gsikh · 7 years
My White Flower.
Baby boo where are you? Far away from your bear that's where! Oh what can I say to you my sweet honey bee that would make you return to me, but return to your beehive at this instant! ....Pretty ...Please? Look, I know, I know ...I whine & I moan - but I ask, can you blame me? When you're gone, I feel like a leaf that has broken off - blown far away from its tree. When you're gone, I am that cub which has long separated from its pack. It’s your absence ...don’t you see? It has has left me in deep thoughts. All I can think of.. All I can ask... ...is why have you left? So my pretty white flower, won't you stretch? Stretch your root & find your way back to me - wrap them tightly around me, to never let them go! For when your gone and far away... All I am is but a lonely bear in his cave.
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gsikh · 8 years
Eger is my desire to show you.
Show you just how much you mean to me.
It was that candle-lit room
with the dancing flame that sung to the walls
that same flame which caressed your face
this flame which gave my heart warmth and assurance
a flame so bright
that it lit a burning desire in my eyes.
Eager though is not your desire for me.
Hesitant are your words.
Yet you are the food that feeds the fire.
Give to me only the love you can express.
Break down the chains which make your feet heavy.
Tear apart the assumptions that you’ve built.
- let go baby.
Allow for me to show you the path our love can take.
For to grace the idea of not being by your side
…this is something my heart cannot take.
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gsikh · 11 years
Broken Flower
Beauty - You are that flower.
Shine of that sun never caressed you.
They took it away.
The lovely and soothing breeze your cheek never felt.
He blocked you out.
The warmth of the soil your roots never felt.
She pulled you out.
Scars on those petals - cut like you never mattered.
They could care less.
...Yet here you are.
A new day, a new sun - I feel it be that one.
Shed these leaves smothered with pollen of the past.
Better left forgotten.
Push away the hate, the fear - the negativity.
Move my way toward the warmth of the light
and dig these roots into nourishing soil - take a deep breath.
Now I begin.
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gsikh · 11 years
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Ship at San Francisco Pier (at San Francisco, California)
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gsikh · 11 years
Gurpreet! You must tell me, because I'm as curious of a person as I am, who is this person that inspires you to write such beautiful things? I'm being nosey, but I had to ask. She must mean a whole lot to you :3 (Answer this privately if you wish)
First of all, thank you for asking! Your question, really got me to think and I have a bunch of stuff going around in my mind, I just hope that I can be clear with my response.
I want to begin with some disappointment for you Ms. Carolina, unfortunately, at the moment there is no “person” that is the vessel for my words and there never really was. Now, I do hope that this doesn’t take away from the love or romantic aspect of what I write (at least that is my fear of sort). See, to me it’s interesting that you would even think that there is a “she,” based off of my writing. It’s because each individual person reads and connects to writing and poetry in their own way. My writing is not really meant to have the confinement of the male-female relationship. Yes “she” or “her” would be the way I personally would describe a love that I would talk about, but again, every person connects to writing in their own way, so if you like what I wrote and you wish to feel or do connect with what I wrote…and you are gay, lesbian, or whatever it may be, then by all means replace my empty words with what will give you the connection to how you feel most comfortable expressing what love means for yourself. Then again, if you have a name that would fit there, then by all means [Insert Name Here]. I did, however, continue to think and ask myself that, “well if there is not a particular girl who is inspiring me, then what does”? I think if you ask me this, I would really have to give you my whole life story in a way, because it is really the forces that have shaped and molded me into whom I am, which would be the answer to your question. Not only that, but the choice that I make and what I deem as important in life versus others. I will, furthermore, say that I have noticed some similarities or habits when I write. At times when I am writing the more romantic-style type of writing, I think about a personally desired love I would want by sort of play with the idea and desires. There’s, at times, a hard to describe warm, orb-like feeling, which makes me smile and starts to create a figure in my mind, but always faceless. I also tend to write mostly at night, maybe it’s because the world is very calm and peaceful, and so I happen to focus that way. Another odd/interesting addition is that, I also tend to write better when I’m super stressed in normal day life, because I can just stop everything else and focus on poetry.
I do hope this somewhat answers your question, if not then please ask me to clarify on something. Also for anyone, who also decided to read this, you may notice I love to answer questions, or really just have and bring out ideas, to overall just THINK… so ask on this/other topics, respond to writings, or just enjoy life :)
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gsikh · 11 years
Paint this Story
Let’s have a talk
We have only known each other for some years plus months.
This love is young and we yet explore, curious at heart over what we discover.
I will be realistic though
 Because I realize that this fragile piece we hold can break and shatter,
That someday God forbid we won’t be embracing each other.
This may seem sudden
Why would I, the man that says he loves you, think something so cruel as to leaving you
But rest and relax for a bit,
While I massage these word into you
For I want to share a story of the man that sits before you,
And take this night to maybe somewhat bore you.
