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Jenna: Oh yes, because drinking at home alone is just do much fun.
Jenna: You're not the reason I don't want to come home, I just like this place. Also if I stand up I think I might puke or pass out.
Jenna: Stop that. No being upset dude, guy, man. I don't want you to be all upset now.
Jenna: Don't worry, be happy.
Ethan: Upset dude guy man?
Ethan: You are so wasted.
Ethan: Just..okay, but be careful, huh?
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Text @ Random Number
Jenna: Ya like I've never heard that one before, no one ever means to make people bad.
Jenna: No, I don't really want to come back there right now, I'd much rather get drunkerer-er-er? How would I say that?
Jenna: And you don't have to leave..
Ethan: I would never want to hurt you, Jenna. You're my friend.
Ethan: Just..can't you come home and drink?
Ethan: And if you don't wanna see me and it'll get you to come home, I'll go somewhere else. I don't like the idea that I'm the reason you're upset.
Ethan: I kinda hate myself for it.
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Text @ Random Number
Jenna: You know, Shelby does know where I work and didn't care when I told her, never said a thing to the point that you even thought she didn't know.
Jenna: But then you talk and I feel like..I feel icky. So thank you for making me feel dirty.
Jenna: God I need more to drink.
Ethan: That's not what I meant to do!
Ethan: You know I would never do anything on purpose to make you feel badly about yourself, and I'm sorry I did. I'm sorry. I never wanted you to feel bad.
Ethan: I'm just a fucking idiot who can't keep his mouth shut, we've established this.
Ethan: Don't drink anymore, please. Just...come home. I'll even leave for the night if you don't wanna see me, just come home.
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Text @ Random Number
Ethan: No, no, that's not..that's not what I meant.
Ethan: Just..no, Jenna, I'm sorry, okay? Really, really sorry.
Ethan: Just..I'm sorry. Forget I ever said anything, forget I ever mentioned it, okay? I'm just sorry.
Jenna: It's funny, everyone says that please is the magic word, when it should really be 'sorry' cuz everyone expects for everything to magically be fine after they say it
Jenna: But it comes so naturally that I don't think anyone actually means it anymore.
Jenna: Ugh, and now I'm thinking, look what you made me do, I got drunk so I wouldn't have to think, jerk.
Ethan: I meant it, Jenna, okay? I'm sorry I opened my mouth, I won't bring it up again.
Ethan: You're right, it's your life, and it's not my business.
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Text @ Random Number
Ethan: I know you can, okay?!
Ethan: But for fuck's sake, everyone in my life keeps getting hurt, or worse, and yeah, I want to protect you, I'm sorry.
Jenna: Stop getting mad at me, dammit! Just stop yelling at me!
Jenna: Im sorry okay? I'm fucking sorry that I'm not in danger and you cant come to my rescue! So go back to worrying about your damn girlfriend who seems to be a fucking trouble magnet!
Jenna: God, just leave me alone from now on.
Ethan: No, no, that's not..that's not what I meant.
Ethan: Just..no, Jenna, I'm sorry, okay? Really, really sorry.
Ethan: Just..I'm sorry. Forget I ever said anything, forget I ever mentioned it, okay? I'm just sorry.
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Text @ Random Number
Ethan: Big bad..
Ethan: Dammit, Jenna, look, I'm sorry about earlier, okay? I shouldn't have argued with you or yelled or any of that.
Ethan: I just worry about you because you're like my best friend and I don't want you to get hurt.
Jenna: Whatever. I don't care. So cut the sent..sentim..centennial crap.
Jenna: I'm not a child, I can take care of myself Mr. Grumpy Gills.
Ethan: I know you can, okay?!
Ethan: But for fuck's sake, everyone in my life keeps getting hurt, or worse, and yeah, I want to protect you, I'm sorry.
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Text @ Random Number
Ethan: You're drunk!
Ethan: Fucking hell, where the fuck are you?
Jenna: Am not!
Jenna: I'm hiding from the big bad Ethan monster.
Jenna: Youre not getting me again!
Ethan: Big bad..
Ethan: Dammit, Jenna, look, I'm sorry about earlier, okay? I shouldn't have argued with you or yelled or any of that.
