This is how I feel with talking to anyone new for RPing!
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me @ all of my mutuals
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Here is a compilation of places to donate (IF you can, simply reblogging and sharing this can help) and petition to sign. I found these websites and organizations on twitter.
THE MINNESOTA  FREEDOM FUND: Donate to this to collect funds to pay jail bonds for the protesters who get arrested.
BLACK LIVES MATTER: An organization fighting for the BLM movement. Donate if you can. 
BLACK VISIONS MN: an organization that is led by Black, Queer and Trans people. Donate if you can.
NAACP Legal Defense Fund: Fights for the overall equality fight. Donate if you can.
Willie Simmons has spent 38 years in prison for a $9 robbery. He had two prior convictions similar to robbery that he served time for. He was prosecuted under the Alabama Habitual Offender law and was given a life sentence for his third strike - stealing 9 (NINE) dollars. Sign his petition. 
Breonna Taylor was killed by police who were conducting an UNANNOUNCED drug raid, where they gave no request to enter. They bashed her door and entered, shooting her EIGHT times. They were in the WRONG HOUSE. 
George Floyd was killed by a police officer who knelt on his neck and suffocated him to death, after George pleaded with the officer and told him he couldn’t breathe. The officer had pulled him from where he sat in his car on an alleged FORGERY. You can also text “FLOYD” to 55156
ARREST THE OFFICERS WHO KILLED GEORGE FLOYD: The main police officer who murdered George is being kept in PROTECTIVE CUSTODY. You probably have heard he was arrested, but this is NOT TRUE. He was placed under PROTECTIVE custody because of the riots and “threats” on his life. 
If you know of ANY other organizations or petitions, PLEASE ADD TO THIS LIST. The fight for justice doesn’t end here, it will never end. Especially when the president of the United States calls white supremacists good people and protesters of a mans death THUGS. USE YOUR VOICE. NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE. FUCK COPS. FUCK “BLUE LIVES”. ALL BLACK LIVES MATTER!
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I remember ALL of this!!!!!!!
Time for Childhood for you 90s/Early 2000s kids
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* : like or reblog if you're a roleplayer 20 yrs or older.
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Reblog if you are an independent Dragon Age RP Blog
We welcome all sorts of Dragon Age RP blogs.   Whether it is the main focus of your blog OR just a verse, we will add everything.
Likes will be ignored.  
The listing will be updated every Saturday.
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About the Hero of Ferelden
Full Name: Luthien Surana
Nickname: The Hero of Ferelden, Lu, Surana, Elf, Warden, Warden Commander
Gender: Female
Race: Elf
Date of Birth: Dragon Age (9) 13
Age: 31 (start of Trespasser), 29 (end of Inquisition), 28 (start of Inquisition), 24 (When the Chantry blew up), 19 (when she remet Morrigan and let her , through the Eluvian), 18 (end of the Blight and through Awakening), 17 (recruited into the Wardens and passed her Harrowing)
Height: 5’2”
Weight: 110lbs
Eye Color: Violet
Hair Color: Blonde
Occupation: Warden Commander
Nationality: Dalish Elf
Appearance: Lúthien Surana is a thin, elf with long blond hair, and bright violet colored eyes. She stands at around five foot two inches tall. Her long pointed ears stick out from under her hair, and she doesn’t seem to mind at all. Her skin is a fair pale white with her cheeks painted with a light pink, and her lips to match the color. Her head was a heart shape with high, well-structured cheek bones that made her face lighten and glow when she smiled. Her cheeks had dimples in them, and she had a normal female, hourglass figure.
Class: Magi
Weapon: Magic Sword and Staff
Specialization: Arcane Warrior
Fighting Style: Battle Mage
Affiliation: Wardens/Inquisition
What Drives You: She wants to help those that need it, she can be rather harsh though with her words, and sometimes she can chose decisions that aren’t always with her companions favors. Still she feels everyone deserves mercy depending on what they have done, and the reason behind it. She wishes for peace, and to be there for those that need her the most especially when against the Darkspawn of the Blight.
Base of Operations: Travels around, but mainly goes to Orlais, or Ferelden due to those being where she seems to be needed the most.
