grumpyghostbcy · 2 years
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Ok Aaron Korsh, let’s say I believe you,and this is just a bromance,plain and simple.A very close, brotherly friendship (I don’t think Gabriel Macht agrees, but anyway). I would very much appreciate it if someone could give me an heterosexual explanation for all of the above and many more.Because I don’t think that’s a very Chandler an Joey relationship.In fact Marvey is the second ship that have made me feel such palpable sexual tension.The first was Ross and Rachel.
And by the way, Darvey seem more than just friends why exactly?Because they had had sex in the past,or because they are a man and a woman?
And let me guess.Marvey are straight, so they can’t have romantic feelings for another man.
Now I get it. 
In what decade we live exactly? 
P.S. I sure as hell need an heterosexual explanation for this
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grumpyghostbcy · 3 years
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16x04: “The Gang Covers Up A Murder”
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grumpyghostbcy · 3 years
wlw (weed loving woman)
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grumpyghostbcy · 3 years
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Some shrooms
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grumpyghostbcy · 3 years
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Pass it on overrrr
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grumpyghostbcy · 3 years
“It's just a girl...”
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grumpyghostbcy · 3 years
Clearly Stucky/ EvanStan fans are Mr. Magoo'ing in these streets cause they really blind if they thought they had a chance against the power that is SamBucky/ Stackie. I literally hopped into this ship mainly because of the off the wall chemistry of Sebastian Stan and Anthony Mackie a little after they were doing the press junkets for Captain America: The Winter Soldier and they barely had scenes together.
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Their bickering alone about who was the better best friend to Steve or the best fighter was enough to sell me on their fictional compatability. It was entertaining banter that soon caved into Mackie waxing poetically about Sebastian and them feuding playfully with Tom Holland. Many fans and interviewers picked up on their chemistry over the years. I mean it's one of the main reasons they gave Mackie and Sebastian Stan a show and kept throwing them together in press junkets.
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Chris Evans has better interview chemistry with Chris Hemsworth and RDJ over him and Sebastian Stan. Not to say they didn't play off nicely in the movies, but Sebastian seemed more relaxed next to Anthony than Chris. Plus, Sebastian Stan has this adorably weird habit of invoking Anthony's name even when Sebastian is taking about a different project. Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan are just addicting to watch both off and on screen.
So how are the Stucky/ EvanStan thinking they stand a chance when MCU put an end to any chances of Steve and Bucky being anything more than friends and changed Bucky and Sam's relationship from enemies to something more. I mean Steve put an expiration date on that 'End of the Line' bullshit once he knew he could time travel back to bae.
Steve 'Thank You, Next'd Bucky so fast in Endgame after the man had spent his whole franchise trying to save Bucky. I'm just saying if a guy spent years trying to save me and then left me for another woman while I'm still vulnerable, I'd feel a way. Sorry, not sorry. I'm feeling a way right now hearing people on social media dissing my ship so I'm prepared to sink the rest that the MCU hadn't finished yet.
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It's not just that Anthony and Sebastian has great off screen chemistry, they have good on screen chemistry too. Sam Wilson has been putting in that work ever since Steve convinced him Bucky was worth saving. Mind you Sam had every reason to be weary of Bucky considering the first time he met Steve's old best friend, Bucky took the wheel and totaled his car. Then he went and ripped off the man's wings later on, almost killing him. Yet still Sam gave up his 9 to 5 at the VA office and his citizen/superhero free lifestyle to search for Bucky when Steve couldn't 'cause Steve was out Capping with the Avengers.
Sam partnered with Bucky more than once in Captain America: Civil War, Infinity War, and Endgame. Both Bucky and Sam squared up against Spider-Man and Bucky cushioned Sam's fall off the glass rail before Sam sent Peter Parker flying. Sam even sacrificed his freedom and went to the Raft just to buy Steve and Bucky time to escape in try to stop Zemo from freeing the other super serum soldiers HYDRA created.
