Update - April 1, 2022
Living World
With the End of Dragons, it's a time for new beginnings. We've been carefully watching your feedback over the past weeks, years, and decades, and we're making a big change: out with cat jokes, in with dog jokes. Look forward to more dogs, more chances to pet dogs, and as much canine humor as you can throw a stick to.
-> (Maybe some cats though; it's hard to break habits.)
World Polish
Players will now be required to submit an authorization-of-access form to the Ministry of Transit before using a waypoint to, from, or within Canthan regions.
Fixed a bug that caused the open-world boss of the final encounter of the Jade Sea open-world meta-event to use Breath of the Deep more frequently than intended in rare circumstances.
Fixed an outcropping of land that was unintentionally killing players in Super Adventure Box's Tribulation Mode. We know, "how would someone even have known the difference?"
Due to all interactable objects in the area being knocked into the sea, Cat Island has been renamed Cat Archipelago.
-> Okay, that was a cat joke. We're really trying though.
All ambient music has been replaced by diegetic music, played by nearby bands, characters carrying boomboxes, or certain golems and mechs.
Player characters now express voiced approval or dislike of the taste of consumable items. Your unique food preferences are based on your choices in character creation and the personal story.
Added fishing locations in the River of Souls.
Fixed a typo in the Skiff Piloting Mastery track. This will now be Skritt Piloting as intended.
Fixed a bug that caused consumables vendors to offer asura items from their "Just For Kids!" menus. Specific wiseguys may still present this option sarcastically.
-> The fix for this update note will be coming in the next update notes.
A future announcement will reveal the trailer release date for upcoming update notes.
-> Due to the timing of the current update notes, we'd like to apologize for our inability to announce them ahead of time.
Fixed a bug that enabled individuals to kill alternate versions of themselves and loot their own bodies more than once.
Personal Story
NPCs will now nudge the commander and wink when the player encounters foreshadowing.
Players who are found to have submitted inaccurate information on their Ministry of Transit travel documents will be assessed a fine.
Certain consumables created by chefs now require the consuming player to accept the crafter's cookie policy.
With the reestablishment of trade with Cantha, Tyrian merchants across the continent are adjusting their prices to compete in a global market.
Added new jade bot modules for automatically correcting armor dyes, cleaning the home instance, and gaining spontaneous self-awareness.
Added nutrition facts to all consumable items.
Players can now get a Turtle Egg by really, really wanting one and promising to take good care of it.
Corrected a texture stretching issue affecting the art of Invisible Slippers, Invisible Stompers, and Invisible Boots.
Profession Skills
The Ministry of Public Safety would like to firmly remind all elementalists who refuse to switch off of fire attunement that arson is classed as a felony under Imperial law.
Fixed a bug that prevented quickly drawing and stowing fishing poles from being used in weaver skill rotations.
To resolve purpose overlap between the mechanist and golemancer specializations, mechanists will now need to periodically refuel their golem big robot.
Holosmiths are being actively recruited by Xunlai Jade. Speak to your local representative to learn more about this exciting opportunity.
With the End of Dragons, users of the dragonhunter specialization have been retired. Selecting dragonhunter will now unlock a relaxing new set of skills, allowing the player to immerse themselves into life as a retiree.
"Advance!" unrenamed to "Retreat!" to better reflect ideal usage of the skill.
Clones now have a passive skill to vote which one they think is the real one.
Fixed a bug that caused the skills Chaos Armor, Chaos Storm, and Winds of Chaos to behave predictably.
Gaining life force or using elixirs will now trigger taste-based approval or disapproval lines, depending on the source's attributes and character's taste preferences.
Harbingers using elixir skills in open-world maps will now have a scaling chance to receive littering notices and/or fines.
Bear pets can now be set to Fishing mode.
Druids can now walk into the uncharted deep forests of the Echovald Wilds, never to return, as a special action skill.
The Return to Me command now only affects feline pets if you have treats.
-> Our bad, that could have been a dog joke if we had tried. This is all new and confusing, please give us some time.
Fixed an issue that could cause vindicators to not return from their dodge-leap. Affected vindicators should return to the ground any moment now.
In retrospect, Shiro Tagachi is starting to feel like he was a victim of numerous factors outside of his control and could use some time to unpack all of this.