Status: Alive
Personality: Lúthien can be a rather stubborn girl when she wants to be. She has firm beliefs, and values that coincide with the fact that she is a mage, and an elf. She is a kind, and gentle soul with lots of willpower, and strength in her words. She is able to convince others to do her bidding when she feels there could be a way to avoid violence. She will only fight if she has to, but will never back down when faced by it. This proves to be useful, and makes sure she doesn’t get killed.
Hobbies: Studying, Singing (when she’s alone), killing darkspawn, practicing more spells, practicing with her sword, and reading
-First Enchanter
-Being a Grey Warden
-Finding New Spells
-Her companions
-Hawke (both Male and Female)
-Carver (Yes she has met him she is the Commander)
-Her companions and friends
-The Harrowing
-The Deep Roads
-The Fade (well going in to fight demons)
-Abominations (though wants to find a cure)
-Blood Mages/Magic (except Jowan she did understand)
-Making Mistakes
-Killing of Innocents
-Tevinter Imperium
-Templars (Passive…not a strong dislike)
-Anyone who treats those who are different inhumanly
-Madriel Lavellan Surana (Mother)- Keeper of the Lavellan Clan until her death in 9:37
-Kaduran Surana (Father)-Tevintar Prison (was captured in 9:11)
-Teylan Lavellan (Cousin)- He's the Inquisitor
Default Origins Story: Luthien had become the Hero of Ferelden after defeating the Archdemon with her companions: Alistair, Leliana, and Morrigan. In order to defeat the Archdemon and survive Luthien had convinced Alistair to sleep with Morrigan and produce a child for the soul of the Old God to go into. After ending the Blight, Luthien was named Commander of the Grey and was granted land in Amaranthine, where once Arl Howe had presided over until he was killed, by Luthien, for trying to kill her. Luthien had attended the wedding of Alistair and Anora which in a way hurt her cause Alistair and her had been lovers, but she knew that the people of Ferelden, even if she was the Hero, would never accept her by Alistair's side as his Queen so she broke off her relationship with Alistair no matter how hard it was.
Default Awakening Story: After defeating the Blight, Luthien was granted the Arling of Amaranthine to start rebuilding the Wardens in Ferelden. Once she arrived though the Keep had been attacked by Darkspawn of a different nature. There she defeated and chased off the Darkspawn with the help of Anders and Oghren and there she recruited both of them as Wardens. During her travels she was in the company of Anders, Justice and Nathaniel Howe especially they were companions when she went up against the Architect and and the Mother. She had killed the Mother and allowed the Architect to live telling him not to try and start another Blight or she will hunt him down. There she left on her own without any trace and stayed away from those she had any connection with.
Default Story Inquisition: Most of the part no one knew where she was. She was traveling on her own with only whispers of her whereabouts but none were accurate or even true sometimes. When she actually got contact by not only the Inquisitor and Leliana she was shocked but happy. She knew it would only be a matter of time, and honestly she knew she couldn't go to the Inquisition because she was on her own mission. She was trying to find the cure for what was called the Calling. She wanted to end the curse of having the Blight ruining through your blood as a Grey Warden. She didn't want to see any more of her companions and comrades having to go to the Deep Roads and fight to the death with Darkspawn because the Blight is about to take them. Still she also promised that if anything could be found about Corypheus she would send word so she was looking out and even concerned more than she let on in the letter she had sent to the Inquisitor.
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I'm here if you wish to add or message me ^^
Activity has really been winding down in my corner of the Dragon Age rp community.
If you’re an active Dragon Age roleplay blog (or a roleplay blog with a DA verse), please like or reblog this post!  I’d love to see some more activity on my dash, and to find more people to roleplay with!
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I am an active Roleplayer ^^
Reblog if you’re an active dragon age roleplayer
I need more blogs to interact with.
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Looking for Dragon Age Roleplayers
Hello! I just updated my blog here on Tumblr, and I'm trying to reach out to all the Dragon Age Roleplayers out here! I RP my Hero of Ferelden who's origins is the Elf Circle Mage. I have many ideas, plots, and so forth that any character can do with me...I love romance, friendship, conflict, and just over all everything when it comes to writing. I am an advance, literate Roleplayer meaning I do multiple paragraphs, and long writings, but it is not required of anyone else to do so; it's just hard to stop writing. Please send a message of write on my page if you're interested! Have fun everyone!
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What taking screenshots of a very burning Teldrassil feels like:
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