griefsewn-blog · 6 years
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so anyway , i guess it’s probably only right for me to make a more formal post about this to avoid any confusion . after a bit of deliberation , i’ve decided i’m no longer comfortable writing on tumblr ; i’ve continuously managed to stress myself out over things i shouldn’t be nearly as concerned about as i am , & with my busy ass schedule , i’m just not really able to be active here at the moment . i think it’s overall better for my own health & well being to abandon this blog . i’m not sure for how long — it could be for just a few weeks , or it could be for forever . if you’re interested in staying in touch , my discord is adri.#3250 , or you can find my deviantart account at starnoire for more art content . otherwise , it was fun while it lasted & it was nice knowing you all !
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griefsewn-blog · 6 years
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so anyway , i guess it’s probably only right for me to make a more formal post about this to avoid any confusion . after a bit of deliberation , i’ve decided i’m no longer comfortable writing on tumblr ; i’ve continuously managed to stress myself out over things i shouldn’t be nearly as concerned about as i am , & with my busy ass schedule , i’m just not really able to be active here at the moment . i think it’s overall better for my own health & well being to abandon this blog . i’m not sure for how long — it could be for just a few weeks , or it could be for forever . if you’re interested in staying in touch , my discord is adri.#3250 , or you can find my deviantart account at starnoire for more art content . otherwise , it was fun while it lasted & it was nice knowing you all !
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griefsewn-blog · 6 years
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so anyway , i guess it’s probably only right for me to make a more formal post about this to avoid any confusion . after a bit of deliberation , i’ve decided i’m no longer comfortable writing on tumblr ; i’ve continuously managed to stress myself out over things i shouldn’t be nearly as concerned about as i am , & with my busy ass schedule , i’m just not really able to be active here at the moment . i think it’s overall better for my own health & well being to abandon this blog . i’m not sure for how long — it could be for just a few weeks , or it could be for forever . if you’re interested in staying in touch , my discord is adri.#3250 , or you can find my deviantart account at starnoire for more art content . otherwise , it was fun while it lasted & it was nice knowing you all !
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griefsewn-blog · 6 years
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so anyway , i guess it’s probably only right for me to make a more formal post about this to avoid any confusion . after a bit of deliberation , i’ve decided i’m no longer comfortable writing on tumblr ; i’ve continuously managed to stress myself out over things i shouldn’t be nearly as concerned about as i am , & with my busy ass schedule , i’m just not really able to be active here at the moment . i think it’s overall better for my own health & well being to abandon this blog . i’m not sure for how long — it could be for just a few weeks , or it could be for forever . if you’re interested in staying in touch , my discord is adri.#3250 , or you can find my deviantart account at starnoire for more art content . otherwise , it was fun while it lasted & it was nice knowing you all !
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griefsewn-blog · 6 years
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so anyway , i guess it’s probably only right for me to make a more formal post about this to avoid any confusion . after a bit of deliberation , i’ve decided i’m no longer comfortable writing on tumblr ; i’ve continuously managed to stress myself out over things i shouldn’t be nearly as concerned about as i am , & with my busy ass schedule , i’m just not really able to be active here at the moment . i think it’s overall better for my own health & well being to abandon this blog . i’m not sure for how long — it could be for just a few weeks , or it could be for forever . if you’re interested in staying in touch , my discord is adri.#3250 , or you can find my deviantart account at starnoire for more art content . otherwise , it was fun while it lasted & it was nice knowing you all !
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griefsewn-blog · 6 years
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so anyway , i guess it’s probably only right for me to make a more formal post about this to avoid any confusion . after a bit of deliberation , i’ve decided i’m no longer comfortable writing on tumblr ; i’ve continuously managed to stress myself out over things i shouldn’t be nearly as concerned about as i am , & with my busy ass schedule , i’m just not really able to be active here at the moment . i think it’s overall better for my own health & well being to abandon this blog . i’m not sure for how long — it could be for just a few weeks , or it could be for forever . if you’re interested in staying in touch , my discord is adri.#3250 , or you can find my deviantart account at starnoire for more art content . otherwise , it was fun while it lasted & it was nice knowing you all !
