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The flag of Jainism The flag of Jainism, or rather a banner has been recorded in history since 5th century BC. the flag itself consist of five colors: red, white, orange, dark blue and green, but sometimes, the dark blue is replaced by black. In the center of the banner, there are a swastika symbol, three dots, and a curve representing the siddhashila chakra. The word Jain itself is derived from sanskrit word “jina” which means victor. Following the path of Jainism means to be a victor and released form the life cycle of rebirth by following specific ethical and spiritual life. However, the flag of Jainism more than just the ideology of the teaching itself, but rather a symbol of whole philosophy of the ancient religion. Each of the five colors on the background have their own meaning, it represents the five supreme beings or also known as Panca Paramesthi. White color represents souls who have detached themselves from the worldly desires, also called as Arihants. The worldly desires or attachments include anger, violence, aversion, and other negative emotions. This is why, white is also a symbol of nonviolence or Ahimsa (in Sanskrit). The red part represents the souls that have achieved the truth, or also known as Siddha. It is also used to symbolize truthfulness or satya. There are also elements of selflessness reflected on the banner, which is represented by the color dark blue or black. It symbolize the monks and nuns. While the yellow and green represents the ones who went after deeper knowledge, the green is the disciple and the yellow is the masters. In the center of the flag, there are symbols like swastika, three dots, and a curve sign. The swastika in the center represents the existence of the souls in this realm, which are divided into four stages that includes heavenly or celestial beings, humans, animals, and beings belong to the underworld. The swastika symbol represents the ideology that any souls could be born in these 4 categories. And regarding of one’s karma, the souls could be born and ascend to be a divine being. However, the very top of the cycle is not to be reborn into the celestial being, but rather be released from the circle of rebirth itself. Above the swastika symbol, there are three dots which represents the three main teaching of Jainism. These three essence is believed to be the way which could guide the believers to be released from the rebirth circle. The three essence are The Right Faith (Samyak Dharsana), The Right Knowledge(Samyak Gyan), and The Right Conduct (Samyak Charitra). According to the teaching, one could attain the state of eternity by possessing these three traits. And Finally, the curved symbol above the dots, is no other than the state of highest achievement, Siddhashila Chakra. The symbol represents the realm above the unknown, even heaven or hell. This is the realm of whose souls have achieved the Arihant and Siddha. The Flag of Jainism, is to be respected by all the believers, not because it is merely a banner, but because all the principals of the ancient religion has already been represented there.
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"Don't Tread On Me" and "Don't Step On Snek" Flags
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Don't Tread On The Gadsden Flag
You have probably seen the rattlesnake symbol on the flag many times. It has such history before being used in the modern days. Back in 1778, it was the seal from $20 bill from Georgia. It had such deep connection with the loyalists. At that time, the property seized the financial backing for the bills. In 1775, the snake symbol on the Gadsden flags was not only printed in mass media. It was also used for the uniforms, paper money, poster, announcements, as well as flags and banners. The snake symbol was coming with different variations and designs depending on the function. However, it was often shown as the American timber rattlesnake.
Gadsden flags are also known as “Don’t Tread on Me”. So, how come? Back in December 1775, “An American Guesser” anonymously uttered the masterpiece about Pennsylvania Journal. Paraphrasing the statements said by the writer, he observed one of the drums of the marines on their flag was a Rattle Snake, with the motto under the symbol “Don’t Tread on Me”. He guessed that it was initiated for the arms of America. Why a snake? An American Guesser also stated that it had nothing to do with the public affairs. He also noted that the snake symbol may be used as the emblem of vigilance. With many speculations, many scholars agree that this “An American Guesser” could be Benjamin Franklin. However, it has not been proven 100% nowadays. Due to the long history which has strong ties with the first flags of the United States, the Gadsden Flag has been used by many as the symbol of American patriotism. The other application can be seen when the supporters of the US national soccer teams bring the flags, including The American Outlaws and Sam’s Army.
Gadsden Flag is also connected to the modern resurgence in 2009. It has been since adopted as the symbol of the American Tea Party movement. It has been more than a decade that the Gadsden flags and the catchy phrase “Don’t Tread on Me” used by Americans to post the parodies, memes, and mockeries online.
