grimmprovidence · 3 years
As someone who had never flinched away from even putting members of royal families in their place, Teppet surely was not going to stop in front of his very own nightmares. Or so he thought - after all, this was his brumation dream, was it not? Which was why he snarled at the taunting words, hating to admit that the other had struck a nerve.
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“And what do you know? Maybe I like this dull life? Maybe I’m tired from struggling on and on and on, only to be the one who’s left behind once again. Skeviasshk!”
Still, that last argument seemed to simmer him down a little…but not much. Still grumbling and hissing, he got up. “Fine, alright, let’s just get this over with. But one word from you about anything you see in there, even a breath into a bottle about it, and I will find the means to drag you into my world and show you what I think of tattlers. And,” The collar puffed out into a full arch now, and his pupils were little more than slits as he turned his head, “don’t even dare tamper with my memories regarding my wife. If even a single thing is amiss, things will get really ugly.”
“I wouldn’t dare to tamper with your memories in such a distasteful way, my dear friend. Contrary to what you may think, I am not your enemy.” Grimm spoke in the most polite way possible. Grimm had to admit, he was ecstatic to find out the other would let him peer into the memories, surely someone like the lizardman would have a rather interesting story to tell. 
Grimm promptly put his hand on the handle, his crimson hues shifting back to the blueish creature before him. “Once we get into the door, the world shall take shape into your fondest memory, but as we go deeper into it, through new doors that’ll appear in each memory, we shall see more unpleasant memories. I just ask you to keep an open mind and try to find in yourself the introspection to see through another perspective.”
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“We cannot interact with the memory itself, unless the same has become a nightmare... and unpleasant memories often turn into nightmares, so be prepared” With that said, Grimm turns the handle and opens the door, a huge blinding light comes out, only to slowly fade away, taking shape into a world completely different from the one they were before. “Now, what is this memory?”
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grimmprovidence · 3 years
Niffty watched the scenery change with absolute awe written all over her face. Her eye darted around fervently, trying to take all of the sight that she could in a very short amount of time. A feeling of childlike wonder filled her heart. 
She had almost forgotten what it felt like.
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Her attention snapped to the front of her again, when the black cloud appeared only to reveal the bugman she had met a week prior. Niffty’s slightly bewildered expression was quickly replaced by a wide grin.
“Wow…” She breathed, still reeling a bit from everything she had just seen. The maid placed her hand in Grimm’s without giving it a second thought. “I’ve never seen anything so amazing!”
“You flatter me, my dear friend.” Grimm gently touches the girl’s hand on the part of the mask where his mouth should be, mimicking a small peck on the back of her hand. Then letting go of her hand, taking a couple steps back. 
“Follow me, dear Niffty, let me introduce you to our troupe!” The male bug stated, turning his body toward the main entrance of the big top, the tent in the middle, getting inside the same.
Once one get inside, they could easily see the atmosphere changing rather drastically, the lights inside colored the entire place red, on the corners of the establishment, there were thousands and thousands of seats circling around a place where many members of the troupe: Jugglers, musicians, acrobats and clowns were practicing. Curiously enough, all of the members had a mask quite similar to Grimm’s.
One thing to note about the place is that the inside was impossibly large, way bigger than it was on the outside, while the outside implied a rather modest, average circus, the inside was almost like a football stadium dome. “Forgive the mess, we just got back from a show in another realm before you summoned, it shall be taken care of before the show, I assure you.”
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grimmprovidence · 3 years
Circus music filled the air as, out of thin air, three crimson-colored tents appeared in thin air, and from the middle one, the ‘big top’, appeared a, tall, rather odd-looking creature wearing a dark cloak and a mask that covered his entire face but his crimson hues. At first, the said creature simply looked around, scanning this new... fascinating place they’ve been summoned in.
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“My my, what a remarkable realm we’ve been summoned to.” The bug-like man remarked, usually the circus are summoned in abandoned kingdoms, or destroyed worlds, it was incredibly refreshing to see such a lively place for once, and it was actually rather curious as to why the torch brought him and his troupe to such a different realm.
“Oh.” The creature finally looks over the... being with their torch at hand, they were wearing a brownish with white dots on top of his body, mixed with some kind of odd fur in both his head and underneath his nostril. Truly a very odd creature; “Would you be the one who lit up the torch, my good friend?”
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grimmprovidence said: A tall black torch were suddenly appeared with a note next to it written. “Light it for wonderful dreams.”
