groundedxdreamer · 9 months
York quirked a brow and folded his arms behind his head as she made herself comfortable.
"I dunno, I could probably turn an MRE into a halfway decent meal with the right tools. I'm not miracle worker, but it'd be an improvement."
Rotating carefully so her stomach was pressed against him, arms folded carefully over his chest to avoid any digging of elbows, she looked at him with an eyebrow quirked.
"Okay, now I'm curious."
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groundedxdreamer · 9 months
"Hey, you're the one giving me grief about not making you anything," York pointed out jokingly. "But hey, I could... get creative, probably. Maybe improvise a little."
"I'd love if you made me something, but... With what, exactly?" She was under the impression that he hadn't thought that far ahead just yet.
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groundedxdreamer · 9 months
"You know, if you're hungry, you can just ask me to make you something, you little shit." York gave her nose a playful little boop in response.
"And you haven't demonstrated your skill? Shame on you, truly. Normally men show that off as an effort to woo the object of their affections, but you've hidden it, you fool."
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groundedxdreamer · 9 months
Still chuckling, York mercifully removed his fingers from her hair before he accidentally tied it in a bunch of knots or something. "What you don't think I could be a good comedian?" Honestly, his sense of humor was an acquired taste, but still.
"Ooooh, now there's an idea. I like to think I'm a pretty good baker, honestly."
"I mean, you're right, but I want you to be happy. It was an example, you goof. Maybe you could get into stand-up comedy." She'd playfully smack his chest, with with his laughter she was worried her hair would get pulled, and that was the opposite of relaxing.
"Ohhh, or you could be a chef. Then we both benefit."
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groundedxdreamer · 9 months
"How does one... compete with themselves?" York mused. "Could I become really, really good at Solitaire?" No, no, that would just be a sad retirement, at best.
"Bowling? Really?" He laughed. "You would fuckin' hate me!"
"We're thinking of retirement, York. You won't be able to settle for doing it for fun. Think of something where you're only competing with yourself, maybe?" They were both absurdly competitive, and that didn't make for a relaxing time. "Or something that puts you in a relaxed frame of mind, at least. Like... Bowling."
Not that she wanted to be the partner of the kind of guy who went bowling with his friends every Friday, but it was an example.
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groundedxdreamer · 9 months
"Hey, I think that'd be pretty awesome." But only if he got to follow all the movie tropes in the process, as far as York was concerned.
York paused, even in his ministrations, to think that question over. Honestly, he hadn't really planned that far ahead. "Hm... I guess I could try a sport or something? Put that athleticism to good use."
"Can't wait for you to become the computer nerd in some high stakes spy movie." Not even an actor, just... A real life equivalent. "Somehow, that's way more demeaning a role, even if it's the same skills."
"Have you ever considered branching out into something different? A new skill, to keep you occupied? I know you. You'd get bored."
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groundedxdreamer · 9 months
"Whatever works, right?" Of course, York didn't know a damn thing about choereography, but it was right up Carolina's alley for sure.
"What, like a streamer?" he joked, now using both hands to fiddle playfully with her hair. "You could probably pull it off, just saying. As for me, hm... I guess I'll take advantage of my security expertise somewhere a little more... low-risk than this job."
"Yeah, I think the speed unit's ruined any chances at a full career as a performer at this point. That's why I said choreography." Outside of the fact that productions were generally very picky with the appearance of their dancers, of course.
"Or maybe I could be an online celebrity. Who knows?" The idea was slightly amusing to her, but perhaps shouldn't be taken for granted entirely; it was a shot in the dark, though, if anything. "Did you have any other plans...?"
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groundedxdreamer · 9 months
"Ah, yes, the wonders of capitalism," York quipped. His family worked for Chalybs Defense Solutions on Meridian, which meant he never really had to worry about going hungry when his family was raking in so much money, but that didn't mean he was ignorant of the larger problem, either.
"Well, when we get outta here, I'll support any ballerina plans you might have," he continued with a smirk. "Probably a pretty easy job compared to the military."
