grxln · 7 years
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grxln · 7 years
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Mother's biggest nightmare is when father and daughter starts wrecking havoc in the kitchen 😂 #cookingcol
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grxln · 7 years
Everyone has experienced something that has changed them in a way that they could never go back to the person they once were.
Anonymous  (via wordsnquotes)
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grxln · 7 years
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Cuz rocks like doing cannonballs too⠀ #campbrandgoods #keepitwild ⠀ ⠀ Photo by: @stevint
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grxln · 7 years
What an astonishing thing a book is. Across the millennia, an author is speaking clearly and silently inside your head, directly to you. Writing is perhaps the greatest of human inventions, binding together people who never knew each other, citizens of distant epochs. Books break the shackles of time.
Carl Sagan (via wordsnquotes)
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grxln · 7 years
It's gonna be about a year since I've left. The last few weeks have been such a struggle. I've been fighting so hard to keep improving at work, to prove my worth and that I'm growing in this job. But it's so tiring. I deal with so many people in a day that I don't even feel like talking to anyone when I get home, I've cut off contact with people I care about because all I wanna do is to just shut myself in my room and not talk to anyone before the next day begins again. I spend the weekends working or clearing shit of others that I shouldn't be doing, if I'm not then I'm locked up in my room again trying to distract myself from the realities of life like how my pay is complete crap and so many things that could've been, if only I chose to stay on longer. I don't even know how to express this feeling inside me. This feeling where I need a long, long break when I've barely even begun. If the rest of my life is gonna be like this then is life even worth living? What am I living for and who am I living for?
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grxln · 7 years
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grxln · 7 years
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💕 (still dreaming about the most amazing truffle uni & scallop pasta omg 😍) (at Da Luca)
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grxln · 7 years
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Brought my fats out for a walk 🙃
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grxln · 7 years
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Can't get enough of Melbourne. 😭 (at East Warburton Redwood Forest)
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grxln · 7 years
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Gimme animals and I'll be a happy girl. 💕 Best part about the zoo was probably having that badge that said "I'm having a wild birthday" and all the Rangers wishing me LOL I felt like I was 5 again. 💁🏻 p.s. I really wish I could be chillin' like them 👆🏻 instead of having to go to work tomorrow lulz (sorry boss the struggle is real). (at Singapore Zoo)
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grxln · 7 years
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Evidence of me actually doing something artsy. Who says a lefty is creative has never met me. 😂 📷: @sarahhhh_a
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grxln · 7 years
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#COLnichiwa (at Nara Park)
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grxln · 7 years
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1 week back from Melb but I'm already thankful for this mini getaway to JB with these girls. 😂
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grxln · 8 years
"An object needn't be large to have great mass. That girl, as tiny as a violet, that girl, drifting in the sky like the petals of a flower, draws me to her with a force greater than the one exerted by the earth. In a single moment, I fell and rolled toward her without rhyme or reason, just as Newton's apple did. With a thump. With a thump-thump. My heart bounced from the heavens to the earth in a dizzying pendular motion. Such was the moment I first fell in love."
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grxln · 8 years
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Throwback to CNY when korkor & I cooked - or should I say, I cooked and he supervised? // Bacon fat & mentaiko pasta topped with an onsen egg. ☺️ #cookingcol
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grxln · 8 years
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We'll get there. #homesick (at Argyle Square)
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