grillmastergideon · 3 years
💔 …someone who broke my muse’s heart.
“This is a hard one to answer -- not because there’s too many or anything like that. It’s because there’s only one, but I can’t really blame her for what she had to do. Kamaria and I, you could call us childhood sweethearts. I fell in love with that girl the day she transferred to my school when I was ten years old. We didn’t date until high school, but we were pretty serious from the start. She was the one to hold me down, you know. The most real person I’ve ever met, and didn’t once hesitate to tell me when my head was getting too big. We had big plans; me getting drafted to the NBA and how we would move to LA and buy ourselves a big house and have a dozen kids. But then, well shit, we all know what happened. And I credit it to Kam, because she did her best to hold on. She was with me in court every day of my trial, and she was there every visitors day. It just got to hard on her,and she had to make that break for herself. And it would have been unfair for me to ask her to waste time waiting for me. Life is too short for that. But I’ll be in love with that girl until the day I die, make no mistake.”
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grillmastergideon · 3 years
Get to know the people in my muse’s life.
Send me a symbol and I’ll tell you about…
🌟 …someone my muse trusts. 💔 …someone who broke my muse’s heart. 💕 …someone my muse loves.  😒 …someone my muse hates. 🔥…someone my muse would die for. 💀 …someone my muse would kill for. 👻 …someone my muse considers a best friend. 💘 …someone my muse has a crush on. 🔪 …someone my muse hurt in the past. 👀 …someone my muse likes, but doesn’t trust. 💩 …someone my muse dislikes, but admires. 👿 …someone my muse used to like, but doesn’t anymore. 😉 …someone my muse has had sex with. 💋 …someone my muse used to date. 😜 …someone who makes my muse laugh. 👪 …someone in my muse’s family. 👑 …someone my muse is jealous of. 👊 …someone who hates my muse. 👫 …someone who has a crush on my muse. 👌 …someone my muse has only met once, but will never forget. 🍓…someone my muse has never met, but wants to meet. 👰 …someone my muse would consider marrying.
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grillmastergideon · 3 years
Send my muse “👀 + a question” and they’ll have to answer with 100% honesty.
No deleting questions, either!
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grillmastergideon · 3 years
         HER first glance in his direction, the only thing Elena saw was a body that could potential help her in the ordeal she’d created. But after a second glance, she could see that he had been working— setting up a food truck and now, she was immediately filled with regret for asking help of someone who’d clearly been busy. Flashing a quick but sheepish smile, the brunette glanced down at his extended hand; not wanting to hand over the bags just yet.  “If you’re busy, you honestly don’t have to help,” she assured, chin jotting out to the truck down the way. “I had no idea that you were working.” Or at least that’s what Elena could assume given the sight of everything. 
Releasing a soft chuckle, she nodded her head at the question, “More like I should’ve packed more than two to three outfits when moving to a new state.” Her mind had been clouded with  nothing more than reuniting with a lost family member she’d never known, Elena hadn’t even taken a second to really think about anything aside from hopping on the first flight over. Clothes apparently being the furthest thing from her mind. “Anyways, I mean it. It’s kind of you to come over, but I’m sure there’s more important things for you to focus on. I’m sure I can handle.” Though, if that were the case, why had she even bothered to ask?
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“Nah, no worries, you’re all good,” Gideon smiles at her, using a flip of his hand to wave of her concerns. “Really -- the truck is locked up, I haven’t flipped the sign yet, and there isn’t a fire going yet so you picked the perfect time to need help, actually.”
That, and he could practically feel the way that his mother would smack him upside the back of the head if she heard of him seeing a woman in need of help and not at least reaching out to offer some.
“Here, let me,” he says, extending his arms to help take some bags from her so that she’s able to collect the rest. 
“New to Oasis, then? Where’d you blow in from?”
