grimmmer · 5 years
Winter break is over so yeah, I was mentally preparing for it and mentally suffering bc of it too. Sorry for the absence. I'll start doing replies and starters owed tomorrow. ♡
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grimmmer · 5 years
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grimmmer · 5 years
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                 ⤾     for   a   starter    ◦     +     for    a    friend     ◦    ♡    for   a   plot message
                                                      rafi.  gmt.  22+.  (n)sfw.
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grimmmer · 5 years
There  were  few  things  in  life  that  could  shook  him  out  of  his  core  ,  break  down  the  little  habits.        There  were  many  things  that  could  put  twists  &&  add  curves  in  his  carefully  plain  life  when  it  came  to  other  creatures  like  him  ,  but  not  when  it  came  to  humans.   Kyomoon  was  cautious  enough  to  not  get  too  involved  in  a n y t h i n g.   What  was  the  point  ,  when  they  all  died  anyway ?  He  didn’t  want  attachments  ,  already  had  one  to  deal  with  and  that  was  painful  enough.      He  was  trying  to —ironically—  ‘ live  a  little ’  but  so  far  ,  that  meant  becoming  a  webtoon  autor  that  nobody  knew  the  face  of  and  walking  down  to  the  dinner  around  the  corner  to  order  some  coffee  and  try  to  get  inspired  by  observing.
                                     That  was  the  perfect  role  to  describe  him  ,  really  :  An  observer.
So  HOW&&WHY  did  he  end  up  with  a  girl  asking  for  his  help  to  scare  some  creepy  guy  away?  And  just  h o w  did  he  end  up  actually  getting  aggravated  by  the  discomfort  painting  her  features  and  the  absolute  bullshit  spewing  from  said  creep  who  ,  idiotically  enough  ,  could  NOT  get  the  hint  even  when  Kyomoon  glared  at  him  with  his  arm  wrapped  around  the  girl’s  shoulders ? 
It  was  annoying  ,  ridiculously  so.   And  bizarre  given  than  previous  to  this  incident  ,  the  maximum  interaction  he  shared  with  the  distressed  human  he  somehow  ended  up  helping  was  asking  for  an  americano  and  paying  for  it.
❛  Seriously  ,  dude- -  ❜      Did  people  still  use  that ?  Dude ?      ❛  Get  the  fuck  away  from  her  before  you  regret  it.  ❜      Maybe  that  was  TOO  BOLD  ,  sounded  too  much  like  a  challenge  ,  but  what  did  Kyomoon  know  of  protecting  people  from  molesters   that  couldn’t  take  no  for  an  answer ?  He  was  following  what  little  he  saw  of  similar  scenarios  on  tv  dramas  that  his  partner  watched  non-stop.  Surely  they  knew  more  of  how  to  respond  to  this  than  he  did  ,  no  matter  how  cringe-worth  they  seemed  sometimes. 
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grimmmer · 5 years
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handsome bb
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grimmmer · 5 years
i don’t think u remember me BUT I MISSED U N UR BEAUTIFUL BLOG 💜
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I do have an awful memory some( most )times but please do come scream to my ims to refresh my memories ( I’m already on my way to yours ). AND THANK YOU SO MUCH !!!!  That’s so nice to hear dfxgkjuydf.
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grimmmer · 5 years
Hana stands before Hyuk, her injuries hidden from what had occurred only the night before but it was easy to tell she was emotionally broken. Body trembling as she stood before him and a ridiculous amount of make up to cover her wounds that it looked unnatural but not enough to cover the swelling. “I’m trapped and I don’t know what to do.” Trapped with Beom, her work and the male before her. “You said you’d kill me if I left, right?” Broken and watery eyes staring intently into his. — @busanbunnie​
       It  was a heartbreaking sight to be a witness of. His once best friend broken. Breaking again, in front of his own very eyes. Her limits surpassed, tested, time&&time again and reconstructed as wished until the result was barely recognizable.      And he couldn’t.      Couldn’t look at her and find the girl he trusted his secrets with, his wishes && dreams at the young age of seventeen, when dreaming was safe   ;   couldn’t find the brave girl that approached him, demanded him where && why, didn’t care of the warnings, years later, when the dream turned bittersweet but so very possible.