So clearly Sam forgave Bucky for destroying his car and almost killing him in Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Captain America: Civil War. He just didn't trust Bucky at the time, which was a good thing because Bucky had kill codes in his head. Plus Steve was so happy to have his childhood best friend back that he willing to tear down friendships he made with Tony and the others just to save Bucky. It was great that Steve protected his friend; but he nearly killed another friend and broke up the Avengers to do it. At least Princess Shuri from Wakanda resolved Bucky's issue later on with her epic genius between the movies Captain America: Civil War and Black Panther.
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Sam and Bucky seemed to have a moment and were consoling each other towards the end of Endgame. They were leaning on each other for support at Tony Stark's funeral and Bucky gave Sam the okay to approach old man Steve and accept the shield.
In The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Sam didn't even have to stay in contact with Bucky after they were returned from the Blip. But Dr. Raynor said Bucky hadn't responded to the texts left by Sam. So Sam's the only one really reaching out to Bucky because he cares.
Sam didn't even bat an eye when Bucky crashed back into his life demanding why Sam gave up the Shield. He was displeased it was given to some random guy who was clearly nothing like the real Cap they both knew. But Sam was firm in his belief he did the right thing by giving up the shield to the museum because he was doing just fine as Falcon and only Steve should have been Captain America.
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Sam even allowed Bucky to tag along on his flag smasher mission and filled him on the details. If he really wanted to he could have had the military restrict Bucky's entry onto the military plane or flew off to another location and had the military meet him there. But he didn't cause Sam is a nice guy and he probably wanted to touch bases with the aloof Bucky who knew and missed Steve as much as he did.
Of course Bucky wasn't having it the way he rejected Sam calling him Buck, but he didn't hesitate to fight at Sam's side. They work well together and both steadfastly agree the fabricated new Captain America, John Walker will never be their Cap. John didn't even try to understand their pain of 'supposedly' losing their best friend Steve Rogers, who he is clearly tryingto replace.
Sam choose to follow Bucky when they both had enough with John's cringeworthy sales pitch to have them as Captain America's accessories to legitimize his role. Sam, who has been working solo since the Blip, is more than willing to continue the mission with Bucky.
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Sam pushes Bucky's button in a good way when he teases him and Bucky has no issues communicating with Sam, unlike others in his daily life. He seems to genuinely feel things when he is around Sam. He finds himself launching into a silly argument about the Big Three after having a serious disagreement about the Shield. And say what you will about their arguments in episode 2, when the time and need comes, they are there for each other.
Bucky quickly defended Sam against the cops and Sam was quick to try and bail Bucky out when he was arrested. Even though Bucky was clearly upset Sam gave up the shield, he was still determined to give it back to Sam throughout the entire series. He needed to give it back to Sam not just cause it would prove Steve was right that Bucky was redeemable; but because he knew Sam deserved it.
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Sam has been proving he deserves to be at Bucky's side by the numerous times he's checked in on Bucky. He seems genuinely concerned when people call Bucky an 'Asset' or 'those people' referencing HYDRA. He grounds Bucky with touches and gentle reminders that he isn't that person. Has come to his defense against both Zemo and John numerous times because he's a big softie and knows what it's like being a former soldier with PTSD.
Sam has always been willing to treat Bucky normally. He argues with Bucky, laugh and jokes with him. Would have probably considered Bucky a friend a lot sooner if he wasn't holed up in NYC trying and failing to make amends for his actions as the Winter Soldier.
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Sam was willing to take Bucky into his home. He allowed him to be around his family and appreciated him helping him with his family boat. Bucky has literally smiled more around Sam and his family. He didn't have to edit his words or force a smile like he did with his date in episode one.
He flirted shamelessly with Sam's sister to get a rise outof Sam and seemed at home with Sam's nephews. It probably reminded him of his family he lost and dropped a little normalcy back into his life. I'm more than sure Sam can convince Bucky to stay over his home more often because Bucky deserves to be happy and Sam can make him happy.
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Bucky was able to open up about his nightmare to Sam when it was like pulling teeth for Dr. Raynor. He gave him 'tough love' and sound advice of how he should properly make amends. He knew he can trust Sam to give him sage advice not just because Sam was a former VA counselor or a fellow soldier suffering from PTSD. But because Sam showed how much he cared about Bucky as a person and how much his best friend trusted Sam.
