grose019-blog · 4 years
Please message me if you need someone to talk to. I will be your instant best friend ^-^ ✨
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(Go ahead and repost if your cool with people messaging you if they need a friend ☺️ )
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grose019-blog · 4 years
1.16.20 | 3 Days of Productivity
Today was pretty busy, but it honestly was a really good day! It was the first day of my Tuesday/Thursday classes, and I think I am going to like them. This is what I did today.
> Worked in the afternoon and morning
> Went to CRJU 303
> Went to MSCJ 531
> Went to MSCJ 530
> Typed out Chapter 1 notes for CRJU 314
> Started notes for Chapter 2 for CRJU 314
We don’t have much to during work right now, so I got some homework done during that time. I am taking this evening to relax and take in the calm of the beginning of the semester before it gets too crazy.
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grose019-blog · 4 years
1.15.20 | 2/100 Days of Productivity
Today was the first official day of classes for the second semester! However, it was pretty laid back. Tomorrow will be a busy day. I didn't do a ton of academic work, however, I don't think it is a big deal because I am barely into the semester and it is not like I am behind or anything. I have a week to read these chapters. Here is a list of what I did today.
> Went to KIN 204
> Went to Counseling
> Went to CRJU 400
> Went to Walgreens to pick up some essentials
> Did a Load of Laundry
> Attended Community Sing
Community sing is an activity I do once a week. It is a small group that gets together and sings songs, and it is a really chill environment. The songs are very healing and really uplifting. It is something I really enjoy. I think I will have some random free time tomorrow that I will be able to do more academic work.
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grose019-blog · 4 years
1.14.20 | 1/100 Days of Productivity
I am starting over my DOP because during winter break I did almost nothing lol! So I am trying to start off strong in the new semester. I am also not going to be as harsh with what I consider “productive” in a day. There are some days (especially when I do not have class) that a shower would be a productive thing for me to do. And I will qualify that in DOP if needed.
Today I started my night class, with tomorrow being the first official day of the second semester. This is what I did today
> Read Chapter 1 for my CRJU 314 Class
> Went to a Work Meeting
> Went to my Night Class (CRJU 314)
I can’t wait to update you with what I am doing throughout my first week back at college!
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grose019-blog · 4 years
Hey guys! Sorry for the silence, but I was on winter break and was not very productive. Tomorrow is the start of the spring semester of my junior year and I am very excited to get started! The plan is to update my studyblr every day. But I am also not going to put myself down if I miss a day or two. Would you guys like a morning post about my plans for the day? Or a nightly post recapping my day? Please let me know!
Also, I would love to get to know you guys some more. Please message me and we can chat!
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grose019-blog · 4 years
i’m going to reach my goal this year. i’m going to work so fucking hard and make no more shitty excuses. 
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grose019-blog · 4 years
Study tips to actually get shit done
And no, the first tip isn’t to ‘just start’, or to whip out your 84727 coloured pens, agenda, and colour code your life. 
1. Give yourself incentive: You’re a lot more likely to actually do the work if you tell yourself you’re going to watch a movie in 3 hours, rather than having an abyss of time to finish that chapter. 
2. Start early: I’m assuming most of the readers are on summer break now. I’m not asking you to start studying from the evening you finished your exam, but start at least one month before your school begins, so you can ease into the next school year. Here’s how to go about it:                                                            Get the total syllabus - You can mostly find this online, or on the school website. 
 Decide how much you want to cover over the summer - Don’t try to learn the entire 2-year course in 2 months. Start with around 2-3 chapters to give yourself a head-start. 
Get the textbooks - Again, you can mostly find these online, or at your library. If you can’t locate them online, ask someone! There are many websites dedicated to that particular board of education, and most of the textbooks come with a CD that has the book in .pdf form, and most people would gladly send you the first couple of chapters.
Stay away from past exam papers - I say this because past exams are limited, and you want to ensure that you have enough resources to practice from before your actual exams. Practice the Excercise questions in your textbook instead. Or if you really really want to practice more, invest in a question bank. 
3. Determine how you learn best: Contrary to popular belief, there aren’t only 3 kinds of learners. See for yourself:
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And while we all feel we’re stress learners, that’s not quite the deal. If you have the time, try out each of these methods to find which one would suit you on the long term. 
4. Don’t movie into the library: I know it must be tempting to just sit in the library all day, but 4 hours of blogging in the library is still 4 hours of blogging. Going to the library just gives you the illusion of productivity, if you don’t do anything there. 
5. Ask you friends/family to help you stay focused: Tell them to confiscate your technology or turn off the wifi when you’re studying. Download whatever material you need for college work, or use a website-blocking app. (There are a zillion of those floating around.)
6. DON’T. HIGHLIGHT. Unless you abso-frikkin-lutely have to. Highlighting leads to passive reading. You start studying on autopilot, and there’s no point of having 4 pages of neon orange that you don’t remember reading. 
7. Note-taking: Sure, all the studyblr pictures of notes with MacBooks and sharpies and Staedtler pens might look ‘aesthetic’ but don’t try to replicate that if it don’t work for you. If you lie to scribble down your notes on newspaper margins with a black ball pen, then by all means, do that. There really is no point having an ultra-pretty study guide that you don’t really use, or worse, don’t have time to use.
