Week 6 - Indian Talking Stick and Intentful Listening
It was around five months back when i had a fight with my cousin.We are living together in the basement from last year. We had an argument regarding cooking food.We used to cook food alternatively and one day my cousin went for dinner with her friends without informing me. it was her turn to make food but i made food because it was too late and i was hungry. Then i was waiting for her to come and having dinner together but she did not pick up my call. That was the point where our argument initiated and after that we stop communicate to each other . After some days my brother came to know about this argument then he used indian stick method to sort out our conflict. He told us to sit together and to put our points turnwise. When one person was talking other was listening carefully without any inertruption. After listening each other we came to know about each other’s perspective and conflict was resolved. 
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I learned a new method to solve conflicts from my brother. The coomunication was clear and smooth. We made our points clear and i learned how to resolve conflict by paying attention to every detail. Listening others carefully is the best way to solve conflicts because it is the best way to earn someone’s trust. Conflicts can be everywhere but they can resolve by listening intently to the speaker. This helps the speaker to express whatever is in their hurt
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Week 5 - Applying Leadership Strengths
It is not necessary to be a leader for using your leadership skills. I applied my leadership strengths everywhere with different ways. As i use my communication skills to talk with others smoothly. I can feel others feelings or emotions with my empathetic nature. Also i try to be optimstic in every situation, as i remained positive in every situation and spread positivity everywhere. Problem solving skills of mine helped me to solve any problem with patience.I have the power to encourage others to achieve a common goal. I use my this strength everywhere when i had to work in a group or team. 
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All of these strengths helped me to work evenly. Everything become comfortable and smooth when i applied these leadership skills and i found positivity and happiness in my surrounding after applying these skills. Everyday use of these skills would help me to make improvements in skills which would lead me toward a better leader.
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Week 4 - Being a part of a High Performing Team
Here i would like to share my experience when i was leading my school giddha team(folk dance of punjab). it was about 6 years ago when i lead the giddha team and we got the first position in the competition and we also expect to get the same position again in upcoming competitions.
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Our team had the good foundations of trust and strong mutual bond which made our team a high performing team. Everyone in the team was aware about their responsibilities. We achieved our desired position in the competition by hard work even it was the first time when our team participated in this competition.
It was first time when i was appointed as a team captain because our previous team captain was met with an accident and suffered a foot fracture so, she was unable to perform in the competition. So , i was given a responsibility to lead the team.
If i look back on the performance of my team then i feel very satisfied with it. Every team member did an amazing job. But being a leader there was alot of things that i could do with my team to make my team better, but at that time i was only 16 years old and i was not aware about my strengths. if i would get a chance to lead any team then i would try to concentrate more on my strengths as a leader and if i get a chance to change my role then i would choose a coach style leader who would get best participants out of the team and let them grow on individual basis.
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so, currently whenever there is any conflict in the team then i prefer to avoid because it is very easiest and safe way to solve the conflict but it do not lead the growth of team and individual growth. I think compromising is the best approach to solve conflict and to maintain the professionalism in the team
 if i would get a chance to lead any team in future then I will try to maintain harmony among al my team members . I think democratic leadership stlyle is best to adopt.
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Week 3 - Followership
Its not necessary that you always will be the leader in every group activity. In some situations you have to take the lead from others as a follower. But followership is just not about taking orders from others its more than that. Considering all my strengths, i would be a critical thinking follower.If i have to be a follower in future, i would try to figure out the effects of following leader. If the effects of following the leader are positive then i would follow the leader with my best but if i find something wrong and can be done better then i would tell my point of view and ask for his feedback on my point.
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Week 2 - Leadership Strengths
Leadership strengths are the skills and abilities which helps an individual to become a good leader. An individual having leadership strengths  can lead and guide a group of people to achieve a common goal as a team.
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My five leadership strengths are -
Communicator - It is the one of the most important strength which every leader should have to become an effective leader. I have good communication skills which helps me to attract the attention of others towards me and inspiring them to act. I can communicate with other in effective way by using both verbal and sign language.
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Empathy - This is one of my biggest strength which helps me in sensing the emotions of others that what they feel and what they think. I can feel someone else’s feelings through my feelings. This strength helps me to know about others in a better way so i can work with them in effective way according to their behaviour.