With this great tale I possess,
Not short of twists and turns
An invitation to enlighten you about the ins and outs of what made me
To let you deeply understand every possible aspect of this soul, mind, and body.
 So that whatever course it maybe which destiny takes,
Whatever path we may be on,
Or whatever may happen to me
  I will at least know that there is a piece of me inside somebody
- - -
Now that the story is told
Do for me this,
Capture it unto a stone
 And keep it with you close.
This I ask of you,
 My selfish request I put upon you
What I hope is that if indeed you are no longer with me or I am not with you
Then there will one day come the time when you grow old  
For I hope only that you take a look back
Think into your life and remember,
Remember this schmuck and his young love you once shared
 To then uncage and finally break the stone that lays dormant within you.
Only then and a maybe
Will I be in the position to have those chills.
The chills that will run down me
To spark every nerve in my body,
Electrifying enough to unearth a similar feeling of the oneness we felt as you gave up yours to me.
The stone box which I kept,
Holding the brush that paints your past and beloved history in my mind
I will stare at this magnificent painting
As a tear runs down my face
I will say my final goodbyes
And hope we will get to love yet again in another lifetime.
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gsikh · 11 years
Fruit Friend
The Fruit Is Sweat You Take A Bite, And Love The Taste. It Rolls Away And You'll Chase - You'll Chase That Fruit, But As It Rolls Down The Road, You'll Notice. You Notice Now, That Ever So Small, But Bitter Taste. Take A Second, Find The Source, The Source Is Great - It Offers Way More Fruit For You To Take. But Scared, Scared You Are To Let Go Of This Long Tumble Down The Road With This Familiar Taste, With This Fruit You Always Have Chased. Dilemma, Now A Dilemma You Have In Your Heart Of Which Fruit To Take? On This Side, The One I Have Tasted But The Other, The Other I Grow To Love Its New Taste Oh What To Do, The Bitter Fruit Is Yet Bitter Again But I Fear To Leave This Long Relationship Fruit Friend I Know The Other Is Bright, Smart, And The Better Fruit To Take. Yet I Still Stand Here Wondering, Asking, Thinking…. Which Fruit Should I Take?
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gsikh · 11 years
Fly Away Now
Birdy, you once took off on this long journey At times, there was storms, hail, and thunder But you did not let out You have flown a long way and gotten thus far Though you one day decide to fly away from your path Leave behind the warmth of the sun and into the darkness of the clouds you head It was for the excitement it would bring It was not that same old boring dream But you realized too late The high altitude ended up being unbearable to take You did not realize, for this was a dangerous route Birdy, look…this saddens me For you have now been shot Shot down so much so that your powerful wings have dropped Dropped from the sky and to the concrete shoulders of the ground A ground so hard that it left a scar in that small innocent heart But fear not, for there are those who are willing to stitch the feathers back on There are those who are willing to care For it also happens to be that you are the most beautiful bird in the world That this bird is worth fighting for … that this bird is loved by others. The seasons have changed, the time has passed Now little birdy, it has come the time to take the chance For your wings have healed, and the scars have been patched Now the biggest questions for you has arisen, Do you again spread those wings to take flight once again?
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gsikh · 11 years
Dedication To You
This, Dedicated To My Beloved For I’d Like Her To Know My Dearest, Let’s Begin A Journey Take A Step Forward And Leap Into This Dark Hole I’ll Be By Your Side, So There Won’t Be Anything To Fear Only For You Is This Path Allowed And For Whom I Lay Down Roses And Flower Pedals In This Way I Can Be Your Guiding Light And It Will Be Possible For You To Steer Your Arms Into Mine Though There May Be Some Bumps, Cracks, And Holes In This Road You Mustn’t Worry, Since Our Love Equates To A Super Glue Strong Enough To Patch Any Obstacle That May Come Forth For One May Call It Destiny, When They Witness Us Fight And Make It All The Way Through Eventually This Will Be The Road For Us To Continue And Grow Old Upon Take Snaps And Shots Of Those Precious Moments We Build On To Someday Think Back And Laugh To Ourselves As We Hold Hands And Take Our Last Breath And Finally Arrive At The End Of The Chapter With An “I Love You” And Smiles To Our Faces Because When I Die, I Will Have No Regrets But Just Thank You To You For Being A Part Of My Journey… This, A Dedication To And For My One And Only Most Precious Lady
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gsikh · 11 years
Strongest Bind (A Proposal)
You’re Oh So Beautiful, What Can I Say Embrace Your Sweetness Next To I, Is All For Which I Pray Come Over Here And Take Me Into This World We Should Explore Explore The Ins-N-Outs Of It Push It To Where You And I Can Combine Our Minds And Make Anything Possible My Dear Possibilities Are Just One Thing One Thing You Should Look Forward To Knowing That If You’re With Me, No One Can Steer You Wrong Wrong I Am Not For You So Please Accept This Ring, As My Symbol For It Is Made Out Of The Strongest Material But Always Know That My Love For You Can Break Any Stone That You And I Together Can Take On Any Barriers I Want To Climb One Now Let’s Tie The Knot A Bind So Complete That No Man Can Ever Break It And The Blessings Of God Shall Protect It All I Have Ever Wanted Was For This Moment To Arise So That I Can Hold Your Hand And Ask... My Dearest, Will You Be Mine?
