guntherjacobs · 6 years
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(via mei_abe0209さんの写真)
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guntherjacobs · 10 years
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How to sketch up a city quickly ^^ CLICK HERE FOR FULL SIZE. This is a rough re-creation of this sketch since there was interest in how I did it without pulling my hair off, and I wanted to share it in case people just need to get a rough cityscape in photoshop quick without the hassle and without the help of other programs like google sketchup.
Obviously this looks very rough it was meant to be and also because I made it in a real hurry, so please excuse some of the ridiculous looking buildings and other illogical appearances. to create more precise cityscapes using this method, simply stop using the brush tool and use line tool/polygonal lasso tool—even using the brush tool and holding down shift is fine—instead to create precise, straight lines. The slower you do this process the more accurate your final piece will be, however the premise of this method is that if you want/need to do it fast, you can.
good luck :D
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guntherjacobs · 11 years
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Phil Straub Composition Tutorial (go to the original page for much more information, pictures, and different types of composition)
     The Golden Rule — “The golden rule can and usually is applied to a paintings canvas proportions. As you read through the following text you’ll notice that most of the imagery presented utilizes similar dimensions and almost all of them fall into the golden rectangle. Today you can find the Golden Rectangle almost everywhere: from credit cards to phone cards to book covers, all are shaped with its proportions.
The imagery below represents the division of space when the “golden rule” is applied to a blank canvas. Basically it is the division of a line in two sections, where the ratio between the smallest section and the largest section is identical to the ratio between the largest section and the entire length of the line. In other words A/B = B/(A+B). The ratio is about 1/1.618. Honestly, I’m still not exactly sure what that all means? but, I do know that I used this grid layout a-lot when I first started painting and found it helpful. I still do.”
     Rule of Thirds— “From the golden rule came the “rule of thirds” which is virtually the same concept but slightly altered to fit photographic proportions. I find it a bit easier to follow since it’s very simple in its origin.Here we have a look at the rule of thirds in action.
Notice that the main focal point sits right almost directly over one of the “golden means.” Additionally, other objects are placed near the other converging lines (the bird, for example) but, not directly on them, since that would create competition for the focal point.”
     Implied Forms (Circular) — “The Circle is made up of a continuous ‘Curve’ and it’s circular movement keeps the eye in the picture frame. There are many circles in nature and man made objects. You can use the circle in a very obvious way in your composition or simply suggest it.”
    Implied Forms (Radii) — “Is a connection of ‘Lines’ meeting in the Center and an expansion of ‘Lines’ leaving the Center. The Radii is usually found in Nature Subjects. The best example of the man made Radii is the spokes of a wheel. The eye has two ways to go when it comes upon the Radii. It can either be drawn in to the picture area or it can be led out of the picture area. You must be careful how you used the Radii and try to have the eye led into the picture.”
    Cross composition — “A showing of ‘Opposing Force’ that will give the picture a feeling of Cohesion and Relationship. The horizontal bar of the Cross will act as a “stopper’ while the vertical pole can act as a leading line. The windows in a large skyscraper will form crosses and will keep your interest in the building.”
   L Composition — “This makes an attractive ‘frame’. It can be used to accentuate important subjects. Many times it is a ‘frame’ within a ‘frame’.
A tree with an overhanging branch at the ‘right’ side of the picture area will form a ‘Rectangle’ and help frame the Main Subject in the picture. By doing this you will make the Center of Interest stand out and be noticed clearly.”
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guntherjacobs · 11 years
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guntherjacobs · 11 years
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guntherjacobs · 11 years
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The city of Warsaw, Poland recently received an awesome visitor in the form of a gigantic plush teddy bear. This cheerful artistic intervention, entitled The Cuddly, is the work of Iza Rutkowska of Poland’s Forms and Shapes Foundation.
Warsaw is a city full of solemn monuments commemorating wartime experiences or social and political issues. Iza conceived the idea for this project when considering how the city’s numerous stone monuments blend so well into their surroundings that they are all but forgotten by the city’s inhabitants.
Rutkowska’s enormous teddy bear is placed in different parts of the city, including beaches, parks, and plazas. In each location passersby are invited to interact with the bear. Some climb on him, some hug him, some lounge on his belly to enjoy the sunshine along with The Cuddly's comfy company. He is Warsaw's answer to My Neighbor Totoro.