In mid 2015, the word “snek” had been viral. It was intentionally misspelled as the part of the slang language to refer to “snake”. Several memes were revolving around the internet mentioning the phrase “No Step on Snek” that referred to “Don’t Tread on Me”. Many manufacturers also posted this catchy phrase to Number of firearms accessories and merchandise and sell them in the marketplace. In 2016, “No Step on Snek” once again became the popular culture on the internet. It was used by the anti-fans of Taylor Swift and called her as a snake. Many people had no idea about the exact meaning of these until Redditor Dotty Wine clarified its meaning with the Drawception user Rare Rarity that started a thread entitled as “Don’t tread on me = no step on snek”. “No Step on snek” with the unique
Gadsden flags have been adopted to many popular cultures. Folks have the freedom to use and modify it as the memes, mockeries, as well as parodies.
Now, we are in the 2018. What does it mean today? As mentioned before, it has a long history tied to American people. So, it goes without saying that it has such strong statement in the US and used as one of the spirits for the US citizens. The phrase will likely to be placed under the image of the rattlesnake and accompanied with the yellow color flags. Nowadays, folks agree that the ‘Don’t tread on Me’ comes with the snake ready to strike. It is a warning. Whoever uses the Gadsden Flags, they tell people not to step on or take advantage of them. If they do, they will regret messing with Americans.
The creator of the Gadsden flags was Christopher Gadsden. He was the American statesman and general. Obviously, the name of the flags is to honor the creator. New American generations will do well know the positive values of using these flags in more important causes.
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The Mozambique National Flag
One of the more unique and interesting flags that has long been debated is the flag of Mozambique. To the world, the Mozambican flag is the only flag with an assault rifle that makes people wonder how did the flag come to be designed that way. The reasons are sensible, many are deterred with the silhouette of the modern weapon in the country’s flag. Back then when the country was independent of Portugal, the flag was the Mozambican Liberation Front (FRELIMO). The army’s flag was the country’s army until the country decided to change its flag that we have seen today. But these flags with guns have been a debatable topic for many years because of the similar design with the Mozambican Liberation Front flags. The focal point of the flags of Mozambique is the image of modern weapon called AK-47 with bayonet attached to the weapon. Some folks call this the symbolism of the violence and civil war so that it is not necessarily out there. However, The original intention is different. As we speak today, FRELIMO is still the top political party in Mozambique. The movement's flag was adopted after the fight for independence. The new flag which was unveiled back in 1983, was from FRELIMO’s colors and ideology. The main colors of Mozambique country flags are yellow, black, and green. These colors were borrowed from the African National Congress in South Africa. However, todays’ flags have the green, yellow, and black horizontal stripes separated by the white colors fimbriation. Over a decade ago, precisely in 2005, the new flag was introduced to the country. There were around 100 entries that competed to win. The new flag was selected as the part of the New Flag Proposal. However, nowadays, there is no such application of the changes. Meanwhile, the opposition parties tend to be rooting for the ideas of the rifle removal from the flags. They claim it represents the violence and civil war.However, the ruling party refused to change the flag. The Ruling party of Mozambique upholds the current flags because these show the nation’s struggle for the independence of the country. Therefore, that is the reason why flags with guns are flying still today. Many people also agree that the AK 47 needs to stay still on the flag as the remainder of the struggle.
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The famous “Come and Take it Flag” of the Texas Revolution 1835-1836 is still well known in modern culture and often used and altered to express to opposition to gun control. The slogan has its origins dating back to 480 BC in the Battle of Thermopylae, in response to a demand of surrender by the Persian Army. It was also used during the American Revolutionary War in 1778 by Colonel John McIntosh at Fort Morris in Sunbury, Georgia in response to a demand of surrender by the British commander Colonel Fuser.
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The Texas Revolution version of the slogan also includes the Iconic white flag with simple black lettering with a star and cannon. The story of the flag begins with the Mexican Army loaning the small south Texas settlement of Gonzales a small used brass cannon in 1831. In 1835 when the Mexican Army attempted to seize their cannon, a small group of Texans successfully resisted. The resulting skirmish is known as the Battle of Gonzales and considered the start of the Texas Revolution against Mexico. The slogan displayed on a white flag created from a white wedding dress, with the lone star of Texas and a simple picture of the cannon has become a popular symbol of defiance not only for Texans but individuals outside the Lone Star State as well. The flag’s slogan is as dear to Texans as “Remember The Alamo” slogan from the same war. Some Texans tend to take issue with Second Amendment activists altering the flag and substituting the cannon with an AR-15 Assault rifle.
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A Flag by any other name...is still a flag.
Flags have long been a source of pride, joy, fear and belonging for many. The come in many shapes forms and sizes. This is not a quite a Vexillology Blog but it can be, or maybe it is just that. Appreciation for the flag is the primary purpose, but learning and sharing are allowed.
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