grubbbbbb · 5 months
smut prompt list no. 3
1) mirror sex
2) sex in front of a big window where anyone could glance up and spot them
3) fully clothed x stark naked
4) slow sex while one or both are injured (bonus points if it’s after a battle or after they’ve patched up each other’s wounds)
5) body worshipping 
6) marathon session (they just fucking keep going, babyyyy)
7) finding a somewhat private area at a fancy party to fuck (coat closet, empty office, secluded corner on the big balcony, hedge maze if we wanna get dramatic, etc) 
8) oops, we were just hiding in this closet, but then the close proximity get us too turned on not to fuck
9) revenge sex
10) finding their partner’s sex toy/toys and making them play with it in front of them
11) quickie where you don’t take any clothes off, just tug and pull and expose the essentials 
12) fucking, but one is still trying to keep all of their attention on the game they are playing
13) getting a little too handsy on the dancefloor
14) library sex for those dark academia vibes
15) jealous sex in the alleyway behind the bar
16) accidental i love you’s during sex 
17) seeing the love marks they left on their partner later and getting turned on all over again remember how it got there in the first place
18) a/b/o
19) getting turned on by their partner’s new uniform for work and then roleplaying a bit
20) sleepy domestic sex
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grubbbbbb · 5 months
What to use instead of 'said'
• added • replied • answered • stated • announced • questioned • asked • mentioned • remarked
• cheered • shouted • yelled • demanded • barked • blurted • growled • scolded •snorted
• muttered • murmured • mumbled • uttered • stuttered • hissed • moaned • mouthed
• begged • cried • confessed • complained • promised • pleaded
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grubbbbbb · 5 months
Shades of Green
Pairing: Gale x Fem Tav
Summary: Tav finds herself in possession of a most revealing letter. Tempted and confused, she retreats with her thoughts to the silent sanctuary of a library. One-shot.
Warnings: Vaginal Sex, Jealousy, Fucking Against a Bookcase...
Word Count: 3.6k
A/N: This is inspired by Atonement, and contains elements of the book/film but with a different plot and in a different universe.
Shout out to @heyitsjaki for the inspiration - this one's for you, babe!
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The blanket of dusk had begun its descent, with the lingering warmth of the sun settling in for another stifling night. The open windows of the Elfsong tavern did nothing to cool the skin of the adventurers preparing themselves for the evening ahead; they just welcomed the sounds of a city slipping into a night’s reverie, as market stalls were swept away and parents chased giggling children off to bed. 
Tav had changed her outfit three times. Figaro had sent her out of his shop with a bundle of dresses, but she had struggled to pick the one most appropriate. The long-sleeved black ensemble, with its intricate lace, felt stifling against her sun-kissed skin, while the pale blue option left her feeling too juvenile for the occasion. Eventually, she settled on a backless silk number which echoed the emerald of her eyes. It skimmed and spilled over her body as though it were made of liquid.
She was trying lipstick and appraising herself in the mirror when she heard footsteps behind her; footsteps with no reflection.
“You look divine, darling.” Astation’s voice was as silken as her dress but with none of the comfort. She ignored him, knowing where this was leading.
“I assume there will be nothing to my… taste… being served at this dinner party?” He drawled. 
"If you're wondering whether Rolan will be serving goblets of blood at his inaugural hosting as master, I'd venture to say it's highly unlikely." It had been a mere couple of days since they had efficiently removed the former master of Ramazith's tower. Grateful for their assistance, Rolan had extended a formal dinner invitation to all involved—a chance, perhaps, to both express his gratitude and showcase his newfound position. Though the timing might not have been perfect, the prospect of an evening away from the Elfsong, wearing clothing absent of bloodstains, held collective appeal.
“Well, then we find ourselves in a bit of a tricky situation, my sweet.”
Tav turned round to face him, and caught his eyes roaming her body.  “There’s no need for predatory looks, Astarion.” She kept her voice clipped, businesslike. Theirs was an arrangement which she had always kept uncomplicated, despite his occasional attempt at complication. “You may take what you need, as long as you promise to be on your best behaviour this evening.”
“Aren’t I always?” He flashed his roguish smile and approached her with barely concealed hunger. She sighed and tilted her head back to allow him what he needed.
“You smell like warm vanilla” Her murmured as he inhaled against her skin, before pressing his lips against the thrumming pulse of her throat and sinking his teeth into her. The second her taste kissed his tongue, he moaned instinctively. She was the first bite of an apple after a day of starvation. The feeling of it was always over-personal, and despite Tav having no romantic attachment or desire towards him, there was a soft flush of intimacy which came from the feeling of him gripping her and basking in her taste. It almost felt like worship. Tav let out a gentle gasp as he gave one final, meaningful swallow and then stepped back, panting. She knew it took restraint to stop, and she appreciated the effort and, well, manners, of him prising himself away before he was asked. They were both breathless, her a little dizzy, and he handed her a handkerchief from his top pocket to press against the bleeding puncture wounds on her neck. 
“Thank you darling” He bowed his head “That will make the evening much more bearable.”
Upon leaving Tav’s room, he bumped into Gale standing outside the door holding a letter. From his tense posture and grim expression, Astarion guessed he had been there long enough to catch wind of the vampire’s early evening snack.
“Hear anything interesting?” Astarion lilted, relishing the hardness in Gale’s usually soft eyes. “You know, she certainly is delicious.” His voice was a silken purr which Gale wished to choke from his throat. The scarlet of Tav’s blood had left a smear at the corner of his mouth, sin-red and mocking. 
Their relationship had always been tense, and that tension had only tightened when Gale became aware of his and Tav’s bloody arrangement. He did not know the details of it, or how much of herself she gave to him during these trysts, but he knew that she deserved better than to be the bloodbag of a leech, or the plaything of a roguish manipulator. His fierce feelings on the matter occasionally spilled into his interactions with Tav, a fault he felt much guilt over. He hated feeling like this, possessive over something he did not even own. He loved her, and sometimes love felt like fury. He was determined to make things right.
Astarion’s cheeks were slightly flushed from the blood which now bloomed through him. Her blood. Gale had heard his moan, her gasp, their shared breathlessness; and had wanted to burst the door open and stake the vampire where he stood. He gripped tight to what little composure he had, and focused on not crumpling the letter in his grip. The veins in his forearms were raised in tension, and resembled cracked bolts of blue lightning against his tanned skin, shooting out from where his sleeves had been pushed up. His breathing was slow, considered; but flared.
“I heard enough.” Gale stowed the letter away in his back pocket, but not before Astarion’s eyes glimpsed it. Gale was not a man who dealt out threats like trump cards, he had always preferred a battle of wits over blades, or the cut of a sharp word over a knife, but he was not above displaying violence if necessary. He felt like it may become necessary. 
“If I ever hear that you’ve taken a drop more than she is willing to give, there will be no shadow dark enough to hide you from me.” Gale asserted, his tone measured. “Besides, our little journey will be over soon, and I’m sure you’ll be back to your previous self in no time.” He took a step closer, and wiped away Tav’s blood with his thumb. “What a shame it would be to make an enemy of one who can conjure up sunlight.” With that, Gale walked away, unaware that Astarion's swift fingers had liberated the letter from his pocket.