Ethan: I just worry about you because you're like my best friend and I don't want you to get hurt.
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Text @ Random Number
Jenna: Did you know that if you don't sleep for a long time you get super powers?
Jenna: Because I have em!
Ethan: You're fucking wasted, dammit.
Jenna: Why do they call it wast..way...that one word?
Jenna: Because I feel great! Not worsted at all!
Ethan: You're drunk!
Ethan: Fucking hell, where the fuck are you?
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No! That's not..I didn't mean..fucking hell, stop putting words in my mouth, dammit.
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You know you don't have to go anywhere right away, right? For fuck's sake, you were here first, Jenna, we're not just gonna kick you to the curb. You don't have to rush to save money to get outta here.
Fucking Flat Tire
In general? But you have a problem with me being one?
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How did I want— I didn’t want you to know at all. I’m aware of the guys around me, it’s kind of the point. Look, it’s something that works with my hours, pays plenty, and is also enough for me to save up for my own place. You and Shelby are having a baby and I’m going to need to move out. Look, it may not be the most respectable option, but I have to take care of myself.
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Text @ Random Number
Jenna: Did you know that if you don't sleep for a long time you get super powers?
Jenna: Because I have em!
Ethan: You're fucking wasted, dammit.
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I don't have a problem with strippers in general, no, it was just the last fucking thing I expected you to say. 
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How did you want me to react? I don't like the idea, but I can't do shit about it, so what the fuck am I gonna say? The dudes watching you are fucking pigs, and I don't like that they're near you at all, but I'm kinda stuck.
Fucking Flat Tire
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You wanted the truth, so there’s your damn truth. Do you have a problem?
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.....A stripper? You're a stripper. Oh my fucking god, you've got to be kidding me.
Fucking Flat Tire
No, actually I’m very proud of myself for holding down college and rent and simple necessities, because it’s what I need to do. So if you’re so damn interested, you can find my car with a flat tire outside The Red Line strip club, and if you want to find me, I’ll be on stage weeknights and weekends from 7-12, except for Tuesdays when I have night classes.
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I’m a stripper and nights when I don’t come home is because I’m probably with Bobby, because he isn’t dangerous, just lonely. So there you have it, can you leave me alone now?
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Oh, for fuck's sake, Jenna, stop. 
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It's obviously something you're not proud of, or you wouldn't be so damn defensive about it. And if it was something that wasn't that bad, me and Shelby would know where you work. I fucking know you can do what you want, go ahead and fucking do it, what the fuck ever, okay? Forgive me for trying to be a decent friend.
Fucking Flat Tire
And who are you to decide what I should and shouldn’t be doing?!
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Ya, well there’s a difference between getting almost beat to death and invading other people’s lives. I get that you’re all overprotective and shit, but don’t go papa bear on me, I can do what I want.
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Fucking hell, Jenna, it matters. It matters if you're doing something you shouldn't be doing!
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Yeah, well, too fucking late, I do. It kind of comes with being friends, so sorry that I actually give a shit. I didn't ask you to care about me, or to panic when I get hurt, but you do it, don't you? Because you fucking care.
Fucking Flat Tire
I’m not in danger, I’m working, and what I do shouldn’t matter, I pay my half of the rent and take care of my share of the groceries. That’s what’s important.
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I didn’t ask for you to care.
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There's also a difference between straight up lying and privacy. You're allowed your privacy, but you're lying to me, which makes me think you're doing something that you know I'll find dangerous or something.
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Stop trying to make me out to be the bad guy, Jenna. I care about you. That's all my problem is, I care about you.
Fucking Flat Tire
There’s a difference between trust and privacy, apparently to you, I’m not allowed to have that.
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Dammit, Jenna. Can you just tell me the truth? What the fuck are you doing?
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I trust you, and I kinda figured you trusted me enough to talk about shit.
Fucking Flat Tire
Nope, I’ve already left the gas station, don’t worry about me. Be home in a half hour.
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Actually, I might just go over to a friend’s tonight, don’t wait up for me.
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I thought you might.
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Awesome, we'll have a fantastic night.
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