grenade-sklytube · 5 hours
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grenade-sklytube · 1 day
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grenade-sklytube · 2 days
Meme news: The Brazilian actress Renata Sorrah came out as bisexual at the age of 76
That's her, btw
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She's an icon and also very talented. We Stan.
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grenade-sklytube · 2 days
Oh no, my wonder is not "childlike." My whimsy is old. My frivolity is steeped in ancient wisdom.
My silliness is battle worn. My awe at the world has been long forged through trial & tribulation.
I have earned this wonderment. I have protected it for decades against a society that tells me constantly that it should not belong to me.
I was born with wonder, and I have carried it, against all odds, with me through adulthood.
It is not "childlike" by now it is Older than me.
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grenade-sklytube · 4 days
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grenade-sklytube · 4 days
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cops follow a fare evasion suspect, try to taze him, end up shooting him, another cop, and two bistanders. they're then called brave by the mayor of New York
cops committed a mass shooting over three dollars.
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grenade-sklytube · 5 days
idk how to flirt but i can make things awkward if you're into that
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grenade-sklytube · 5 days
Light painting photography . Credit : Darius Twin
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grenade-sklytube · 8 days
why are wlw books so angsty and deep all the time like where is my casual wlw romcom or my fantasy lesbians, space bis and trans princesses like not every wlw has some lost love in some town in the middle of nowhere
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grenade-sklytube · 8 days
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26K notes · View notes
grenade-sklytube · 11 days
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grenade-sklytube · 11 days
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grenade-sklytube · 12 days
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grenade-sklytube · 12 days
spotify is raising prices again here's the apk that gives you premium for free
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grenade-sklytube · 12 days
“Nobody’s going to want to sit on high-speed rail for fifteen hours to get from New York City to LA.”
Me. I will sit on high-speed rail for fifteen hours. I’ll sit on it for days. I’ll write and read and nap and eat and then do it all over again. I’ll stare out the windows and see America from ground level and not have to drive. I’ll see the Rockies and the deserts and cornfields and the Mississippi River and your house and yours and yours too. I’ll make up stories in my head about the small towns I see as we go along. I’ll see the states I’ve yet to see because driving or flying there is a fucking slog and expensive to boot. I’ll enjoy the ride as much as the destination. And then I’ll do it all over again to come the fuck home.
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grenade-sklytube · 16 days
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grenade-sklytube · 17 days
Fake Out (rated M)
Frustrated with the women they love, Sam and Kara devise a plan to make their counterparts jealous and see the light.
Kara’s POV
“Kara, we have to do something,” Sam rubbed her temple. “Is your sister blind? I’ve been flirting and dropping hints left, right, and center for months now and she’s not seeing them. I’m starting to think even if I stuck my tongue down her throat, she’d think I was just being polite.”
“You’re not alone,” I shrugged, opening my menu. “I think even if I walked out in my underwear, straddled Lena’s lap, and shoved my boobs in her face she’d think I was being nice.”
Snorting a laugh, Sam opened her own menu. “Sexual frustration has made you a bit crude,” she teased. “But, we do need to figure something out. I truly don’t see how Lena hasn’t picked up on your feelings. The two of you are inseparable during game night. If you sat any closer, you’d be on the woman’s lap.”
“Hey, you’re the one feeding Alex,” I smirked. “She never eats or drinks after someone. Not me, not Eliza, not even Maggie when they were dating.”
“Well, that makes me feel special,” Sam murmured. “These lunches have been nice. There’s no one else I can complain to about this. You completely understand since you’re in the same boat.”
“Yeah. They’re in love with us. It’s clear as day,” I sighed in frustration.
After placing our lunch orders, an evil gleam began to spark in Sam’s eyes. “Remember when you let me borrow a shirt before the last game night?”
“Yeah, you spilled sauce on it carrying the food and changed into one of my shirts before Lena and Alex arrived. Why?”
“I don’t think you noticed but I caught Lena staring daggers at me. She was trying to figure out why I was wearing your shirt when mine was fine an hour before.”
“Really?” I laughed. “Why wouldn’t she just ask?”
“Emotions override logic, my friend. We are only human.” Taking a sip of her drink, Sam laughed. “Or the one before that when you fed me quaso,” her brow furrowed. “What was I even doing to cause you to feed me?”
“I have no idea at this point,” I sipped my drink.
“Either way, neither of them liked it.”
Thinking over the game nights in question, I remembered the look on Alex’s face when I noticed Sam was cold and I wrapped her in my blanket. Maybe they are more conscious of it than I thought. Alex did have a weird look on her face afterwards. “How could we make them realize it?”
The food came and we began to eat. Mid bite, Sam chuckled darkly. “I have an idea but it may make you a little uncomfortable.”
“What is it?” I shifted nervously.
“They’re clearly not seeing that we feel the same way so what if they think we’re no longer available?” My brow furrowed. “What if we pretend to date and make them so jealous that they realize their feelings?”
Nodding along, I thought aloud, “It’s crazy enough to work. You know I only have eyes for Lena, right?”
“Oh, yeah,” Sam waved her hand. “I'm that way with Alex. Nothing serious would happen. Some shameless flirting, a kiss on the cheek here, maybe a butt smack there. I doubt it would come to it, but maybe a fake French kiss.”
“How do you fake that?”
“Put your hands on the person’s face to cover their mouth from view. Just make sure it seems like you’re playing tongue hockey.”
“You’ve done that before, haven’t you?” I laughed.
“Won me 20 bucks and a 12 pack of beer in college,” Sam smiled triumphantly. “It helps that they know we’ve been going to lunch every couple of weeks.”
Popping a fry into my mouth, I thought over the plan. “So, when would this fake dating start?”
“Tomorrow night?” Sam offered. “It’ll be the four of us at game night. Make up some excuse to switch up teams. Instead of you and Lena, we pair up. We get kind of flirty before and after we win a game and you kiss my cheek.”
“Since you already know my secret, I can listen to their reactions and fill you in later.”
“I do not miss that,” Sam groaned. “Everything was always at an 11 before you know who fully took over.”
“It took me a long time to get used to it,” I paused. “I am glad Lena was able to help. It was rough there for a bit after I told her the truth.”
“I think it’s made you two stronger though. Yes, Lena was upset but she never stopped loving you.”
“Thank Rao for that,” I laughed.
“So, game night tomorrow we start this?” I nodded. “I’ll show up before Lena and Alex. Potentially wear something low cut. I know how much you like Lena’s cleavage,” Sam smirked knowingly. “You’re not smooth. I love Lena but she’s oblivious. For the longest time I thought she wore low cut shirts on purpose. You get all flustered and it’s adorable.”
Heat crept up my neck. “You’re one to talk,” I smirked. “I see the way you check out Alex’s butt. Especially in jeans.”
“Those dark wash jeans…” Sam hummed, nearly drooling. “I just want to-,”
“Okay, okay,” I laughed. “She’s my sister.”
“Sorry,” Sam murmured over her drink.
Finish reading on AO3
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