Using Steal on a character with dye items in their inventory will now automatically apply the dyes to your character.
After a further review of the player's record, authorities in Cantha have requested the player return to Seitung Prison for questioning.
Warriors will now be able to maintain a balanced diet by tracking their intake of foods based on their nutrition facts, exercise regimen, and adventuring goals.
Bladesworn characters will now begin playing their theme song when reduced to below half health.
World vs. World
New options for victory conditions have been added. In addition to War Score, players can win skirmishes through Science Score, Culture Score, or Diplomacy Score.
Fixed a bug that caused warclaws to sometimes run around Stonemist Castle in a panic even though you didn't hear anything.
-> Another cat joke. Why is this so difficult.
-> We're going to put these pet jokes on paws for meow and hope to impurrove in future update notes.
-> That just slipped out, we're so sorry.
Stonemist Castle has been replaced by the Harvest Temple.
Fixed an item erroneously listed as [REDACTED] Dye. It is now properly available as The Final Encounter of the Jade Sea Open-World Meta-Event Dye.
Added a skill to the Pet Dog Whistle - Basenji to allow players to try to figure out what their basenji is gnawing on and try to gently wrestle a nonedible Junk Item from its mouth.
-> Nailed it.
0 notes
Update - April 1, 2021
Living World
Guild Wars 2—Living World: The Icebrood 5aga: Episode 5—Champions; Chapter 4—Judgement Act 0^366: Gourdon versus King Abaddon begins soon! Reach level 15 to gain the Spiked Choya Psionic Tonic and begin the nonsequential, pseudo-optional honor system prelude.
Players who complete the Living World Season 3 episode Out of the Shadows will now be automatically recruited to the guild Dragon's Watch [HERO]. All of your loyal character companions and Braham will communicate with you through the chat panel, reducing the time required to take calls from Taimi.
-> As guild leader, you will now be responsible for planning fun events and mediating interpersonal conflict beyond the Living World story.
-> Visit Aurene in the Eye of the North to peruse her designs for a new guild emblem.
-> If your guild slots are full, Dragon's Watch will replace your personal novelty guild.
World Polish
Annual polishing has increased world shine by 14%.
After being driven out of the Celestial Challenge, excess hordes of hyenas now appear in various events.
Added expiration dates to foods, ingredients, and other consumables.
Added new Dragon Call-and-Response Missions, which include all your favorite dragon-related songs, as well as a brand-new Deep Sea Dragon Shanty.
Instituted a wealth tax on all bank assets valued over 10,000 gold. Players will receive a form via in-game mail for declaring their assets gained and lost over the past fiscal year.
Added a few more Elder Dragons.
Several NPCs who were rude or dismissive toward you when you were a bright-eyed adventurer just making your way in the world would like to reach out and apologize.
-> You don't owe them anything.
Fractals are now recursive; a smaller Mistlock Observatory has been placed within each fractal.
-> For further details, check the Fractals section of the Game Update Notes from April 1, 2021.
Each fractal has been updated for historical accuracy to feature the sublime Palawa Joko and his involvement in their events.
Added a new Fractal Instability: Labyrinthine Horror.
To increase variety of player choice in selecting Agony Resist values, there is now a daily rotation that adds to your Agony Resist based on the following bonuses:
-> Number of matching resist values
-> Number of different resist values
-> Number of matching positive and negative resist values
-> Number of resist values that add up to 10
-> Highest unique resist value in your party
-> To compensate for the higher baseline Agony Resist, Agony Resist requirements for fractals over 20 have been increased by, like, a lot.
To help players keep their backpacks empty for new loot, a Wipe Inventory button has been added next to the Compact button.
Added another Candy Cane Hammer. We're going to add them every year until it's part of your holiday traditions.
Added a quest to unlock Springer Mastery 6, which allows your faithful springer to be mounted and use its abilities midair.
Fixed a bone-scaling issue that caused the raptor to be much larger than pocket sized.
Profession Skills
To respect quiet hours, Shout skills may no longer be used between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. Tyrian time.
Fixed an issue that allowed elementalists to ignore the material component cost for certain spells.
Weavers can access an elemental loom to create brilliant but ephemeral tapestries.
Turrets, gadgets, and gyros are now considered material component skills. Engineers cannot use these skills unless they first craft the required item using a weaponsmithing station.