Right now, he couldn’t see a person, but the doll Beom had claimed her as, and the ultimate END that every one of them met, made better or worse by the fact that she was a l i v e, still on his presence.      Killing her would have been the gentle thing to do after whatever she endured with Beom. It would have been BETTER, no matter how the bile rising through his throat pushed him to think otherwise.
He killed the dream and he foolishly hoped that would make her go. To see him and what he became and just leave. But she kept coming back, and this time it wasn’t for him but something —someone— worse. And each time he had to turn his back, kept her cold, not give any more reason for her to feel welcome. For her to feel the o p p o s i t e, actually, no matter how much Beom appeared to appreciate her.      And maybe that’s where he went wrong.       Maybe if he hadn’t, if instead he had approached her, talked to her, insert reason in her mind to never come back, she would have listened. Maybe keeping her closer would have saved her from other monsters.
In the end, this was his fault, wasn’t it? All he wanted was to protect her, and all he truly did was push her further into danger.         He should have seen the warning signs. Should have known better.
He swallowed, mouth dry and a cold, freezing feeling numbing his body. His voice was barely above a whisper, and he was so numb, why was he so numb?      ❛  What are you trying to say, Hana?  ❜
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grimmmer · 5 years
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❛  Huh  ,  hello ?  ❜
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grimmmer · 5 years
your blog?? your muses?? your writing??? you?????? *chef kiss*
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Your muses??  Your writing???  Your whole existence??????? You big cutie, you’re such a blessing.
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grimmmer · 5 years
❛ ▬ sweetmarzipan
open to: m/f/nb location: side-street, 9PM-1AM connection: friends; if human they do not know of his nature, if non-human they do warning: description of mild physical injury & blood mention
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          “I don’t understand why you’re so upset,” Feiliu mumbles with genuine confusion, wincing at the swipe of a thumb against his split lip. The qilin scoots away from the other slightly, despite their interest in helping. “You did not get hurt, so why are you upset?”
Feiliu takes ‘peaceful’ to the point of pacifist and, as a result, sometimes gets caught in situations that end up.. unpleasant. In this instance, unfortunately a drunk man decided he didn’t like Feiliu and got physical. The qilin did not fight back and ended up with a busted lip, a number of throbbing bruises and what will probably turn into a black eye.
“I will heal, so please stop scolding me. I wasn’t going to hurt that man.”
He’s  annoyed  ,  rightfully  so.   Not  only  at  this  dumb  pacifist  of  a  man  but  at  himself  for  caring.   Seriously  ,  Joowon  should  know  better  than  to  worry  for  someone  that  doesn’t  seem  to  worry  enough  about  himself.     Yet  here  he  is  ,  cleaning  up  wounds  like  a  fussing  mother.  That specific comparative of his own brain annoys him even more.     ❛ B e c a u s e.  ❜     He  stresses.   Says  nothing  more.
❛  You  should  at  least  defend  yourself  instead  of  taking  it  like  some  punching  bag.  ❜     A  normal  man  would  have  fought  back  ;  one  that  doesn’t  like  fighting  would  have  tried  to  block  the  hits.   Feiliu did none.      ❛  Who  do  you  think  you  are ?  Gandhi ?  ❜      It  was  a  good  thing  Joowon  happened  to  be  around  to  stop  the  man  from  doing  more  damage  ,  and  to  send  his  ass  right  into  the  backseat  of  a  patrol  car.
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     ❛  What would have happened if he had a knife ? And what did you do anyway ?  ❜
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grimmmer · 5 years
❛ ▬ fserendipity
            ( love is not over, over, over... ) — @grimmmer
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           El diluvio caía aquella noche sobre la ciudad, cubriéndola con un manto denso y oscuro. La música haciendo eco dentro del coche mientras las luces de los semáforos intentaban hacer su camino entre las gotas de lluvia. La mirada del castaño se encontraba enfocada en el frente, repasando la conversación que había compartido con sus padres minutos atrás. Ojalá pudiera borrarla. Ojalá fuera capaz de volver el tiempo atrás y salvarle. Hacer algo para evitar su fatídico destino. No por beneficio de sus progenitores. Poco era el interés que tenía en hacerles felices, darles lo que querían. La conveniencia. 
