griffinverified · 8 hours
my current record for number of comic pages lined in one day is 12, set last night, breaking my previous record of 11. today my goal is to hit 22
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griffinverified · 1 day
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And that's chapter 2! See you in Arshu
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griffinverified · 1 day
oooooh you wanna go read my comic so bad
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With chapter 2 complete I can finally share Zora's cast page portrait! And also Moira and Indy's cause I never posted those here I guess!!!
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griffinverified · 3 days
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griffinverified · 4 days
Swordtember 16: Tooth/Bone
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Swordtember is quickly becoming Gia's month because she's so fucking cool and i love her
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griffinverified · 9 days
Swordtember 11: Duel
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They're back! The hunter still hasn't realized the vampire is in love with her yet. She'll get there.
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griffinverified · 16 days
Swordtember 4: Divine Relic
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Everyone meet Gia and Alvandra the Holy. Alvandra is an ancient demon-slaying reliquary blade, containing the body parts of multiple saints and granting its divine power to its chosen warrior of faith, chosen during a week-long ceremony.
Gia is not its chosen warrior of faith. Gia is a very strong scoundrel who managed to steal Alvandra at just the right time (or wrong time if you ask Alvandra) to have it bound to her. Now it's up to her to hunt demons with only her wits, her big stompy boots, and a very upset sword of divine power which she refuses to address by its proper name
Hey, wanna see me make things like this? I streamed the ENTIRE process of designing these two on my twitch! Check me out there!
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griffinverified · 17 days
Swordtember: Cursed Relic
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Yes the sword retracts into the VHS tape like a lightsaber. Obviously
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griffinverified · 1 month
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The 2024 #Swordtember prompt list is here! To celebrate our fifth year drawing swords all September long I asked over on Instagram for your favorite prompts from previous years and added some of mine to make this year's 'best of' prompt list!
As always this challenge is intended to be low stress! You can start or stop at anytime and do as many or few prompts as you'd like, it's just a good chill time. Looking forward to September already!
Here's the list typed out for your convenience:
cursed relic
divine relic
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griffinverified · 2 months
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griffinverified · 2 months
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Exercises for all the homies who want to have a long career drawing.
The true problem with being an artist and drawing all day (as I wanted my whole life) is that human backs are not designed to hold that position, so it is very common for artists and designers to have really stiff shoulder blades, creating a chain of muscle strain towards the arm AND the back… and a lot of pain.
These are some physical exercises for artists and honestly anyone who works at a desk.
(all credit to my physiotherapist)
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griffinverified · 2 months
if your weird enough with the homies you can break all boundaries of platonic/romantic love and make a third, more evil thing
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griffinverified · 2 months
REBLOG if you have amazing talented artist friends!
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griffinverified · 2 months
"what do you do to contribute to society" i post my ocs to tumblr dot com lol.... 5 people on there like them.......
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griffinverified · 2 months
You seem to put a lot of care into your oc's yet you draw hentai and make money of them, how much of a personal project is this to you vs making patreon content? Or is it both?
The way my worlds are designed I feel like adding nsfw stuff for the sake of hentai would... Poison it somehow. Make it hard to go back to and make more of.
You seem to give two shits
Okay! Let's dig into this!
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I think there's a common anxiety among artists when it comes to the idea of NSFW content. I grew up in a very puritanical environment and so I definitely spent a long time taking a strange pride in keeping my art chaste and "respectable".
On a certain level I thought of drawing NSFW art as "selling out" somehow. Like it'd be debasing myself just to make a quick buck. As though followers who like my art for being "hot" were somehow less valid than any other reason to like something.
It wasn't until fairly recently that I came to the realization that I was letting my ego and repression govern my creativity. Osamu Tezuka, Kris Anka, Masamune Shirow and countless other brilliant and successful artists have drawn nsfw stuff for fun. Why can't I?
More after the jump.
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Intimacy and Sexuality are a part of the human experience, and the way characters and stories relate to these ideas is just as important as any magic system or cool monster.
You totally shouldn't "add nsfw stuff" to your settings "for the sake of hentai", people will be able to tell if your heart's not in the work. And it cuts the other way! If you are excited to add spicy stuff to your world/stories, that passion can and will show itself in your work and resonate with people.
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To properly answer your question: I care about these OCs, these settings, and these stories, and that's why I put effort into expressing the fullness of their characters, sex included. At the end of the day, all of my art is an exploration and expression of my own ideas and interests, from fighting games to fetishes!
I'm not just doing it for the clicks/likes/patreon backers. I'm doing it for me, and it just so happens that I've managed to accrue an audience of maniacs who seem to find it cool too. (and god bless their hearts, they are willing to support me financially in doing so.)
Honestly if I was just doing it for the paycheck I think I'd have burned out a long time ago!
Sorry for the long-winded reply, best wishes and DFTBA!
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griffinverified · 2 months
You motherfuckers yes I hate Kamala too but when she is announced to be the Democratic candidate we are all going to shoot fireworks and go to the goddamn polls
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griffinverified · 2 months
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I've lowered the prices of my commissions!
To be honest, it was a decision I made for two reasons. First, I know my reach is terrible right now, and second, I know the economy is rough on all of us right now.
That doesn't stop me from wanting my art to be my work, and I do think in general that art is a luxury that should be priced accordingly, but I want to be able to reach more people! Offering low cost work is better than no work at all, as things are at the moment. That being said, I still need to reach more eyes! So even if you, beloved reader, cannot commission me, a reblog and a share would do a lot for me! Thank you for your time!
You can comm me on Vgen forrrr (some price examples);
sketches at $16, chibs at $20, loose color art at $30, and more!
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