gsucharlottesupyen · 4 years
1. What was the most important or moving moment of our class? In other words, what part of this class should I keep to show every student I have in the future?
The most important moment of our class was when we got to meet up, and critique each other’s wearable sculptures. Each project was such a different approach, and representation of our feelings regarding such a wide variety of topics from race issues to the environment. I feel like these projects are different from other semesters because we were restricted to the items within our homes to construct our sculptures. Also these pieces was a product of the amalgamation of being isolated in quarantine and the Black Lives Matter movement. I forgot the name of the person who made this particular piece but I loved her butterfly wings. The collage of broken mirror pieces, wire, and other bits, with the Black Lives Matter written on the back was just attention grabbing, and thought provoking. It was a piece you can look at but also interact with it. I am impressed she built such a complex piece but also made it stable at home. So for future classes, it would be eye opening and compelling for future classes to see how artists reacted to being in quarantine.  
2.What was the most frustrating part of the class?
This class was my first class related to my minor in art. I had received very mixed opinions from other artists who had taken art in college, but I decided to jump the gun, and attend anyways in hopes to make connections with other artists. So I was incredibly frustrated and disappointed this semester was all online. Of course I would rather stay quarantined than have to risk exposure to Covid-19, but it doesn’t take away my frustration of this quarantine continuing into next year. Other than my frustrations stemming from this class being online, I struggled with the “impossible project”. I usually work on a smaller scale, and typically 2D. So to go from painting to planning out, and budgeting a project so large and abstract that it was impossible. I truly struggled with coming up with ideas, and sticking with them. For example instead of my first idea of making an indestructible forest, I went for the customizable mall, which I thought would be easier to budget than to visualize the value of a whole forests worth of metal. 
3.  What are your creative/artistic goals for winter break?
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For Christmas this year I am a bit low on funds to buy all my close friends and family gifts, so I decided to make crafts and paint little canvases for them. So far I have created earrings out of polymer clay. I am planning to make little key chains, and paint 3″x5″ canvases to give to some of my friends. Currently I am relatively new to painting with acrylic at such a small scale, and crafting with polymer clay. So for this winter break I want to practice on inking so my lines are strong and clean, and I want to be able to sculp the clay without getting hair or other gunk mixed in. I would also like to transfer my knowledge of faces from a 2D to 3D perspective. 
4.What are your creative/artistic goals for 2021?
For 2021, I chose to take the next semester off to help my family with their new restaurant. Like I believe many other people who are artistically inclined, my dad asked me if I could help him design a logo for said restaurant. I do not have any interest whatsoever in graphic design but if one thing this class taught me is that I need to try it anyways. So for next year I want to learn graphic design so that I can help my dad. I have to make a logo for a Thai restaurant that only does takeout, so I have my work cut out for me. 
I would also like to take this semester to decide if I want to pursue art over my boring computer science degree. Currently I am not too far into my computer science degree to if I dropped out I would not lose much. I know the reason I am so scared to pursue art is because it is a mystery to me. A lot of artists are freelancers, and have to depend on their motivation to create to put bread on the table. On the other hand, computer science majors are basically guaranteed a job right out of college. 
5.What are the first steps towards your goals?
I am a strong advocate for learning art from online tutorials. So for learning graphic design I planning to learn the principles from Youtube and Skillshare. I guess I could say one of my goals is to decide whether or not to pursue art, so for the next semester I want to get some real world experience, and to explore my options in the art world. 
I have currently taken steps for making my art work noticed by being more active on social media, and forcing myself to create more artworks while being mindful of burning out. 
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Here is my latest series I am working on and I am planning on finishing out next year! (”Demon Bitches”)
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gsucharlottesupyen · 4 years
SP#8 Morning Market
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When I was little my next door neigbor would make khao tom mad, which is a banana covered in sticky rice and wrapped in a banana leaf. Early the next morning she would take me to the morning flea market to sell them. She always set up shop near her friends, and we would hang out with them as the morning crowd came in. For my art piece, I want to represent the people and their livelihoods that rely on the success of this morning market.