El camino frente a él parecía unificarse llegado un cierto momento, todas las calles parecían llevarlo al mismo sitio. Siempre. Regresaba una y otra vez como si algún día fuera a encontrarle. Se detuvo frente al edificio, nuevamente. Orbes buscando la ventana del apartamento que solía compartir con él esperando divisarlo asomado como de costumbre. Taza de café en mano mientras observaba la vida desde las alturas. Tan etéreo e intocable, tan estoico. Probablemente una de sus camisas favoritas le cubriría la piel, seda sobre seda. Azul abrazando cada una de las esquinas de su torso. Mechones de cabello acariciándole las pestañas. Enmarcando su rostro y ocultando aquellos ojos. Los abismos que se convirtieron en su constante perdición. 
Sin embargo, aunque no divisó una silueta familiar, notó incluso a través de la densa lluvia la luz… ¿luz? 
Antes de poder darse cuenta se encontraba bajando del coche, corriendo bajo la lluvia torrencial para entrar al edificio empapado de pies a cabeza. Sus piernas actuando por inercia. Se apresuró por las escaleras, ignorando la comodidad de los elevadores que escogía usualmente, y le costó meter la llave en la cerradura una vez llegó a la puerta. Durante un segundo el mundo entero pareció hacer silencio, incluso su propia respiración se detuvo mientras empujaba la madera bajo sus dedos. Cada latido acoplado con sus pasos. Su mirada recorriendo el espacio frente a él. Uno, dos… tres. Y ahí estaba. 
El  apartamento  era  FRÍO && ESTÉRIL  ,  la  perfecta  combinación  de  riqueza  y  un  buen  diseñador  de  interiores  ,  algo  que  verías  en  una  revista  con  envidia.   Si  alguna  vez  hubo  indicio  de  vida &&  calidez  cuando  Hyunwoo  vivía  ,  había  sido  eliminada  y  sólo  la  base  permanecía.       Hyunmin lo odiaba.      Odiaba  su  belleza  blanquecina  y  sus  pulcros  pisos  ,  los  cuadros  que  decoraban  las  paredes  y  la  linda  paleta  de  colores  que  formaba  la  sala  ,  el  cuarto  e  incluso  el  maldito  baño.   Odiaba  habitar  el  mismo  lugar  que  su  hermano  ,  que  sus  padres  ni  siquiera  tuvieran  la  D E C E N C I A  de  acomodarlo  en  otro  lado  ,  o  aún  mejor  :  de  dejarle  elegir  dónde  y  cómo  vivir.
Regresar  fue  un  error  necesario.   Quedarse  ,  por  otro  lado  ,  era  puro  capricho.  Egoísta  e  infantil  hasta  la  médula.
Sus  padres  nunca  necesitaron  de  él  ,  pero  ahora  que  su  hijo  privilegiado  había  fallecido  no  quedaba  más  opción  que  recurrir  a  la  “ opción B ”  si  no  querían  ceder  su  herencia  &&  poderío  a  un  ajeno  ;  a  una  competencia  así  ésta  comparta  el  mismo  apellido.          Hyunmin  nunca había  sido  útil  o  deseado  ,  pero  ahora  no  sólo  era  conveniente  sino  NECESARIO.   La única alternativa que tenían.   Y  era  conocer  el  nivel  tan  bajo  de  desesperación  a  la  que  habían  tenido  que  caer  para  llamar  y  pedir  su  estadía  lo  que  le  llevó  a  aceptar.
