grumpyperidot · 8 years
INNOCENCE (Madeon): Steven Universe MV
Been working on this since “Bubbled” aired. Wanted to focus on the ways Steven has developed as a character and the emotional baggage he has. Please view here on YouTube in HD if you can! Thank you.
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grumpyperidot · 8 years
Here Comes a Thought - the Demo
I wrote this song to calm myself down while I was going through a difficult time. 
I was so lucky to have Estelle’s help on this, I drew a lot of inspiration from her advice, and from songs she shared with me that she found calming. 
Thank you so much for listening 
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grumpyperidot · 8 years
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Historical Presidential Election Events 2016
Donald Trump asks Russia to hack Hillary Clinton’s emails, and promises that they will be rewarded. (Source 1)
Hillary Clinton’s emails are hacked, possibly by Russia. (Source 2)
United States Citizens have started a petition to have Presidential candidate Donald J. Trump charged with Treason. Because that is literally the definition of his actions, and that is how the law works and needs to be enforced. 
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grumpyperidot · 8 years
ok so like pearl’s immediate reaction to being around bismuth is to be super flirty and i can’t help but wonder if that was her thing during the rebellion. Like rose was Her Great Love or whatever but she flirted with /everyone/ to assert the fact that she was beholden to no one. 
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grumpyperidot · 8 years
Here Comes a Thought (in favor of Amedot)
Alrighty so after looking over the lyrics and knowing full well that it would probably be cold day in hell before there is an amedot song in canon (sorry but I really don’t have my hopes up about that, okay I actually do think amedot is just as viable for the song but I just see it as too good to be true…? Heh maybe that’s what they ought to call the ep lol anyway) I decided to torture myself regardless and come up with how I see the lyrics being split up if the song were to be sung by Amethsyt, Peridot, and Steven! The lyrics fit very well and it really didn’t take me long to figure out who would say what lines. Some of my reasoning for this is based on what Rebecca herself said was part of how she came up with the song and that its kind of about anxiety in a nutshell, and I imagine that in the context of the show, someone is afraid of another leaving or not wanting to be around them because of their behavior and not understanding the little things about social interaction. You can watch the audio of Rebecca Sugar’s performance here in case you haven’t heard what it sounds like yet and the flow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GG_0PwJXRpk
 Anyway, here goes…
Take a moment to think of just Flexibility, love, and trust
(x2) (Steven?) Here comes a thought That might alarm you
 (Steven to amethyst and peridot?) What someone said
 And how it harmed you
 (Steven to amethyst?) Something you did
 Failed to be charming
 (Steven to peridot?) Things that I said Are suddenly swarming And I… I’m losing sight
 I’m losing touch All these little things Seem to matter so much (Peridot?) That they confuse you
 (Amethyst?) That I might lose you (Peridot?) Take a moment, remind yourself to
 Take a moment and find yourself
 (Steven to both?) Take a moment and ask yourself
 If this is how we fall apart (Amethsyt?) But it’s not (x5) (Peridot?) It’s okay (x5) (Amethyst?) I’ve got nothing Got nothing (x4)
 To fear (Peridot? She sang the reverse to this line in “peace and love (on the planet earth)”) I’m here (x3) (Amethyst? Or both?) And it was just a thought
 Just a thought (x4) (Peridot?) It’s okay (x5) We can watch (x4) Them go by from here (x3) (Amethsyt?) Take a moment to think of just
 Flexibility, love, and trust (x2) (Steven probably)
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grumpyperidot · 8 years
@verticallocomotive WHAT DID WE DO TO DESERVE??
This made me laugh for a couple of minutes it is so hilarious and cute!
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grumpyperidot · 8 years
Reblog if you teared up or cried during Pearl's song
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grumpyperidot · 8 years
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Guest who just got Pokemon go(its me, the answer is me)
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grumpyperidot · 8 years
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Reblog this if you’re Team Mystic 
Team Instinct
Team Valor
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grumpyperidot · 8 years
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More Pearl in tuxedos aka I AM SO FREAKIN ULTRA GAY
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grumpyperidot · 8 years
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Whaddya mean the others didn’t have suits 
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grumpyperidot · 8 years
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“Why do you look at me like that?”
/-This Is Not A Leak-/
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grumpyperidot · 8 years
Here is 7 months (more or less) of long manual labor and emotional sleepless nights! WEEEEE!
After completing Undertale back when it came out, I knew I had to animate something for it and pondered with who would make the best voice for any of the characters. My mind went right for Toriel and Rose Quartz from Steven Universe, and after dabbling with audio I basically set myself up to do this.
Boarded, animated, and composited in Toon Boom Harmony.
And Char Fenton did the FX cuz she’s great!
I hope you like it! Off to the next project!
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grumpyperidot · 8 years
the inarguably best three avatar moments in no particular order
that’s rough buddy
no firelord ozai YOU’RE not wearing any pants
that part where they’re all completely baffled by there being just a regular bear
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grumpyperidot · 8 years
You Can Literally Add In Any Music part 8
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grumpyperidot · 8 years
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Lapis and some plants
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grumpyperidot · 8 years
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A new network! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ This is going to be a steven univere network. LET’S DO THIS!:
How to enter:
Must be following me. (will be checking)
You can also follow my main blog *optional
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What I'm a looking for:
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Steven universe blogs (at least 80% SU).
People who love SU.
People who create things (gifs, edits, art, whatever you want).
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Good luck to everyone (actually me)! I’m so excited about this, I hope this works and have a lovely day <3.
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