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gsucharlottesupyen · 4 years
SP#7 Impossible Ideas
1. Have only thumbs
2. Everyone in the world wears only blue jeans
3. Land the moon on earth
4. Everyone jump in the ocean to create a tidal wave
5. Create a human chain across the ocean
6. Hold hands with your past self
7. Watch all the movies ever created
8. Spit across mountains
9. Recreate Mt. Everest with a spoon
10. Drop and roll all the way up a mountain
11. Go to the other side of the world in 10 seconds
12. Make edible soup with cyanide
13. See the afterlife without dying
14. Time travel via car
15. Ride a T-rex
16. Sing forever
17. Drink water from the moon
18. Fish all the fish in the ocean
19. Swim to the bottom of the Mariana Trench
20. Float in lava
21. Jump on quick sand like a trampoline
22. Go to the Earth’s core
23. Do a cartwheel in the vacuum of space
24. Only travel by jumping on couches
25. Run somewhere but go nowhere
26. Go up the stairs in the woods, find out where it goes
27. Go into the other side of the mirror
28. Crawl on the sky
29. Blow away clouds 
30. Fight the gods
31. Be a shapeshifter
32. Float like a balloon
33. Dig through the ground like a mole
34. Replace air with water
35. Reverse all the elements
36. Do a billion pushups
37. Jump to the top of the tallest building
38. Collapse time
39. Go into a building that no longer exists
40. Hold a conversation with a person that is no longer here
41. Talk to the dead as a dead person
42. Go into the basement of a house without a basement
43. Go live in a different universe
44. Jump between planets
45. Build a house on the sun
46. Remake the Giza pyramids out of humans
47. Make a dress out of air
48. Be 4 million people
49. Walk a billion mosquitoes on one leash
50. Make a backpack that can carry the solar system
51. Hold a singular atom
52. Become the nucleus of a cell
53. Eat radiation 
54. Roll the earth flat
55. Make all the stars star shaped
56. Suck up all the air on earth
57. Play musical chairs with a whole country
58. Become a 50 feet tall cyclops
59. Put wind in a bag
60. Make the ocean reach the core of the earth and make cobblestone
61. Cut stone into thin slices
62. Make a door as big as the earth and open it
63. Use an umbrella to fly
64. Sit on a star
65. Fly via breath
66. Worldwide dance party
67. Shifted the world and make it collide with Venus
68. Send all boys to Mercury
69. Gift wrap Pluto
70. Carry molten lava 
71. Eliminate all mental illness
72. Everyone stand still, nothing moves
73. Make your blood stop
74. Be immortal
75. combine water and oil 
76. eliminate night time
77. Make the sun a long tube
78. Cut a slice of earth like a cake
79. Restart history
80. Make a list of a million impossible things 
81. Make a goldfish run as fast as a horse
82. Have a million dogs
83. Fit all the animals of the world onto one boat
84. Stop all natural disasters
85. Use a straw to blow away all tornadoes 
86. Name a hurricane a masculine name
87. Start a country that will last forever
88. Listen to a hundred people at once
89. See through a person
90. Be invisible
91. Run through time
92. Do the impossible
93. Be born again
94. Be a squid
95. Be born perfect
96. Delete the world
97. Undo everything you have ever done
98. Create every possible idea 
99. Have a million babies
100. Undo having a million babies
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gsucharlottesupyen · 4 years
“Suffocation Idiot”(Performance Art Project #2)
 In this pandemic, millions of people are isolated from society. The span of the pandemic has been lengthened because of a few select people refusing to wear a mask, and exacerbating the ability to wear a mask. In my video, "Suffocation Idiot", it is a satirical take on non-masker's over dramatization of being unable to breath with a mask on. This caricature I created is based on a certain group of people that willingly believe lies and turn a blind eye to society to follow their own selfish ideals. The makeup I put on to conceal the tape over my face is to illustrate these people's ability to deny and blend into society.
Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTXt2XYaIbA
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gsucharlottesupyen · 4 years
US border wall performance art
         After watching Tanya Aguiniga’s performance piece, “Metabolizing the Border”, I am intrigued with her message about people who find themselves trapped by the border, forced to live it and breathe it. I would love to expand on that topic by having two people stand on either side of the wall breathing through connected tubes. It will be a similar contraption to Aquiniga’s invention but the two people breathing tubes will be connected to one another. The other aspects such as the shoes, and goggles should be connected but the goggles should be foggy. It will be a mix of her piece where she hugged the border and the glass breathing contraption. 
