guardedvictoria · 3 years
At the mention of his exam partner name he groaned and ran a hand across the back of his neck. “Honestly, love, it was probably the worst exam I ever. Now I have to do extra sessions and extra practice that I know if I was with literally anyone else it would have been so much better. Feel like she made me look bad.” Sebastian did not come here to complain about it but once the floodgates were open it was pretty hard to stop. “I’m glad yours was better, Zach seems like a pretty good guy and that you guys got into a rhythm with each other.” When she scooted closed he wrapped his arm around her so they flushed together and placed his chin on top of her head. “I would be a little offended if you don’t miss my beautiful mug. My plans were literally to sit with you until you kick me out. Oh! Got something for you.” Sebastian untangled himself briefly to drop his hoodie into her lap. It was a long and salmon print hoodie with some random university printed on the front, but it was soft and warm and that’s what was important. He wrapped his arm back around her again and assumed his previous position. “See this? This is my all time favourite hoodie and thought you could use it after the exam. Protect it with your life.”
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Victoria shook her head, moving to place her hand against Sebastian’s back while she began rubbing small and soothing circles between his shoulder blades. “It sounds like it was rough. You didn’t deserve that. Maybe you could talk to the headmaster?” She offered, trying to brainstorm anything that might help the cause. “She was there, she had to see everything.” Victoria nodded again when Sebastian spoke about Zach. “He was very good. We don’t talk or hang out much obviously, but he was great. I don’t think I could have had a better partner...Unless it had been you.” She said shyly, chewing her lip nervously while she spoke. She smiled wider when he pulled her closer. Having someone there meant more than she could say, and she hadn’t felt this close to someone in a very long time. Still, Victoria knew there was still a lot to talk about between them, a lot to learn, and a lot of room to grow. She didn’t mind though, she liked Sebastian, and spending time with him. “I did miss you, I’m glad I told you now. I can’t have you being offended.” She laughed, her eyebrows raising at the mention of something for her. “You do? You shouldn’t have...” When Sebastian gave her the hoodie she brought it to her face immediately. “It smells like you. That’s a good thing.” Sliding forward a bit she shimmied into the hoodie then leaned back against Sebastian easily, resting her head against his chest. “I will Sebastian, I promise. Thank you for this, it’s really sweet.” Shifting, she stretched so that her lips would meet his. Sliding a hand up and around the back of his neck she toyed with the hair at the nape of his neck teasingly. “Tell me something I don’t know about you.” Victoria said when she pulled back. 
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guardedvictoria · 3 years
Once he got the okay to come in, he wandered straight in and kicked off his shoes. He bounced over to the bed and sat a little more close to her than he really needed to. “Hello gorgeous,” he greeted with an easy smile and took a look over her. She did look tired and he felt a pain of guilt for not making his way over to her directly after the exam. “Went as bad as you can expect being paired up with the bitch from hell. Did you know they literally made us do peer meditation afterwards? Apparently me and her are just too hostile.” he replied with a scoff. The whole thing was so pointless and stupid and something he never wants to repeat as long as he lives. “More importantly, how did you go? How you feeling?”
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When Sebastian sat himself so close to her Victoria flushed lightly and scooted a little closer herself. The two had been talking for some time, and they had even slept together, so why she was so nervous to admit to him when she wanted or needed closeness she wasn’t sure. When Sebastian called Victoria gorgeous she couldn’t help but smile, and she leaned over to place a quick kiss on his lips. “You can be sweet when you want to be, Sebastian. You were paired with Isabel right?” Laughing she ran her fingers through her probably messy hair. “Peer mediation? It sounds like it did go really shitty. I’m sorry, Seb. Is there anything I can do?” Victoria’s concern was real, and she knew that if things had gone that badly, Sebastian would probably be required to take on more training hours, something she knew he wouldn’t be keen on. “My exam wasn’t bad. I did freeze for a little bit but Zach had my back, he helped me focus and we got on track from there. Really I’m just tired. They had me doing a lot of different spells and making a lot of different potions really quickly so it just...Was draining.” With a shrug she scooted closer to Sebastian, testing any boundaries by laying her head against his shoulder. “What are your plans for the rest of the day? Would it be too much to say I’ve missed you?”
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guardedvictoria · 3 years
Yoooooo, it looks like I’ve picked the perfect time to come in and join the party. Almost everyone I’ve seen so far looks like somebody has been going around pissing in Cheerios and killing best friends. I’d love to share a little information about me, so everyone has a starting point. My name is Blake Turner, I already know I don’t have to tell the majority of you who I am. But, for anyone out of the loop, my father is legendary Hollywood Director and Producer Sam Turner, and my mother is A-List actress Hollyanne Turner. Yes, that Blake Turner. Outside of my known name and family, I like to think I’m pretty chill. I like some sports, Astronomy, good food, having fun, and magic! Not, like, witch magic (don’t get me wrong, that’s totally fire too) but I’m really into street magic, card magic, sleight of hand, that sort of thing. If there’s anything else anyone wants to know don’t be shy, I’m sure not! And, I want to get to know and learn about everyone here! Should be a pretty rad time. 
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It is nice to see you again Blake, it has been a while. How did things go with the project you were working on? There are so many new people around here to meet, let me know if you need anything. And, I want to say I think it’s funny how you differentiate between street and witch magic, thanks for specifying. I can cast my fair share of spells, but I wouldn’t know what to do with a deck of cards. I have always loved watching you perform though so let me know if you’re planning to set anything up like that on campus. That could be something fun, while we’re in this lockdown of sorts. 
