gurleenkaur786 · 1 year
🚀 What's Working: We're pleased to report that our product's beta testing phase has been a success! Early adopters' reactions have been overwhelmingly positive. Our user engagement stats are skyrocketing, confirming that we're on to something unique. Our team's unwavering focus and endless hours of brainstorming and polishing have begun to bear fruit. It's also nice to see how we're creating a fantastic online community around our brand.
💡 What's Not Working: Of course, not everything is rainbows and unicorns. Our early marketing plan fell short of expectations. We realized we needed to improve our message in order to effectively express the unique value proposition of our product. Furthermore, while our team cohesion is generally excellent, we have discovered a few instances where communication may be improved.Learning to overcome these obstacles has taught me a wonderful lesson in teamwork and adaptation.
🏗️ Project Progress: We are really pleased with how the project is progressing. It's surreal to see our vision become a tangible thing. But we're remaining grounded and focused on the long picture. Our next major challenge will be to scale and broaden our reach while preserving the quality that has brought us this far.
📚 Learning About Running a Business: Learning about running a business has been an excellent crash education in real-world decision-making. We've had to turn, react, and invent faster than we could have imagined. The challenge of balancing the creative parts of product development with the practicality of budgeting, legal considerations, and marketing tactics has been both scary and exhilarating.
🌟 Learning About Ourselves: This adventure has taught us a lot about ourselves as individuals and as a team. We identified hidden qualities, such as our ability to be resilient in the face of adversity. It's also been eye-opening to see areas for improvement, whether it's strengthening our leadership skills or learning to accept failure as a stepping stone to success. Personal growth is undeniably fundamental to entrepreneurship.
As we move forward, we intend to build on our successes, face our obstacles head-on, and continue to learn and grow. Our great community, mentors, and one another keep us motivated and inspired. We're excited to see where this startup rollercoaster takes us next. Keep an eye out for further updates and adventures!🎢✨
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gurleenkaur786 · 1 year
What is working:-
Our clients love the welcoming atmosphere of our cafe. People feel at home thanks to the welcoming ambiance and rustic decor, which keeps them coming back. Our location has developed into a hub for the neighborhood, where people congregate to meet, converse, and form relationships over a cup of coffee.
What is not working? We've encountered our fair share of difficulties, as with any endeavour. One problem we've experienced is the sporadic lack of ingredients brought on by supplier delays. We are making every effort to get over this obstacle by locating trustworthy partners and making advance plans.
Additionally, we've observed that marketing, particularly on social media, can be a bit confusing. It has been a learning curve to find the appropriate tone and material to engage with our audience consistently. Nevertheless, we enjoy the challenge.
What are we learning about running a business?
We've learned from running a cafe that adaptability and flexibility are crucial traits for business owners. Unexpected events arise, but the secret to overcoming them is coming up with inventive solutions and maintaining a good attitude.
Additionally, we've discovered how crucial customer relationships are. By going above and beyond to make sure that each customer feels valued and appreciated, we build a devoted following that sticks by us through good times and bad.
What are we learning about ourselves?
We've come to understand the power of teamwork personally. Each member of our team contributes special skills and viewpoints, and by accepting our differences, we have grown as a team.
This project has forced us to take risks and leave our comfort zones. We've discovered a fresh confidence in our skills and learned to trust our instincts.
The process of opening a café has been a significant experience of personal and professional growth for the entrepreneurs involved. We are appreciative of the chance to spread our passion around the world and the potential for personal development.
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gurleenkaur786 · 1 year
Start-up venture
Hello to everybody! I'm thrilled to announce the fascinating information regarding our cafe project. It's been an exciting adventure filled with innumerable coffees, recipe tries, and the warmth of neighbourhood support. I'll give you a brief update on our achievements and early experiences.
☕Working: After successfully securing a charming position in the middle of the city, we've attracted both locals and onlookers' interest. Our target audience appears to enjoy the warm atmosphere and cosy furnishings we have created.
The menu sampling events were a success! Our delicious pastries, speciality coffees and inventive fusion cuisines have drawn rave reviews. Seeing clients love what we've put so much effort into making is a wonderful feeling. Additionally, our attempts to market on social media have been successful. A small but devoted online community that is excitedly awaiting the debut of our cafe has been developed by us. By interacting with prospective clients on Facebook and Instagram, we have been able to create a sense of excitement and expectation.
🚫What Isn't Working: One of the difficulties we've encountered is the permission procedure. We underestimated how long it would take to work our way through the red tape and acquire all the required licences. However, we're optimistic and committed to putting everything in place for a seamless opening.