Visit Designboom to view more uplifting photos of The Cuddly hanging out all over Warsaw.
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guntherjacobs · 11 years
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guntherjacobs · 11 years
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These great tumblogs all think so (and more about our campaign right here):
GOOD | The Atlantic Cities | This City Life | Sound Bite City | City Breaths | Failed Architecture | 3Space | Secret Republic | Fuck Yeah Brutalism | In Public Space We Trust | Studio630 | Aeon Magazine | Future Cape Town | The New Urbanist | Urban Funscape | Human Scale Cities | Urban Bricolage | Small Spaces | Urban Launchpad | Reinforced Natures | Urbn Futr | Cairobserver | Fuck Yeah Urban Design | ATL Urbanist | Urbnist | Megalopolis | Urbalize | Citymaus | Office for Urban Scenarios | Yurbanism | Transatlantic Urbanism |Berlin Farm Lab | Urban Excursion CPH | Urban Resolve | Transicoesurbanas | The Urban Blueprint | Imagining Cities | Imagining Cities | DeeAnn Marie | The Green Urbanist | Mass Urban | Arch Atlas | Modernizing
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guntherjacobs · 11 years
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guntherjacobs · 11 years
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07.08 #武藤十夢 (no subject) 公演終わったよ(*^^*) 公演楽しいー(^.^) 今日は暑かったね〜(・・;) そろそろ1日に1つアイスを食べる時期がきたな( ̄▽ ̄)☆ 今日は抹茶のアイスを食べたよ〜\(^o^)/ 美味しかった♪ 写メはまりやぎさ��と〜(^^)
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guntherjacobs · 11 years
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敵人刑法 turned 2 today!
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guntherjacobs · 11 years
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Chernobyl, 27 Years Later
For more photos from Chernobyl, check out the Chernobyl and Pripyat (Припять) location pages, or search for photos tagged with #Pripyat, #Припять, #Chernobyl and #Чернобыль.
On this day 27 years ago, an explosion at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant near the city of Pripyat, Ukraine, killed dozens of people and released a plume of radioactive fallout that would eventually require the relocation of more than 350,000 people.
The event ranks as the worst nuclear disaster in history. The area immediately surrounding Chernobyl is still too radioactive for habitation and will remain so for another 20,000 years. Until recently, an exclusion zone of 19 miles (30 km) extended in all directions from the power plant, which is now entombed in concrete. In 2011, however, Ukraine opened up this area to tourists, giving the world a peek into a town abandoned and untouched for nearly three decades.
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guntherjacobs · 11 years
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Architectural Density in Hong Kong
With seven million people, Hong Kong is the 4th most densely populated places in the world. However, plain numbers never tell the full story. In his ‘Architecture of Density’ photo series, German photographer Michael Wolf explores the jaw-dropping urban landscapes of Hong Kong. He rids his photographs of any context, removing any sky or horizon line from the frame and flattening the space until it becomes a relentless abstraction of urban expansion, with no escape for the viewer’s eye. Infinite and haunting.
Editor’s Note: Co-signed.
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guntherjacobs · 11 years
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April 14, 1865: President Lincoln is Assassinated
On this day in 1865, President Abraham Lincoln was fatally shot by John Wilkes Booth while attending a play at the Ford’s Theatre. Booth planned the assassination and hoped to spark support for the Confederates. This occurred days after the end of the Civil War, where the Confederate Army surrendered at Appomattox Court House, Virginia. President Lincoln entered into a coma, but unfortunately passed away the next day. On April 20th, a funeral was held for President Lincoln at the White House. Two days later, Lincoln’s funeral train departed from Washington, D.C. where it traveled around the U.S. for twelve days giving Americans an opportunity to mourn the loss of one of America’s greatest presidents.  Learn more about the moments building up to Lincoln’s assassination and the events following it with American Experience’s timeline. 
Image: Abraham Lincoln half-portrait, Box in which Lincoln was assassinated (Library of Congress)
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guntherjacobs · 11 years
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Art Studio in a concrete dome
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guntherjacobs · 11 years
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「ガンダム・ロード」/「引しめりろ」のイラスト [pixiv] 連邦ロード http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=18838753
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guntherjacobs · 12 years
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