growmyseed 29 days
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Did the sketch of me when I was pregnant with my twin girls last year
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growmyseed 1 month
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This is your fate. Looking down in bed, seeing your belly swollen with a baby or two, feeling them moving and kicking in the warm and safe Womb that you're providing them.
This is, of course, inevitable. You may think to yourself you're playing it safe, taking birth control pills or having your boyfriend use a condom when you have sex.
But you'll slip up at some point. Maybe you miss a day on your pills by accident. Maybe you happen to run out of condoms and you figure, "It's just this one time."
Regardless, your momentary lapse of diligence is rewarded with two pink lines on a pregnancy test. Now, 8 months later, you're lying in bed, tired and swollen with the growing babies inside you. They move so much and you're so big now, you can hardly get up anymore.
You've truly become the Womb you were destined to be. You always feel the babies inside you, day and night. They're a constant reminder of what you tried to hold back for so long.
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growmyseed 1 month
Because why should girls have to go to school? You don't need an education, all the teaching you need will come from the Man who gets you pregnant, turning you into the perfect housewife and mother.
It's a life that is built for women, instead of trying to squeeze a weaker, less intelligent sex into the role of Men, so why not do what you're meant to?
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growmyseed 1 month
Video I've been trying to find for months
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growmyseed 2 months
From drecma galleries
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growmyseed 2 months
Laying in bed wishing I had a remote that I could just hit and boom! Instant 9 month triplet belly I could hold and rub all night.
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growmyseed 2 months
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growmyseed 3 months
Triplets?? More like a night with the piglets!
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growmyseed 3 months
I've gotta get me a fitness girl. Keep stuffing her with protein and watch her expand with gas.
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growmyseed 3 months
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growmyseed 3 months
if you want me just gimme a wave baby..
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growmyseed 3 months
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growmyseed 3 months
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growmyseed 3 months
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growmyseed 3 months
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growmyseed 4 months
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growmyseed 4 months
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Jenny posed for her son's birthday photo. He was turning three today, and although he didn't technically have a birthday, she celebrated his long past due date every year. She'd been just eighteen when he'd been conceived, a senior in high school with a bright future left knocked up and alone by her deadbeat boyfriend. She knew she from the moment she first heard his heartbeat that she wanted her son, but she also knew that she couldn't take care of him as a single mother with nothing but a high school diploma and a dream. She needed more time.
Luckily for Jenny, she had been accepted to the medical program of a top university, and they just so happened to be researching the effects and long-term side effects of multi year pregnancies. She hadn't even settled into her dorm room before she signed up for the study.
Over the course of the next three years, the data gathered by the study led to the creation of a variety of new drugs. An inhaler that improved oxygen intake to compensate for reduced lung capacity. A cream that drastically increased skin elasticity. Pills to improve the speed and efficiency of digestion. And, of course, the most effective birth blockers ever created.
Another significant development was that Jenny had developed something between a clique and a cult around her. Nearly two dozen people all obsessed with pregnancy in one way or another. Some loved to feel their bodies grow obscenely large with overdue babies or multiples. Others used pregnancy accelerating drugs to pop out twins and triplets almost weekly. One girl was practically all womb, a nearly spherical belly filled with more than twenty very overdue babies, unable and unwilling to do anything but be hand fed and passionately fucked by those members of the club who loved serving the whims of the preggos. This certainly wasn't what Jenny had been expecting her time at university to look like, but she wouldn't trade it for the world.
Thanks to @danny198725 for submitting the photo for this story. If you've got a picture you'd like to see featured on one of my stories, feel free to dm me! Thanks for reading.
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