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griefsewn-blog · 6 years
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143 notes · View notes
griefsewn-blog · 6 years
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so anyway , i guess it’s probably only right for me to make a more formal post about this to avoid any confusion . after a bit of deliberation , i’ve decided i’m no longer comfortable writing on tumblr ; i’ve continuously managed to stress myself out over things i shouldn’t be nearly as concerned about as i am , & with my busy ass schedule , i’m just not really able to be active here at the moment . i think it’s overall better for my own health & well being to abandon this blog . i’m not sure for how long --- it could be for just a few weeks , or it could be for forever . if you’re interested in staying in touch , my discord is adri.#3250 , or you can find my deviantart account at starnoire for more art content . otherwise , it was fun while it lasted & it was nice knowing you all !
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griefsewn-blog · 6 years
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60K notes · View notes
griefsewn-blog · 6 years
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griefsewn-blog · 6 years
`*    mongrcl‌    !
griefsewn liked your post for a verse starter!
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Guren didn’t love the idea of getting involved with a group so involved with crime, but some of his goals required compromise which is what he was doing. He entered the hotel room they had given him for the night. Most of the business was done but it was far too late to drive all the way back to his apartment. He had begun to take off his suit jacket when he noticed someone was in the room with him.
He stopped his movement suddenly, looking over the man. If they were gonna kill him, this would be a pretty crappy way to do it. Since that probably wasn’t the case he continued to remove his jacket, sighing.❛ Is there something I can help you with?❜
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“    they  didn’t  tell  you  ?    ”      the  question  is  airy  ,  unbothered  but  still  with  some  degree  of  surprise  ,  as  if  the  hip  cocked  against  the  frame  of  the  bathroom  door  wasn’t  any  true  display  of  casual  comfort  .      “    they  sent  me  to  take  care  of  you  for  the  evening  ,  mr  .  ichinose  .  a  complimentary  service  to  your  business  deal  earlier  today  .    ”      his  head  lolls  to  the  side  ,  fingertips  curling  under  the  fabric  of  his  shirt  to  expose  a  bit  more  skin  .
“    they  must  have  liked  you  a  lot  if  they  sent  me  .    ”      levi  smiles  something  salacious    /    something  provocative  ,  taking  a  slow  step  with  a  swing  of  his  hip  to  push  away  from  the  doorway  .      “    however  you  want  me  ,  darling  ,  i’m  yours  .    ”
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griefsewn-blog · 6 years
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65K notes · View notes
griefsewn-blog · 6 years
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77 notes · View notes
griefsewn-blog · 6 years
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griefsewn-blog · 6 years
`*    veniaes‌    !
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   ❛     WELL,  WELL,  WELL.  looks  like  you’ve  made  yourself  right  at  home  here.     ❜     it’s  not  like  she  really  minds  it.  in  fact,  the  response  to  him  resting  upon  her  with  such  ease  is  drawn  out  naturally,  almost  as  if  it  was  something  of  habit.  unknowingly  and  ironically,  in  tandem  with  her  hand  making  its  way  to  the  top  of  his  head,  she’s  pinpointed  exactly  what  this  sort  of  thing  is:  home.
   ❛     you  wanna  stop  and  take  a  break  ?  i  don’t  imagine  we’ll  be  making  anymore  stops  for  awhile  after  this  one.  plus,  i’d  love  to  take  a  nap.     ❜   /   @griefsewn​.
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he  concludes  with  ease  that  this  is  one  of  her  better  ideas  ,  to  stop    &    take  a  well  -  deserved  nap    ;    but  in  the  same  vein  ,  it’s  a  breeding  ground  for  apprehension  that  mikhail  can’t  very  well  abandon    (    it’s  never  been  something  he’s  shown  promise  in    )  .      “    how  long  ?    ”      he  mumbles  ,  perhaps  only  to  himself  with  the  quietness  of  his  voice  ,  too  busy  nosing  closer  ,  deeper  into  the  warmth  of  her  neck  .      “    it’s  dangerous  ,  you  know  ,  to  stay  still  for  too  long  ,    ”      lips  pursed  ,  cheeks  flush    /    this  is  foreign  to  him  ,  yet  with  her  ,  with  marceline  ,  it  feels  oddly  natural    ---    her  affection  is  a  comfort  he  never  expected  god  to  afford  him    (    after  all  ,  he’s  been  nothing  but  afflicted  since  birth    )  .
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griefsewn-blog · 6 years
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griefsewn-blog · 6 years
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making my baby in that picrew thing honestly made me feel so much better i love lucinda
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