guardedcanoneer · 8 years
> Chiroh: Be the knight in shining prosthetics.
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guardedcanoneer · 8 years
> Chiroh: Be the knight in shining prosthetics.
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guardedcanoneer · 8 years
> Chiroh: Be the knight in shining prosthetics.
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guardedcanoneer · 9 years
> Chiroh: Be the knight in shining prosthetics.
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guardedcanoneer · 9 years
> Chiroh: Be the knight in shining prosthetics.
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guardedcanoneer · 9 years
> Chiroh: Be the knight in shining prosthetics.
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guardedcanoneer · 9 years
> Chiroh: Be the knight in shining prosthetics.
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guardedcanoneer · 9 years
> Chiroh: Be the knight in shining prosthetics.
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guardedcanoneer · 9 years
> Chiroh: Be the knight in shining prosthetics.
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guardedcanoneer · 9 years
GC: ((that’s good)
GC: ((we’re glad that she has PeoPle)
GC: ((us being the ones to intervene made us worried)
GC: ((jobs)
GC: ((Personal jobs)
GC: ((stuff that she doesn’t trust anyone else to do)
GC: ((doesn’t trust us to do really)
GC: ((at least while we’re on the books)
GC: ((chiroh got mad because the Price is steeP but we’re haPPy to Pay it)
GC: ((this isn’t a job)
GC: ((treat it like one)
GC: ((Pay us as if it’s a service rendered)
GC: ((we don’t aPPreciate that)
GC: ((we don’t aPPreciate the imPlications)
GC: ((chiroh likes being thought badly of)
GC: ((but only in certain ways)
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guardedcanoneer · 9 years
GC: ((chiroh hasn’t checked her over ProPerly yet)
GC: ((but we say yes)
GC: ((chiroh also says to Ping barrow)
GC: ((she wants him)
GC: ((and the wanting makes it sound like he’ll come if called)
GC: ((we)
GC: ((we made a deal)
GC: ((with our caPtain)
GC: ((services rendered in return for a favor done)
GC: ((the barterer has strings she can Pull)
GC: ((for a Price)
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guardedcanoneer · 9 years
((you’re okay)
((bek does it too)
((other PeoPle Probably would)
((if we talked to them)
((chiroh is)
((chiroh is exactly who chiroh wants to be)
((complaints are good)
((in that context)
((zaPPing PeoPle is bad)
((and she’s hurt)
((so it’d be extra bad)
Dolios backs up a step, startled. Hello there, sudden Kingfisher! 
((Pretty sure they got taken)
((not lost)
JJ: > I’m not - I function perfectly well!
JJ: > I’ll have you know, in fact, that my psionic output potential for burst is at the top of my class.
JJ: > Which is ideal for a ship of this particular tactical design!
JJ: > Chiroh is full of it!
They don’t respond to you, though, and you’re left to seethe awkwardly to yourself until Dolios speaks aloud and you jump a little.
JJ: > Ah! No, she - well, I don’t suppose I would know, as Captain Parker has not thus far proven to be an especially social being.
JJ: > Though that seems to be changing in recent.
JJ: > That is to say, about the licking, specifically. No comment regarding her general proclivity for being disgusting.
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guardedcanoneer · 9 years
Dolios smiles brightly. This is familiar ground, this is safe.
((we don’t doubt that you do)
((your shiP is very nice)
((you fit it well)
((she won’t lick us you don’t think)
((we might zaP her on accident and that would be bad)
((don’t like PeoPle touching us)
They look worried for a beat before relaxing, oddly distant. Pay attention to what’s in front of you, Dolios, not the part of you that’s off with Bonnie. Fucking rude.
((she just seems hysterical)
((should get that out before she’s over here)
((not high enough on the ladder for extended dramatics)
((we hoPe)
((oh geez)
((we also hoPe that she has sPare contacts)
((because chiroh’s not going back for those)
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guardedcanoneer · 9 years
GC: ((make chiroh)
GC: ((is what we mean by that)
GC: ((it’s necessary because you can be better)
GC: ((and you’re not)
GC: ((it bothers us)
GC: ((wastefulness has always bothered us)
GC: ((mostly the Part that’s chiroh)
GC: ((but the Part that’s dolios had oPinions on that too)
GC: ((before)
Kingfisher’s confused, but telling her it’s okay has proven to be a poor idea in the past, so Dolios opts to stay silent until they get news from Chiroh. It’s three or four minutes before they acknowledge Fisher again, this time verbally. The relief at Chiroh getting out okay makes the words come easier.
((chiroh says we have bonnie)
((also that she’s disgusting)
((we think she just licked us)
((does your caPtain make a habit of that)
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guardedcanoneer · 9 years
GC: ((no)
GC: ((chiroh’s definitely fucking with you)
GC: ((we’d be able to tell that even if we didn’t share a Pan)
GC: ((it’s necessary we think)
GC: ((it’s good to aPologize to PeoPle when you do something bad)
GC: ((and it’s not that much of a lowering)
GC: ((we’re a tandem helm that can’t tandem ProPerly anymore)
GC: ((a very extensively jailbroken Piece of one)
GC: ((by all imPerial measures we’re broken)
GC: (( oux )
GC: ((ask us)
GC: ((make us)
GC: ((we’ll like you better for it)
JJ: > Well, that’s all very well and good, but the issue remains that I would like to understand what all these vague illusions are pointing to!
