i hate when i go up north and go to restaurants and the waiter comes to take my order and im like “do yall have sweet tea??” and theyre like “no sweetheart but we have unsweetened iced tea and we can give you some sugar packets!!!” llike no you fucking yankee because now the tea is already cold so the sugar wont dissolve in it and itll all just sink the bottom and be nasty learn basic fucking solubility this is 9th grade chemistry thats why sweet tea exists in the first place you fucking heat the tea up to make it and then while its still hot you add the sugar and then you chill it and its sweet fucking tea i bet you pronounce pecan like peecan too you four seasons-having piece of shit
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To be honest, I've run out of original ideas for now! But I'll start updating again when I can get a decent lineup in the queue :) feel free to send suggestions!
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Absolute dirtbags like this who think Appalachian stereotypes are just hilarious and like to make fun of Appalachian people while simultaneously making their living off the back of traditional Appalachian music.
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!@#%& Chiggers 🤬
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Where are all my 4-H kids?
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Chicken fried steak
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You just have to walk outside for a snack
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Catching crawdads
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Playing in the creek
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Taking a trip to the good fireworks stand that has a special selection in the back.
(We always had to travel down to Tennessee, happy Fourth of July!)
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All of the woods were your playground
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Leaving in the morning as a kid and only coming back when the sun started to set
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Tiny hiatus for vacation, feel free to send me suggestions while I'm gone!
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The nice, smooth roads.
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Everyone calls you "honey, darlin', sweetheart, etc." Men and women both, in casual and professional settings.
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The volunteer teachers that come down to spend a year trying to bring enlightenment to those poor little Appalachian Hillbillies.🙄
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