Would be unwise to simply accept an unknown gift as it would seem, considering his area were known to be fae populated and the ruling of taking a fae’s gift. Then again, Sterling Silver had worse pranks and attempted curses brought upon him over the years so another probably wouldn’t set him up in flames when he lit it up. 
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“Alright now since I’ve lit the torch why don’t you come out from the shadows and introduce yourself, hm ? I know I cannot give my thanks for this gift if the giver does not leave their name or address, or even show themselves..” 
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grimmprovidence · 3 years
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Niffty took the card from the mysterious being, looking it over with interest. As she raised her head again to thank him, she found him vanishing into thin air. How curious! The tiny cyclops would definitely have to seek out this circus.
And she did. About a week later.
The maid stood in a seemingly deserted area holding the black card given to her. She looked around in muddled confusion. This….was the place, right? Then why wasn’t there anything here? She was sure she didn’t get the address wrong….
However, she was instructed to light the torch once she got here, but she wasn’t entirely sure how that would help. Still, nothing ventured nothing gained as they said.
Putting the card back into her pocket, Niffty then fished out a lighter. Flicking the switch a couple of times until it sparked a small flame. She ambled over to the torch and lit it with the lighter.
Now to wait and see if anything happens.
The moment the girl lit up the torch, the lightning of the world around her changed completely, going from a gloomy blue to a lively crimson red, the empty space that existed in that region got filled with three different tents:
A small one to the left that resided a rather... peculiar creature, one on the right that were the living quarters of the troupe, and finally, the middle one, guarded by  two bug-like creatures with saddles on their backs, taking the role as mounts. 
What was but silence on that street were filled now with whimsical accordion music, although some would argue that the melody felt slightly threatening.
Amidst that sensorial overload chaos, a small black cloud appeared before the girl, slowly shaping into the familiar figure of the bug-like man the girl has met before. 
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“Lady Niffty! Oh, it fills my heart to see you summon us!” Grimm extended his hand with his palm up, hoping that the girl would place her hand on it.
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grimmprovidence · 3 years
“I’m Niffty! Pleasure to meet you too!” She did find him a little odd, but wasn’t everyone a little odd down here? Including her? Plus, she quite enjoyed his dance even if the others didn’t know what to make of it.
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“Troupe of Nightmares?” She asked, her interest piqued at the name. “So like….a circus troupe?” Although she had never been, the tiny maid was fond of circuses. They just seemed to be full of high-energy and endless fun!
“Indeed, but it isn’t any regular circus!” Grimm spoke, his crimson hues fixated on the girl’s single-eye. “I’m not usually the one to gloat, but I like to think that my circus is quite unique from the usual.”
“I would be delighted if you visit us sometime, Miss Niffty. It’s not everyday I can find someone as vivacious as yourself.” The mysterious bugman flattered the girl, although he just met the girl, Grimm had already taken a liking to her just for her reaction to his dance. While others were sullenly wary of his dance, the girl clearly enjoyed the spectacle. 
She would be perfect for the circus.
“Here!” Grimm pulled out a small black card out of his cloak and handed to her, on it, there were a very specific address on it. “If you wish to see more of us, I ask that you light up the torch at this specific place.”
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“I’m looking forward to your visit, ma’am.” With a small bow, the bugman wrapped himself in his cloaks, vanishing in thin air.
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grimmprovidence · 3 years
“Says the one who’s got no idea who I am in the first place.” Teppet grumbled in response, a tad hissy now that the other was stepping close. Was he getting defensive? A little bit.
Most of all, he was miffed, however, as he slowly rose from his spot. “Funny that you say that. Well, here’s the tea, my friend.” Clawed hands grab the etheral cloak, pulling the nightmarish creature closer to himself as he hissed: “Nobody truly knows me. And nobody ever will.” The claws let go again, and Teppet huffed, crossing his arms.
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“In any case, I’m not opening that door. I know where it leads, but hey, knock yourself out. I’m totally good staying right where I am. Can just sit here for my entire brumation, no problem. Anything’s better than what’s behind that fuckin’ door of yers.”
He had to admit, it was quite shocking to feel the other’s claw grab him by his cloak. Not because of fear, but because most who come to this people would never dare to touch him like that. In this world where he has control, most either put up a polite expression, or are genuinely curious to what a creature like Grimm could provide. 
But this lizard? This lizard not only defied him in a physical manner, he also refused to see what’s behind the door. It was... fascinating... and slightly aggravating at the same time. This Lizard... was quite unique, and Grimm wouldn’t give up so easily to find out why.