"How do you think I paid for college? I owe the military a certain number of years of service. I used to think that I'd go into dance choreography when I got out; I don't fit the profile of most professional dancers. Now I think I'm in juuuust a little too deep." Her story for that time period was a little more complicated than that, but they didn't need to get into the nitty gritty.
"I have all the training, though. Might need to spend some dedicated time to target the right muscle groups if I really wanted to get into it again, but... I was always told every little girl dreams of becoming a ballerina. I don't know how true that is, but I got damned close."
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groundedxdreamer · 9 months
"Right, you said you wanted to be a dancer, right?" He could definitely see it, just from her battlefield skills alone. Clearly, she had gotten that natural agility and dexterity from somewhere. "Why didn't you stick with that?"
"To be fair, I thrive on the attention. Positive or negative, it's... Validating. Usually." Just never from the right people, it didn't seem like. It was worse when she was observed but no remark was made, or only a simple one was. A minor correction, a brief nod... It felt meaningless. Cold. Even being called a boastful showoff was better; at least that acknowledged her skill.
"It probably isn't a surprise that for a long time I entertained the idea of being a performer, huh? I just traded that for a different stage."
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groundedxdreamer · 9 months
"Fair point." Even if people gave her grief sometimes, nobody could deny that she was good at what she did. Was she proud of it? Sure, who wouldn't? At least she could back up her boasting, unlike some people he knew, and she wasn't a total asshole about it.
"I'm not really the attention-grabbing type," York said with a chuckle. "At least, not the same way that you are. You stand out a lot more than I do."
"Why do you think I don't listen to anybody about it..?" It wasn't their business. Not usually, at least. "I've been hearing that shit my entire life. Maybe there's an element of truth to it, but I take stock of my accomplishments with great pride, including the work it took to get there."
"... That's also why you're the only person who's ever gotten through to me. I see you doing the same thing. Maybe it's because you're more laid-back in attitude about it; people feel more comfortable with you in general."
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groundedxdreamer · 9 months
"Well, when you put it that way... damn, do you think people are just being accidentally sexist? Because I wouldn't be surprised." York shrugged lightly. "But, either way, I guess I can't say I don't appreciate you lookin' out for me."
Carolina had always loved the feeling of people messing with her hair; it's part of why she gave absolutely zero resistance to the idea. It was a comforting feeling, though she didn't really care to dig deep for the reasons why.
"I'm just saying. You're fidgety and have to have something to do and it's part of who you are that lent you to your skillset. I have to keep myself occupied and I work too hard and people think I have a chip on my shoulder. Somebody's gotta poke you, too, you know?"
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groundedxdreamer · 9 months
"Sweet." York was at least gentle enough about it, running his fingers through her crimson hair or lightly twirling a lock of it for a moment. Honestly, she'd probably like it. "Says the woman who can barely keep still long enough to sleep."
"I'll allow it." She chuckled softly, adjusting slightly to make her scalp more readily accessible without causing discomfort. "You just can't keep your mind from wandering, can you?" Like she was one to talk.
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groundedxdreamer · 9 months
"...permission to fidget with your hair?" he asked sheepishly. It's true, York would eventually get tired of being a living mattress, but he was in no hurry, either. He'd bee through worse, quite frankly.
@groundedxdreamer (cont. from)
"No, but I know how you get if you don't have something to keep yourself occupied. You always tell me I work too hard, but you're the one who hides fidget toys in all of his frequently visited areas." If she were being honest, it was actually a little sweaty here - but it was way better than the cool dry air out there. Besides, she craved the intimacy.
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groundedxdreamer · 9 months
"You're warm. I forbid you from going anywhere until it's warmer out from under these blankets."
"Did I do something to imply that I wanted to move?" After all, he was also quite cozy right here. Snuggling under the blankets with his girlfriend? Like he'd ever say no to that.
0 notes
groundedxdreamer · 9 months
Number Single Capable Tantrum Treat
Number: How many children does your muse want?
