Meet: Allegheny Butler
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Allegheny is the self-assured daughter of Annabell Butler. Born of her mother and a donor, Allegheny has lived a fulfilled youth thus far, in spite of bearing witness to her single mother's tireless and thankless work both in school and at home. Allegheny asserts that her mother's love has never waivered, and she holds fond memories of her childhood. One of her favorites is the summer she learned to ride a bicycle with the help of mom, which has contributed to her burgeoning athleticism and her strong sense of confidence to achieve nearly anything.
Allegheny is currently a straight-A middle school student at Copperdale K-8. She recently joined the school's swim team, aspiring to continue this once she enters high school. The idea of being a cheerleader is also one that has fluttered around as she begins to yearn for more social outlets. While Allegheny has admired her mother's do-it-yourself sense of independence, this has left her feeling closed off from developing other friendships. While her school friends' parents are on the PTO, nobody seems to know much about Allegheny beyond the classroom or recess playground.
Previously, Allegheny was part of the after-school drama club. Much like her mother, she has a well-cultivated sense of creativity. While she was rather good in her roles--exuding confidence on- and off-stage--this was much to the chagrin of her peers and some teachers, as her energy can often come across as self-absorbed or cocky (which, she did not pick up on). As she prepares to begin high school soon, will Allegheny be able to set this all aside to build the friendships she truly wants?
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Meet: Annabell Butler
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Annabell Butler runs the show of the Butler family-- all two of its members.
Annabell, a gardener and florist at heart, has been on her own since adolescence. She's strived for successful independence (and arguably has done so), yet, her greatest life's work has been being a doting mother toward plants, animals, or her daughter.
She is generally a carefree, creative, and nature-oriented soul, loving all things floral print and cozy vibe. Ironically, however, Annabell strives for perfection and a sense of orderliness around the house.
Recently, Annabell graduated with her degree in Fine Arts from the University of Britechester--an accomplishment she is quite proud of, given that she has been in-and-out of higher education since her daughter's toddlerhood. Juggling work as a florist, full-time single mom-ing, and the honing in of her creative skillset has been a timely task. Following graduation, Annabell hit a midlife crisis, opting to leave her job (read: sense of security) to pursue freelance art and the beginnings of her own floral arrangement business.
Though she is excited for the next phase, Annabell fears she is running out of time for her personal dreams and to actively take part in her daughter's life. Allegheny is on the cusp of teendom, which will bring a whole new set of challenges to overcome together. Then, once she leaves home, what does that mean for Annabell's independence?
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