grumpycrusader · 4 years
I have a heart attack any time bread is mentioned in the context of commissions.
Drawings from Drawthread 25/2/2020
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French Sister of Battle.
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Completely Sane IG and SoB admiring a Salamander
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a bunch of SoB fighting over the last copy of the Emperor Doujin
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St Celestine buying bread
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Necron yelling at kids to get off his lawn
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Inquisitor reading the books she bought at EmpCon
To join the weekly Discord drawthread, be my Patron for 2$ a month! patreon.com/luth
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grumpycrusader · 5 years
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A tree trunk throne in Kendall, England.
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grumpycrusader · 5 years
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grumpycrusader · 5 years
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“Seen my dad, have you?”
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grumpycrusader · 5 years
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“Seen my dad, have you?”
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grumpycrusader · 5 years
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[Image description - Image of the intersex pride flag with the text: THE SEX BINARY IS A LIE. End description.]
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grumpycrusader · 5 years
sometimes praying is like
Dear God,
-incoherent screaming-
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grumpycrusader · 5 years
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grumpycrusader · 5 years
A Jewish man decides his son isn’t religious enough, so pays for him to go visit Israel.
When the son comes back, however, he says he’s a Christian now.
The father goes to his friend exasperated to explain the situation, and his friend says “that’s funny, I sent my son to Israel last year, and when he came back he also said he was Christian.”
The two men decide they should speak to their rabbi about this, but when they explain the situation, the rabbi says “that’s funny, two years ago I sent my son to Israel, and he also came back a Christian.”
The three men decide only God can have the answer, so they pray. The rabbi says aloud “dear God, all three of us sent our sons to Israel, and all of them came back Christian.”
God’s voice booms down “that’s funny…”
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grumpycrusader · 5 years
I fucking love her.
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Uzi Appretiation Thread
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grumpycrusader · 5 years
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grumpycrusader · 5 years
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I’m going to block out the name to show respect this individual doesn’t really deserve, but this is incredibly unacceptable. To actually mock abuse I’ve experienced because I don’t agree with your political beliefs is not only disrespectful, but childish and disgusting. 
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grumpycrusader · 5 years
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grumpycrusader · 5 years
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grumpycrusader · 5 years
Do you even know what an incel is?
i finally saw joker today and it was fucking terrible. what are people smoking... it was an incel’s wet dream and demonizes people who suffer from mental illness.
edit: i did not say “change my mind” anywhere in this post so why are y’all messaging me like you’re trying to???!?? if you liked the movie, cool... but i don’t really care lol.
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grumpycrusader · 5 years
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grumpycrusader · 5 years
Is it possible to have fascism without the racism and bigotry? I like the idea of a society constantly mobilized for war and conquest and united against a common enemy. But I really don't want that enemy to be "the jews" or something. I want all of humanity to be united. Idk I guess I just want us all to unite against space bugs or some shit.
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