also moving
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GPOY: fucking ginger edition.
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Tim Minchin is an internally recognised Australian comedian who concentrates highly on athiesm, science, and the exploration of religion in modern society through humour. After a show, he was approached by a young man called Sam who explained the story of how prayer cured his mother’s cataracs. This is a song I think is important if you’re a sceptic, an agnostic, an athiest, or a comedy fan.
Thank You God || Tim Minchin I have an apology to make. I’m afraid I’ve made a big mistake. I turned my face away from you, Lord…
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“Inducing terror has always intrigued me. Even, as a boy, I liked to frighten things. People, animals, it was all the same. I became obsessed with fear’s crippling power.”
i have them.
; u;
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“You don’t fool me, Effy Stonem.”
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As Harry Potter was the only other thing I was passionate about, the doctors gave consent for me to leave the hospital and collect the fifth Harry Potter book, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, from the local book shop. I was so ecstatic to have the book and excited to begin reading it, but there was never any hint of your imminent arrival and the way you would change my life so drastically. Luna, you instantly captivated me. I didn’t know why but there was something about you with your upside-down magazine, straggly blonde hair, and the honest, abashed way you stared at people without blinking that fascinated and perplexed me at once. You laughed hysterically at one of Ron’s quips and didn’t stop to excuse yourself and feel ashamed when it became clear that everyone found you strange. Throughout the book, I found myself waiting for your brief appearances and wanting to know more about you and why you were the way you were. You baffled me, not because you were odd (though indeed you were), but because you were… perfect. But it was a different kind of perfect to the perfectly thin, smiling magazine girls I simultaneously idolised and reviled. It was the way you carried your oddness like it was the most natural thing in the world. You didn’t market your oddness as your defining feature the way some insecure teenagers do, in guise of confidence and security. And nor were you oblivious to the awkward and uncomfortable feelings your oddness provoked in others. When, unable to comprehend how you wore your oddness so honestly and unashamedly, your peers reverted to mockery and bullying, you recognised this as a reflection of their own deep-seated insecurity and calmly let them carry on, quite above your head. You weren’t trying hard to present a certain aspect of yourself that would boldly identify you in the world. And that’s when it occurred to me how bizarre and positively ridiculous it was to apply the word “weird” to describe you, when you represented the most natural and unpretentious state possible to be; you were yourself.
Evanna Lynch, in part of her Dear Mr. Potter letter, where she describes first reading about Luna while in a recovery programme for anorexia (via holymotherofhnng)
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Skins Cast - Generation 3 
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Sigur Rós - Sæglópur, Takk…
The song is well named; Sæglópur is Icelandic for lost at sea, and nothing else comes close to describing the experience than putting on your headphones, closing your eyes and immersing yourself in the world of Sigur Rós. Incredible stuff.
Favorite Sigur Ros song, always and forever.
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who is that guy next to darren criss?
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  oh my this fandom
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“When I’m 80 years old and sitting in my rocking chair, I’ll be reading Harry Potter. And my family will say to me, “After all this time?” And I will say, “Always.”
Alan Rickman (via personaltonks)
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Celebrity Woodworker of the Day: Nick Offerman talks “planking.” Yes, that Nick Offerman, but no, not that planking.
[chrisreblogs / hugel.]
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