Replacing Wood Deck Boards With Composite
When it comes to decking material, there's no better option than wood, but what if you want a new look instead? You could have the old decking materials replaced with new composite decking, or even old fashioned composite decking materials like PVC. 
Replacing old wooden deck boards with composite materials is also an option. The material you choose depends on your preference, your budget and the existing condition of your decking.
Most people think that modern composite decking is the same as recycled lumber and is environmentally friendly. However, there are different types of composites used for decking. 
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Some deck boards made from polymers will require cement to be added to the bottom of the boards for durability and weather resistance. Other types of composite decking materials are more resistant to weather, and do not require cement to complete the project.
When you're considering Replacing Wood Deck Boards With Composite, you need to consider a few details when it comes to installing composite decking. One of these is the joist depth. 
Just as wood deck boards are installed at random angles to each other, composite decking must also be installed at similar random angles. Having the proper joist depth prevents unsightly gaps between boards and promotes long term stability.
Another detail you'll want to keep in mind when replacing wood deck boards with composite materials is the flashing that's typically included with the project. Flashings allow moisture to drain away from the board while preventing rain, snow and other water-related debris from entering the boards. 
This makes for a safer surface for walking on, especially when it's sloped toward the entryway. Weather-resistant flashings are available in different thicknesses to accommodate different surface materials. You can purchase the least amount of flashing needed to cover the entire board, or choose thin, weather-resistant strips to border each side of the new composite decking.
When you're installing composite decking, you'll also have to measure the distance between the corners of the joists. These measurements are typically referred to as tongue-and-groove. You should prepare the deck by clearing all debris from the surface and making sure there's no mold or mildew in the air. Once the surface has been prepared, you can begin assembling the joists.
When installing the joists, it's important to use the same adhesive you used for the decking surface. Most decking manufacturers recommend an epoxy adhesive for installation, but you can also use standard roofing adhesives if the adhesive won't stick. 
If your old decking has nails, use stainless steel screws for the new installation, and make sure they're strong enough to handle the extra weight of the composite decking.
When installing the new surface, it's important that you use the same finishing techniques you would for the existing decking. Whether you're installing all new hardware, or just changing the colors of some of the panels, you should try to match the color of the old decking to the color of the new composite. 
Use the same type of stain, and finish using the same type of adhesive to keep the new surface in place. You'll need to sand the surface to about 0.75mm to get a smooth feel, and then you're ready to install the new composite panels.
Replacing wood with composite material can be a very appealing project. Replacing old decking boards with new composite boards is a great way to improve the appearance of your deck and outdoor living space. 
If you're tired of looking at an outdated deck and want to give it a modern edge, consider replacing the existing deck boards with new composite materials that are easy to install. This project will not only give you more value for your money, but will also add value to your home as well. Contact GTA Decks for the best services.
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Deck Repair And Maintenance Tips
If you have been thinking of doing deck repairs, this is a good time to do it. There are many repairs to be done on decks and the cost of getting them done is keeping contractors busy. If you decide that you want to do the repairs on your own, here are some handyman tips to help you. 
You should also have some deck repair and maintenance ideas in mind. It's also a good idea to contact a deck builder in Toronto if you can't do it yourself. The following are some suggestions from a professional deck builder in Toronto.
The most important thing to know about common deck maintenance is to never try to fix something that doesn't need to be fixed. Most repairs can wait because the weather is usually the culprit. If you decide to fix something yourself and you mess it up, it could end up costing you more money in the long run. In addition, repairing something you may have done yourself will give you valuable information that you may not have otherwise thought of.
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One of the best things you can do as a handyman is to be prepared with the proper tools when you start deck repairs. This means that you need to have the right equipment for the job, whether it's for cutting drilling or staining. 
For example, hand tools such as chisels, nail guns and soldering guns are great for small deck repairs, but a power tool will make the work go faster and there are less chances that you will miss a spot. For larger repairs, you'll need to bring a larger hand tool like a jointer to handle bigger jobs.
Another important thing to do as a handyman is to learn as much as you can about common deck maintenance repairs. This includes learning how to read plans so that you can prepare before doing any work and you also need to have a working knowledge of how each part of the project will work. 
For example, you should know how to read plans for decking before you buy anything or before you start doing any work on the deck. 
It's a good idea to have a deck maintenance guide in your home just in case something goes wrong on a weekend project. This is especially important if you have children or pets. The last thing you want to be doing is giving someone a dangerous hobby or project.
In addition, some handymen enjoy making their own deck repairs. While this can save you money, it also requires you to have tools you don't necessarily have lying around your garage. 
If you are thinking of trying this method, be sure you read up on all the steps involved and that you have all the materials you need. For instance, you might need to buy special nails or other fasteners that you may not have access to.
You can save a lot of money by hiring a professional deck builder instead. If you have an expensive wood deck or if you have a damaged deck that needs to be replaced, you should look into getting deck repair from a contractor from our Toronto page.
Some handymen are comfortable doing small projects like replacing shingles and repairing minor cracks. However, for more complex projects, such as installing a new deck railing, it would be best to use a deck builder to get the job done right.
When choosing a deck repair service or contractor, it's important to find one that has years of experience. Check for customer reviews online and ask friends and family for recommendations. These tips will help you find the right deck repair contractor for your needs.
Even though the process of repairing a deck may seem simple, it's always better to get it done correctly the first time. Not only will you end up with a brand new deck, but you'll also save yourself time and money. 
Deck repair tips are designed to help you do just that. Use these tips to make sure you have the safest, most beautiful deck in town!
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