grxeskies · 1 month
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Danica has formally begun her residence in Willow Creek. She had applied for a position as a scientist prior to the move, and it occurred by chance that she received an acceptance email from the company just as she was unboxing her belongings. A couple of hours after she had completed unpacking (and played a bit of chess to pass the time), several neighbors, including Josephine, stopped by to give a warm welcome. Danica developed a favorable opinion of Josephine—possibly even a mild attraction, despite the fact that Josephine is currently married—after observing her engage in a physical altercation with another girl in the center of the living room, and they talked the entire day away. Might this establish an everlasting friendship?
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Literally 2 seconds into the welcome wagon, two girls from the neighbourhood were fighting in Danica's living room, and then Danica start talking to them, and her first impression of Josephine was that she was likeable, and even more, she had a slight crush? Danica has such bad taste, but I decided to add it to the plot, because it adds a bit of drama LOL, especially since Josephine is married with children, stick around to see what happens between them ☕👀
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The save file i'm playing in can be found here, go check it out, it's wonderfully done!
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grxeskies · 1 month
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I am finally embarking on my very first sims challenge on Tumblr. I have previously attempted the Not So Berry Challenge, but only reached the rose generation. This time around, I hope to advance much further. I derive considerable inspiration from Nyssasims Tumblr account, as I admire it greatly. I sincerely hope that you all will join me! (The more traits mod can be found here, and the modded traits can be found here and here, she has the competitive trait, and the practical trait)
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Backstory : You’re a mischievous scientist that really loves the color mint. You’re career driven but still make time for silly pranks and outings with your closest friends. You love luxury and want the best for yourself and your family.
Goals :
Complete the Chief of Mischief aspiration
Complete the elements collection
Master the scientist career
Master the mischief and logic skills
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Credits : alwayssimming + lilsimsie for the challenge, and strangergraphics-archive for the cute divider ♡
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grxeskies · 1 month
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My Sim Self I made the decision to create myself in the Sims and share it as my first tumblr post ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
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