It lay temptingly in Astarion’s hands, and without a moment's hesitation, he indulged his curiosity, devouring its contents with the same gluttonous reverie as he had Tav’s blood. There was a beat as he re-read it twice, shocked at what the restrained Wizard had written. "How delicious," he mused, a smile playing at the corners of his lips. With a calculated nonchalance, he slipped the letter under Tav's door, and slinked away with a cocky grin.
Tav had forgotten how to breathe properly. The handwriting was unmistakable. The ink was his deep purple. It even smelled of him. 
Dear Tav,
 In my dreams I kiss your cunt, your sweet wet cunt.
In my thoughts I make love to you all day long. 
She felt she had missed something, somewhere, in their short time together. A code she had not cracked, a riddle she had failed to solve. He was affectionate, flirtatious occasionally, charming always, but after spending so much time touch-starved and lacking company Tav had assumed his feelings were akin to those of a drowning man who had been thrown a rope from a passing ship. She had longed for him many times, she had even pushed the thought of a fierce kiss into his mind one magic-filled evening, and he had pulled away…
She had hoped that after Elminster eased the urgency of his condition, that maybe something would come of it. That he would find his way into her tent one night and let himself come undone after a year of being bound so tightly. But he had not. She had not pushed it, he was a man burdened and she did not want to add to it.
She could not think of this now. Not here. Not when they were about to spend an evening in the company of their friends. She re-read the note again and felt herself flush, if only he was aware of her own dreams, of the temptations that whispered and caressed whenever he tensed his muscles in arcane focus, when the sweat borne from summoned fire beaded his brow, or when his voice sank low to pull measured incantations from the depths of his muscled, hair-smattered chest. She shuddered, and fanned herself with no relief. She could not think of this now.
The hours at dinner ached onwards, with Gale sat just out of Tav’s direct eyeline. He was on the opposite side of the food-laden table, a few places along - and he was so aware of her that she may as well have been the only other person in the room. Her hair was loose around her shoulders, lips painted with a colour that made them look bitten. He wanted to deepen the colour with his teeth. He thought her dress made it look like art, she looked like poetry, like no artist would ever be tongue-tied or word-blocked again with her for a muse. Ironic, really, with how thick his tongue felt in his mouth just from looking at her. He thought her dress was the most silken, tempting, beautiful thing he had seen someone wear.
 It was perfect, and he wanted to ruin it. 
Tav had been avoiding his gaze all evening, afraid for him to look at her and see the truth. She was convinced it was waiting there, unabashed and obvious, and with one glance would be pulled from its poorly concealed hiding place. To look at him now would be stupid, reckless, dangerous. Her eyes flicked up, and he caught her. 
He was dark fire, He was looking at her the way a caged man would look at freedom, like she was the bright crack of light through prison walls or the sound of the ocean to a land-locked seafarer. She thought he may drag his searing eyes away, as he had done so many times before, but he did not.  He did not even attempt to simmer his gaze. He stared at her with an intent that kissed fire down her spine, she needed relief from it before she smouldered into ash. 
“Excuse me.” She breathed out an apology to guests who were paying her no attention, and with as much silence and grace as she could conjure she swept from the room, feeling the silk of her dress dance along the floor behind her. 
She poured herself through the first door she found. A library. Dimly lit and, thankfully, empty. What a relief, here there were only book bound spells and dusty stories to witness her unravelling. There must have been thousands of books here, and hers was the weakest spine in the room. 
The truth of it was, she was afraid. Something had now changed, and could not be changed back. The group of them still had challenges, battles and decisions ahead. Overdue justice would be delivered and fresh blood spilled, with a high chance that blood would be their own. Losing herself to her feelings for Gale, acting upon her fantasies, spiralling further into loving him would potentially be an act of selfishness and hard-headedness she couldn’t justify. She wasn’t sure if by keeping herself distanced, she had been protecting others or herself. If she let it, that distance would force itself closed, and she did not know what the outcome would be.
But.. his note… The weight of his lettered words were notched in the fragile space behind her eyes, like the forceful pressing of a typewriter on delicate paper. Even if the ink of the confession could somehow be washed away, the shape of it was indented into her. 
She would allow herself a few moments of stillness, in the silence of the library. How odd, she thought as she gazed around. She was in a room with vast, precious knowledge - and none of it really mattered. No piece of paper would ever matter as much as the one which had slipped like a secret under her door. 
A soft creak announced Gale's presence in the doorway. His posture was formal, his expression obscured by the dim, flickering candlelight. All evening he had been unfairly distracting in fitted suit trousers and a crisp white shirt. A smart black bow-tie had once adorned his collar, but the stifling heat of the lingering party had caused it to come undone, and it now hung loose and forgotten. Several buttons on his shirt had been unfastened, offering a glimpse of his chest hair and the bruise-coloured orb beneath. Against his olive skin, the white fabric seemed to deepen his complexion, accentuating his rugged features, and his sleeves were pushed up to reveal the firm muscles of his forearms. So much for her moment of stillness.
“Are you alright?” He moved towards her and she could not retreat from him even if she wanted to. She was against the bookcase at the far end of the room, there was no stepping back from him now. “You seemed… flushed at dinner.”
“Quite alright.” Her tone was more brusk than she intended it to be, more formal than she wanted. 
“I thought maybe Astarion took more from you than was necessary earlier.” His tone suddenly had a sharp bite to it. “My mistake, it appears you are both perfectly satisfied.” 
She did not like his implication. “Did you have a thorough listen? Before you delivered your sordid little letter?” 
There was a beat of silence, and the air shifted, the hard aura of him became soft and panicked. He didn’t say anything, though Tav had the feeling he was reaching for something to clutch at. She didn’t let him get to it. 
“Does it taint your dreams, knowing that he feeds from me? The dreams where you kiss my sweet, wet cunt?” The words were fired with archer's accuracy. She regretted it the moment it was said. “I’m sorry” She was flustered in her apology, “I shouldn’t have..”
“You should never have seen that letter”
“You slipped it under my door?”
“No. I did not.” 
Their breaths were heavy. Anger and tension and built-up frustration crackled through air made of gunpowder.
“So…You did not mean what you wrote?” Gale thought she almost sounded disappointed, and he clutched onto that thought with desperation and fanned it till it burned.
“That’s not what I said.” 
Out of self-consciousness, or awkwardness, or just to find something for her hands to do, Tav fiddled with her hair and moved it back off her shoulders. The innocuous motion allowed Gale full view of those two, small puncture marks. They were still slightly pink, the area around them bruised. He moved forwards, and her breath caught in expectation of being kissed. Instead he stood, jaw tight, brows stern and brushed the bite marks with his thumb, barely touching her. 
“It does not taint my dreams, but it does haunt my days.” His voice was a slip of envy. His thumb stayed at her throat, but his fingers moved to caress her jaw, tilting her head upwards so they were locked in another heated stare. Tav finally understood.
“I am not his. I never have been” she pushed herself up lightly on her toes, until her nose brushed against his and their breaths became each other’s. “I am yours.” 
The match was lit. He pressed himself fully against her and she bumped back against the books with a gasp caught in a blistering kiss. His hands ran along the cool silk and grasped at it in swathes, as all his pent-up need for her came crashing down in the silence of the library. It took all his resolve not to rip it to silken tatters. She gave one sweet, quiet moan against him and he lifted her up, pinning her against the bookcase before slipping a hand between them, to discover she was not wearing underwear. 