         As someone, who’s family migrated to the U.S. I will always feel connected to my relatives that live in my home country. I can’t imagine them being across a metal border instead of a gigantic ocean. To be so close to your family but unable to see them is painful, and to breath the same air but not see them is even worse. Many families are torn apart when moving to another country, and eventually lose contact. I feel like this performance will visualize how families are still connected through the border, and bring attention to how families are torn apart.
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gsucharlottesupyen · 4 years
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gsucharlottesupyen · 4 years
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name: Toyol
Age: Unknown, but exhibits behavior of an young child
—————Special behavior——————
Becomes intensely jealous when threatened by the presence of another child
intentionally self isolates in attempt to escape
refuses but craves physical touch
experiences night terrors on a daily basis
Refuses to sleep without being surrounded by stuffed animals
Will change bodies depending on mood
Controlled by the parent, but will rebel when angered
Unable to talk to other children
Insides are pink
Only wakes up at night
Becomes anxious easily
Usually silent but will talk when prompted
Family is financially unstable
Experiences great anxiety when a large sum of money is spent
Enjoys only plain food
Despises sweet foods/candy
Emotionally mature
Can go long periods without eating
Traumatic childhood
Attempts to connect with others but fails to form relationships
Gets lonely easily
Loves honey in small portions
Tries to emulate cartoon characters
Loves shows about family
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gsucharlottesupyen · 4 years
“Narcissister Organ Player” response
     In the production “Narcissister Organ Player”, the artist Narcissister written, directed and produced an intriguing documentary exploring her relationship with her mother and her identity as a person of color. Narcissister’s performances usually include a series of costume changes, lewd imagery, and bizarre choreography to convey a narrative abstractly related to themes from her own life. The artist expressed she does not have a particular message in mind when she creates these productions, and explains she performs to convey she is free. 
     Narcissister parents, particularly her mother played a large role in her creative process. Her mother was a Sephardic Jewish woman from Morocco, and her father was an African-American man. Due to their ethnic backgrounds, her parents experienced racism and xenophobia from a young age. Subsequently, in their later life, they actively worked against stereotypes and social bias. Sadly, Narcissister was not spared from experiencing similar hardships as her parents. In her “Hungry Performance”, she dresses up as one of her secondary aliases named “Kath Winter”. She claims she chose the name because it reminded her of the typical rich white lady that she dreamed to be when she was a child. Growing up in a predominantly white suburban neighborhood, she grew to hate her skin tone and curly hair because it made her different from her peers. Reflected in “Kathy Winter’s” performance where Narcissister viciously consumes a vegetable and proceeds to rip off her persona, she works to convey her desperation as a child to conform through hunger. By ripping off her persona, she conveys the futility of her desire to conform.
      Throughout the documentary, multiple of Narcissistor’s performances make an appearance. However, the performances concerning her relationship to her mother are exceedingly complex and captivating. As her mother grew older in age, and their family grew further apart due to responsibilities to their own lives, Narcissister worked to include her mother in her life. Narcissister’s philosophy was her mother needed a sense of fulfillment, and through including her mother in her work, she could grant her mother gratification. Before her mother’s death, Narcissister included her mother in many of her productions and rehearsals. Despite appearing on stage, her mother only appeared to the side, and often knitting. Narcissister’s strongest performance was her venture through a representation of her mother’s body. Starting by climbing up the straight brown braided hair to reach the opening of a mouth, she portrayed her desire as a child to have hair like her mother. After reaching the opening of the mouth, she slides down a makeshift esophagus and proceeds to travel through the digestive track. At the end, she is discharged from her mother’s bowels onto the floor amongst several brown excrement pillows. Enclosed in an excrement costume, she is showing how she has been shaped by her mother, and later expressed her eagerness to “return home”. 