Engineers who leave turrets, gadgets, or gyros lying around when leaving a map will now be ticketed for littering.
To lower option overload following the introduction of the skyscale and new Elder Dragons, dragonhunters will need to more specifically select their hunting targets when the specialization is chosen.
Unlock a new guardian-exclusive specialization to select your monthly responsibility traits. These will be added to the chore chart.
Chronomancers can now attune to past patches, changing their skills to the balance and scripting used during that time.
Butterfly effects will soon return from their astounding seasonal migration.
Necromancers can now move while defeated.
Instead of reviving downed allies, necromancers now have the option to use their corpses to make extra minions.
Active pets now create waste that has to be cleaned up after under penalty of Tyrian law.
Rangers may now post adorable pictures of their active pet to guild chat.
Equipped legendary stances will now change or swap if the invoked legend tires of talking to you.
Fixed a bug that could cause revenants to fail to exit the teleport state during Unrelenting Assault, leaving them trapped for a seeming eternity in the world between worlds.
Thieves in stealth are now allowed to leave the combat area and watch from afar as their party members fight the boss, then show up to collect their share of loot like they were working hard the whole time.
Thieves can now cheat in activities such as Basket Brawl, Crab Toss, Mursaat Tennis, and Belcher's Bluff.
Warriors can now equip scepters, foci, and staves in either hand using the mace skill set.
Banners will no longer be leased for advertising space.
Structured Player vs. Player
Tournament winners now qualify upon death to be transformed into Awakened by the mighty Palawa Joko.
World vs. World
Fixed an aggro table bug that prevented gates from properly engaging attacking players.
Wall movement speed has been increased by 500%.
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Update - April 1, 2020
Living World
The Sunbeam Throne reaches out to the heroes of Tyria! A mysterious letter in an unknown language has been sent to the commander; what perilous yet entirely optional distractions await our hero for the week of April 1 to April 7?
World Polish
Due to increased popularity, Metal Legion shows will now require tickets. Tickets can be purchased through the Blood Legion Supply Office and are available for shows up to a month in advance.
Bosses in the open world now add "the II," "Jr.," and so on after their names when respawning to make it clear that the enemies don't just magically return to life.
Merchants now have a daily gold limit for purchasing items.
Personal Story
Home-instance NPCs will now complain that you never call or visit.
Corrected missing dialogue lines in the asura, norn, and quaggan romance options.
Norn characters can now choose Jormag as their Spirit of the Wild guardian during character creation.
Minis can now be sorted by cuteness in the Hero panel.
Mostly-Digested Boots can now be consumed.
Profession Skills
All professions now have a unique reaction skill that appears for a fraction of a second during certain events.
-> The window of time for clicking the reaction skill is decreased based on account age, because OG players should be really good at the game by now.
The taunt condition now lasts until the player types a retort in the chat panel.
Reaction Skill: Surprise Attunement can be used to complete certain event objectives in the open world, including watering crops, partying, and entertaining cows.
Weavers can now swap from tailoring to a second crafting profession while outside of combat.
Reaction Skill: Engineering Solution can be used to solve math problems, correct flawed structural designs, or resolve various issues if they occur within close range of the engineer.
Engineer skills that create or utilize mechanical tools now require scrap metal on use. Scrap metal drops from some enemies when they are defeated.
Reaction Skill: Virtue of Prudence can be used to automatically select the most morally defensible option in branching dialogues.
The dragonhunter specialization has been renamed It's Complicated to reflect the Living World story.
To resolve littering complaints, firebrand tome skills must now be retrieved page by page before reuse.
Reaction Skill: An Illusion This Whole Time can be used to restart the current story chapter and leave other characters baffled by your trickery.
Attempting to use a shatter skill with no illusions now shatters a random character in the current map, prioritizing unnamed and nonplayer characters.
Reaction Skill: Fast Resurrection can be used to revive dead story characters if the player finds the body within one story chapter of their demise.
Characters in the open world and PvP will now react with terror at the sight of any necromancer pets.
Reaction Skill: Positive Reinforcement can be used to praise your pet after they do well and ruffle their cute little ears (or whatever they have if it's, like, a jellyfish or something).
Pets must now be kept on a leash while within any major city.