On the operational front, we're still perfecting our supply chain for ingredients and coffee beans. Finding the best price-quality ratio has been a constant process of negotiation with suppliers.
💭 The Upcoming Route:
I believe the project is coming together brilliantly despite the difficulties. We've put together a fantastic team of baristas and staff members who all have a passion for offering a first-rate café experience. The anticipation and sense of success are evident as the launch day draws near.
🏆 Learning About Operating a café: Starting a café has been a lesson in running a business. I've learnt the value of thorough planning and how essential it is to have a backup plan in case something goes wrong. Every facet of running a café, from handling finances to selecting the proper employees, has given me priceless lessons that go beyond managing a cafe. Additionally, I've learned the value of networking and consulting seasoned café proprietors for assistance. Making wise selections and avoiding potential hazards have benefited much from their advice.
🌱Learning About Myself: For me, this endeavour has been a fantastic self-discovery experience. I've come to understand that I work best under pressure and have a strong desire to unite people through their shared love of food and coffee. My communication and interpersonal skills have improved because of leading a team and working with clients, increasing my confidence in my leadership abilities.
In conclusion, our path to create a café has been one that has been both exciting and difficult. I appreciate the help and inspiration that friends, family, and the neighbourhood have given us. We can't wait to welcome you all to our cozy place and enjoy the joy of coffee and company with you all when the grand opening finally happens.
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gurleenkaur786 · 1 year
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gurleenkaur786 · 1 year
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gurleenkaur786 · 1 year
Start up venture 2
Hey there, Tumblr community! It's time to share an update on my café venture and delve into the highs, lows, and personal growth I've experienced along the way. Let's dive right in
What is working?👍😃
First and foremost, the café's atmosphere has struck a chord with our customers. The cozy ambiance, carefully curated décor, and comfortable seating have created a welcoming haven where people can unwind and connect. It's heartwarming to witness the positive energy and the loyal community that has formed around our café.
t's a joy to see customers enjoying their meals and sharing their experiences with others
What is not working?👎😢
Managing the delicate balance between creativity and profitability has been a learning curve. Introducing new menu items and experimenting with flavors is exciting but requires careful cost analysis to avoid financial strain. Striking the right balance between innovation and sustainability is an ongoing challenge.
How do I feel the project is coming?☺
The café project has been an exhilarating journey, filled with both triumphs and moments of self-doubt. Overall, I feel a sense of accomplishment as I witness the café evolving and becoming a gathering place for the community. Seeing smiles on customers' faces and receiving positive feedback reaffirms the progress we've made.
However, there are days when the weight of responsibility feels daunting. . Yet, the passion and purpose that initially drove me to embark on this venture continue to fuel my determination and excitement.
What am I learning about running a business?🗣👀
Running a café has been an incredible crash course in entrepreneurship. Here are a few key lessons I've learned along the way:
a) Time management: Balancing multiple responsibilities, from inventory management to marketing campaigns, requires effective time management skills. Prioritizing tasks and delegating when necessary has become essential.
b) Marketing strategies: Developing a strong online presence, leveraging social media platforms, and cultivating partnerships within the community have been invaluable in attracting new customers and fostering brand loyalty.
c) Adaptability: The ability to adapt to changing trends, customer preferences, and unforeseen circumstances is critical. Flexibility and the willingness to embrace new ideas are essential for staying relevant in a competitive market.
What am I learning about myself?👩👌
Embarking on this café journey has provided me with numerous opportunities for self-discovery. It has illuminated my ability to handle stress and make quick decisions under pressure. I've realized the importance of perseverance and resilience when faced with challenges. Moreover, it has deepened my appreciation for the power of connection and community.
Ultimately, running a café has allowed me to embrace my passion for culinary creativity, hospitality, and creating memorable experiences for others. It's a constant reminder of the endless potential for growth, both as a business owner and as an individual.
Thanks for joining me on this adventure, Tumblr fam! Your support and enthusiasm mean the world. Stay tuned for more updates from the café! :)
Warm regards
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gurleenkaur786 · 1 year
Title: Progress Update: Embracing the Challenges of Entrepreneurship
Hey there, Tumblr fam!
It's time for another progress update on my thrilling start-up venture. As I navigate the world of entrepreneurship, I want to share with you the highs and lows, the victories and hurdles, and the valuable lessons I'm learning along this exhilarating journey. So, let's dive right into it!
What's working?
I'm excited to share that several elements of my small business are thriving. Firstly, customer satisfaction is at the forefront of our operations. Building strong relationships with our customers and delivering exceptional service has resulted in a loyal customer base. Their positive feedback and word-of-mouth recommendations have been key drivers of our growth.