       Narcissister’s performances are sexual, unnerving, and often times repulsive. However, the creativity of the costume changes and ambiguity of her work is captivating. Watching her artistic displays of the woman’s body and underlying feminist message is a fun and new way of exploring POC women’s relationship with themselves. 
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gsucharlottesupyen · 4 years
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1. Snapping a celery stalk
2. My dog laying on my back
3. The sound of rain against the roof
4. A warm breeze while I lay in a hammock
5. A sunny day during winter
6. Floating on water
7. Freshly shaved legs against freshly washed sheets
8. The cold side of the bed
9. Molding clay
10. A solid poop log
11. Tapping my nails against a hard surface
12. Munchy on a crunchy
13. A cat rubbing on my leg
14. My dog in the crook of my arm
15. The snap, crack and pop of oil in a wok
16. Seamlessly opening a snack bag
17. Neatly ripping up paper into uniform strips
18. Standing up and stretching which leads to all my bones cracking
19. My tongue against my teeth after my braces were taken off
20. Clipping my nails
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gsucharlottesupyen · 4 years
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Completed Social Distancing Project
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gsucharlottesupyen · 4 years
SP#3 Performance Art
110. Color Piece
Rub your hands in your favorite color
touch the thing you love most
186. Snoring Piece
Plug your nose
Sleep on the train
159. Animal Piece
Think of an animal
Write it down then eat it
100. Cannon Piece
Make a cannon out of anything
Place it anywhere
See anyone shoot it anywhere
136. Clock Piece
To exist outside of time
Go into a room with clocks
Change one clock to the future
Change one clock to the past
Change the last one to the time you love most
103. Sleeping Piece I
Set an alarm
Tell people to wake you
Think of things to wake up to
203. Chimney Piece
Find a chimney
Scream until someone comes down
77. Painting to See The Room
Go from room to room
Think of each room
Make it one room
169. Paper Folding Piece
Write anything on the paper
Fold it once then pass it on
Have the next person do the same
32. Tape Piece IV
Tape a tape
Peel or listen
173. Touch Poem for Group of People
Touch the last place someone touched you on someone else
Continue for any set amount of time
222. Dance Piece
Move until you are dancing
Stay still until you can't
81. A plus B Painting
Cut two paintings into squares
put them together
220. Air Talk
Blow bubbles between two people
Let the air from their words float them up
124. Cloud Piece
Follow the clouds until you find what you need
40. Echo Telephone Piece
Call someone over the speaker
Find a large empty room
Set the phone down and leave
120. Whisper Piece
Whisper into the grass and let the wind carry your words
Listen to what they tell you tomorrow
51. Line Piece II
Draw a line of any size on the wall
Have the next person come in and draw another line
Continue until the lines connect
221. Dance Piece for Stage Performance
Pick a person from the audience
Dance only for them
156. Light Piece
Stand at the end of a rainbow
Or stand in a spot until a rainbow forms
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gsucharlottesupyen · 4 years
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My work explores the fetishization of East Asian women. I want to convey the gross dehumanization and manipulation by Western society through food so I made the choice to illustrate Asian women as food. From my own experience, I have seen people pick and choose which parts they like about Asian women, similar to how we pick at our food. 
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gsucharlottesupyen · 4 years
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Sketchbook prompt #2 9/8/2020
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gsucharlottesupyen · 4 years
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4.written paragraph
I went into my bathroom, ready to start my long nightly routine. I started by gargling my mouthwash for a minute straight, after washing out the burning sensation the Listerine left, I began to brush my teeth. After my last cleaning appointment where my dentist told me my gums were receding and I had 4 cavities, I immediately bought an electric toothbrush and floss. Since then I have been religiously brushing my teeth at a 45 degree angle, while letting my brush glide over my teeth without exerting excessive amounts of pressure. To finish it off I floss my teeth, making sure to swirl the string around to not leave any debris behind. I put in my retainers and dental guard. My dentist also said I grind my teeth at night. After I put in the night guard I can’t even close my mouth. It’s almost comical looking at myself in the mirror with my mouth agape.
5. Names
One Unibrush to Win Them All
Staying safe 24/7 during quarantine
Dirty bathroom, clean teeth
45 degrees. No pressure
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