Reaction Skill: Legendary Commander Stance can be used to attune the player to their own legendary deeds, freezing the player unless there is a nearby engineer who uses their reaction skill to break the recursive loop.
Revenant legends now have tag-out dialogue with each other based on which legends are being swapped.
Reaction Skill: Pickpocket can now be used to steal minor items from other characters and players.
Steal: This skill now requires free inventory space to use.
Reaction Skill: Dual Wield allows up to two warriors to be wielded at once by another player.
Berserker armor penalty has been increased to -3,000.
Structured Player vs. Player
Following the success of Swiss tournaments, we will be gradually rolling out tournaments in other regions of the world.
World vs. World
Matches will now take place between two servers. A third server will act as impartial observers and judges during the match.
0 notes
Update - April 1, 2019
World Polish
Updated audio for sitting in chairs. Chair-based audio can be adjusted using the Unique Audio drop-downs in the Options menu.
Cloud movement in Shaemoor has been corrected to match Tyrian wind patterns.
Fixed a visual bug in which some dredge did not appear to be ghosts in Dredgehaunt Cliffs.
The commander's communicator has been upgraded to include a virtual assistant. Use voice command "Dessa!" to get started. For example, "Dessa! Play 'Fear Not This Night.'"
Players found to be in violation of the "No Mounts" zone within Amnoon will be fined.
To address immersion complaints, all charr character names have had the word "charr" replaced with "kitten."
Cats in the player's home instance that are not kept entertained will now begin destroying gathering nodes and scenery at a set rate per day.
Mistlock instabilities have been renamed "fractal birds" for clarity.
To fix the problem of "bad days," fractal birds are now based on player profession rather than randomly generated each day. Corresponding birds will be applied to all party members based on their profession. Check the Profession Skills section of the release notes for the first season's birds!
Raised the water level in Hall of Chains to facilitate the use of underwater skills in the final encounter.
Personal Story
The Personal Story has been renamed Professional Story to reflect that this is your character's job.
Fixed a typo that caused the Gift of Dedication to require chak eggs instead of chak egg sacs.
Stonemist Castle can now be crafted as a decoration for guild halls.
Profession Skills
Alacrity now speeds up the wait time for the daily reset.
Confusion now randomizes your key bindings when it is applied, in addition to its previous effects.
Movement speed now scales with boot rarity.
Entering water attunement now temporarily removes the dehydration condition.
Entering fire attunement now temporarily removes the frostbite condition.
Seasonal Fractal Bird: We Bleed Birds.
Reduced scrap acquisition rate of scrappers to pre-Heart of Thorns™ levels.
Seasonal Fractal Bird: Bird Vindicators.
Increased depth of symbolism on all guardian symbols by 25%.
Seasonal Fractal Bird: Bird Overload.
Changed Signet of Inspiration by 33%.
Seasonal Fractal Bird: Bird Convergence.
Axe skill damage increased by 5.999% repeating.
Reduced the number of scourge shades scourged when a scourge shade scourges shades.
Seasonal Fractal Bird: Toxic Birds.
Pets commanded to fight members of their own species will instead turn hostile and attack the ranger.
Seasonal Fractal Bird: Social Birds.
Replacing the previous energy cost, revenant skills now consume spirit shards.
Seasonal Fractal Bird: Outbirded.
Reduced the amount of gold gained when Steal is used on friendly NPCs.
Thief initiative is now reset when the thief enters combat, with the starting amount randomly determined from 1 to 20.
Seasonal Fractal Bird: Last Birds.
Increased the cost of entering Berserk mode from 30 adrenaline to 35 adrenaline.
Players can now prevent adrenaline loss between encounters by using attack skills, even if they don't hit anything.
Seasonal Fractal Bird: Slippery Birds.
Structured Player vs. Player
Fractal birds have been introduced to PvP. The greater the lead a team has over the enemy team, the more birds they will have applied.
World vs. World
When the outnumbered effect is applied, autobalancing will immediately take effect.
Added new mount race events featuring the warclaw to all WvW maps. Please show good sportsmanship and don't attack players who are waiting for the race to start.
Eternal Battlegrounds
Added a new environmental hazard to the Eternal Battlegrounds. Roving bands of feral warclaws sweep through the map, dealing high damage to players caught outside of a gradually shrinking circle centered on Stonemist Keep.
