gunjan454 · 2 years
Thyroid Problem in Asha Park
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What is thyroid disease?
Thyroid disease is a general term for a medical condition that keeps your thyroid from making the right amount of hormones. Your thyroid typically makes hormones that keep your body functioning normally. When the thyroid makes too much thyroid hormone, your body uses energy too quickly. This is called hyperthyroidism. Using energy too quickly will do more than make you tired — it can make your heart beat faster, cause you to lose weight without trying and even make you feel nervous. On the flip-side of this, your thyroid can make too little thyroid hormone. This is called hypothyroidism. When you have too little thyroid hormone in your body, it can make you feel tired, you might gain weight and you may even be unable to tolerate cold temperatures.
These two main disorders can be caused by a variety of conditions. They can also be passed down through families (inherited).
Who is affected by thyroid disease?
Thyroid disease can affect anyone — men, women, infants, teenagers and the elderly. It can be present at birth (typically hypothyroidism) and it can develop as you age (often after menopause in women).
Thyroid disease is very common, with an estimated 20 million people in the Unites States having some type of thyroid disorder. A woman is about five to eight times more likely to be diagnosed with a thyroid condition than a man.
You may be at a higher risk of developing a thyroid disease if you:
Have a family history of thyroid disease.
Have a medical condition (these can include pernicious anemia, type 1 diabetes, primary adrenal insufficiency, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjögren’s syndrome and Turner syndrome).
Take a medication that’s high in iodine (amiodarone).
Are older than 60, especially in women.
Have had treatment for a past thyroid condition or cancer (thyroidectomy or radiation).
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gunjan454 · 2 years
Best pulmonary doctor in gurgaon
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Neonatal Pneumonia: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment
If your newborn is suffering from neonatal pneumonia, check out below its causes, symptoms and treatment.
Neonatal pneumonia occurs when germs (bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites) enter the neonate from the nursery or the maternal genital tract. Such bacteria include gram-positive cocci like Staphylococcus aureus, and gram-negative bacilli like Escherichia coli, Proteus sp., Klebsiella sp.
Other bacteria like Pseudomonas, Bacillus, Citrobacter and Serratia may enter infants through broad-spectrum antibiotics. 
Responsible viruses include influenza virus (flu), adenoviruses, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), rhinovirus and parainfluenza virus.
Very fast breathing (with wheezing or grunting sounds) and breathing difficulties are sometimes, the only symptom.
Neonates with pneumonia caused by bacteria commonly fall sick rapidly, beginning with a sudden high fever and extremely fast breathing.
Neonates with pneumonia caused by viruses develop the symptoms more slowly with less severity but wheezing may be more common.  
Other possible symptoms include:
Stuffy nose
Shaking chills
Chest pain
Abdominal pain (due to coughing and breathing difficulties)
Poor feeding that may cause dehydration
Less activity
In severe cases, greyish or bluish colour of the fingernails and lips
Late-onset hospital-acquired pneumonia leads to unusual worsening of the neonate’s respiratory condition and, more quantities with changed quality of respiratory secretions (such as thick and brown). Newborns may fall severely ill, with neutropenia and unstable temperature.
Pneumonia because of chlamydia can cause ‘pink-eye’ (conjunctivitis) with no fever and mild weakness.
Pneumonia because of whooping cough (pertussis) may cause long coughing spells, blueness due to lack of air, or ‘whoop’ sounds on trying to breathe.
Neonatal pneumonia usually requires hospital treatment if it causes breathing problems and a long-lasting high fever, or if the neonates:
Require oxygen therapy
Get a lung infection which might have spread to the bloodstream
Vomit too much to take medicine by mouth
Suffer a chronic disease which affects the immune system
Develop whooping cough
Keep getting pneumonia
Hospital treatment may include:
Intravenous (IV) antibiotics (administered into the vein through a needle)
Respiratory therapy (breathing treatments)
Treatment in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in more critical cases
Neonatal pneumonia caused by viruses
Here, antibiotics are not required. Antiviral medicines are now available but are reserved for the flu in early-onset pneumonia.