“Too hot” She breathed, her words dancing with laughter. 
“I’ll say.” Gale growls, and with a swift, single-handed undoing of his trousers he pushes his hard cock inside her. There is no time for grace, or teasing, or even manners. She is wet enough, and he needs to fuck her. 
They were not silent, their breaths were heavy and Gale swallowed Tav’s soft moans against his tongue, but there were no more words. There would be other times - Gale would make certain of it - where he would pour obscenities into her ear, where he would brand into her every sordid thought he had ever had, and relish teasing primal, guttural sounds from her sweet, parted lips. 
He had fantasised about her in worship and in sin. In silent libraries, in cold cramped tents, or in back rooms of rowdy taverns. He envisioned teasing her relentlessly until she succumbed to shuddering release with just a few deft strokes of his tongue, or seizing her from behind in the secluded alcove of a crowded bar, losing himself in the depths of her until he surrendered to blissful oblivion without even making eye contact. He wanted the burning, consuming intimacy of knowing her in every way a person can be known. In the softness of her body and the sharpness of her mind. In his thoughts he made love to her all day long, and in his reality he was determined to do the same. 
But for now, he could only growl as he fucked her hard against the bookcase of the library, with the muffled sound of chatter and laughter audible from the party next door. 
“Gale..” Her voice was staccato and lust-soaked and as loud as a gunshot amongst the dusty shelves. He put his hand over her mouth to keep her ecstasy contained, and struggled himself not to cry out in pained pleasure when she bit him. The way she was splayed like an open book before him, his hand pressed against her, controlling the flutter of pages, her spine flattening against the bookcase was maddening. In this position, with her pinned by the desperate, aching weight of him and using a foot perched on a rolling ladder and a hand gripped in his hair to anchor herself, he can feel each quiver and shake of lithe muscle. A bowstring pulled tight for too long, threatening to buckle and release. 
This was it, he thought, his reason for living. Not her exactly, not just her, but touch, hope, sweet torture, and succulent moments that would satisfy both the hungry and the starved. Gods, was he starved. Starved and craving to spend the rest of his life full of her. He couldn't thrust himself into her as hard and recklessly as he would have liked, not like this. Her position against the wall relied too much on the press of his hips and chest against her. Instead, he ground and rutted into her, ensuring his pressure hit her in every place she needed it. The silk of her dress caressed her skin, some of it draping between her legs and over where the two of them were connected. It was becoming soaked. Ruined. Just the way he wanted.
She began to ripple, still waters turning to coursing tides. The grip on his hair became tighter, and when she came the fluttering of her tight cunt was enough to force him over the edge with her. 
In the hazy, burnt-out aftermath of passion, hope glowed. Gale never relented in his affection; he wrapped an arm around her waist to gently guide her feet back to the floor. Cupping her flushed cheeks, he bestowed worshipping kisses upon the freckles of her face, trailing down her neck and shoulders with a soft, peaceful touch. The air between them was delicate, mingled with breathy satisfaction. He pressed kisses to her lips, another and another, as she giggled quietly, gently—a sound just as precious and intimate as the ones she had offered when she came against him.
“I love you.” He whispered, and she thinks it’s the most beautiful thing she’s ever heard. She said it back, and suddenly the thing that could not be changed was spoken. Bound. Sealed. 
“I was going to give you a letter this evening.” Gale continued with his forehead resting against hers “A different letter. There were two in my pocket, the one you received was just.. erm…”
“Catharsis?” She offered with a smirk.
“Something like that, yes.” He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a letter. A twin to the one from earlier in all except content. 
Dear Tav, 
Please forgive me for my jealous behaviour. The truth is, I feel rather foolish and light-headed in your presence. Tav, I don’t think I can blame the heat! Will you forgive me? 
She laughed loudly at the ridiculousness of it, of how polite and genteel his carefully crafted words were. At how he must have scrawled the other letter in pent-up desperation, only to put it aside and instead craft this… feathered, dainty thing. She wasn’t sure which letter she preferred, but she knew they were two sides of a precious coin. The two sides of him. 
“I think we can assume you are forgiven.” For a few more intimate moments, they make the most of the library’s silence.
“Do they think they’re being subtle?” Karlach’s brash voice is suddenly heard from the other room. Despite their illusion being shattered, the sound of her laughter mixed with Gale’s drowned out Tav’s fear. She would embrace change, and him along with it. 
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grubbbbbb · 7 months
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My man never gets old frfr
1K notes · View notes
grubbbbbb · 7 months
✨️ Levi in that shirt with that cloak ✨️
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801 notes · View notes
grubbbbbb · 7 months
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619 notes · View notes
grubbbbbb · 7 months
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714 notes · View notes
grubbbbbb · 7 months
chocolate-covered silver. / a levi ackerman valentine's ficlet.
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pairing: levi ackerman x f!reader (attack on titan / shingeki no kyojin) word count: 1.8k summary: Happy Valentine's Day readers. Why not celebrate with some Levi Ackerman smut? note: set in the universe of silver underground
tags: 18+ MINORS DNI! pre-aot, levi's pov, explicit language, secret relationship, gifts, eating desserts, sexual tension, oral (f!receiving), touch-starved idiots credit: dividers by @saradika-graphics
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He could kill Hange for this.
A nice gesture, they said — as if he doesn’t already wait on James hand and foot whenever the other Scouts aren’t looking.
She’ll love it, they promised — but not without adding a probably after the sourpuss scowl started forming on his face.
He’s been her close friend for over a decade. 
He’s been in her bed for a fraction of that.
So why does walking to her quarters with a tiny bouquet of hand-picked flowers and imported chocolate from Wall Sina feel like such a death march?
“I’m only trying to help you out,” Hange quipped last week, interrupting his perfectly-happy afternoon tea. “Is it not a day people celebrate in the Underground City?”
“We don’t celebrate stupid shit in the Underground,” Levi corrects, fingertips locked around the mouth of his cup. “And besides, it’s a married couple’s holiday.”
“Not always,” Hange argues, finger lifting in a contrarian manner. “People who date celebrate.”
“That’s not us.”
He’s not technically wrong.
You’re not dating, but he doesn’t know what the hell this is.
Hange’s smile only widens at that. “Friends celebrate, too.”
“Then where’s my flowers, shithead?” Levi retorts.
That earns a bark of a laugh from the Section Commander. “If you want me to go pick you some flowers to put in your stallion’s hair, Levi, make no mistake — I will run out there right now.”
“That’s a present for my horse, not for me.”
Hange waggles their brows, leaning over the table and ruining his peace. “Gives you ample opportunity to pick some flowers for our hardworking Lieutenant, too.”
He told them to go away.
Now, six days later, he’s here.
He’s showing up like a dumbass at her doorstep trying not to run the other way before you know. 
Are you going to think he’s an idiot for partaking in holidays that mean nothing to them?
The only gift he’d ever given you was that damned necklace you never take off. It was the only thing he could afford back then, down there, while they fought for their lives.
Although they may be still in the fight for their lives here, too, he can afford much, much more for you now.
He will buy you a thousand silver necklaces if you want them.
Clearing his throat, the Captain takes a moment to collect his resolve before tapping a knuckle against the wooden door frame.