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gsikh · 11 years
Make Me Proud
Alright I think it’s time Let’s get dangerous Tonight we shall feast and dine with each-other on our minds Must take it to the next level Lust so great, love so strong Come and take this ride Make any possibility spring to life No limits, no ends I’ll push as hard can I can, and you don’t let in Stoke so magnificent, with sweat and other liquids A little smile here, grab some hair, thrust that there Go a bit faster, don’t slow down Bite that lip, stick that out So overwhelming, but I can’t let out Grab that there, for it’s the last round Climax to that beautiful sound Breathing so hard, must calm down Lay there next to you, and think to myself …hhhmmmmm… Damn you make me so proud!
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gsikh · 11 years
An Interesting Conversation
Context: Talked to a lady at work once, had an amazing conversation, which led to this...
She said… you’re so calm, I like how you speak, it’s not like the others, Now why don’t you uncover the truth that lies behind who you look to be... Hold up, hold up, lady, see what you must understand is that this is what exists before you You see this is I, this is me, this is the way I choose to be I explain to her that this is not a trick You see, since the day I was born, I have been conformed, twisted, and molded into the man that exists before you today I wear a crown on my head, a silver bracelet in my arm, and cover my body with uncut hair, therefore, I take heed to the actions I take For they are quick to judge But what I realized is that my actions do not leave my footprint but the sweat and blood of the many who represent the same as I thrive to become I’ve dealt with challenging what I represent and what is being taught to me, only to realize When there is nothing to disagree with, how do I challenge what is said When there is no better response, what exactly can be said Then if the path is highly respected in the mind, why shouldn’t I accept it All that was left by her was a …thank you for opening my eyes… and we parted our separate ways, with a little bit more than before on both of our minds. - Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh -
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gsikh · 11 years
Thoughtful Sounds
Something Like This I’ve Never Heard Before A Sound Ever So Pleasing To The Drum A Dulcet Tone Magically Making Everything Else Disappear How Could Something So Humble Bring Me To Smile, To Laugh, To Think? Must Be Revolutionary, Yet May Seem Simple For All You May Hear Is A Laugh While All I Hear Is The Heavens When All You Notice Is A Simile Then All I See Is Time Pass Slowly After All You May Do Is Forget While All I Do Is Stay Forever Lost In My Thoughts
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gsikh · 11 years
Twisted Road: Take The Chance, Make A U-Turn, And Take This Twisted Road...
Here Take My Hand Now Teach Me How To Walk Backwards Cause I Already Went Down The Straight Path I’ve Seen Where It Leads, It Isn’t For Me Give Me The Curve Ball Give Me The Chance Give To Me The Real Challenge! I Don’t Want To Live For Fridays Let Me Love My Mondays There Has To Be Something Else Cause This Doesn’t Seem To Belong There Must Be Another Answer Let My One Plus One Equal Three Let This Not Be It For Me Let It Become And Be Take Me To This Path For To Go Without It Would Equate To A Life One Should Never Have
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gsikh · 11 years
Sweet Dreams
Dream, Oh Dream, Oh Dream… You Seem To Be Something Everyone Has. You Give Them Hope, You Give Them A Chance - A Whole Other World Out There For Them To Have. Your Magic, The Provider Of A Land Unlocking Enjoyment, Pleasure, Or Any Wish Possibly Imagined. But Dream, I Am Confounded, Have I Done Something To Make You Mad? You Give Me Not Any Enjoyment, You Give Me Nothing To Grasp. Your Light To Me Is About As Bright As The Shadow That Follows Me Behind My Back. You Come Not To Me Late At Night, Nor Do You Let Me Enjoy Daylight As They Have. Is It A Fault I Have Or Do I Endure The Suffering From A Sin Committed In The Past? I Wish To Only Fully Experience Your Ecstasy Once, Is That Really Too Much To Ask? Come To Me By Day, Or Come To Me By Night And Take Me Into The Embrace Of Your Light - Then At Long Last, Bring To Me A Dream That Has Never Been Humanly Had.
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gsikh · 11 years
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Grow With Me
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gsikh · 11 years
Completing the Puzzle
Sat In The Embrace Of Your Light, Listened To Your Soft Words, Sought  Your Guidance - Sight, Sound, And Mind Applied. Oh Waheguru, You Are There For Me …Yet Pieces Of Me Are Not. The Answer I Look For, The One I Want, The Touch That Was Not Present! - Only Her I Wish To Pray, Love, And Die With, For It Is Her Who Is The Missing Piece.
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