What's not working?
Every small business journey has its share of challenges. One area we're currently working on is effective cost management. As a small business, it's crucial to keep a close eye on expenses and find ways to optimize our resources. We're analyzing our budget and exploring cost-saving opportunities without compromising on the quality of our products and services.
How do I feel about the project's progress?
Overall, I couldn't be more proud of our strides thus far. Witnessing our vision materialize and receiving positive feedback from customers fills me with a profound sense of accomplishment and excitement. However, I'm fully aware that there's still plenty of work to be done. It's crucial to strike a balance between celebrating achievements and staying focused on our goals, continually pushing the boundaries to reach new heights.
This start-up venture has provided me with an intensive crash course in entrepreneurship. I'm gaining invaluable insights into diverse facets of business management. From financial planning and budgeting to marketing strategies and operational efficiency, each day offers an opportunity for growth and learning. One pivotal lesson I've internalized is the significance of adaptability. Being open to change and agile in adjusting our strategies based on market feedback is paramount for sustainable success.
What am I learning about myself?
This entrepreneurial odyssey has unearthed new facets of my abilities and resilience. I've discovered that I thrive in fast-paced environments, where problem-solving and creativity are indispensable. Furthermore, I've come to realize the importance of self-care and maintaining a harmonious work-life balance to sustain motivation and productivity. These challenges have taught me to embrace setbacks as invaluable learning experiences and to trust my instincts while seeking guidance when needed.
As I reflect on our progress, I'm immensely grateful for the unwavering support of my team, mentors, and the vibrant Tumblr community. Your encouragement and feedback have been instrumental in keeping me motivated and focused on the bigger picture.
Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to navigate the enthralling world of entrepreneurship. Remember, every stride forward, no matter how small, brings us closer to realizing our dreams. Let's keep pushing boundaries, pursuing our passions, and wholeheartedly embracing this transformative journey.
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gurleenkaur786 · 1 year
Securing funding for my café start-up requires careful consideration of various financial sources. By analyzing market dynamics, creating a comprehensive business plan, emphasizing the management team's expertise, and developing realistic financial projections, I can approach potential funders with confidence. Explore different funding options, leveraging a combination of loans, investments, grants, and personal resources to turn my café dream into a thriving reality.
Small business loans can provide a significant source of capital, allowing me to fund café's initial setup costs, equipment purchases, and working capital needs. Approach banks or lending institutions that specialize in small business financing, ensuring that your business plan and financial projections are well-prepared and compelling.
Crowdfunding is another avenue to consider, harnessing the power of the community to raise funds for café. Craft a persuasive campaign that highlights the unique aspects of the café, such as concept, values, and community impact. Engage potential backers by offering enticing rewards or perks that create a sense of participation and excitement.
Angel investors can be valuable partners in café ventures, providing capital in exchange for equity or convertible debt. Seek out individuals who have an interest in supporting café start-ups and connect with them through angel investor networks, industry events, or online platforms.
Partnerships or joint ventures can offer access to additional funds, industry expertise, and shared resources. Consider partnering with individuals or established café owners who have a vested interest in investing in your start-up. Collaborating with experienced professionals can provide valuable guidance and support as navigate the complexities of the café industry.
Finally, I will tap into personal savings or seek financial support from family and friends who believe in my café venture. Demonstrating your commitment by investing your own funds can attract other funding sources. Ensure clear communication and establish formal agreements to maintain professionalism and preserve relationships.
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gurleenkaur786 · 1 year
About my business operational plan
Imagine a cozy café where people can enjoy a cup of coffee or tea while being surrounded by adorable furry friends. Combining the love for animals and the joy of sipping beverages, opening a café with fur babies can be a dream come true. In this blog post, we will outline the essential elements of our business operations plan, including sourcing products, generating resources, and launching our café. We will also discuss the roles and responsibilities within our group and shed light on any licenses or permits required. So, let's dive in and explore the path to making our fur-tastic café a reality.
Sourcing Products: As a café with fur babies, sourcing the right products is crucial to create a comfortable and safe environment for both our customers and furry residents. Here are a few considerations:
Animal Supplies: It is important to ensure that we have an ample supply of pet-friendly furniture, bedding, litter boxes, toys, and feeding stations. These items should be of high quality and designed to prioritize the well-being of the animals.
Food and Beverages: Offering a variety of high-quality coffees, teas, snacks, and pet-friendly treats is essential. We should establish partnerships with local suppliers who prioritize sustainability and natural ingredients to align with our values.