You shuffle behind it. You must have been going over presentation plans Erwin sent over.
He debates on putting the flowers behind his back or—
Too late.
He stares at you when you open the door, blinking twice. You mirror the movements, blinking between the box and the bunch of flowers in either hand.
Mistake, mistake, mistake—
“Are those…?” you start, trying to hide your amusement.
Levi scowls and holds out the bouquet. “Yeah, it’s stupid.”
“I was gonna say ‘handpicked’,” you reply with a snort, taking the flowers gently from his hand. Levi can feel his heart beating a mile a minute as he waits with a forced stoicism. “What’s the occasion?”
He stops breathing altogether when you lean down to smell the aroma of the bouquet. The way your face melts from stress to enjoy the moment, the scent, has him weak in the knees.
For someone that’s been labeled humanity’s strongest, you sure have a way of making his knees buckle from nothing.
“It’s… Valentine’s Day up here,” he carefully states, hating every syllable of it.
“Valentine’s Day?” you repeat, holding the flowers close to your chest. You step back, allowing him access to your quarters. Levi doesn’t hesitate to enter.
“Some holiday where people celebrate—”
“—lovers?” you finish for him, and the captain feels like he’s trudged in quicksand. “I know. Hange mentioned it to me the other week.”
Fucking Hange.
“Funny that they did,” Levi grumbles, before turning on a heel. You close your door as he extends his arm with his second gift. “You’re supposed to spend the day with someone special to you. Someone — well, it can be a friend —”
“Oh, we’re friends?” you tease him as you take the box of chocolates.
You’re going to kill him.
“What? It’s nice to reaffirm — oh, shit.”
He stops in his tracks, painfully aware that you’ve gasped. His eyes slide to the now-opened box full of exquisite chocolate, throat now tight with uncertainty.
Maybe you hate it.
He really shouldn’t have listened to Hange.
“This is real chocolate,” you whisper, and that uncertainty melts into something so very warm.
“As opposed to fake chocolate?” he asks to keep his wits about him. To see you scowl.
“You know what I mean, Ackerman,” you snip, and he fights every muscle in his face to keep a smile at bay. “Where the hell did you get this stuff?”
“Don’t worry about it. Here.”
He steps confidently across the bedroom floor boards to pluck a piece of chocolate out of the box, holding it up towards your lips.
He knows that shift in your gaze when your eyes meet.
Yeah, Valentine’s Day is known for stuff like that, too.
(He can show you.)
Obediently you part your lips, widening your mouth so he can fit the chocolate right between your teeth. It catches, and you use your tongue to pull it into your mouth.
The pleasure is instantaneous. Your eyes roll into the back of your head, the real-time image burning the back of his mind, and he can’t hold back anymore.
“Is it good?” he asks, placing his hands on your hips.
“Better than good.” You hold out a piece for him. “Open.”
He hesitates when the little ball comes to his lips, but eventually he opens his mouth. You’re not wrong — it’s delicious. They don’t make anything like this underground. 
It’s a luxury, though he had intended only for you to enjoy them.
Of course you’d include him.
“See what I’m talking about?” you ask with an excitement that’s damn adorable.
“It’s fine,” Levi answers, knowing the indignance that’s bound to flutter over your face. He huffs a breathless laugh before swallowing the chocolate down. “Come here.”
Lifting one hand to your chin, he pulls you in with nonexistent resistance. Your lips brush against his, at first slow then sensual.
He wants to tell you.
(Your lips taste like chocolate, but you taste better.)
But he’d rather show you.
He glides forward, using the hand on your hip to steer.
You easily comply with his steps forward, guiding you back to your bed. His plan must be in the back of your mind as he kisses you like it’s his last, but he can feel it — the way your lips curve in that knowing smile.
“What are you doing?” you murmur, voice velvety with want. It drives him insane.
“Celebrating you,” Levi mumbles in return, pushing your body backwards.
You easily fall to the bed and he drops with you, knee to the mattress. Levi crawls down, down, to the edge of the mattress with his hands preoccupied with the zipper of your casual trousers. 
You don’t ask what he’s doing — all you do is giggle when he impatiently tugs the fabric down.
“As a lover or a friend?” you tease once your legs are freed.
Levi doesn’t answer.
Not verbally, anyway.
He wraps an arm around your hips, keeping you in place as he swats your legs wider. Your breath hitches from surprise — good, you’re too mouthy right now and he intends to remind you.
Friend, lover, it doesn’t matter.
It’s all synonymous to him.
You’re everything.
His past, his present —
And if he can bury his face into your pussy for the rest of his days, then it’s one hell of a future he can get behind.
The squeak of surprise rips from your lungs faster than you can stop the noise, and Levi is wholly satisfied by the sound. His tongue drags along your slit, coating his mouth with the taste of you mixed with the chocolate still lingering on his taste buds, and he groans.
This is the only thing he needs for this dumb fucking holiday.
You can’t even finish his two-syllable name. You squirm, curse, arch, as he laps once, twice, before paying special attention to your clit.
Yeah, you won’t think straight now.
He knows you.
When his eyes flicker up from his work, he sees the way you struggle to watch him with that flushed face; how your chest heaves in that cotton shirt; how you want to encourage him, beg him, but your mind’s blank whenever his tongue swirls that precious clit of yours.
With his eyes, he says everything he needs to:
This is what I want. This is my gift from you.
Then he sucks lightly on your clit, rhythmic and calculated, and you have to slam your hand over your mouth to avoid screaming. 
Fight to keep this a secret.
Because if it was his choice, he often thinks about ruining this — the image of a captain and a lieutenant, platonic and brave, like you’re not riding him in the middle of the night after a hard day of exploration and failures.
Like he’s not finger fucking you in the hallways as a reward after dealing with the higher ups in meetings upon meetings upon meetings.
Like you’re still two teenagers sneaking around, an underground flipped upside-down.
He hums and the vibrations make your legs shake. He has to keep from grinning, too focused on getting you to the edge by his mouth and his mouth alone.
You grow quiet when you’re almost there.
It’s been dead silent for several seconds.
He works overtime, arms locked around your hips to keep you in his orbit, as he licks and sucks and flicks his tongue side to side when—
That devastating sob.
The way your body arches like a woman possessed.
Thighs slam into his ears, making him feel dizzy, but he doesn’t stop.
Not until you whimper and tug and push at his hair to go away, and even then—
One last lick, for doing such a good job.
“You’re a menace,” you finally breathe, letting go of your mouth as your palm rests on your sweat-beaded forehead instead.
Levi lazily kisses down your inner thighs as you come back to planet Earth, proud of just how fast it took this time to get you there. He’s getting better at this, every single day.
Soon enough you won’t last a minute.
He’s determined for it.
“I’m not sorry about it,” he murmurs, lips shiny and red from his efforts.
You laugh, and his heart swells.
“I think I like this holiday.”
Levi thinks he can get behind this holiday, too.
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grubbbbbb · 10 months
Dear Nana, may I ask for exhibitionist!NB!Reader groping Choso under his clothes in a quiet hallway at Jujutsu High?? ?
contains: no pronouns or gendered features used for reader, established relationship, exhibitionism, voyeurism, teasing, dirty talk, hand jobs, Choso cums in his pants, nipple play, cum eating
The halls of Jujutsu high were silent, save for the birds singing to each other that could be heard through the cracked windows, tangling with the rustling of the wind through the trees, yelling and laughing of students and teachers enjoying the picnic outside; and of course, Choso's loud breaths.