They would be lucky to have each other cause they already argue like an old married couple and have such great chemistry. Bucky doesn't have to live up to his old self around Sam like he would Steve, because Bucky isn't the same Bucky any more. He has demons. He has doubt and I'm sure he appreciates the fact Sam is willing to argue and laugh with him. If they are anything like the actors who play them, they can be so much more.
Anthony and Sebastian seem like they are playing themselves with each other in a lot of ways when they argue with each other. The big three argument seems like something they did impromptu. Something they would argue about. When they walked down the dirt road and Bucky made a joke about himself and Sam happily poked fun at Bucky to press his buttons. It's such an Anthony thing to do to playfully tease his friends.
He constantly drags Sebastian into his silliness with their quirky nicknames and silly feuds. Anthony Mackie has this talent of finding Sebastian on the red carpet and flirting shamelessly with Sebastian until he is a smiling and, blushing mess. He compliments his hair and eyes. They have adorable arguments about who has the better costume or character.
They feed off each others energy and the same way Sebastian jokingly says he can't stand Anthony is the same way Bucky says he hates Sam. You know it has no heat and at the end they are constantly seeking each other out whether on screen or in real life. Both Anthony and Sebastian say that they see themselves being in each others lives more than the other MCU cast more than once. Sure they have a great friendship with Chris Evans, but Anthony and Sebastian are just on another wavelength. Sebastian has even said he wouldn't mind doing an lgbtqai+ movie with Anthony Mackie and Mackie has never waxed so poetically about his costars the way he does Sebastian. I'd honestly love to see them together in real life but I'm okay not really if it's only just a bromance. I love their interactions and can't wait to see both the actors and characters interacting in more projects together. You know their interactions will be lit. I mean look at the messages Mackie and Sebastian left each other on Instagram to see how much they care for each other.
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Stackie and SamBucky 4 life.
P.S. - Put some respect on Anthony Mackie/Sam Wilson's name. He deserves to be in the MCU and he deserves that shield. Look up pararescuer and you know short of having super serum, he was born to be Cap. Ya'll need to stop hating on him. Even when Mackie and Sebastian joke feud with Tom Holland you can tell it's on some big brother's vibe and Tom Holland is into it. If you really cared about Sebastian you would know Mackie and Sebastian are besties and Sam is the one person Bucky needs right now. Let both the fictional and real people live their lives.
You come for mines, I'm come for yours. Shipping ain't easy. But I ship them so hard.
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grumpyghostbcy · 3 years
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“sebastian, how do you feel being—” “next to you? strong.”
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grumpyghostbcy · 3 years
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Sam is suffering
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grumpyghostbcy · 3 years
the Zemo arc
Zemo's 5 minutes in episode 5 completed a surprisingly wholesome character arc from Civil War and to the TFATW series.
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Even knowing that Bucky was under Hydra's control, Zemo believed him culpable and saw no issue with either T'Challa killing him in misdirected rage or Tony killing him in vengeance.
He has now spent 2 (or 7) years sitting in a German jail, reconsidering his life choices. He has read the files on the Red Skull and the failed Winter Soldier program, and possibly even the Hulk. The super soldier serum is the hubris of mankind trying to break the laws of nature, so therefore it stands to reason that these people lose their hold on humanity.
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When Bucky reappears in front of him, he doesn't believe Bucky when he says those days are behind him.
He knows Bucky wouldn't have come to face him alone if his brainwashing hadn't been deprogrammed, but he says the words anyway just to get a reaction, then continues to aggravate him after they break out.
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He insists on Bucky resuming the Winter Soldier identity, then smirks to Sam over how easily Bucky returns to aggression. He goads Bucky several times, almost as a test to see when he might lose control. To his disappointment, Bucky explodes but always stops short of actually harming him.
Whenever he talks about super soldiers being inevitably corrupted by the serum, he glances at Bucky as though to say "I know you're pretending to have it together, but you are just like the rest". When Bucky protests that some might survive the serum without becoming corrupt, he mocks, "But there has never been another Steve Rogers."
But as relentless as he is in his preaching towards Sam (and Bucky), he starts to waver. It began with Bucky's notebook: 2 lists of names, one with his own between Hydra names he knew from Black Widow's data dump. It's the other list that catches his eye.