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Ahora  se  preguntaba  si  era  demasiado  tarde  para  a r r e p e n t i r s e.   Si tal  vez  ,  arrebatarles  la  mínima  esperanza  que  ahora  depositaban  en  él  sería  más  satisfactorio.        Apretó  su  mandíbula  y  rechinó  sus  dientes  ,  escuchando  la  lluvia  caer  fuera  como  si  el  cielo  se  hubiese  alineado  con  su  humor  ,  la  vista  perdida  en  el  humo  que  se  levantaba  de  su  taza  de  té  que  sujetaba  firme  entre  sus  manos. Seguramente  era  cruel  resentir  a  Hyunwoo  también  por  esto  ,  por su muerte.   Cruel  y  retorcido  pero  no  podía  evitarlo.        Hyunmin  nunca  aclamó  ser  lo  suficientemente  maduro  como  para  no  hacerlo.   Nunca  lo  suficientemente  NADA  ante  su  familia  ,  de  hecho.   Nunca  hubo  necesidad.          Ese  era  el  papel  de HYUNWOO.   Hyunwoo  ,  siempre  el  hijo  perfecto  ;  suficientemente  cortés  ,  suficientemente  inteligente  ,  suficientemente  cruel.        Ahora  ,  tras  su  fallecimiento  ,  Hyunmin  debía  ser  suficiente  en  algo  que  no  le  importaba  ser.<                          ((   La  muerte  se  podrá  haber  llevado  a  Hyunwoo  ,  pero  no  a  sus  fantasmas.  ))
Y  como  si  la  vida  decidiera  jugarle  una  broma  pesada  ,  sus  pensamientos  fueron  interrumpidos  con  la  aparición  de  un  hombre  extraño  en  la  puerta  y  una  sencilla  pregunta  en  forma  de  el  solo  nombre  que JAMÁS  quiso  dirigido  hacia  sí.
                           (((  “¿Hyunwoo?”  )))
❛ ¿ Quién demonios te crees que eres entrando a mi casa así ?  ❜       Exclamó  ,  casi  en  un  grito  ,  escandalizado  y  un  poco  asustado  por  la  facilidad  con  la  que  había  accedido  al  apartamento  un  completo  desconocido.     ❛  ¡ Identificate  ahora  mismo  o  llamo  a  la  policía ! ❜
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grimmmer · 5 years
your blog? and muses? literal beauty.
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W O W, I did not expect this. Thank you so much sweet anon, it means a lot to me you like my babies. We should totally plot if you follow me !   And if you don’t, you should so we can !   I bet yours are literal greatness. ♡ ♡ ♡
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grimmmer · 5 years
crime plots i need:
you’re dating one of my gang members, but i’m the boss and i know how to please you better.
i stole your car and the police isn’t doing anything so you decided to track me down yourself and you found me, but whatcha gonna do, i went through your stuff so i know all your secrets.
you’re a heavy criminal or something idek and we hooked up a while ago but fuck, i owe my drug dealer money and i really pissed him off bc that’s what i do and now i need you to help me otherwise i’m gonna be dead and you actually know what ur doing so.
we’re gang members but the rule is we’re not allowed to date people inside the gang, but there’s a lot of sexual tension between us and then all of a sudden we have to take care of something together bc the boss says so and if you kiss me i’m gonna fucking kill you, but pls do.
your dad is my biggest enemy in the crime world and you’re a straight-up rebel, so to piss him off you decide to sleep with me and wow, it was fucking amazing, but now your dad is out to kill me so what now.
you’re a criminal and even though i’m a pretty good person we’re still dating and then you get caught and end up in prison and everyone that you owe money/drugs/etc from now comes to attack me and it’s a few years later when you get out and come to see me only to find out that nothing’s the same. (either i became a criminal/dealer myself or a prostitute/stripper bc i needed the money or i changed my name, moved away and gave birth to a child that’s yours)
we’re two thieves who literally can’t stand each other bc we’re each others biggest competitors so we have a stealing war with each other to prove that i’m the best in what we do and it doesn’t stop at just stealing objects (girl/boyfriends, friends, jobs, name it!)
we’re lovers and we decided to rob a gas station together bc we needed the money and holy shit, we got a lot more cash than we expected, but oh shit turns out this business was actually really shady and now there’s a whole gang after us that’s trying to kill us to get their whitewashed money back.
we’re just normal people and we’ve been going out for a few months and it’s pretty clear to me that you’re keeping something from me but i can’t put my finger on it and all of a sudden i get kidnapped and it’s really fucking scary bc they look dangerous as fuck and they keep asking me the weirdest questions about you and wait what, it turns out you make drugs/sell guns/whitewash money/whatever ?!? and of course you come in and rescue me and i’m super relieved, but now i don’t know if i should be mad or turned on about it all.
i work for a cartel, not because i want to but because they’re gonna kill me if i don’t and i just got to the united states and they’re making me do all sorts of things (cutting coke, cleaning labs, ‘providing money’) and it’s really fucking awful, but then all of a sudden you notice me even though you’re (much) higher up and i don’t know why but you’re helping me to get higher up as well and before i know it we’re getting assignments together and you’re like really bad ass fuck i’m starting to like you.