The two of you stood in a corner of the hallway in some building of Jujutsu High, completely out in the open as the both of you stood facing the large windows that cutoff at the average persons waist. Giving you the perfect opportunity to stand behind Choso's large frame and slide your hands in his pockets, digging deep into the cloth as you found his stiff cock hiding behind his boxers and groped him through the material.
To any passersby who walked behind you, it would simply appear as if one partner was embracing the other lovingly; and that was the case of course, but they would also be missing crucial information about the scene in front of them— that being the not safe for work activities your hands were performing in his pants.
Thankfully the school should be completely vacant. The teachers thought it would be a good moral booster to bring the staff and students of Jujutsu High together for a get-together. Clearly, the idea was a good idea as you and Choso watched everyone mingle and laugh together. You thought the idea was brilliant also, after all, it gave you and Choso the perfect excuse to slip away, who would notice two people missing in a crowd of dozens of people?
You had told Choso you needed help getting more ice for everyone, so of course he had no reason to decline, especially not with the way you tangled your fingers with his; in front of everyone; and dragged him away into the privacy of one of Jujutsu highs many buildings. When you stopped him in the corner of the hallway and pressed him agaisnt the window using your body behind him, he relished in the feeling of you slipping your hands into his pockets affectionately, his chest blossoming with warmth as he felt you rest your cheek against the side of his back and people-watch your peers.
What he hadn't expected, was you pressing your fingers against the insides of his sensitive thighs in his pockets, raking your fingers against the skin there as you occasionally bumped the digits into his soft cock. He didn't think you were doing it on purpose at first, so he kept quiet, just nodding at your words when you said something about how nice it was to see everyone happy for a change. Quickly he realized your fingers teasing his most sensitive spots was no accident.
He came to this conclusion when you slotted one of your thighs between his legs from behind them, pressing your thigh into his balls and pushing the length between his legs closer to your wandering hands, as you used one to wrap around it through his boxers and begin to squeeze lightly, using the other to simply pet and scratch at his thigh.
His abs clenched under the ministrations of your hand, his body jerking as his hands came to steady himself on the windowsill. "Oh, I know~" You cooed, "It's just so overwhelming seeing all these positive emotions from everyone huh?" You cooed, playing dumb as you watched from the corner of your eye as he clenched his jaw and squeezed his eyes shut, making no moves to stop what you were doing to him. "It just makes you feel so..good." You emphasized the last word by squeezing his cock tighter in your hand, making him breathe heavily out through his nose.
Choso whispered out your name, tilting his head ever so slightly to the side to crack his eyes open to look at you. "No, no, don't look at me baby, you need to take all this in~ it's such a rare sight after all." You said, nodding your chin up at him, signaling him to look back out at the people sitting on the lawn blankets. Choso felt a heat start to blossom in his pelvis the longer you groped him over his pants, he tried to keep his eyes open on the people outside, but the realization that he was doing something so filthy right in the open in front of all these innocent people was making him embarassed, averting his eyes.
"I'm going through all this trouble.." You started, sliding your hands out of his pockets as you slowly slid one under the band of his pants and boxers alike, the other sliding up his loose shirt to scratch over his abs and end up pinching his sensitive nipples. "..to give you this lovely view, it hurts my feelings that you aren't even looking." You said, faux hurt lacing your tone as you wined out the words. "I'm sorry," Choso replied under his breath, giving his crotch one last glance before he looked up and out the window.
"Yeah, good boy." Your words send blood rushing to his cock. His already hard member could do nothing but twitch as you finally wrapped your soft hand around his cock. The skin-on-skin contact felt words better than the groping over his clothes, but he still wasn't able to get over the embarrassment he was feeling. "This feels.." He started, opening and closing his mouth in a gasp.
"Good?" You finished for him, smiling as you rubbed your cheek into his back affectionately. He whined when you rubbed his tip around in your palm, focusing on just the head of his cock as you swirled and swirled your palm over it, his pre being rubbed over the head of his dick creating quiet squelching sounds under his clothes. If someone got too close they might be able to make the sounds out, ultimately giving you away.
"Embarrassing.." Choso corrected you, looking briefly at how Yuuji was interacting with his loving friends before averting his gaze to the trees. He didn't want Yuuji to see him like this, what would he think of him if he saw his older brother in this state? If anyone saw him in this state for that matter. "Hmm? It's embarrassing? Why?" You asked, pouting your lip at him. You stroked his warm cock faster, no longer focusing on just the tip as you stroked the entirety of his length up and down in his boxers. "W-what if someone sees?" His deep voice questions, making you hum in response.
You decide you're not done teasing him. "See's what?" You ask, playing coy. Choso's body jerked when your hand under his shirt started flicking his nipple rapidly, treating it like a clit. One of his hands came up to press over his mouth as he moaned shamelessly into it, the sound coming out muffled. His eyes rolled back in his head when you sped up your stroking on his dick; the combined stimulation was making his legs shake.
You pressed your knee harder against his balls, feeling his thighs squeeze around the appendage. The veins on his hands protruded out from under his pale skin, showing themselves off as he griped the windowsill for dear life. "What are they going to see, Choso?" You repeated, "Hmm?" The squelching from under his pants would now be noticeable to anyone within a 10-foot radius. He was dripping so much pre onto your hand it felt like he had cum already.
"U-us" He responded, the sound coming out muffled due to his hand covering his mouth. Choso's eyes flitted over to watch the group of people enjoying themselves on the lawn to make sure they still weren't looking before he quickly averted his eyes back to the vacant woods that surrounded the school. "What are we doing Choso?" You pushed him, feeling your own neediness start to become more apparent the more you teased him. He whimpered at your words, his nails digging into the wood of the delicate window's edge.
You abandoned the flicking on his nipples to slide your hand out of his shirt and grab his wrist, pulling it away from your mouth as you twisted it behind his back and held it in your own. "Y-ou jerking me o-off." He responded, a little too loudly. You don't actually know what you would do if someone caught the two of you. You doubted you would be fired, especially with how well-loved you were here, but the unknowing thrill sent a tingle down your spine, making your face heat up.
Although you couldnt find yourself to care all that much about the 'what ifs' when Choso was so obviously about to fall off the enge and into his orgasm. "Is that what I'm doing?" You whispered, your own breath picking up with his as his head tipped backa and his jaw fell open as gasps and moans fell freely into the empty hall. "I'm jerking you off right now? In front of everyone?" You continued. "If even one person looks in this direction, they'll see your fucked out expression through the window."
Your words were doing wonders on his body, his hand that was gripping the windowsill came to wrap around your wrist as you jerked him off vigorously under his pants. He wobbled on shaky legs, trying to keep himself upright as he felt his orgasm creep up on him. "Do you want that Choso? You want someone to watch me make you cum in your pants right now? Huh?" You moaned, kissing his back as you squeezed your hand holding his tighter in comfort.