Optimstic -  Being positive is one of my biggest strength. No matter how hard the situation is i try to keep myself calm and look for the best side. even if something bad happens with me i tend to look for the positive impact that has happen because of it.
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Problem Solving - My good problem solving skills helps me to be an effective leader. I have a capability to find solution of any problem with patience and cold mind. I never get hassitate when there is any hard sitution and always think with patience to find out the best solution for the problem.
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Developer - I can see the potential of others and help them to get sucess whenever interact with them. I find approaches to challenge them and conceive interesting experience heto help them to develop. My this strength helps me to to develop confidence in others to achieve a common goal.
Where can i use my leadership strengths?
Communicator - Communication skills can be used anywhere. I can use them while working in a group to divide the assignment work. It is very hard to divide work in a group because you have to divide equal work to everyone by maintaining balance. With good communication everyone can be assigned tasks according to their wish without any conflicts.
Empathy - I can use this strength when we work in a group and someone is not showing interest in the group work and hesitate to ask questions in a group then i can feel his/ her emotions and feelings ,also i can hear someone’s unvoiced questions and help him to take interest and paticipate in a group activity.
Optimstic - I try to be optimstic in every situation but espacially i use this strength during my exams. For example when i prepare 8 chapters out of 10 and  2 chapters left for preparation. I do not think about those 2 chapters that i have left .Rather than that i try to be confident about prepared 8 chapters to get good grades. This helps me to remain positive and focuson other exams.
Problem solving - We are given alot of home work in school . There is some questions in the homework which we were unable to solve in first attempt. I tried those questions again by reading question statement again and understanding what they want to be in answere statement. I never quit any problem , i always try to solve the problems with patience.
Developer - I was good in mathematics in school and some of my friends failed in maths during  house exams. I helped them in maths and encourage them to solve mathematical problems by their own to paas that course. They got good grades in maths and thanked to me for their help. I can use his strength to develope confidence in others.
Situation over the next week -
When my semester begins i was very week in finance course. I worked hard to understand finance and get good grades but i got worst  grades in every  assignment . Then my professor gave me an effective feedback and i fixed an appointment with professor to clear my basic concepts in finance. I took professor’s concepts and feedback very positively and thought about positive side to build positive vibes with my optimism. Last week i appeared for finance mid term exam and get 85% marks. My optimism filled my mind with positivity which helps me to eliminate the negative side by hard work. 
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Week 1 - Leadership Situation
Leadership is a situation in which you have to work with a group of people also, you have to guide them and motivate them to work with their full potential to achieve a common goal .
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Everyone have to go through this situation at least once in their life time. As i look back to my memories there was a lot of situations in which i was leading a group but my first experience was my best experience. It was a situation almost about 6 years ago when i was leading the  giddha (folk dance of Punjab) team of my school. At that time i was 16 years old and lacking leadership experience. That was the hardest time for me because it was a tough competition and i had to perform well also, make other team members to perform well to got first position in the competition. We were 16 girls in the team who gonna perform on a big stage where so many other giddha teams from different schools came to participate in the competition. I had a lot of pressure before our performance and i guide every team member about their positions and their steps. i was really stressed before our performance but my team performed well during performance and our team got first position in the competition  and this was a great experience for me because i learned that being a leader is not as easy as it seems to be , you have to do more than a job. You have to perform well and build the trust of others on you to make them follow your lead. Moreover that was scary experience too because if you fail in the competition ,you have to take the responsibilty of your team on your behalf.
My Leadership Strengths -:
Communicator - I feel that my biggest strength is communication as i was communicating with my giddha team well by using both verbal and sign language according to the situation, they got what i want from them.
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Powerful listener - An effective leader should have good listening skills which helps him/her to understand the situation better and take effective decisions. When my team members were argue over something i resolve their conflicts by listening both the parties carefully and find the solution to solve them.
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Strengths i want to develop -:
Inspiring and Motivating others - By focusing on people who working around you  can be very beneficial for a leader .Focusing on others help you to know about other’s capabilities. I want to develop this trait in me so that i can get to know the capabilities of others and how to motivate them in way that they can work for the betterment.
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