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grillmastergideon · 3 years
“Oh, uh - “ August opened her mouth to tell him not to worry - she couldn’t eat anything the truck offered anyways, but he turned away before she could. She debated just sneaking off while he wasn’t looking, and she really was about to, when he turned around again. “I wasn’t actually waiting. I mean, I was, but just because your truck was a landmark. I’m….not really a barbecue person.” 
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“A landmark, huh? Well, I don’t know many landmarks that move around but I’ll take your word for it,” he chuckles, leaning forward with his hands on the bar so he can get a look around on the outside of the truck. “Are you okay? Waiting on an Uber or something?”
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grillmastergideon · 3 years
the munchies were real after the beer she had made her way through with the girls she had been out with, the desire for a something tasty at the top of her list and the lights of the food truck catching at attention. as the male spoke maggies attention was finally drawn from the menu she was squinting at and the guilt soon rose. 
“oh god no, if you’re closing up i’ll let you go, wouldn’t want to keep you.” 
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“It’s not a trouble at all, it’s literally what I’m here to do,” Gideon tells her with a laugh, shaking his head at what he knows is the guilt that most decent human feel when they walk into a store five minutes before closing time.
“Plus, I couldn’t send ayou home on an empty stomach -- I wouldn’t be able to sleep right. What are you hungry for?”
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grillmastergideon · 3 years
💬 you serve undercooked meat
“Nah, that’s some petty bait trying to get people to start some Food Truck Wars kinda shit. Everything served on my truck is cooked to perfection, that’s a promise.”
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grillmastergideon · 3 years
💬 you’ve got your eye on somebody
“No one in particular, but I am definitely on the market.”
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grillmastergideon · 3 years
💬 youre gonne ditch the truck and open a restaurant
“Maybe someday, way further down the line. For now, I like the lifestyle that the truck provides me and getting to know different people in different areas of town and being able to go where I like and where business is best.”
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grillmastergideon · 3 years
Send 💬 + a rumor and my muse will react to it.
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grillmastergideon · 3 years
open starter @slchat​
location: smokeshow food truck, probably parked outside of a bar somewhere
“Take your time with the menu,” Gideon tells the person hovering outside the vehicle with a smile, turning briefly to rearrange a few barbeque sauce bottles that had gotten scrambled in their organization during the last rush. 
“I’m just about to close down for the night, so you’ve got me all to yourself. How’s your night treating ya?”
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grillmastergideon · 3 years
Gideon did know one thing to be true -- and that was that the people at Oasis apartments couldn’t resist the smell of meat on the grill or a slow cooked brisket. And honestly, he understood -- he’d lived there for ages before the truck had taken off and he was familiar with the people. Everyone was working hard, sometimes two or three jobs, and the last thing you wanted at the end of the day like that was to cook your own dinner.
What better cure for that than some fresh comfort food made by yours truly?
He’s adjusting a menu board outside of the truck when he hears someone calling in his direction. Briefly squinting, he sees someone he doesn’t recognize. He checks that there’s no customer lingering around before he makes his way down the street in her direction. 
“Yeah, you might have gone a little overboard,” he jokes good naturedly, offering to take some bags from her. 
“Lose all your clothes or something?”
Oh, that was not how that was meant to sound.
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location: outside oasis apts open to anyone. 
         MAYBE she had gone a little bit overboard when it came to her much needed trip to the mall, but she desperately needed it. When coming to California, the only thing the brunette had thought of packing was one mere carry-on filled with nothing but essentials and a few outfits to tie her over. Assuming that she’d be welcomed with open arms when it came to her arrival, but much to her dismay, it didn’t seem to go the way she planned. With most of her savings going to the deposit in the place she now called home, it would’ve made sense for Elena to be a little more cautious with the dollars she’d spent. But, of course, that didn’t seem to stop her. 
With all of her shopping spree bags resting on the pavement and an Uber driver who took off long before she could even ask for help, she was stuck with much more than those little hands could handle. Elena’s eyes glanced around the scenery, eyes ( thankfully ) falling onto a person standing in the distance.  “Think you can give a girl a hand? I might’ve taken revamping my closest a little too seriously, ” She called out as her chin gestured to the remaining bags on the floor, both hands raising to show just how much was in her grasp, “As you can see, I have my hands full.” A pleading smile on her face as she awaited for their answer. 