"No-no Agh-" He groaned, shaking his head back and forth. "No?" You replied, putting more attention on his sensitive tip, you ran your thumb across the head on every swipe, making him gasp. "O-only you, I only want you to see me like th-is." He moaned. His shameless words made you feel hot all over, you swear your face was as red and flushed as the tip of his cock right now. "Yeah? Just for me baby?" You moaned, talking him up to his orgasm.
"Shit- g-gonna-" He wined, gripping your wrist that was jerking him off harder. This made it significantly harder to move your hand over him but you knew he couldn't help it. Fighting through the cramp you felt coming on, you jerked him steadily as his orgasm crashed over him. "Yeahhh~ Cum for me Cho~ Cum for me-" You encouraged. His body was wracked with tremors it was a miracle he stayed standing upright. You swore you could feel his balls twitch against your knee as rope after rope of his seed was released into his boxers.
He grunted into the open space, squeezing his eyes shut as he came into your hand. You continued stroking and praising him through his high, prolonging the already intense orgasm. When Choso felt his soul find his body once more, he took a deep breath into his lungs and sighed. Your stroking had slowed and eventually ceased when his hand released its hold on your wrist. You pulled soaked hand out from his boxers and held it out in front of him, relishing in the way your hand glistened under the lights.
Using your hand that was intertwined with his behind his back, you pulled on it and spun him around. You pressed your knee between his, softer this time, as you forced his ass back against the windowsill. Both of his large hands came to grip your wrists as he looked into your eyes with a flushed face, still breathing heavily. You placed one of your hands on his chest, and reached the other hand drenched in his cum up to his face, holding it out in front of his mouth.
"Clean up your mess for me, would you?" You asked sweetly, batting your eyelashes up at him as you tilted your head to the side. Begrudgingly, he opened up his mouth and stuck his tongue out, pressing the appendage against your warm skin, he licked the salty liquid up from your fingers and swallowed, cringing at the taste. He didn't understand how you always swallowed up his cum after giving him head like it was the most delicious thing in the world. "How do you taste baby?" You giggled, noticing his dismay as you pulled your hand away and licked the rest of his cum off, swallowing it yourself as you placed your hand against his solid chest, joining the other one.
"Bitter." He said, his face scrunching up in displeasure. You released a hearty laugh, leaning in to leave a short kiss against his lips. "You get used to it." You smiled at him. "You did so well for me Cho~" You cooed after a beat of admiring his post orgasm face. "Let's go get you cleaned up so we can get back to that picnic, I need at least 5 more of those cookies Shoko made." Choso smiled, nodding in agreement; Shoko made a mean cookie. Shifting uncomfortably between his feet feeling the wetness in his pants start to cool off, he let you hold his hand in your own, and drag him off to your room to get him some spare pants.
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grubbbbbb · 10 months
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15K notes · View notes
grubbbbbb · 10 months
So, I'm compiling a massive list of all the dere archetypes to the best of my knowledge. Why? Because I have no life. If anything is inaccurate or if I'm missing something, let me know. I'll add more and more as I go along. If you have any good examples for a type where characters are concerned, let me know✌
Turning this into an ask meme! Reblog and send an emoji based on what kind of dere you think the person who reblogged this came off as
💢Tsundere- Tsunderes are your archetypal "hard on the outside, soft on the inside" type. At least the classic variety is. Classic tsundere characters tend to start out aloof and avoidant with fiery tempers but over time they will begrudgingly show a gentler, more easily flustered lovestruck side to the right person. There's a second type of tsundere in which the character is sweet, gentle and friendly most of the time but that one person will trigger their fiery temper and that's how you know they love you.
🤫Dandere- Dandere characters tend to start out as someone who is very shy, quiet, asocial and withdrawn. They don't talk all that much and may not show a lot of emotion. However, around the right person they may open up more and show that they are a very friendly, kind, loving person beneath their withdrawn exterior.
❄Kuudere- Kuuderes are oft confused with danderes but they aren't the same thing. A kuudere has an icy demeanor. She is aloof, doesn't show emotion, and possibly pragmatic and very cynical. But if the right person comes along and earns their trust, the ice might just melt and the kuudere in question is revealed to be a very soft, kindhearted gentle person.
🔪Yandere- Ah, now for a scary type. A yandere may often appear sweet, cutesy,loving, and romantic on the surface but if you catch their interest you're FUCKED. Yanderes are extremely jealous, possessive and obsessive of their love interests and will go to any lengths to have them by their side. Those lengths often include kidnapping said love interest, killing their friends and family so they can have the person all to themselves, or at worst killing said love interest because if they can't have them, no one can. There are more benign types of yandere in which said yandere is clearly obsessed but doesn't go much further than stalking or going through their love interest's trash. Creepy still? But mainly harmless.
💕Deredere- A deredere is a character who is sweet, loving, and energetic through and through. There's no guesswork involved with these guys. They typically have quite the bubbly disposition.
👑Himedere- A himedere is like a tsundere or kuudere who demands to be treated as if they were a princess by their love interest. They may or may not be actual royals. They often show a bratty, spoiled, regal, or arrogant disposition and may treat their love interest as one of their "royal subjects" or call them a peasant.
✝️Kamidere- Similar to himedere, except this person wants their love interest to treat them like a God or goddess. They may or may not actually be one. They may demand that their love interest worship them. Also very arrogant individuals.
🩸Yangire- A lot of people confuse yangire and yandere but they are very, very different. A yangire refers to a character who often seems cutesy, sweet, and harmless or maybe even just plain normal (which is indeed genuine) on the surface but it masks a very violent, unhinged side of their personality. Unlike a yandere, this violent side isn't necessarily triggered by romantic love or jealousy (though this isn't to say that a yangire can't fall in love), it could be triggered by lots of different things.
🤬Tsungire- A tsungire is a character who is angry, fiery, hostile, irritable and maybe even arrogant through and through. They are fiery and angry outside, violent inside. They are nearly unapproachable.
🎭Tsunshun- a tsunshun is a character who is irritable, fiery, aloof and hostile inside but actually very sad, depressed and lonely on the inside. It's a "mask" of sorts to hide their sad, vulnerable, sensitive interior.
💧Coodere- hard to find an exact definition on this type, but they appear to be a milder type of kuudere. Instead of being an outright ice queen/king, a coodere might seem kind of distant or aloof, maybe a bit unemotional and laid-back but they conceal a very sweet, friendly lovestruck side and blush easily. They also probably cry a lot.
👍Undere- Undere is a "yes-man" kind of dere. They will probably do whatever their love interest wants and agree with them a lot in order to get closer to them. If I remember correctly, they've probably known their love interest a long time, maybe even their childhood best friend and were most likely closer to them than anyone else but went on unnoticed.
😜Bakadere- bakaderes are very childish, ditzy, silly and naive types. They're also pretty immature even though they tend to be quite kind. They pretty much act like a little kid when it comes to love and handle it quite amateurly.
😷Byoukidere- A byoukidere usually is very kind, sweet, and helpful and reserved in love but they always have some kind of terminal illness or are severely disabled in some way. They may want to experience true love before they pass away.
😊Bodere- a bodere is like a fusion of a tsundere and a dandere. They are often shy, easily embarrassed and easily flustered around the person they like and will lash out in order to hide their shyness
😒Darudere - Daruderes come off as bored and apathetic to basically everything. They may be entirely anhedonic for the most part....until that special person enters the picture and livens up their life. They usually end up a bit more cheerful around this person and showing a sweeter side that is more interested in life.