((York wants to be realistic and only go for a couple kids, but if it was up to him, he'd have as many as he could get away with.))
Single: How would your muse feel about being a single parent? Would they be able to take care of a child on their own? How would that work?
((York is not confident in his lone parenting skills. He would do his best if that's how it turned out, but he wants the best life for his kids that he can get.))
Capable: Do you think your muse is capable of caring for a child? Why/Why not?
((Absolutely, even if he would spoil his kids a bit. He has a naturally caring demeanor--not as extreme as, say, North's, but it's there. He has the empathy and protective instinct, too.))
Tantrum: How does your muse deal with tantrums? In public?
((York can be stern when he needs to be, especially in public, but he'd rather try to figure out the source of the tantrum and fix it ASAP. Unless, of course, it's unreasonable, in which case he will usually cart the kid off somewhere private so they can get their frustration out safely.))
Treat: How does your muse reward their child? Candy / Toys / etc.?
((Usually snacks, especially his own baked goods.))
0 notes
groundedxdreamer · 9 months
Starting a Family Headcanon Asks!
Number: How many children does your muse want?
Adopt: Does your muse want to adopt, or do they want to have children naturally? Both?
Single: How would your muse feel about being a single parent? Would they be able to take care of a child on their own? How would that work?
Bottle: Does your muse prefer to bottle feed or breastfeed?
Want: Does your muse want children? Why or why not?
Capable: Do you think your muse is capable of caring for a child? Why/Why not?
Chores: How does your muse prefer to divide the housework?
Outing: What sorts of things does your muse like to do with their kids outside of the house?
Emergency: How is your muse in an emergency? Are they calm? Panicked?
Diaper: Has your muse ever changed a diaper before? Are they good at it?
Entertain: Is your muse good at entertaining children? How do they go about doing it?
Tantrum: How does your muse deal with tantrums? In public?
Parent: What type of parent does your muse consider themself?
Bedtime: Does your muse read their child to sleep? Are there any other bedtime routines they have?
Treat: How does your muse reward their child? Candy / Toys / etc.?
Destress: What’s your muse way to destress after a long day?
Scrapbook: Does your muse like to keep record of their kids, or are they more ‘live in the moment’ type?
Cuddle: Is there designated cuddle time for your muse and their child, or is it more unprompted?
Mess: How does your muse handle a mess that your child has made? 
Lullaby: Does your muse sing lullabies to their kids, or do they just put on CDs?
Daycare: Does your muse prefer to bring their child to a public daycare, or do they hire someone they trust to watch them?
Date: How often does your muse get a date?
Playtime: Does your muse enjoy playing with their kids or do they simply observe them as they play?
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groundedxdreamer · 10 months
"Exactly!" York clearly didn't take offense to the comparison. "What have we got to lose, right? And I know you love testing stuff."
It was funny--despite all the hullabaloo about saving the Alpha, York didn't know a damn thing about the AI, except educated guesses based on his interactions with the fragments. But he had been a volitional AI; they were, for all intents and purposes, people. Really, really smart people, with reaction times an organic person could only dream of. Hearing about 'deficiencies' was odd, to say the least, but the fragmentation process had obviously done a number on the poor guy.
"Alright, so, what should we avoid, then?" he asked. "Based on your research."
"Ah, yes. Throw enough darts and eventually you'll hit the board." Maybe not the center, but at least not hitting the wall around it was a start.
"Fortunately, there is some data to pull from thanks to the Alpha's independent time, though nothing particularly optimistic. I would be curious how his experience would have differed pre-fragmentation..." But that would also mean that Delta himself would not exist. The scientist inside of him regrettably found the research involved in his own creation morbidly fascinating - though perhaps that would have been the case regardless of the dire outcome. He did come from that root, after all.
"Which is to say, based on a matrix of data constructed off of the strengths and weaknesses of each fragment cross-referenced with the Alpha's own... Deficiencies, for lack of a better word, I may be able to steer us safely away from a couple of options."
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