gvinfrees · 1 year
a send off to ah.
i remember years ago when a gaming group I didn’t really watch disbanded. i remember thinking at the time “I wonder if achievement hunter will ever end”. It was my worst nightmare.
And here we are. Here we finally are.
I’ve kept my distance from ah since last year when a lot of things got dug up from the past. And I’m not going to sit here now and pretend those skeletons didn’t and still do exist. Nor will I ignore the harm they caused.
But as ah said “you can do better”, and thankfully from their current/former now? employees’ point of views, it seems like they did by the end. Even if that can’t undo their past mistakes.
But no matter what, I still can’t overstate the importance this group had on me. I found ah in middle school from a random tumblr post and it quickly became my biggest support. I struggled in middle/high school from being heavily introverted and struggling with anxiety.
But all I’d have to remember was that there was going to be Minecraft on fridays. VS on tuesdays. GTA on mondays. As embarrassing as it sounds, it really kept me going.
There was a long stretch of my life where I didn’t go a single day without watching some form of their content.
I remember so vividly having one of the worst days of my life as a 14 year old, crying my eyes out and thinking the world was going to end. Then the rainbow 6 let’s play of jack laughing at Gavin throwing a grenade at himself came out: Suddenly I was crying of laughter. Their content did that for me when nothing else could.
And I have hundreds of memories just like that.
It goes without saying there’s been a lot of downs as an achievement hunter fan. And honestly I don’t even want to go into detail because we all know some of the worst.
But to grow from a 13 year old to a 24 year old through their content, I can’t not at least recognize something that had such an effect on me for almost half of my life.
A part of me is surprised I am so sad by the news considering how long it has seemingly been on the horizon. But I also can’t wipe their importance from my life. And though I rarely watched their content over the last year, still knowing it is gone hurts.
So I have handled this like any normal person would, i bought the piece of retired merch I never was able to get off eBay to remember them by, and wrote this way too wordy and sentimental post.
And with that, thanks for a lot achievement hunter. 💚🖤
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gvinfrees · 1 year
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You’re like the fucking angel of death. [x]
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gvinfrees · 1 year
so long and thanks for all the fish
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gvinfrees · 1 year
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gvinfrees · 1 year
quick check in to say rip ah, thanks for a lot
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gvinfrees · 2 years
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gvinfrees · 2 years
hope on everyone on the tumblr verse is doing well ♥️
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gvinfrees · 2 years
Sad to see what happened to the office :(( sending you guys lots of towels, love and good vibes for everything to get resolved quickly 💖
thank you so much! we really appreciate it <3
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gvinfrees · 2 years
this is my token positive extra life post for the year, but the fact that achievement hunter already had tens of thousands of dollars donated via 1337 donations less than one hour into their segment shows how important and integral they are to rt as a whole
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gvinfrees · 2 years
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This was just magical.
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gvinfrees · 2 years
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Ky’s going on tour! Way to go, Ky! (She will away from 10th to the 19th, which means she won’t be there during Extra Life)
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gvinfrees · 2 years
Hey, I just saw that I was a mutual so I wanted to share the thoughts that help me, maybe it can help you?
Alfredo sometime I think in the last year said something like, it's okay if you outgrew AH, and that struck a chord with me because I realized I had accidentally done exactly that. rt stuff was the kind of thing I needed when I was a teenager and early adult, for some reason that was the only thing I held on to when I was going through it, but after that I started paying more attention to stuff like the glass door reviews, and then the ryan thing, and then the fact that the quality seemed to decrease during covid. (for some reason the thing that really tipped me off was when they made that video game. it was such a high quality thing but they literally never advertised it outside of rt fans, and they seemed to get really upset that nobody bought it. I expected to get ads because of my tracking data but nada. did you notice that too? so weird lmao). it wasn't the thing I needed anymore so I hadn't been paying attention for the past couple years, and thats ok!