😞Shuundere- Shuunderes are very sad, isolated, depressed, lonely and unmotivated. They may be suicidal. Their love interest may be able to help them open up and cheer up. There's also a second type of shuundere that hides their sadness behind a cheerful facade and only those who get close enough to them see how sad they are deep down.
😳Hajidere- hajideres are a lot like danderes but there are a couple of key differences. They will be very easily flustered, bashful, and nervous around their crush to the EXTREME. They might even faint. However, unlike their cousin the dandere, they act pretty normal around everyone else.
😤Hinedere- hinederes have a cold, extremely cynical, pessimistic, harsh disposition. They probably have severe trust issues and may or may not be kind of arrogant. But towards the right person they will open up and show a bit of a kinder side and mellow out somewhat. These types have probably gone through a lot of trauma.
🤑Kanedere-Kanederes are essentially gold diggers and attracted exclusively to those with lots of money and a high social standing.
👿Mayadere- a mayadere refers to a character who starts out as the villain and probably will try to kill the protagonist but they end up falling for the protagonist and switching sides. They may still remain dangerous and unpredictable though!
🐈Nyandere-a nyandere is a type of character who shows a lot of cat-like attributes and behavior. They may or may not be tsundere, much like an actual cat and may or may not be a catgirl/catboy
🤴Oujidere-This is more or less the male equivalent of a himedere. He wants to be treated as a prince by the one he loves, and may want them to "serve" him. They are typically very regal, refined, and have a very dignified bearing. They may or may not actually be a prince. Alternatively there's a more benign variant in which they may be like a prince in a chivalrous sense, viewing themselves as a knight from a fairytale and have an always-save-the-girl/guy-complex. The second type is usually quite protective.
😏Sadodere- A sadodere is a sadistic, cruel, manipulative kind of person who lacks empathy and gets off on toying with their love interests feelings. They may be known for being a tease. They also enjoy humiliating their love interest and may hurt them physically and emotionally.
🚫Devidere- a devidere is the type of character who will try and ignore their crush in a feeble attempt to make their crush jealous or pay attention to them
😍Megadere - a megadere is like a benign variant of a yandere. These characters are typically very cute, upbeat, and sweet but will develop an extremely obsessive fixation on a person and fawn over them the way a fanboy/girl fawns over a celebrity. Are they obsessive and prone to jealousy? Why yes, but unlike the yandere it takes a more benign form such as obsessively mooning over them or stalking. They usually do not get the guy/girl but this isn't always the case.
😌Oujodere-an oujodere is very prim and proper, ladylike, calm and mature. They are gentle and calm. They are also very compassionate but they'll outright shower their love interest in their love
☯️Dorodere- Doroderes seem cute, sweet and innocent on the outside but on the inside are deeply emotionally disturbed. They bear similar thought patterns and tendencies to yanderes/yangires/sadoderes but will not typically act on such thoughts. They may have issues that cause this kind of behavior and their disturbed side will slowly be revealed to those who become close to them. An individual may not always be a dorodere may not always be a dorodere but may develop those qualities over time due to trauma or being raised around violent individuals. They tend to be very unpredictable.
🤪Ahodere- a whole ass idiot over here. They're not like bakaderes because they lack the naive aspect. They are often very boisterous, constantly messing up, and very oblivious to displays of love but are actually very sweet people, especially once the dumbass figures out the person they like likes them too. Ahoderes are usually boys and usually paired with tsunderes
💋Teasedere- a teasedere is very flirtatious and playful and mischievous. They're probably a trickster type. They are quite caring but may purposely annoy or tease their love interest to get a rise out of them.
👊Thugdere: thugderes are brash, rude, tough and probably involved in criminal activities. They get into a lot of fights and probably have a bad reputation and are known as someone you don't want to mess with but show a very kind, affectionate and loyal side towards their friends and partner.
💚Goudere: this one is a little harder to define but the general consensus seems to be that a goudere is "an unstoppable force that does whatever she pleases for her master, out of live for her master". Gouderes are most likely more boisterous than yanderes despite the similarities to them. She will do whatever she deems is best for her master....whether he wants her to do it or not. She lacks the possessiveness of a yandere because she would willingly and forcefully make a harem for her master.
💔Usodere: seems sweet and innocent on the outside but is actually a compulsive liar
👹Onidere: Variant of tsundere. They possess incredible destructive power and are actually demons. Most people don't dare go near them but they are kind and gentle towards those they love. Monsterfuckers eat your heart out!
👰Kekkondere: This kind of character wants to marry their love interest right away. From the moment they meet them, they've decided their future with that person. Falls in love quickly, may go yandere if their advances are rejected.
💤Nemuidere: this kind of character is someone who sleeps a lot. They don't have much interest in anything other than napping and are known to be quite laconic. They are usually very intelligent. The right person, of course, may motivate them to take more of an interest in life.
📣Uzadere: Oft confused with bakadere and ahodere. These characters are very loud, boisterous, annoying, and probably not very smart but sweet and well intentioned.
🏋️‍♂️Kiredere: This is an extremely harsh variant of tsundere. They act a lot like an overzealous personal trainer to their love interest and tend to yell at them a lot. But it's all because secretly they care deeply for the person and snark at them in the name of personal improvement and wanting to bring out the best in their love interest
😩Masodere: Thiskind of character complements a sadodere perfectly. They have a strong attraction to humiliation, pain, and manipulation and would get off on their love interest treating them in such a way.
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grubbbbbb · 10 months
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Fontaine! 🩵
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grubbbbbb · 10 months
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Catte’s feelings on Wriothesley (Genshin Impact) moodboard 9.11.23
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grubbbbbb · 10 months
Romance Anime Starter List
I don’t know about you guys, but I’m sick and tired of seeing “Top ___ Best Anime of All Time” lists that are nothing but shounen. So, with "My Happy Marriage" getting a little attention from the anime community, I wanted to put together a list of some romance anime that I consider good “starters” for the genre. Because if I were just now becoming an anime fan, I’d think all there was to offer was shounen action series.
And by “starters” I mean basic stuff that’s not too…out there, and actually involves the characters getting together instead of just harems or using romance as a side plot (sorry Ouran High School Host Club and My Next Life as a Villainess). 
So if you’re new to anime and want stuff that’s not just guys beating the shit out of each other (which is also fun, don’t get me wrong), here are some basics.
Taisho Maiden Fairy Tale- When the pessimistic Tamahiko Shima loses all function in his right arm, his family sends him away to live in the mountains with the cheerful, hard working Yuzuki Tachibana…who was purchased by the Shima family to pay off her family’s debts and basically act as a caretaker/future bride for Tamahiko so they’d never have to deal with him again. It’s a more cheerful version of My Happy Marriage (without the supernatural stuff), except in this one, the guy is the one who has massive self-esteem issues and an abusive family. There are still very serious themes, but ultimately it’s not meant to make you cry every episode. I swear it’s so good, but nobody watched it!
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Horimiya- A slice of life in which pretty and popular high school queen bee Hori, finds out her quiet, unassuming classmate Miyamura is hiding piercings and tattoos that could get him expelled. The two gradually find out more about each other and get together in the most realistic way I’ve seen depicted in an anime. It’s also fucking hysterical and genuinely emotional.