Alpine Borderlands
Added a new environmental hazard to the Alpine Borderlands. Players in the cold, high-altitude, low-oxygen environment of the snowy north will have the new frostbite condition applied to them. This condition periodically inflicts chilled and confusion.
Desert Borderlands
Added a new environmental hazard to the Desert Borderlands. Players who spend longer than 10 minutes outdoors in the Desert Borderlands will have the new dehydration condition applied to them. This condition periodically inflicts crippled and torment and will be accompanied by hallucinations of enemy mirages.
0 notes
Update - April 1, 2018
World Polish
Living World episodes are now sorted alphabetically in the Hero Panel.
The city of Lion's Arch has been renamed Lobster's Arch.
Log in between March 30, 2018 and March 31, 2018 to receive a complimentary Temporal Displacement Device.
Added a "Delete Browsing History" button to the Black Lion Trading Post.
Fixed a scaling bug that made asura too large.
For performance reasons, all chair models have been removed from the game.
Added the words "Praise" and "Joko" to the profanity filter.
Globs of Ectoplasm can now be consumed to give players a ghostly purple effect for a short time.
Combining any four items in the Mystic Forge has an extremely rare chance to return a Quantum Communicator. Using this item will call the cell phone of one random developer.
Players must now fight each other at the end of every fractal. The last player standing gets all the rewards.
Added new fractals, including Seirpinski triangles, Mandelbrot sets, Collatz fractals, and Julia and Fatou sets.
Added the "Social Awkwardness" instability as a new Challenge Mode option on all raid bosses.
To conform to the Tyrian calendar, the weekly reset now occurs every 8 days.
Word vs. World
The borders between worlds are now an epic battle of musical chairs.
Structured Player vs. Player
Losing any match in PvP now awards a Thimble of Salt.
Players can combine 250 Thimbles of Salt into a Vial of Salt.
Player Skills
Elementalists can now access a new elemental attunement: Candy!
Elementalists have been given additional ability slots and hotkey options to allow them to use more of their skills without needing to swap elemental attunements.
Necromancers now receive a 50% power increase in all cemeteries, crypts, and mausoleums.
We think some issues may have been resolved as part of fixes for other professions.
Rangers can now tame their very own Juvenile Legendary Bloodstone-Enhanced Purebred Fancy Cat by interacting with the litter of fancy kittens located near Lady Wisteria Whiskington.
For obvious reasons, Beastmode is not encouraged with this pet.
Killing wild animals now results in rngers losing karma.
Drinking too many elixirs will now inflict the Nausea condition and force the use of the Regurgitate skill.
Engineers must now complete at least a bachelor's degree to reach level 80.
The maximum range for the Deadeye specialization has been increased to 30,000 to better reflect reality.
Certain shouts have been renamed to be more positive.
-> "Save Yourselves!": This shout has been renamed "I'll Protect You!"
-> "Retreat!": This shout has been renamed "Let's Push Forward!"
-> "Feel My Wrath!": This shout has been renamed "Feel My Wrath, Please!"
Phantasmal Rogues now cast Phantasmal Thieves Guild when summoned.
Phantasmal Berserkers can now equip the Spellbreaker specialization.
Revenant skills can now only be used in the Mists.
Renegade skills which summon various charr allies will now instead summon a random charr player to your location.
Added a new Legendary Monarch of All stance, allowing revenants to channel the powers of Palawa Kitten. This new stance grants access to a new type of "Kitten" skills.
Full Counter: To better reflect its name, this skill is now permanently active.
Winds of Disenchantment: This skill is now a permanent toggle.
0 notes
Update - April 1, 2017
Alacrity now grants 200 to all stats, and speeds up skill recharge by 150%.
Fixed a bug that prevented random number generation from being affected by wishful thinking.
Random number generation is no longer random. It is now seeded by account name.
We have added a Gem Store item that will allow you to change your account name for the low, low price of 2,000 gems. There is no limit on the number of purchases.
If you plant Caladbolg in the Grove, you will gain a new Mini Trahearne Backpack. With careful feeding and attention, he will grow up to accompany you on your adventures.
Additional beard skins can be unlocked after purchasing Wide Rim Glasses and Shoulder Scarf from the Gem Store.