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grillmastergideon · 3 years
Mind trained on ( or more like dreaming of) getting someone to take over so they could have a coffee break, Raven looked up at the man in their dazed state to notice the tray. “ Oh, awesome, thanks. We’re running a little low,” Raven noted as she set the plate to the side. It was quickly picked up and handed to the next person in line as Raven grabbed the tongs and rested them in the tray before moving it to the side. With a nod for the cook to come around to the side and out of the line, Raven didn’t bother with anything before grabbing the tray, the sides cool enough to handle quickly. “ You can just set it right here. ” They noted, nodding towards the now-empty burner. As the tray was replaced, Raven worked on taking the few pieces left and stacking them on top the fresh ones so nothing went to waste, smiling at the man as he spoke again.
“ Looks like it.” Raven agreed as the old tray was discarded in the recycling, the foil from it placed over the fresh food. “ Raven.” She introduced with a smile. “ And thanks for the donation — people love barbecue, so you can never go wrong with that.” Raven chuckled. “ You just donating for today or do you own some kind of barbecue joint around here? You seem to know your way around a grill.”
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“Looks like you guys got this place working like a well-oiled machine,” Gideon observes as he carefully places the serving tray over the burner so that the meat will be able to be heated evenly while it’s served, removing the grilling mitts from his hands and sticking them into the front pocket of his apron.
“I’m glad people are enjoying it.”
 Sure, it sometimes ended up being a kick to his bottom line for the month, but it was worth it as far as Gideon was concerned. People got fed, and it was for a good cause -- plus, it acted as great community advertising that would serve him well when he widened the trucks route over the summer.
“Nice to meet you, Raven,” he says genuinely, looking down the line at the food once more before turning his gaze back to them. 
“Yeah, I do, over twenty years of experience, actually,” he laughs, cleaning his hands on the front of his apron.  “Not a brick and mortar place, but I do own a truck. Smokeshow is her name, she’s parked out on the other side of the block. Didn’t want people confused thinking I was open for the day, you know?”
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grillmastergideon · 3 years
“Man, this is so good, it tastes like summer,” Mateo compliments, words verified by the second drink he takes of it. Parked at a picnic table beside Gideon’s food truck, he gestures to the impressive vehicle, which made an impression even when it wasn’t open. 
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“That’ll be a really solid addition to the menu. Not that this place needs much improving, people are digging what you’re doing with it, Deon.” 
Out of interest, he kept an eye these sorts of things and the general public consensus that surrounded eateries he liked. 
Gideon lets out a low laugh of satisfaction as he watches Mateo go all in for that second drink, tipping his own glass in the other’s direction in acknowledgement as he takes a drink from his own cup.
“I’m working on some sangria too, but I’m still fooling around with it. Still, you can’t beat drinking and being able to write it off as a business development,” he smiles, nodding to the compliment. 
“Thanks man, I appreciate you saying so. Stuff is about to start really kicking off for the season and you can’t beat the truck in the summer. What about you? Still liking being chained to the oven at the back of the Griddle?”
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grillmastergideon · 3 years
What do you do when you don’t get something you worked really hard for?
“I think it’s alright to mourn when things don’t go the way you want them to. I know all about that. When your pour your whole life into something and it doesn’t pay off, shit stings. It’s okay to be pissed. Or stay in bed all day. But then you gotta get up and get back to the grind. When God closes a door he opens a window and all that.”
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grillmastergideon · 3 years
What's the riskiest thing you've every done?
“Starting a business. Luckily it’s paying off, but it took a lot of work. You’d be surprised how competitive the food truck game is in LA.”
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grillmastergideon · 3 years
💭 mateo
“God as my witness, I’m gonna get that kid cookin’ on the truck with me.” @mateomercer
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