greyhound-store · 4 years
Goodbye and Thank you!
I’m not really in touch with the sims scene anymore so not exactly sure who’s around anymore and who isn’t but I thought it was finally time to make a proper statement and bring closure for this blog.
This blog is officially 7 years old this year and its insane! I rode out my last year of high school, went to college and got my bachelors, got my first full time job, moved states away from family, quit a job for the first time, got a new job and moved even further away all while having this blog. It’s very interesting to see yourself grow and change along the years.
This blog has been inactive for some time now, I know, but honestly I wanted to ride things out and see how I felt. It is evident to me that I’m just no longer interested in the sims like I use to be and I just really haven’t missed it so I think it’s officially time to bring an end to the narusasu-simblr saga and say goodbye.
My years here were absolutely wonderful. I’ve met so many great people here and learned so much! I was able to get through some of the hardest points in my life here, and like so many others, just forget everything happening on the outside. And overall, I just had so much fun! I would be lying if I also didn’t admit that there were a lot of hard times too and drama that I’m sure we’ve all experienced, but even though, I think those things have helped to shape me into the person I am today. For all of this I am extremely grateful and just want to say thank you to everyone who was a part of that journey. Thank you to those who were there for me for the long haul and those who I may have only spoken a couple words to. Thank you to everyone who sent me messages, liked, commented, or reblogged my posts. Thank you to everyone who used or uses my cc and just thank you for all the overwhelming love.
This blog will always remain open, as well as my side blogs, and downloads will always stay up (hopefully 🤞). I bid you all adieu and happy simming!
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greyhound-store · 6 years
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Out with friends
Good afternoon, it’s Damian here. I’ve never been good with words, but since Tabitha is a bit occupied at the moment, I’ll take care of the blog for the day! She might have mentioned something about playdates in her last blog post, and although it’s now Tuesday, so I’m a little late on this (happened during the weekend), but I guess better late than never, right?
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Well, since we already have a lot going on in the house, and the weather was amazing, I decided to bring the kids outside to play. We met up with Max and Aiden’s three little friends; Coe, Juno and Mogli. And they all played well together, and just had a really good time. The hours went by really fast, and we ate lunch together and explored a few of the many playgrounds in the area. Even I also had lots of fun. Toddlers are such a fun stage, they’re so curious and playful, and always willing to explore and learn new things. They don’t always listen to you though, especially when you tell them “no,” but if parenting was always easy and with no challenges, it wouldn’t be as much fun!
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A big thank you to Coe, Mogli and Juno’s parents for letting Max, Aiden and I hang out with them.
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greyhound-store · 6 years
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Still here :)
  Spring is always feels like renovation of nature, life, feelings…And it’s still so! 
  Hey guys! It’s almost May and I need to plan our summer vacation I guess. Since Elio’s birth we didn’t travel a lot and we didn’t travel abroad or haven’t got vacation at all. Of course we traveled to Alpine County to Demi’s family and it went pretty well, but summer vacation is another type of traveling and I’m in doubt of how it could be. 
  At the moment I think about comfort vacation to a country with a good climate and a lot of good beaches. It could be Brazil I guess, but still we didn’t decided. I don’t know if we’ll be glad to bring our little munchkins with us, cause they need more attention and I doubt if we can relax on vacation. On the other hand I can’t leave them to my or Fernando’s parents cause I’ll worry about them (thought I know that they will be fine and they will have fun with grandparents). So yeah, here we are. 
And you guys, do you prefer to spend your summer vacation with kids or do you leave them with nanny\relatives?
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greyhound-store · 6 years
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Fun in the sun
Good evening everyone, it’s been a long day. The sun is still up, even though it’s getting pretty late. But at least it’s not unbearably hot today, and I’m thankful for that. Actually, the weather has been nice lately. The sun is shining, but we still got enough shade to cool down, so even though we spend a lot of time outside, I don’t need to worry too much about the kids getting too hot. We are adjusting well to having a new baby in the house, so that is great. Damian and the kids are such blessings, and our little Kitty is doing amazingly. I am also recovering well, so we are all in good health, haha. Kitty has lost a few ounces since birth, but that’s pretty normal. She eats well and sleeps well, and our doctor said she is perfectly healthy, so it’s all wonderful. We haven’t experienced any jealousy from her siblings so far, which is really nice. I know Max had some jealousy going on back when Aiden was born, but the older kids are all very laid back and happy to have a baby sister. Kitty is very loved, and I know she will always be loved! ♡ ♡
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I have quite a few photos to share, haha. Damian has been all over the place with my camera, and even I managed to snap a few photos, while we were spending some quality family time outside, today. As you can see, Emily has been my little helper for the day. She loves to carry her baby sister around, and is very protective of her, which I think is really cute. Kitty also seems to prefer being carried around and held close to someone, rather than lie in her crib or in her stroller. So she pretty much spends the entire day with me, or in Damian, William or Em’s arms (Max and Aiden are not really interested in holding her).
