growinningrace · 3 years
Bible Thoughts- Job
Okay so I heard Job was the oldest book in the Bible and here are my thoughts on it and how it spoke to me:
I think it’s about testing faith and I think it really spoke this to me even though it was a bit of a difficult read (I read NIV). Essentially I think it says that it’s easy to believe in God and have faith in Him when things are good but harder when things are bad. Yet we need God more when things are bad, yet when they are then respond by getting angry at Him and cursing Him. Also shows that only God stays constant when things go wrong, others abandon or leave but not God. He always has a plan and is with you when things are going wrong or not going the way you want them to go. Ending when Job is restored shows that if God takes you/ allows you to go through something He will bring you out of it, you just have to trust in His plan.
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growinningrace · 3 years
Hi!!!! So I know Tumblr can be a bit quiet these days but I really wanted to start a blog, even just for me so I can look back on it. I’m 18 years old and 2 years ago in lockdown 2020 I decided I was a Christian. Yet I feel as though I really struggle to be a “good christian” and follow God as I give in to sin so easily. I know that as humans we are flawed and we can’t be perfect all the time but I really struggle still. I didn't grow up in a Christian family and don’t have many Christian friends so I guess I'm starting this to kinda keep myself accountable? idrk and don't get me wrong I have an amazing church and christians who surround me but they're a lot older and so much more mature in their faith so I sometimes feel awkward telling them things (I also have major trust issues lol). So I just thought id start this at least its anonymous and I can share freely here. Ill be posting some other stuff on here too like some more serious theology here (prospective theology student here lol) as well as just loads of other random stuff I like sooooo guess I'm signing off here lol.
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