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Recovery of an MMO Junkie- Another slice of life that focuses on two adults who meet in an MMO game without realizing they also know each other in real life. I don’t want to say much more than that. It’s adorable, and the main character is so relatable it hurts.
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Love with Yamada-kun at Level 999- Speaking of MMOs, this is a newer series about Akane Kinoshita, a college first year who’s reeling from a bad break up. In an attempt to get back at her ex, she winds up meeting Akito Yamada, a popular gamer who happens to be in her guild in the MMO they both play at an IRL meetup. The two go from acquaintances to something more as they keep running into each other. Even more relatable main characters and just wholesome relationships all around.
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Snow White With The Red Hair- A fantasy in which an apothecary named Shirayuki (meaning, you guessed it, “snow white”) runs away from her home in order to escape becoming the concubine of her town’s prince. While fleeing, she is rescued by Zen, the prince of a neighboring country, and she ends up becoming an herbalist to repay him. I have a habit of comparing this to Akatsuki no Yona, even though the two aren’t really that alike. This is more romance driven while Akatsuki no Yona is more of a serious historical fantasy with romance elements (Yona manga is amazing, but the anime barely scratches the surface, so that’s why I didn’t include it).
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Sasaki to Miyano- When the shy, easily flustered Miyano meets Sasaki, a cool “delinquent” upperclassmen, the two end up bonding over manga…specifically BL manga. That’s right, Miyano is a fudanshi, but due to his small stature and somewhat feminine appearance, he’s constantly trying to convince others that he’s not interested in having his own love story where he’d be reduced to a stereotypical doe-eyed uke. But as Sasaki and Miyano spend more time together, they realize that what they have is more than friendship, and they have to come to terms with their own perception of gay relationships. This is my favorite romance of all time. It’s a slow burn, but boy is it worth it. Their relationship is so natural and realistic, just like Horimiya. Just two people hanging out and bonding over things the way people do in real life!
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Given: The story of some boys in a band with trauma. Enough said. It's great. Go watch it.
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Bloom Into You- Yuu Koito is a high school girl who’s been waiting her whole life for her own perfect romance to start…but when she receives a confession, she realizes she doesn’t know how to respond when she’s just not into the guy. And then she gets another confession…this time from the cool student council president Touko Nanami, who basically jumpstarts her lesbian awakening. Very cute story about how we perceive the concept of love vs actually feeling it. Also has a canonically aro/ace side character, so that’s a win for me. Another show like this is Adachi to Shimamura (but I honestly don’t remember much about it. It just didn’t stick with me as much).
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Ore Monogatari- Takeo Gouda is a tall, bulky high school first year with a sensitive heart of gold. He wants nothing more than to find his own true love, but most girls are intimidated by his enormous stature, and they end up falling for his conventionally attractive friend instead. That is, until he meets the tiny, adorable Rinko Yamato. He falls in love instantly, but he’s sure she’s interested in his best friend like everyone else, so he vows to help get them together, even though his heart is breaking. Peak himbo behavior. Pure of heart, dumb of ass.
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Yuri on Ice- Yes it’s the gay figure skating anime everyone knows. And yes it’s a fucking romance, okay? I will die on this hill. The romance between Viktor and Yuri is just as important as the plot!
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Kaguya-sama Love Is War- Two insanely smart high school students both have a crush on the other, but since they’re…you know…high schoolers, neither of them wants to admit it first. So they come up with increasingly convoluted plans to get the other to confess first. This will go down as one of the best of all time. It’s a hilarious yet poignant modern classic.
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Fruits Basket- I’ve talked about it before and I’ll talk about it again. A romance “comedy” that slowly morphs into a drama about a girl named Tohru who finds herself living with the mysterious Sohma family after her mother dies. Little does she know, the Sohmas are the victims of a  (somewhat silly, but ultimately tragic) curse that she must fight to break. Even though I’m more into it for the family drama, the romance is still top tier and plays an important role in the story. This is my second favorite anime of all time, and it’s a classic for a reason. If anyone hasn’t watched it yet, GO WATCH IT! IT WILL RIP YOU TO SHREDS!
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And now for some honorable mentions that didn't quite fit into the regular list:
Ride Your Wave- A movie about a surfer who falls in love with a firefighter……and I’m not going to say any more than that. Go into it blind. If you like stuff like Your Name, this is a good one to watch.
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun- A comedy about a high school girl who finds out the upperclassman she has a crush on is actually a shoujo manga artist, and no matter how she tries to confess to him, he just never gets it.
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The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague- A slow burn slice of life that focuses on a guy with ice powers who has a crush on his coworker. That’s it. That’s the show. When I say slow, I mean SLOW. It’s perfectly cute and fluffy, but my god does it take forever to get anywhere with these two.
Skip to Loafer- A high strung, small town girl decides to go to high school in Tokyo, where she meets a variety of classmates, including the laid back Sousuke Shima. The unlikely pair become friends, and soon enough, she starts to feel something more than friendship. The only reason I didn’t include it in the main list is because they don’t get together by the end of the first season, but it’s still really cute (also canonically trans character for the win!?)
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So that’s my starter list. And no, I didn’t include Toradora, even though it’s a classic. I know it’s blasphemous, but I like it more as a comedy than a romance. It kinda lost me with the ending. But anyway, maybe someone will find something they like. Or maybe you'll just want to roast me and my picks 😅
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grubbbbbb · 10 months
the moment that Nanami finds out just how inexperienced you are in sex he decides that he can't sleep with you just yet and its torturous. he makes you hop on his lap every night and lets his fingers slowly stroke that deep little spot inside of you that has your pussy soaking his fingers, you're so wet that it streams down between your asscheeks. the sounds that his fingers make when they're plunging in and out of you are so so wet and dirty. its obscene and it's so embarrassing, its humiliating and your cheeks are burning hot but all you can focus on was the way that your legs trembled as the pads of his fingers slid over your g-spot. you got closer and closer to the edge until his fingers pulled out and he showed you the dripping wet appendages. "look at how wet you are. you didn't even want to let me go." he says into your ear and you shudder, pussy gaping, desperately squeezing around nothing, desperate for something hotter and thicker. "nami..please just fuck me already" he shushes you calmly and you feel a protest building in your throat but it's silenced the moment his fingers find your clit, the pace and the pressure he applied to your clit had your back arching against him and your eyes rolling back into your head as you came. he let you grind on his fingers to ride out your high until your hips stuttered and came to a stop. he brushed your hair back with his clean hand and placed a gentle kiss on your neck. "now baby, see how quickly you came from just a little bit of stimulation? it'll be too much for you" and you shake your head weakly, this is gonna be the longest waiting period of your life
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grubbbbbb · 10 months
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there’s just something about satoru always smiling in the official arts that makes my heart 💓💞💕💘💖💓💖💕💖💘💓💘💕💝💝💖💖💝💓💞💘💕🩷💘💝🩷💝💘💕💕💖💓💞💖💝
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grubbbbbb · 10 months
*radioactive by imagine dragons starts playing*
*radioactive by imagine dragons continues playing*
*radioactive by imagine dragons continues playing*
*radioactive by imagine dragons continues playing*
*Ravel's Boléro plays uncut for the next 17 minutes*
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