JJ: > Particularly in the case of Chiroh’s and your feelings towards me, because nothing is adding up and I am becoming increasingly worried that I am the squeakbeast in an excessively convoluted game of meowbeast and squeakbeast.
JJ: > And - no, I would not fly outside of the bounds of my duty, because it’s inappropriate. As I said, I was raised with manners, and manners where I come from dictate not sparking like a common lowblood any time a kite gets stuck in a tree or some fancy tickles you.
JJ: > As for living without my duty, well.
JJ:  > I can’t say these wires look particularly unintegrated! I’m afraid I no longer have independent organ or limb functionality, Mixter Moksha, and removal from the helmscolumn would require extensive acclimation before the pilot could exist independently.
JJ: > Which, of course, would be a silly and tedious process with no point, so no, I could not live without it.
JJ: > - And it’s not applicable because it’s not applicable! That’s like saying ‘would you commit high treason if you could?’ is a valid hypothetical question - just because you are not offering me the option of treason does not mean that it is acceptable to answer such a question!
JJ: > I am plenty aware of what kind of ‘stuff’ Chiroh is willing to give me.
JJ: > Maddening little tidbits of incomplete sensory files, and the opportunity to humiliate myself over my own lack of self-control.
JJ: > No, thank you, Mixter Moksha. I am afraid I will have to pass.
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guardedcanoneer · 9 years
Dolios looks confused. They furrow their one visible brow and stare hard at the ground.
GC: ((but you’re not a)
GC: ((oh)
GC: ((you think we’re Playing with you)
GC: ((we’re not)
GC: ((it’s okay to not know things)
GC: ((esPecially when they’re oPaque)
GC: ((and this isn’t a thing that would hurt you)
GC: ((so it’s not a needing thing)
GC: ((sorry)
GC: ((and you’re thinking of the wrong we again)
GC: ((we don’t feel very much about you yet that isn’t secondfrond)
GC: ((do you want us to stoP asking questions)
GC: ((we’re just broken equiPment)
GC: ((you can say no)
GC: ((tell your Program that)
GC: ((it usually works)
They brush their swoop of hair away from their eye socket again, itching it idly. It’s kind of disgusting. 
GC: ((if you say so)
GC: ((what you get depends on how you ask)
GC: ((and if you ask at all)
GC: ((not wait for chiroh to give what we’ll give)
JJ: > Well, that’s all very well and good, but the issue remains that I would like to understand what all these vague illusions are pointing to!
JJ: > Particularly in the case of Chiroh’s and your feelings towards me, because nothing is adding up and I am becoming increasingly worried that I am the squeakbeast in an excessively convoluted game of meowbeast and squeakbeast.
JJ: > And - no, I would not fly outside of the bounds of my duty, because it’s inappropriate. As I said, I was raised with manners, and manners where I come from dictate not sparking like a common lowblood any time a kite gets stuck in a tree or some fancy tickles you.
JJ: > As for living without my duty, well.
JJ:  > I can’t say these wires look particularly unintegrated! I’m afraid I no longer have independent organ or limb functionality, Mixter Moksha, and removal from the helmscolumn would require extensive acclimation before the pilot could exist independently.
JJ: > Which, of course, would be a silly and tedious process with no point, so no, I could not live without it.
JJ: > - And it’s not applicable because it’s not applicable! That’s like saying ‘would you commit high treason if you could?’ is a valid hypothetical question - just because you are not offering me the option of treason does not mean that it is acceptable to answer such a question!
JJ: > I am plenty aware of what kind of ‘stuff’ Chiroh is willing to give me.
JJ: > Maddening little tidbits of incomplete sensory files, and the opportunity to humiliate myself over my own lack of self-control.
JJ: > No, thank you, Mixter Moksha. I am afraid I will have to pass.
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guardedcanoneer · 9 years
Dolios watches Fisher’s face flush with mild interest. Somewhere, across the city and in a chilly office, Chiroh is regretting approximately everything. She doesn’t know the particulars of what Dolios is thinking or saying, not without concentrating, but she can guess. They’re many things, her moirail, and tactful has never been one of them. There is a Talk about considering peoples’ feelings looming in the horizon, she can feel it.
GC: ((that’s okay)
GC: ((you don’t need to understand)
GC: ((hmm)
GC: ((maybe we should ask some of these differently)
GC: ((asking you what you like is Pretty dumb)
GC: ((when you have to like it)
GC: ((would you fly outside of the bounds of your duty)
GC: ((could you live without it)
GC: ((lots of PeoPle can’t)
GC: ((it’s interesting)
GC: ((how quickly your reality can be changed)
GC: ((what we learn to need)
GC: ((could be classified as a kind of helplessness)
GC: ((thank you for your answers)
GC: ((oh)
GC: ((we almost forgot)
GC: ((why isn’t it aPPlicable)
GC: ((it’s a hyPothetical)
GC: ((Plenty aPPlicable)
GC: ((and you should ask chiroh for stuff)
GC: ((we’ll Probably give it to you)
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