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grimmmer · 5 years
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“ i can’t go to hell. i’m all out of vacation days „           — @kkochiie
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grimmmer · 5 years
❛ ▬ zephyrvm
              heighten   ,  her senses are on alert .  eyes scan the living room for any weapon and she makes note of the chair just a few feet away from her .  being on the run  aethra never let herself get rusty with her skills but it had been a while that she     needed    to use them . how did they find her ?  it’s questions that she won’t get answers because she’s willing to kill —  willing to …..
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how many ? 
his voice , velvet soft but poison was in it .  she could see her friend in the couch ;  his hand reaching for the gun she was aware he had tucked behind his back .  murder – it would be a murder  and she wouldn’t allow herself to see it as she yells out to her companion .  she’s never liked the idea of killing .  taking a life was not up to her but the world .  gentle is her soul , even if she was made to destory .     ❛   don’t do it , woo   ❜  it might sound like she was saving this    u n k n o w n      mint haired man  ;  but she could smell him .  the faint scent of the place she hates but once called home .  the hell she never wanted to go back .   she was only saving her friend .          ❛   don’t play your mind games with me.  it’s me that should be asking you that question .  how did you find me .    ❜  she grits , fingers itching to use the powers that would most likely drain her as her oddly hazel eyes began to flicker to their     ungodly    silver blue tint .    
  ❛   did father send you ?  leave siwoon alone .  he has nothing to do with this.  let him go , or i won’t hold back .   ❜ its her threat  and one that echos clearly .  as much as she hated violence  — she would not let an innocent live get taken . 
How  many  are  waiting ?  How  many  know ?  How  many  are  already  on  their  way ?  How many  , how many  ,   how many - -                                       Just  how  many  will  he  have  to  KILL ?
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He  clenches  his  jaw  ,  anticipation  running  through  his  veins  ,  looking  for  ways  she  could  get  to  him  before  he  gets  to  her  first.  The  windows  can  easily  be  broken  ,  they  are  his  major  concern  &&  greatest  advantage.        Is  it  outside  the  cabin  safer  or  will  inside  provide  facility  for  him  to  end  this ?  He  needs  answers  but  he  was  not  made  to  ask  questions  ,  and  right  now  every  bit  of  him  ,  of  his  INSTINCT  ,  is  telling  him  to  not  let  witnesses.  It  is  perhaps  this  very  same  programmed  instinct  that  makes  him  stop  ,  to  actually  listen  to  what  she’s  saying.                 If  there’s  something  Abraxas  hated  more  than  his creator  ,  is  acting  like  the  man  would  have  wanted  him  to. 
               He’s  NOT  what  they  want  from  him.  Not  everything  ,  at  least.
And  he  manages  to  catch  what  she  says  ,  what  she  wants  to  protect  and  it  seeds  doubt  about  what  he  strongly  believed  just  a  minute  ago.  They  might  try  tricks  ,  low  ,  dirty  &&  everything  in-between  to  catch  him  ,  but  they  would  never  do  this.  They  don’t  know  they  can  do  this.    ((   Or  maybe  ,  they  are  testing  him  again  ,  from  afar  ,  and  he  has  no  way  of  knowing.   ))
❛  It’s  not  you  I’m  after  ,  so  back  off.  ❜      He  warns  ,  he  growls  ,  a  test  of  his  own  and  a  stupid  hope  that  she  will  listen  &&  leave  so  he  can  finish  the  job.  But  he  hesitates  again  ,  a  new  found  curiosity  amidst  the  edge  of  precaution.      ❛  Who are you?  ❜        “What  are  you”  if  what  he   really  wants  to  ask  ,  knows  how  unlikely  it  would  be  to  get  an  answer.      ❛  What  are  you  doing  here ? ❜
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grimmmer · 5 years
There was an unsettling feeling surrounding the two of them and a dark atmosphere in the hallway the moment she came back downstairs and she couldn’t help an uneasy sense of guilt pooling in the pit of her stomach and concern that he had figured something out but now that was her paranoia coming into play and she wasn’t about to let herself go down that rabbit hole otherwise she would be done for. She was already looking over her shoulder every two seconds as it is.