8. Cut your flashcards out of paper for short courses. I find this especially helpful for vocab, etc, because it’s just a few words that I will become familiar with quickly. Use proper flashcards for things like definitions and mnemonics, as you’ll be needing these on the long term. (Also, I’m sorry I can’t help you more with flashcards, as we don’t get those in my country. It’s like I live in Narnia, minus the cool stuff.)
9. Do all the practice problems: This one is pretty self-explanatory. 
Bonus tip: If you use a bullet journal/to-do list, I recommend highlighting the tasks you have finished. this one is totally optional, but it helps me feel more accomplished at the end of the day. 
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grose019-blog · 4 years
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reblog if you want more interaction w your lovely followers
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grose019-blog · 4 years
2020 is going to be an amazing year.
All of your hard work will pay off and good things will manifest into your life. This is going to be the year where you work your butt off to pursue your goals and you WILL get there! You will leave behind any difficulties that you’ve faced and any obstacles that you’ve had to overcome. You will rise above them. You’ll get that spark back and you’ll discover something incredible about yourself that you never knew before. It’s going to be an amazing year, just you wait.
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grose019-blog · 4 years
12.5.2019 | 14/100 Days of Productivity
Today was so productive!! Here is what I accomplished!
Went to the last of my T/Th classes
Completed PSYC 342 paper
Worked on my PSYC 342 project
1/3 of the way done with my SOC 220 assignment
I don’t have much else to do before the end of the semester and I’m very excited! I hope the end of your guys semester is filled with productivity and good grades!
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grose019-blog · 4 years
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12.4.2019 | 13/100 Days of Productivity
Today was AMAZING! It was a great mental health day, and I was super productive! These are things I accomplished today:
Went to my classes: CRJU 316 & MSCJ 680
Started painting for a final project
Finished my term paper for my graduate class
Started on one of my final papers
I hope all of you have an amazing day!
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grose019-blog · 4 years
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12.3.2019 | 12/100 Days of Productivity
Today was such a good day! I was so productive and got a ton done, and I even get to go to bed early! Here’s a list of some of the things I did today.
Went to PSYC 342 and SOC 220
Did a load of laundry
Make almond bark, Oreo, peppermint Christmas candy
Finished the last of my notes for PSYC 321
Now I am just relaxing and catching up on my shows and getting ready for tomorrow!
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grose019-blog · 5 years
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12.2.2019 | 11/100 Days of Productivity
Today was not the most productive day I should have had, but I still got some stuff done! I did not really do much other than going to class, work, and back to my room for a nap and homework. The only picture I got was this morning before class that I took out my bedroom window. It snowed a little last night, but it is basically all gone now. I hope you have a productive week.
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grose019-blog · 5 years
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12.1.2019 | 9/100 & 10/100 Days of Productivity
I cannot believe it is December already!! I just got back from Thanksgiving break and I am ready for the end of this semester! Tomorrow is the start of dead week and then next week is finals. It is going to be a crazy two weeks, but I am feeling motivated! My thanksgiving break was not very productive, but I did manage to get homework done on Thanksgiving night! I came back to campus a day early that way I had a complete day to focus on studying and homework. I’ll keep you updated on the last days of this semester!
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grose019-blog · 5 years
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11.19.2019 & 11.20.2019 | 7/100 & 8/100 Days of Productivity
The last two days have been very crazy, but boring. I have spent this entire week studying for my final and finishing a term paper due in the same class!!! It has been a hectic two days, but it is finally over. I just have a couple classes to go before I can leave for Thanksgiving break. The rest of the week is going to be very relaxing just getting ready for break and everything that has to come after that. My goal is to get at least two assignments done during Thanksgiving break, but it is only necessary for me to get one down. We will see how much actual free time I have in those ten days!! I hope everyone’s November is going great! HAPPY STUDYING!
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grose019-blog · 5 years
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11.18.2019 | 6/100 Days of Productivity
Today was such a productive day!! I had to get up early to move my car out of a certain parking lot. I didn’t want to get a ticket! However, I did get to see campus when no one else was around, and it was really pretty. I got to go to bed after that, so that was nice! Once I got up, I got a lot done! I met with one of my classmates and we edited each other’s term papers. That was great because I got to get some feedback before meeting with my professor. After work, I went to the library in order to focus and get more homework done. Then I finally got back to my room and I got to unpack my new eye shadow palette from the new Jeffree Star x Shane Dawson collaboration!! I was so tired that I fell asleep by 5:00! That’s why this post is technically a day late LOL! Now here’s to a productive Tuesday!
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grose019-blog · 5 years
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11.17.2019 | 5/100 Days of Productivity
This weekend was actually pretty exciting! However, my only productive day was today, so I’m only counting one day of productivity for this weekend. Friday I went to go see some high school friends. It was really great to catch up with them and spend some time away. On Saturday, I bought a spontaneous ticket to the Iowa/Minnesota football game. It was a little cold, but I did get to participate in “The Wave”. For those who do not know, the Iowa football stadium is right beside the University of Iowa Children’s Hospital. After the first quarter of every home football game, all of the fans and both teams turn and wave to the sick kids in the hospital. It has been called “the best tradition in college sports” and I couldn’t agree more! Sunday was my productive day. I got to sleep in, take a nap, and still had time to write my paper for my psychology class. This week I need to stay focused on my schoolwork and study for my theories of counseling test. This Friday is when I leave to go home for Thanksgiving break, which is much needed!
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