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"Who is Nakajima?" he asks, not recognising it. He realises from Bucky's reaction that it's just a regular guy whose name never made it to the headlines, an unfortunate and unnecessary victim caught in the wrong place at the wrong time.
The super soldier was remorseful, and carried his atonement in his pocket.
As he launches into another lecture about the existence of super soldiers after destroying the serum, Sam turns to him and questions his conviction.
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For once, Zemo was rendered wordless. He was losing his conviction.
After he steals away, he waits, unarmed and unaccompanied, for Bucky in front of the Sokovian monument.
It was a gamble, but even he himself isn't sure what he is gambling on.
If Bucky came, was that a sign of his elite assassin tracking skills, or of the man's empathy in recalling Zemo's off-hand remark about the monument?
As though to prove a point, he goads Bucky one last time when he does come.
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He is unsurprised when Bucky points his gun at him - after all, he did see his own name on Bucky's list. He smiles and nods encouragingly at Bucky.
He's won, because Bucky is exactly the man he had foretold.
You are a super soldier.
All super soldiers will be corrupted.
You are programmed to kill.
The Winter Soldier is still in there.
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But Bucky refuses to follow his script.
Zemo prides himself on his ability to read and manipulate his enemies. Even Steve Rogers, as close to flawless as that man might be, acted exactly as he forecasted in the confrontation with Tony.
T'Challa, and now Bucky, are the only ones to defy his predictions.
Sam had said, "Blood doesn't always have to be the solution," and Bucky showed him what that meant.
Maybe he had it wrong.
But it doesn't feel so bad to be wrong this time.
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grumpyghostbcy · 3 years
oh its a stealth mission? yeah sure just let me mute my noisy fucking robot arm
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grumpyghostbcy · 3 years
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THIS. THIS IS THE MOMENT. THIS IS WHEN I FELL IN LOVE WITH BUCKY. He is FUCKING TERRIFIED that the Winter Soldier is going to come out. That he will be made to hurt or kill people.  Sebastian’s little lip quiver is a masterpiece of acting.
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grumpyghostbcy · 3 years
Can I just say that to this day I still find it so amazing how much this Marvel character is loved.
Bucky fucking Barnes.
His actor has millions of followers, mainly because of his character. Bucky has over one hundred thousand fics (not including the ones on platforms like Tumblr or Wattpad) hundreds of YouTube edits, an entire fucking fandom devoted to him.
It’s interesting because most would say that compared to say, Steve Rogers or Peter Parker, he doesn’t have as enough clout, but let me just paint the picture for you…
Bucky Barnes has over 100k fanfics, millions of fans, hundreds of edits and fan art, a prominent and huge fanbase…all this and:
• He has only ever said 130 lines in the entire fucking MCU.
• He has never had more than 40 minutes of screen time in a 20+ movie franchise, and half of that screen time he didn’t even talk.
Honesty if that doesn’t just show how powerful and amazing this character is, then I don’t know what to tell ya.
This boy, right here…
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This fucking prince.
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He damn well deserves this new tv show. We’re going from 40 minutes of screen time to getting six hours of screen time.
Bucky Barnes deserves it all.
I also wanted to add, for those of you who might think “130 sounds like a lot”, this is what 130 lines looks like:
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That’s out of 50 hours of screen time.
Our boy did that.
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grumpyghostbcy · 3 years
Is there a HTP discord server? Feels like I’ve been asleep on this.
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grumpyghostbcy · 3 years
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grumpyghostbcy · 3 years
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Ian’s only now realising exactly just how much of a crush he had on Mickey back then, but damn he wasn’t prepared for him to look this good. 15 year old Ian wants to weep with joy at how well the glow up of this particular Milkovich appears to have gone. 25 year old Ian, however, is completely screwed.
After the suspicious death of his sociopathic PO, Ian’s sent to work at XK9, the dog rescue that gives second chances to the unwanted pets and ex-cons of southside that’s run by the most unlikely success story of them all.
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grumpyghostbcy · 3 years
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★TOP 15 SHAMELESS CHARACTERS★(as voted by my followers)
⤷ six - kevin ball
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