grinar · 10 months
It's like when someone says, 'How are you?' Do you say, 'Well, my head hurts and I'm lonely and depressed and I'm worried about everything and the world is collapsing and full of evil'? Or do you say, 'I'm fine'?
— Sara Shepard, The Visibles
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grinar · 10 months
Please reblog this if fanfiction has been beneficial to your mental health.
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grinar · 2 years
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grinar · 2 years
да будет проклят русский шовинизм!
let be russian chauvinism be damned!
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grinar · 2 years
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Red Sunset on the Dnieper by Arkhip Kuindzhi.
They bombed his museum in Mariupol.
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grinar · 2 years
China world
Unfortunatly, by the time I started to delve in to politics, protests already became useless. When Bolotnaya happened in 2012 I was finishing school, when Crimea thingy happend in 2014 I was at university and was so self absorbed, I could not care less. That 'Crimea consensus' that was talked about and whole Ukrane issue seemed very complicated because everyone was condradicting each other. My granddad who lived with us would turn on this vile propoganda program on NTV there they screamed at each other which didn't turn me on at all.
I didn't even know who Nemtsov was until like... 2018? Because there were president election I thought it's time to became a responsible citisen. Little did I know it was too late for that.
Then there were Navalny's videos, I started to slowly read more on politics, but there were decades to unfold. Understand how Putin got into the power, was Eltsin good or bad, what happened at Chechia, why Politkovskaya was killed, why Nemtsov was killed (I still grieve the fact that our media in late 1990 just murdered his reputation, and if was not for them, we could have have good and intelligent person as a president!) Why Khodorkovsky is not a criminal. Who were those oligarchs who allegedly held all the power in country. There is shit ton of shit that happened in the last 30 years!
There was also this notion... that even if Putin is a corrupt polititian, at least he's is a smart one. Well.. I was fooled just as the rest. If he really was aiming at making his country strong and independent - he failed in the dumbest way possible. He just turned Russia into future Chinese colony. Here is your geopolitics game!!! China wins all around. I'm actually considering learning Chinese.
Thing is even before the 24th he was selling gas and oil to China at prices that didn't even make any profit, didn't even cover expenses for building the pipe and the infrastructure, money for which were taken out of the govenment budget! What the hell. We, the citisens of Russia, are basically paying for selling gas to China. And I don't even mention all the stealing during pipe building. And now we locked with China in a very uncomfortable position. They have the leverage to demand even more discount, and also sell us stuff at much higher price.
"Russian world" they say. Funny thing.
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grinar · 2 years
Some years ago I gave up on social media of any sort, and my circle of friends is so tiny you could say I don't have any. And now I found myself in the situation there I don't have a place where I can scream. Because I want to. I feel as if I'm boiling away with anger and helplessness. I feel like my future was taken away. I know, I know: Ukranians have it several magnitudes of order worse, because their homes are bombed, and people are killed for nothing.
No war is justified. Never ever.
I don't personally know any Ukranians, and never been there (and now never will be, or anywhere else). What is happening to their country is unforgivable, and I do not dare even say sorry because what's the point - their hatred is justified.
Anyway, now we have a truly faschist state on own hands and it's not Ukraine! Not that Russia is was particularly free state (it was not). I've changed old poster and blog name to something more suitable.
Ya, I'm Russian (and in Russia), and I'm not ashamed of that. But I'm am painfully, to the point of being unable to stop thinking, ashamed and horrified by what my country is doing to it's neighbour, and how it's all gonna impact my life. Bacause I wanted to have a life. In the free interconnected world. But since 24.02.2022 it's unending hell, I can barely think about anything else.
But I need to function somehow. They say writing things down helps. Untill we have internet I'll use this blog. Feel free to hate on, if you so wish.
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grinar · 2 years
Luxury brands: leaving Russia
Russian people: uh, like 99% of us couldn't afford your stuff anyway
All FMCG brands: we're gone too
Russian people:...
Russian people: Hey, ladies, your mothers didn't have pampers for you, you know. They used baby linens which they washed every day by hand. You can too. And you can grow your own food.
Uniqlo (basic clothes brand): We're staying. War is bad, but clothes is a basic human right, and Russian people are people.
Russian people: *teary eyed* hey guys, there's someone who might still piss on us if we were on fire. guess they heard we didn't want this war and all, can you believe
Uniqlo 3 days later: Nah, actually we'll be going too.
Russian people: ...
Russian people: ...
Microsoft, Apple, other IT companies: bye now
Russian people: ... so... pen and paper, anyone?
Countries refusing visas to Russians: and stay there! he's your monster, let him eat you first! There're like 140 millions of you, that should keep him off our backs for a while. Yes, half of you might die, very sad. You should have thought of that first before you... er, right, you didn't exactly vote for him... well, before you chose to be born there anyway!
Russian people: ...
Russian government: yeah, we'll be leaving the European Council. If we don't they'd kick us out anyway, and that pesky necessity to even pretend to respect basic human rights is so annoying, honestly, we don't know how others do it all the time...
Russian people: ...
Russian people: ...
Russian people: so, fellow non-humans. Oh for God's sake, stop your wailing, Masha. Nobody wanted this war, not just you, do you see us trying to kill ourselves? What do you mean you do -- for fuck's sake, young man, put that knife down. Stop being such wimps! Here's what we do. I heard that if you say "no to war" louder than a whisper, they will jail you. Sure, they'd beat you up, but! You can stay in jail for free, and they give you food and clothes to wear. Not sure about tampons, but it sucks to be women anyway. Buck up! Your grandpa had survived gulag, you can get through this no problem. If we're lucky, someone will drop a bomb on us while we're there. So who's coming?
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grinar · 2 years
tomorrow the russian government is gonna add a few new laws in the criminal code:
1) if you’re posting a fake (fake is literally anything that doesn’t say the offical state information) - it’s a crime = you can go to jail
2) if you’re vocally against the war - it’s a crime = you can go to jail
3) if you’re saying the sanctions are good/are justified - it’s a crime = you can go to jail.
today, some of our opposition media sources were blocked for spreading information that was different from the official media.
today facebook and twitter were blocked in russia, god knows what will happen in the morning. maybe they’ll cut the internet for all I know.
please, spread the word. if some of your russian friends фку suddenly disappear from the social media - our government is doing everything for us to rely only on the lies they’re spreading.
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grinar · 5 years
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Liv Tyler as Arwen Undomiel
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grinar · 5 years
Script for the unaired scene of Aziraphale opening his bookshop in 1800
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I’m not saying that we were robbed, I’m just saying that we were EXTREMELY robbed
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grinar · 5 years
Oh no Developers... (:
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grinar · 5 years
if you didn’t already think thor ragnarok was one of the best films in the marvel cinematic universe please consider: this picture
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grinar · 5 years
Was Crowley a pretty nanny? :D
Wait and see.
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grinar · 5 years
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grinar · 5 years
if you didn’t already think thor ragnarok was one of the best films in the marvel cinematic universe please consider: this picture
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grinar · 6 years
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