It was a weird sucker punch when I realized but my only options we're either to turn around and try to dig back into it, or be thankful that they were there when I needed it (and holy hell did i need it) and start saying goodbye. It sucks now hearing what it was like but it seems like a lot of the new people coming into ah are pretty cool and a lot of the old guard are at least trying to shape up, so maybe instead you can look at this as an opportunity to slowly ease into something new? maybe even aim for a balance between that and this
I guess what I'm trying to say it's that it's okay to hold on as long as you're still being critical, but it's also okay to let go. ether way I hope you find the catharsis you're looking for
thank you for this message anon, really kind and well stated
God yes the fucking vicious circle mess. that was such a disaster and I feel rt always really tried to just sidestep every mistake they made including that one despite the fact they had you know... hundreds of peoples' livelihoods on the line. Until last month of course when they couldn't sidestep anymore because the pile of mistakes were too big they literally just fell over them.
But yes I think you stated it well about being thankful for being there when we needed them but putting it behind. I am such a fixated person that it can be so hard to do that.
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gvinfrees · 2 years
hey so um..mutuals. What are we thinking anymore.
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gvinfrees · 2 years
What to say. I made a post two days ago about going on a hiatus and maybe coming back when things “calmed down”. To be clear that was before Kdin bravely posted her account of the trauma she endured at RT.
It’s clear to me now that things won’t calm down this time, nor should they.
This blog is eight years old. And theres a lot of good memories here for me. AH/RT really was the main reason I survived middle and high school. Every day I came home and through the loneliness I felt I could turn on the new video for the day and knew I had something I could enjoy.
Thus this blog was born where I had other people who I knew felt the same way and where I could channel these feelings. It was an escape and I can’t not be grateful. How it got over 4000 followers through that, who knows. But every time someone followed it made me happy because it was another person who loved the same people/content I did.
But finally, I am done. And it is so hard. This is the most dramatic thing I have ever written but cutting off rt/ah is almost like cutting off a limb for me. And believe me I wish I was joking. But that is how vital their existence has been for me the last ten years.
As embarrassing as it is, the ryan situation still stings almost two years later, and i know this is going to hurt even worse.
But there is no excuse for the treatment of not just Kdin but so many people who have come forward. All of those people who put so much work into the content we all enjoyed, and that the company enjoyed making money off of. Those people who showed up during the earliest hours of Extra Life that we would sometimes see for the first time, still smiling though they were getting treated like trash behind the scenes and we didn’t even know.
It all feels fake and plastic now. I always looked up to “the founding fathers” for what they managed to create. But now I know so much of it was a farce.
I want to believe the AH members at whole have grown up and have changed for the better. But one thing I have learned the last few years is we will never know who these people are behind closed doors. And even then, no matter who they are today, Kdin and probably others have to deal with the trauma they imparted on them forever. And that is something that just can’t be undone.
This blog will stay up but I won’t be rebranding it or anything. All it has ever been is this. This username. This content. So I am just going to let it be.
All good things come to and end, I just wish this one was as good as I thought it was.
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gvinfrees · 2 years
just to let any one who cares know, this blog will be going on a hiatus.
I’ll be back on probably at some point but I’m just tired. This blog has been up since 2014 and through so many controversies of ah/rt.
This one in particular just feels exhausting and I don’t have the mental capacity at this point to keep it up.
So yeah who knows I may be back in a few months when things chill out but for now ✌️
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gvinfrees · 2 years
this isn’t cut and dry.
I care about so many people at rt both older members and newer members.
people like bk and Joe just moved their entire lives to Austin.
I’m seeing so many people on Reddit wanting everyone to cancel their first. And don’t get me wrong, I get it. Especially upon hearing thing from past employees like Kdin.
And I get the sentiment of wanting to send a message because what wb is doing isn’t okay. Not just with Matt but all employees that got laid off.
But I still want to support the individuals I’ve grown to care about. So where does that line blur, you know?
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gvinfrees · 2 years
matt tearing up abt the amount of subs and taking the time to APOLOGIZE for not being able to thank everyone bc they were coming so fast😭😭I LOVE him!!
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