“Doesn’t ice cream taste the same everywhere?”
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She was whining, trying to keep the mood light but there was something going on and she knew it. Why did it need to be from a specific place? She was trained in her job and despite the rookie error in which she had just outed herself, she wasn’t all that naive when it came to reading people’s body language and there were alarm bells going off in her head but she had told herself numerous times before that she trusted him despite what she had been told by the officials at work. She had fallen for the bad guy despite everybody warning her.
Sitting in the car, she let out a small hum before doing as she was told – a small smile which didn’t quite meet her eyes shone for him and she felt anxiety in the pit of her stomach. Did she abort the mission now? Did she risk telling him about everything and convince him to run away with her and forget about this whole thing? No. She needed to remain strong. She would take every hurdle with one stride at a time. She had fallen in love with him and she was going to ignore her job for as long as she physically could.
When they set off however, she began to panic slightly. “U-uh, babe? You’re going the wrong way?”
Oh  ,  wasn’t  that  just  sweet ?  The  smile  that  graced  his  features  was  small  but  real  this  time  ,  risking  a  glance  towards  her  and  his  hand  to  hold  ,  as  if  it  was  SECOND  NATURE  for  them  to  do  this.  This  :  acting  like  a  couple  ,  doing  sweet  nothings  like  holding  hands  &&  going  to  ice  cream  dates.           In  a  way  ,  it  was.  Him  reaching  out  for  her.  But  the  intention  was  always  less  than  sugary  ,  more  of  a  carnal  desire.
         Right  now  ,  however  ,  it  was  sweet.
❛  But  how  do  you  know  is  the  wrong  way  when  I  haven’t  tell  you  where  it  is ?  ❜      He  responded  not  a  second  after  ,  a  light  chuckle  following  as  if  endeared.        If  emotions  had  a  smell  ,  he’s  sure  he  would  smell  her  PANIC  as  clear  as  day.  He  wonders  if  it  would  smell  as  sweet  as  it  sounds  from  the  light  tremble  decorating  her  words.  Foolish  girl  ,  Beom  would  have  deemed  her  too  naive  for  the  job  if  it  weren’t  because  she  did  fool  him  for  m o n t h s  into  believing  she  was  exactly  that.            So  ,  no  ,  it  was  the  opposite.  She  was  everything  BUT  fucking  naive  ,  hence  why  she  fretted  on  the  seat.
The  reminder  was  like  a  cold  bucket  of  water  thrown  at  his  face  ,  his  hold  on  the  steering  wheel  tightening  until  his  knuckles  turned  white  before  relaxing.         Breathe in, breathe out.        ❛  It’s  far  but  it’s  my  favorite  place   and  I  really  wanted  to  share  it  with  you.  I  swear  after  you  taste  that  ice  cream  ,  you’d  NEVER  want  to  go  anywhere  else.  ❜
Nor  would  she  be  able  to  ,  really.  Maybe  he  would  be  nice  and  give  her  some  real  ice  cream  ,  as  a  farewell  gift  of  sorts.  She  was  ,  after  all  ,  a  really  good  fuck  and  knew  when  to  behave.  There’s  a  reason  why  he  kept  her  for  so  long.
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    ❛  Just  be  patient  ,  okay ?  ❜
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grimmmer · 5 years
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      Pressing the thumb to the bruise      to  see   if   it             hurts — (  because it hurts, )            because I want to be    the ONLY CAUSE of my ℙ𝔸𝕀ℕ.
+ for a friend ; ⟳ to boost ; ♡ for a plot
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