“I see... you would rather stay within where you are until the end before facing your own ghosts... a dull life for a lively creature. What a waste.” Grimm stated with a disappointed tone as he unwrinkles his cloak from the earlier grab.
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“You know... time works differently in this world.” Grimm utters, his crimson eyes never leaving the other’s eyes. “I can make this place feel like 1000 years, or 5 minutes, all it takes is for a snap of my fingers.”
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grimmprovidence · 3 years
The cyclop’s jaw dropped, astonished when the being slowly started to hover in the air. Her gaze followed his form as he did so, eye widening when flames shot out from his body.
She stepped a few feet back, bringing her arms up to cover her face out of a reflex, but slowly lowered them when she realized the flames weren’t going to hurt her.
Once Grimm landed on his feet again, Niffty turned to face him, her expression rather sheepish. 
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“Uhhh, maybe just a little?” She answered, shrugging a bit. “Still, I liked it!”
“Thank you. Sometimes, I forget that reality can often be...” Grimm paused for a second, trying to find a word that wouldn’t be offensive for this realm’s dwellers. “...uneventful.”
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“Oh, where are my manners?” The male moth gave a polite bow to the demonic lady in front of him. She has been remarkably gracious to this strange creature before her, it’s only fair that he would pay for such politeness the same way. “The name’s Grimm, the master of the Troupe of Nightmares, a pleasure to meet you, madam.”
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grimmprovidence · 3 years
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“I-.” Clem really wasn’t so sure, not with the extermination coming so soon… but it was best to get them somewhere. With a nod she began to lead the way. The imp lead them the backstreets, keen to stay out of the view of demons.
“You should probably leave this place soon though, the yearly extermination is coming and if you get caught up in it you might be mistaken for a resident of hell. If you end up being here longer then find a well fortified place, preferably underground… and don’t open up for anyone, even if they beg you. It could be someone trying to steal your spot.”
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“Oh dear, it seems that I have caused some distress for you. My deepest apologies.” Grimm remarked with a polite bow, not a tinge of fear of the girl’s warnings. Grimm wondered if he would fear this extermination group if he were a demon much like everyone else in this place... sometimes he wonders if he would ever be capable of fear, when you’re resigned since birth to sacrifice his life. 
“I shall not impose on you any longer, however, if you ever wish to witness our wonderful circus-” Grimm pulls out a crimson card out of thin air and handed to the Imp. “Lighten up the torch of this location and you’ll bear witness of our show.”
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grimmprovidence · 3 years
Sorry everyone for disappearing, I just got my e-mail back, I’m back to being active.
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grimmprovidence · 3 years
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“O-oh I appreciate the offer but I’m not really much of a dancer…” She admitted, becoming rather shy by the prospect now. While she did enjoy the melody, and she certainly didn’t want to seem rude, Niffty also did want to make a fool of herself by dancing in public.
Besides, she was perfectly content watching the fellow bug-like being tap dance. Fascinated by his seemingly effortless movements
Grimm simply shrugged and kept dancing, his movements were swift but at the same time rather fluid, if one wouldn’t know him, they would most likely guess he was a professional dancer of sorts.
The bugman’s dance became more and more erratic as more of the demonic creatures looked at him, almost as if he was ravishing the attention, be they positive or negative. He couldn’t leave them hanging, he had to end on a high note, that’s the core of spectacle.
So, in a rather unorthodox move, Grimm started to spin himself at a rapid speed, making him slowly raise himself up in the air, his feet completely off the ground. 
Suddenly, he opened his cloak, as small, fake flames shoot out of his body in a spin, the same flames disappeared before they hit the ground.
After the grand finale, Grimm, land back on his feet, unsure what to make of the crowd’s reaction, which made him shift his attention back to the girl.
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“Have I overdone?”
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grimmprovidence · 3 years
“Well, pretty sure that if they had gone to Septarsis and met one ‘a my kin, they wouldn’t have made it back to report it. It’s not the best place for outsiders to take a stroll in.”
At that, Teppet paused to take a look around, only to find that even his sharp eyes couldn’t pierce through the muddled darkness around him, and he had to admit defeat and endure the uncomfortable feeling of being stared at like he was back on stage. If he had known, he would have at least put on some silks, instead of his baggy shirt and yoga-pants.  Anyway, manners were manners, and so when Grimm bowed, so did the Septarian, only to drop into a sitting position and huff. “Teppet, just Teppet. Honorifics are wasted on me.”