 Neonatal pneumonia caused by bacteria
Its treatment includes:
In early-onset pneumonia, antibiotics are given orally at home. This antimicrobial therapy is similar to that for neonatal sepsis.
For most hospital-acquired late-onset pneumonia, the primary treatment of choice includes Vancomycin along with a broad-spectrum beta-lactam drug, like tazobactam/piperacillin, meropenem, or cefepime. This regimen treats pneumonia (and sepsis too) with the typical hospital-acquired pathogens like P. aeruginosa.
Local patterns of bacterial resistance and infection must always be employed to help conduct empiric choices of antimicrobials. After receiving the sensitivity results, more definite antibiotics are substituted.
Chlamydial pneumonia
It’s treated with either of the following:
Erythromycin (for 14 days)
Azithromycin (for 3 days)
A newborn treated with erythromycin or azithromycin must be monitored for signs of Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis (HPS).
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gunjan454 · 2 years
Dental implants in paharganj
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Dental Implants are the most remarkable achievement by modern dentistry and a precious gift for mankind; natural-like teeth look and functions! “They are really the next best thing to your natural teeth”. Dental implant is essentially a substitute for a natural root & commonly it is screw or cylinder shape mead of titanium. Each implant is placed into a socket carefully and once fitted, these implants provided foundation for long-term support of crowns, bridges or dentures. With a few number of implants, decided by your jaw size & few other factors, fixed teeth are possible which completely preclude  the need to the typical removable set of dentures which are not only uncomfortable to begin with but highly inconvenient.
First, implants, which looks like screws or cylinders, are placed into your jaw. Then, over the next two to six months, the implants and the bone are allowed to bond together to form anchors for your artificial teeth. During this time, a temporary teeth replacement option can be worn over the implant sites. Often, a second step of the procedure is necessary to uncover the implants and attach extensions. These temporary healing caps, along with various connecting devices that allow multiple crowns to attach to the implants, complete the foundation on which your new teeth will be placed. Your gums will be allowed to heal for a couple of weeks following this procedure.
Immediate implants are also known as one day or same day implants. This is the case whereby dental implants is placed during the same time after teeth are extracted. Crowns, bridge, dentures may or may not be placed on during same trip depending on whether immediate loaded implants may be done. Immediate implants are normally recommended only for cases with good jaw bone conditions
AT Dr Ashok’s Dentistree, Delhi, implantology section collaborates internationally to provide world’s best dental implants with the greatest long term success for patients seeking cosmetic dental treatments and rehabilitation of lost teeth. The hospital’s implant clinic has to its credit the maximum number of successes in dental implant treatments using the latest implant techniques. Many difficult and complex types of dental implant procedures are being performed here with immense success. Instances where jaw bone is not sufficient for implant placement and hence not routinely treated elsewhere have been successfully done here with ease.
Dental implants for thin jaw bone
BMP & Dental Implants
Distraction & Dental Implants
Zygoma Implants
All-on-4 dental implants
Sinus lift and dental implant procedure
Dental implants with bone graft
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gunjan454 · 2 years
Skin whitening treatment in south Delhi
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Why Clients Choose Our Clinic
Skin Plus has a very loyal client base due to many reasons. We’re always transparent when it comes to our treatments and your requirements as trust are something paramount to us. Owing to this, our clients trust us to suggest only the best, nothing more, nothing less, and revisit every time they want to get something done.
Our facilities are at par with the global standards and all the equipment and treatments are done in the most advanced manner. These international standards are set by our expert dermatologist Dr. D M Mahajan who has over 35 years of experience and is the senior consultant dermatologist at Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, Delhi. We understand how important these treatments are to you and how they can make or break so many things. This is why we’re determined to give our clients nothing but the best.
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gunjan454 · 2 years
Infertility specialist in Manesar Gurgaon
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If you and your partner are struggling to have a baby, you're not alone. Infertility is defined as not being able to get pregnant despite having frequent, unprotected sex for at least a year for most couples.