Biscuit, our beloved pet fox, hasn’t quite figured it out yet. He spends a lot more time indoors ever since Kitty was born, so I think his little fox friends are missing his company by now, haha. He’s a little weird. He likes to lie or stand next to her, just looking at her, even for hours. And when she moves, he starts making noises and jump around, like it’s the most exciting thing in his little fox brain. I love this funny little furry creature with all my heart. He also likes to lick her face or her feet, but she doesn’t really appreciate that very much, haha.
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Moving on, it’s been a day spent with lots of fun. Lots of playing around in the backyard, looking at bugs and chasing butterflies. We even saw a squirrel, which is a little odd, as they’re usually out a little later during the year, around here.
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These days, I start to get really sleepy in between 5 and 8pm, so I’ve already been feeling it for some time now. Damian is helping the older kids get ready for bed, while I nurse the baby, and write this blog post, haha. One last photo of Kitty before I finish of for today, and will try to get some rest. It’s been a long, but good day! I hope all of you are doing amazingly, and take care. Until next time,
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greyhound-store · 6 years
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Evening walk at the lake
Good morning, I hope you’re all doing well in this heat. Summer is definitely here; It’s hot, the humidity is almost unbearable and I haven’t been feeling too good. I feel so hot all the time, and I just can’t seem to escape it. Fortunately, we still have some cold in the evening, so I try to enjoy that for as long as it lasts. But enough about the weather! Damian and I decided to take the kids for a little walk yesterday evening, and we ended up at this cute little “lake.” It’s actually a playground area, but the kids seemed a little too tired to play, so we just walked by the water. Emily didn’t join us, though, as she was at one of her little dance friends’ house, practicing. She’s really nervous about the competition this weekend, especially since I won’t be able to go with her this time. But she’s a very talented and strong kid, so I’m sure she’ll do amazing!
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I’ve also hit the 37th week, so only 21 days to go! I have another doctors appointment tomorrow, so we’ll see what will happen. I actually don’t feel as big as I was at previous pregnancies, and it’s only on some angles that the bump looks like a 37 week bump, haha. It’s a little funny, considered this baby is definitely not so small anymore. I hope I will be able to carry her to term, but I’ll know more about that tomorrow. I guess I might be a little bit nervous, because these past few days have been a little rough. But as long as she is alive and healthy, I’m sure everything will be fine! And we’re so excited to meet her.
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We did go in the late afternoon/evening, around the time the sun was starting to go down, so the light are a little messy in the photos above, but it was a beautiful evening, and I didn’t want to miss capturing that. Until next time,
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greyhound-store · 6 years
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greyhound-store · 6 years
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Boys ;-; <3
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greyhound-store · 6 years
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greyhound-store · 6 years
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Happy Easter! April 2, 2018
Just wanted to pop in and say Happy Easter & Happy Passover for those who celebrate!  We didn’t do much this year, but we did go to our church’s Easter Mass.
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greyhound-store · 6 years
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Happy Easter !
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greyhound-store · 7 years
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Bruninho and Lady
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greyhound-store · 7 years
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Nearly 4 months, lil bby is <3
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greyhound-store · 7 years
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Playful Cuties
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greyhound-store · 7 years
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Milena Eve - 20 Months
Milena eats just about everything we eat now. She loves trying new foods too, she always gets excited when I give her a new food to try. She has two snacks during the day, usually carrot sticks or little crackers. She had her last feed on the boob last week. She decided to stop on her own and I will admit I feel a little emotional about it.
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Milena is a good little sleeper. She very rarely has trouble getting off to sleep and rarely wakes during the night either. She still has an afternoon nap. Her bedtime is about 7pm and she sleeps about 11 hours a night.
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Growth and Development
She currently weights in about 21lb 11oz and stands at 32 inches tall. She is still in 12 - 18 month clothing.
She’s finally mastered running and she’s constantly running about the house. She always under my feet!
She still doesn’t like responding to commands. We’re getting to know how to get her to compromise with us and she’s slowly starting to respond. But she’s still a little terror!
Her speech is getting better everyday. She says new things all the time. Her current favourite word is sippy. She comes up to me every five minutes say sippy. It can get a bit annoying.
She loves stacking toys and toys that make noise. She really loves her Beat-Bowwow. She’s always singing and dancing around the playroom.
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We’re thinking of selling her stroller because she hardly uses it because she loves walking and being a big girl.
Milena Can
.Run steadily
.Use a spoon to eat
.Knows about 50 - 60 words
.Turn pages in a book
.Building blocks
.Beat BowWow
.Her sippy cup
.Running around
.Going to daycare
.Having her hair washed
.Having her teeth cleaned
.Her stroller
So thats about it for Milena’s 20 month update!
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greyhound-store · 7 years
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Some of my boys’ routine
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greyhound-store · 7 years
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Bash’s nursery
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greyhound-store · 7 years
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Max and his favorite Biscuit 😂🦊
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