At the mention of being dragged into this realm and having issues, however, he allowed himself a scowl.
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“Oh great, it’s going to be one of those nightmares. Honestly, who even knows where their mind wanders when we lay our heads down? Of course I don’t know how I got into this mess. I mean, don’t get me wrong, at least you seem like a decent being, but my issues are best left buried someplace where I can’t see ‘em.”
“No no no, my friend! That won’t do at all! You are a fascinating being, but even a creature as interesting as yourself would suffer from stagnation if they avoid seeing part of what makes you.” Grimm approached the other, no steps were heard, almost as if underneath the ripped cloak, he was actually floating in the air.
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“Come!” Grimm snaps his fingers, making a door appear out of thin air. The door had a rather odd design, it was blue and filled with scales, and the handle had the shape of a lizard’s head. “Let us venture, I’m curious to truly know my new lizard-esque friend.”
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grimmprovidence · 3 years
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“O-Oh! Oh no you don’t need to bow.” Clem insisted, “Not to an imp. There are a few warehouses not in use that you might be able to hunker down in if not the hotel, but I’d stay away from Cannibal corner. You can probably guess ‘from the name why.”
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“Oh my, this place is much more livelier than I remember.” Grimm remarked with an oddly enthusiastic tone in his voice. “My travels usually bring me to much more desolated lands, so I’d have to admit that I’m slightly lost at traveling in such a crowded world. Could I bother you to guide me to said warehouse?”
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grimmprovidence · 4 years
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grimmprovidence · 4 years
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“Relying on dreams ain’t the worst drug the multiverse offers. Especially those suffering chronic pain only have so much respite in the wake hours, I can’t blame them seeking bliss in unconsciousness. My wife was one of these cases. Can’t blame her for seeking refuge in the past.”
With every step, the cobra’s hood lifted a little bit more, until it was fully unfolded as a silent first warning not to come too close, now matter how much intrigue beckoned. Although, to the nightmarish creature’s advantage, Teppet was just as fascinated, causing the dark tongue to flicker more often than usual as he eyed the other with interest.
“I must have travelled far then, because this is also a first for me. I am what is commonly known as a Septarian, from the lands of Septarsis. And seeing how you haven’t bothered to do anything but chat until now, I take ye’re not a Dream-Eater. Care to return the courtesy and tell me who you are, ivkavrik?”
“Septarsis, you say, I believe one of my underlings have visited such place before, though he failed to mention such unique creature as you.”
The being rubbed the chin part of his mask, standing in silence for a second, as if analyzing the other. Grimm has been all around dimensions, and yet, there were creatures like the lizard man before him whom he has never witnessed before. It was a very intriguing situation.
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“You may call me Grimm, the Master of the Nightmare Troupe, it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” 
Grimm bowed before the other, being rather vague with the details of his past and who he is exactly. 
“Now, my septarian friend, the people who stumble upon this realm usually do so unwillingly. Mostly due to the unresolved issues. Am I correct to assume you do not remember how you got here?”
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grimmprovidence · 4 years
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“As long as the spark doesn’t set the entire house on fire, I guess, sure. Just sayin’ though that some realities may well be nightmares all in their own right. Let a widower dream about better times, alright?
I mean, come on, this is my brumation dream we’re talkin’ about. I’m gonna be here for a long time.”
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“Ah yes, a dream can have very comforting effects, in fact, they can bring a peace no waking world can bring. However, if you overindulge yourself, you become reliant in it, addicted. The widower will never find any progress in life if she only dreams of the past.” 
Grimm took a couple steps toward the lizard creature, he had to admit, this was the most intriguing creature he’s seen for a while. Whenever the masked being hops into the nightmare world, he usually had a tendency to encounter the bug-like creatures roaming around, quite similar to Grimm himself. This is the first time he’s seen something so akin to Lizard in this realm. 
“If you mind me being so bold, I do not think I’ve seen a creature such as you in this realm before. Where do you hail from, friend?”
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grimmprovidence · 4 years
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“Nightmares aren’t so bad, they’re like... a spark in one’s mind. Whereas dreams sooth and leads you into a deep slumber. Nightmares are what awakes you to reality. Though the experience can be unpleasant, I’m of the belief that one must always awake to reality.”
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grimmprovidence · 4 years
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“You may call me Grimm, the master of one of the most talented Troupe in all of Hallownest. A pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
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