Merchandise: To enhance the customer experience and generate additional revenue, we can explore selling branded merchandise such as mugs, t-shirts, and pet accessories. This not only provides customers with a tangible reminder of their visit but also helps to promote our café.
Generating Resources: To sustain our café with fur babies and support our business operations, we need to develop strategies for generating resources. Here are a few ideas:
Café Services: In addition to offering a comfortable space for customers to relax and enjoy their beverages, we can provide additional services such as pet grooming, training sessions, or hosting pet-themed events. These services can contribute to revenue generation and customer loyalty.
Membership and Subscriptions: Introducing membership packages or subscription plans for frequent visitors can provide a steady income stream. Benefits could include discounted rates, exclusive events, or priority access to booking slots. This fosters a sense of community and encourages repeat visits.
Collaborations: Partnering with local pet-related businesses, such as veterinarians, pet supply stores, or animal shelters, can create cross-promotional opportunities. This collaboration attracts a wider customer base and generates referrals while fostering a sense of unity within the local pet community.
Roles and Responsibilities within the Group: To effectively manage the café operations, it is important to assign roles and responsibilities within our group. Here's a possible division of tasks:
Operations Manager: This individual oversees the day-to-day operations, ensures the café runs smoothly, manages staff, and maintains a safe and welcoming environment for both customers and animals.
Marketing and Promotions: Responsible for developing marketing strategies, managing social media accounts, organizing events, and creating partnerships with local organizations. This role helps in attracting customers and building brand awareness.
Animal Care Specialist: Ensures the well-being and safety of the animals, oversees their feeding, grooming, and health requirements, and conducts proper screening for potential resident fur babies. This role is crucial in maintaining the health and happiness of our furry companions.
Customer Service Representative: Provides excellent customer service, handles reservations, answers inquiries, and assists with customer needs. This role ensures a positive customer experience and helps in building customer loyalty.
Licenses and Permits: Before launching our café with fur babies, we must ensure compliance with local regulations and obtain any necessary licenses or permits. These may include:
Food Service License: It is crucial to ensure that our café meets the health and safety standards required for serving food and beverages. Obtaining a food service license ensures that we adhere to these standards and provide a safe dining experience for our customers.
Animal Care License: If required by local regulations, obtaining the necessary license to house and care for animals on the premises is essential. This ensures that we are compliant with laws related to animal welfare and provides reassurance to our customers regarding the ethical treatment of the animals.
Insurance: Securing appropriate insurance coverage is crucial to protect against any unforeseen incidents or liability related to both the animals and customers. This includes general liability insurance and potentially animal liability insurance to cover any damages or injuries that may occur.
Overall Vision and Tools/Items Needed: To successfully launch our café with fur babies, we need to focus on the following:
Creating a Welcoming Atmosphere: Design the café space with comfortable seating, play areas for the animals, and a relaxed ambiance for customers. This includes ensuring proper ventilation and cleanliness to provide a comfortable environment for everyone.
Staff Training: Ensuring that all staff members are well-trained in animal care, customer service, and health and safety protocols is essential. This includes training on handling animals, hygiene practices, and understanding the needs and behavior of different pets.
Digital Presence: Developing a user-friendly website and establishing a strong presence on social media platforms is crucial to attract customers and provide updates on events and resident fur babies. This includes creating engaging content, sharing cute and heartwarming stories, and actively interacting with the online community.
Reservation and Booking System: Implementing an efficient online reservation and booking system is important to manage customer flow and maintain a manageable number of visitors at any given time. This ensures that both the animals and customers have a comfortable and enjoyable experience.
Conclusion: Launching a café with fur babies requires careful planning, attention to detail, and a passion for creating a unique experience for both animal lovers and coffee enthusiasts. By sourcing the right products, generating resources, and obtaining necessary licenses, we can turn our vision into a successful and thriving business. With a well-structured operations plan, supported by dedicated team members, we can bring joy to people's lives while providing a safe and loving environment for our furry companions. So, let's embark on this exciting journey together and make our fur-tastic café a reality!
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gurleenkaur786 · 1 year
Tumblr media
For this week's assignment, we have to make a mapping map for one of our favorite companies, so I prefer Sephora. As I love to use Sephora products. It is chemical-free and for every skin type.
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gurleenkaur786 · 1 year
My strength and weakness
Hi everyone, let's start with a brief introduction. I am Gurleen kaur. I moved to Canada to pursue my dream to have a lavish life. I am an idealistic person and a risk-taker. The thing I love about myself is I am open to learning new things. My main strength is my family and culture, which always reminds me of my identity. I am too honest and sometimes I think it is better to say the truth as if ripping off a bandage.
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