safe, kids!”
And with that, she slams it all the way shut.
You almost would rather that Mr. Jingles had been the one to find you.
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gremlinkween · 5 years
when will i get bitten by a vampire like i deserve
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