Infertility may result from an issue with either you or your partner, or a combination of factors that prevent pregnancy. Fortunately, there are many safe and effective therapies that significantly improve your chances of getting pregnant.
The main symptom of infertility is not getting pregnant. There may be no other obvious symptoms. Sometimes, women with infertility may have irregular or absent menstrual periods. In some cases, men with infertility may have some signs of hormonal problems, such as changes in hair growth or sexual function.
Most couples will eventually conceive, with or without treatment.
When to see a doctor
You probably don't need to see your health care provider about infertility unless you have been trying regularly to get pregnant for at least one year. Women should talk with a care provider earlier, however, if they:
Are age 35 or older and have been trying to conceive for six months or longer
Are over age 40
Have irregular or absent periods
Have very painful periods
Have known fertility problems
Have been diagnosed with endometriosis or pelvic inflammatory disease
Have had multiple miscarriages
Have undergone treatment for cancer
Men should talk to a health care provider if they have:
A low sperm count or other problems with sperm
A history of testicular, prostate or sexual problems
Undergone treatment for cancer
Small testicles or swelling in the scrotum
Others in your family with infertility problems
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gunjan454 · 2 years
Infertility specialist in Manesar Gurgaon
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Infertility specialist in Manesar Gurgaon
Fertility specialists are REI doctors—Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility. These specialists not only thoroughly evaluate individuals to determine the cause of their infertility, but they also give each patient a chance to become the parents they are meant to be by offering a wide array of treatment options.
Infertility specialist in Manesar Gurgaon
After testing is completed, which can differ per patient, your doctor will have a better understanding of the underlying issues and can guide you towards treatment that is best addresses your needs. Some of these treatments include:
Infertility specialist in Manesar Gurgaon
Ovulation induction therapy: A procedure in which ovulation is medically induced, using either oral or injectable medication, to help a female patient produce eggs and increase her chance of pregnancy.
Infertility specialist in Manesar Gurgaon
Intrauterine insemination (IUI): For this procedure, sperm are separated from the seminal fluid and are placed into the uterus with a catheter. This maximizes the number of sperm cells that are introduced and helps improve the chances of conception. Ovulation-stimulating medications may also be used.
Infertility specialist in Manesar Gurgaon
In vitro fertilization (IVF): After medications are prescribed to encourage egg production, eggs are removed during a minor surgical procedure. The eggs are then manually combined with sperm cells in a lab. The resulting embryo(s) is then transferred to the uterus.
Infertility specialist in Manesar Gurgaon
Gamete intra-fallopian transfer (GIFT): A treatment in which eggs are removed from the ovaries and placed into a woman’s fallopian tubes along with a man’s sperm.
Infertility specialist in Manesar Gurgaon
Tubal reversal: A surgical procedure that can restore fertility to a woman who had previously undergone tubal ligation.
Infertility specialist in Manesar Gurgaon
Testicular sperm extraction (TESE): A fertility treatment in which sperm is retrieved from a man’s testicles if they have little to no sperm in their ejaculate.
Infertility specialist in Manesar Gurgaon
Each couple’s experience with fertility treatments is unique. Your fertility specialist wants to make sure you are given the best care and treatment possible to help you start a family of your own. There are many fertility services offered when you and your partner schedule a consultation, including:
Infertility specialist in Manesar Gurgaon
IVF with genetic testing
Complex IVF treatments including egg donor and surrogacy options
Embryology services
Egg freezing and storage
Infertility Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
Infertility specialist in Manesar Gurgaon
Infertility specialist in Manesar Gurgaon
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gunjan454 · 2 years
Infertility specialist in Manesar Gurgaon
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Infertility specialist in Manesar Gurgaon
If you and your partner are struggling to have a baby, you're not alone. Infertility is defined as not being able to get pregnant despite having frequent, unprotected sex for at least a year for most couples.
Infertility specialist in Manesar Gurgaon
Infertility may result from an issue with either you or your partner, or a combination of factors that prevent pregnancy. Fortunately, there are many safe and effective therapies that significantly improve your chances of getting pregnant.
