gurobiscuits · 1 year
{ sees messages in my asks but I can't tell how old they are on mobile??? }
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gurobiscuits · 1 year
5 more minutes
Every now and again the flea would do something so stupid that Shizuo could hardly believe that it was the same flea doing it. Sure, the guy was dumb to begin with in Shizuo’s opinion but when he did things like this he sometimes questioned the guy’s mentality.
This included the morning Shizuo woke up next to the guy.
Shocked at first, the blonde jumped out of bed – going into defense mode as he stared at the bastard…sleeping next to where he was. He blinked, looking around the room, seeing if anything was tampered with. No… He looked down, checking his briefs. Still on. Nothing…seemed out of the ordinary…
But that didn’t mean anything when it came to this guy.
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Shock slowly turning into annoyance, the blonde decided it’d just be best to kick the guy’s ass and get him out of there.
Or maybe it’d just be easier to kill him.
His mind went blank as he got back onto the bed. Instead of laying down, he stood up over the raven still snoring away. Really – the guy was an idiot. There was no way he would’ve gotten away with doing something like this, as simple as it was.
Shizuo just wasn’t that kind of guy willing to let him do this kind of shit.
Izaya began to stir, probably feeling the movement on the bed as Shizuo walked on it, but he didn’t care. Without waiting for Izaya to fully waken, he took a hop and elbowed the man smack dab in the middle of his back.
Now, for a regular person, jumping on someone like he did might just leave the individual with a sore, maybe even a bruise if they hit hard enough. Shizuo though – Shizuo wasn’t a regular person.
He was a monster.
And that brute force was just enough for him to hear the informant’s spine snap.
If the flea had been hit elsewhere, there might have been a chance. Between the shoulder blades, around his hip…no. Shizuo had gotten the position just right completely immobilizing the now fully awake raven. It was as if he were in shock. Head up, eyes widened as he stared at the headboard trying to comprehend what just happened to him. Shizuo readjusted himself so he could grab the flea by his hair, pulling him back as he slid off the bed – Izaya being dragged along with him. The blonde barely heard the pleas coming from his mouth, begging him for mercy from whatever thing the monster had left in store for him.
But the Shizuo Izaya knew – the one he could reason with – was gone.
All was left was this creature, this beast. The one with the blank stare and mind holding the informant over the corner piece at the end of his bed. If Shizuo was Shizuo, he’d probably just throw the guy out on the street after he broke his spine. But now – no, not now. Now it was different.
Now, the guy had to die.
That’s just how the monster wanted it.
Still holding the flea by the head, he raised him up over the edge of the headboard – a countdown going through his head. 1, 2, 3 – he slammed the informant down, the wooden piece going straight through his head via his mouth. Impalement; it wasn’t a first. Shizuo’s stuck guys on light poles before but for some reason…
For some reason he felt more satisfaction with this kill than any of the others.
The monster retreating to the back corners of his mind, Shizuo turned and stepped towards the bathroom, waving at the flea as if he was nothing more than a mere guest in his home.
Shizuo was in need of a shower – he’d take care of the clean up later.
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gurobiscuits · 1 year
☮: A peck on your forehead.
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Shizuo really didn’t know the difference between the originals and their copies. They all wore the same face, the same smug ass look, and even smelled the fucking same. Maybe they’d dress differently, sure. And yeah, their eyes were all different colors. But what did it matter?
That sure as hell wasn’t enough for the monster to stop.
The human picked up on it. With every swing of his fist and every crack of his bone, the blonde saw the difference. That wasn’t Izaya’s eyes. Nor was it his attire. He was after the real one. That’s who the monster wanted. That’s who the human wanted. That’s who they both wanted dead.
Unfortunately this fucking clone got caught in the middle of things.
Blood dripped onto the golden cape from the neck of the now very dead man who’s head was being held by the mere fingertips of the fortissimo’s gloved hands. It was funny how just a few minutes earlier this man was so full of life. His mouth screaming bloody murder as his neck was literally pulled apart by the strange man now holding his face in front of him. There was blood everywhere. On the street, on Shizuo’s clothes, all over the alternate personality’s face…
Who knew a simple decapitation could cause such a mess?
Shizuo sat on a throne of garbage, boxes stacked up against each other as he studied the open jawed specimen he held onto. No – that wasn’t the flea, that was for sure. His eyes, although lacking the life they once had, were too yellow. More so than Shizuo’s own hair. Izaya’s eyes…Izaya’s eyes were red. This wasn’t Izaya.
He made a mistake.
But to be honest, he really didn’t care.
He spun the head around in his hand, watching it as the raven’s hair twirled in between his fingers. Well, he could at least say he’s gotten rid of one of them. That was a start, right?
Smirking, he brought it closer to him, coarse lips touching the tops of his brows as if to say sorry, but really – he was only making fun of him. This guy seemed to have a very high view of himself. Wearing a crown of gold with a personality to match, it’s funny to see how easily the tables were turned. Shizuo began to wonder what he’d say if he just knew what he had done to him.
He chuckled to himself, throwing the head behind him and into the wall. He was bored again, and he had yet to kick the real Izaya’s ass today.
He wondered where the goddamn flea was roaming at this hour…
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gurobiscuits · 2 years
I'm rewatching Durarara!! and all I want to do now is log into my Shizuo blog and start role-playing again.
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gurobiscuits · 6 years
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gurobiscuits · 6 years
what do people in their twentys do except go to the grocery store……….
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gurobiscuits · 6 years
ok universe, i’m ready to feel good things. make me feel good things.
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gurobiscuits · 6 years
Playing video game with a child protagonist as a child: it me
Playing video game with a child protagonist as an adult: I am your legal guardian and if anything happens to you it will hurt my heart in real life
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gurobiscuits · 6 years
a piece of advice my dad gave me and I’ve never forgotten is, “if you won’t worry about it in 4 months, don’t worry about it now.” saved me countless times, it’s a philosophy to adopt and help improve your life. Failed a test? ask yourself if you’ll think about this still in 4 months? Made a fool of yourself in public? I doubt even the people who saw it will remember it past today. Know you could have done better? Ran further? don’t beat yourself up over it, you can do better tomorrow. Don’t overthink things, a lot of negatives matter less than you think they do.
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gurobiscuits · 6 years
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gurobiscuits · 6 years
Wake Me Up Inside has become a real joke but you all are lying if you say that you wouldn’t have loved lyrics like “bid my blood to run before I come undone and save me from the nothing I’ve become” if it was presented in a folk song on Sufjan Stevens’ Carrie & Lowell.
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gurobiscuits · 6 years
oh hi thanks for checking in I’m still a piece of garbage
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gurobiscuits · 6 years
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gurobiscuits · 6 years
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Man I dont have a lot of taxidermy stuff to post since I’m getting ready to leave the country again. So have some creepy animation. 
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gurobiscuits · 6 years
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Truth or Lies
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gurobiscuits · 7 years
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All new Goretober prompts for 2017!
I would love to see what you come up with, so feel free to tag your work glittergoretober so I can check it out!
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gurobiscuits · 7 years
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