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guardedvictoria · 3 years
If Sebastian was feeling it from the exam on Friday then he knew Victoria would be in even worse shape. He wasn’t sure how the exam had gone, they’ve not really spoken and the idea of her alone following that traumatic idea just did not sit right with him. He didn’t have much in terms of comfort but he did have a high comfortable hoodie that he always liked curling up in. He gave it a sniff before flinging it over his shoulder, it smelt like him but not enough when it clearly needed a wash, and made his way over to her room. Once arrived he knocked on the door and called out “Tori, it’s only me, can I come in?”
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Since her exams Victoria was feeling drained, and like she wanted to do nothing but sleep. When Sebastian’s knock came, she was laying on her couch, a mindless reality show playing for background noise. She’d meant to reach out to the man after exams, but had wound up passing out before she could. It made her happy to think he was thinking of her, enough to come see her like this. “Come in Sebastian. It’s open.” Sitting up she crossed her legs under herself. She smiled when he came in, scooting to make room for him on the couch. “Hey handsome. It’s good to see you. How did everything go? I’m sorry for not reaching out, I’ve just been so tired.”
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guardedvictoria · 3 years
Sebastian: Good, don't want you sick as well, who will I annoy then? Yeah that sounds good, I don't think my roomie cares for hanging with me lol
Victoria: I'm honored you feel so much and think so highly of me Seb. You don't? That's rude of them. You can come to mine, any time.
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guardedvictoria · 3 years
Love that sounds like a lot of effort and I can’t handle the smell of sick. I can help with labeling but that is the most you’ll get from me. I can cheer you on from a very far distance.
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It’s effort but it’s important. I don’t mind helping people in need. You can’t? Weak. I shake my head at you. Alright, I’ll recruit you for that then. I might accept that but only if you wear a uniform. 
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guardedvictoria · 3 years
Sebastian: No I'm fine thankfully. Are you sick?
Victoria: Thankfully. I'm not either. Do you want to hole up together until this is over?
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guardedvictoria · 3 years
Look at you being the potions dealer. Been a proper busy bee ain’t we?
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I have been. Are you going to tease, or are you going to come help me pass these out?
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guardedvictoria · 3 years
Gabriel: Good morning Victoria. It's okay. I'm awake.
Gabriel: Are you alright? Check in with anyone that might be alone first maybe?
Victoria: Good to know.
Victoria: I'm alright, I didn't get sick or anything. Yeah, I'm making my rounds. Just wanted to check, Lorraine is a good friend.
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guardedvictoria · 3 years
That’s very kind of you Victoria.  Dylan was spared and he’s got me.  He’s all I need; no offense.  It’s more than just magic, you know.  Or a different kind of magic, maybe, depending on how you look at it.
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Thanks Alec. It’s good to know Dylan isn’t sick, that’s a relief. Sure, I understand. Let me know if you change your mind, I hope you start to feel better soon. 
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guardedvictoria · 3 years
With everything that happened last night I started working on some potions to help take the edge off of whatever has happened here. I’ve got anti-nausea, one for hydration, headache be gone, something restorative, and something to help sleep. I’ve got enough for everyone I’ve seen say they were sick, I’ll start delivering them in a few minutes. Please let me know if I miss you because I have back up and extra. 
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guardedvictoria · 3 years
Victoria: Hi Gabriel. Sorry for the random text but I wanted to check on Lorraine and didn't want to bother her in case she was sleeping. I've been working on some potions this morning that should help take the edge off this, I'll bring some by for her in just a few minutes if you're awake.
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guardedvictoria · 3 years
Victoria: Sebastian? You aren't sick are you?
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guardedvictoria · 3 years
Sebastian: Oh yeah? Might just have to keep doing that then
Sebastian: Take them off, push them to the side so I can see them. Are they lacey?
Victoria: Why don't you? You'll learn real quick what happens.
Victoria: That's so hot, maybe I'll let you do what you want. Give you a little control, just to see what you do with it. They are. And red, I wanted to feel extra today. And, I thought you might like them.
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guardedvictoria · 3 years
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guardedvictoria · 3 years
Good afternoon everyone! I hope everyone is having a beautiful day thus far. The weather is lovely, so if you haven’t had the chance to enjoy it yet you most definitely should! I know everyone is excited about the event on Saturday, I am looking forward to it as well! But, I wanted to let everyone know that directly after the event, all members of Council families- myself, Bijou Belmont, Madison Montgomery, Zachary Camden, Benji Mori, and Luca de Leon- will be meeting for dinner in the Dining Hall. During dinner, we invite anyone with any questions regarding what occurred during the Camping Trip, concerns about safety or anything else happening on campus, or anyone with ideas or thoughts about anything they’d like to share with any of us is welcome to stop by to have those conversations. We’re looking forward to seeing and speaking with all of you! 
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It sounds like you guys are all really taking things seriously, but there was never any question about that. Thank you again for everything that you all do. This is a great and reassuring thing, Ill stop in and see and speak with you. 
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guardedvictoria · 3 years
Sebastian: Then I'll definitely be tempting you
Sebastian: No I would not want that. Jesus girl, keep your knickers on at least, I'm nearly there
Victoria: I like that. I like being pursued. It's hot.
Victoria: I didn't think so. Is that because you want to take them off? Good. I need to see you.
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