Infertility specialist in Manesar Gurgaon
The main symptom of infertility is not getting pregnant. There may be no other obvious symptoms. Sometimes, women with infertility may have irregular or absent menstrual periods. In some cases, men with infertility may have some signs of hormonal problems, such as changes in hair growth or sexual function.
Infertility specialist in Manesar Gurgaon
Most couples will eventually conceive, with or without treatment.
When to see a doctor
Infertility specialist in Manesar Gurgaon
You probably don't need to see your health care provider about infertility unless you have been trying regularly to get pregnant for at least one year. Women should talk with a care provider earlier, however, if they:
Infertility specialist in Manesar Gurgaon
Are age 35 or older and have been trying to conceive for six months or longer
Are over age 40
Have irregular or absent periods
Have very painful periods
Have known fertility problems
Have been diagnosed with endometriosis or pelvic inflammatory disease
Have had multiple miscarriages
Have undergone treatment for cancer
Infertility specialist in Manesar Gurgaon
Men should talk to a health care provider if they have:
Infertility specialist in Manesar Gurgaon
A low sperm count or other problems with sperm
A history of testicular, prostate or sexual problems
Undergone treatment for cancer
Small testicles or swelling in the scrotum
Others in your family with infertility problems
Infertility specialist in Manesar Gurgaon
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gunjan454 · 2 years
Laparoscopic surgeon in New Gurgaon
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Laparoscopic surgeon in New Gurgaon
Laparoscopy is a type of surgery that uses smaller cuts than you might expect.The process takes its name from the laparoscope, a slender tool that has a tiny video camera and light on the end. When a surgeon inserts it through a small cut and into your body, they can look at a video monitor and see what’s happening inside you. Without those tools, they’d have to make a much larger opening. Thanks to special instruments, your surgeon won’t have to reach into your body, either. That also means less cutting.
Laparoscopic surgeon in New Gurgaon
Have you heard people talk about “minimally invasive” surgery? Laparoscopic surgery is one kind. Doctors first used it for gallbladder surgery and gynecology operations. Then it came in play for the intestines, liver, and other organs.
Laparoscopic surgeon in New Gurgaon
How It’s Done
Laparoscopic surgeon in New Gurgaon
Before this system came along, a surgeon who operated on their patient’s belly had to make a cut that was 6-to-12 inches long. That gave them enough room to see what they were doing and reach whatever they had to work on.
Laparoscopic surgeon in New Gurgaon
In laparoscopic surgery, the surgeon makes several small cuts. Usually, each one is no more than a half-inch long. (That's why it's sometimes called keyhole surgery.) They insert a tube through each opening, and the camera and surgical instruments go through those. Then the surgeon does the operation.
Laparoscopic surgeon in New Gurgaon
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gunjan454 · 2 years
Infertility specialist in Manesar Gurgaon
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If you and your partner are struggling to have a baby, you're not alone. Infertility is defined as not being able to get pregnant despite having frequent, unprotected sex for at least a year for most couples.
Infertility may result from an issue with either you or your partner, or a combination of factors that prevent pregnancy. Fortunately, there are many safe and effective therapies that significantly improve your chances of getting pregnant.
The main symptom of infertility is not getting pregnant. There may be no other obvious symptoms. Sometimes, women with infertility may have irregular or absent menstrual periods. In some cases, men with infertility may have some signs of hormonal problems, such as changes in hair growth or sexual function.
Most couples will eventually conceive, with or without treatment.
When to see a doctor
You probably don't need to see your health care provider about infertility unless you have been trying regularly to get pregnant for at least one year. Women should talk with a care provider earlier, however, if they:
Are age 35 or older and have been trying to conceive for six months or longer
Are over age 40
Have irregular or absent periods
Have very painful periods
Have known fertility problems
Have been diagnosed with endometriosis or pelvic inflammatory disease
Have had multiple miscarriages
Have undergone treatment for cancer
Men should talk to a health care provider if they have:
A low sperm count or other problems with sperm
A history of testicular, prostate or sexual problems
Undergone treatment for cancer
Small testicles or swelling in the scrotum
Others in your family with infertility problems
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