Sylvari now regenerate 1% of their health in sunlight. Requires water.
  Fire Attunement now sets the caster on fire until   Water Attunement is cast.
A new bomb cannot be placed until all existing bombs have exploded.
Reduced longbow skill range to 600. Increased range of projectiles fired by shield skills to 1,200 to compensate.
Morality system added for guardians. Failing to remain virtuous will cause you to lose access to your Virtue skills.
Due to time fluctuations, Alacrity can no longer be applied to chronomancers.
The following mesmer weapons can now only be wielded in the off hand: sword, scepter, staff, and greatsword.
Minion skills now require corpses. Flesh Golem requires multiple corpses to cast.
Fixed a bug that allowed professions other than necromancer to talk to ghost NPCs.
Ranger pets now require food. Failing to feed your pet will cause them to leave your kennel.
Rangers can now dual-wield shortbows.
The   Legendary Assassin Stance skill   Phase Traversal now creates a portal that other players can use to follow you.
Fixed a typo: "Facet of X" has been changed to "Faucet of X." The functionality of this skill has been updated to reflect its fixed name.
Stealing from NPCs will now aggro town guards if you are seen.
Shadowstepping no longer functions in areas with no shadows.
Warriors can now triple-wield weapons by slotting a third weapon into their helmet slot.
Phalanx Strength now applies Fury, Regeneration, Protection, Aegis, Resistance, Vigor, Swiftness, Quickness, Alacrity, Spotter, Stealth, Superspeed, and   Fire Attunement in addition to Might.
Infantile mode is now available for all raids. Bosses have 50% reduced health and outgoing damage. Loot from the boss chests consists of two blues and a green.
Elementalists now gain a -20% outgoing damage enhancement when setting foot in a raid, until they leave.
Spirit Vale
The Vale Guardian now splits into six colors instead of three.
Salvation Pass
Slothasor is tired of the constant interrupts from his naps and will now enrage, dealing 500% outgoing damage each time he wakes up.
Stronghold of the Faithful
Glenna insists she is not your puppy and will now sometimes refuse to follow players.
Bastion of the Penitent
The Mursaat Overseer now has new chess pieces added to its encounter.
-> Jade knights will instantly stomp any player that is downed.
-> Jade bishops will dash in unpredictable diagonal patterns across the room, claiming all tiles in their path.
Lion's Arch Aerodrome
The trading-post merchant has been crushed by boxes again. Look for his return when his lawsuit against the Black Lion Trading Company inevitably ends in dismissal.
The technician in the Special Forces Training Arena has finished collecting her data and as such does not require adventurers' aid. She has left the zone and will no longer spawn golems. She was last heard muttering something about DPS meter elitism.
Extended our dishonor system to anyone who says "get good" in chat.
If a thief kills another thief, they receive 5 minutes of dishonor.
Now when ArenaNet claims an objective, all players inside the objective are invulnerable.
World-linked all worlds in NA to Blackgate and every world in EU to Far Shiverpeaks.
Killing members of Yak's Bend will now count toward the Yakslapper title.
The tides have risen in the Eternal Battlegrounds. All combat is underwater.
The team that controls Stonemist Castle may now send invaders into other worlds' dungeons and raid instances. Invaders will be represented by a red glow.
  Epidemic target cap is now unlimited in WvW.
Siege adjustments:
-> Removed trebuchets.
-> Removed catapults.
-> Removed shield generators.
-> Removed ballistas.
-> Removed siege golems.
-> Halved damage on flame rams.
-> Doubled damage on arrow carts.
0 notes
Update - April 1, 2016
Fully customizable UI has been added, with scripting support for Ada, COBOL, and Fortran.
All fine and masterwork gear now comes in blister packs. Blister packs must be triple-clicked to open and have a chance to inflict bleeding.
All food items can now spoil. Spoilage rates are determined by the ingredients in the recipe.
Fixed a bug that prevented players from entering Super Adventure Box on live servers.
Due to the chaotic nature of magic, bloodstone dust no longer stacks.
World vs. World
Added the new Siege Reactivator trick, which reactivates siege equipment that has been disabled via the Siege Disabler trick.
Added the Super Siege Disabler trick, which prevents reactivation via the Siege Reactivator trick.
Structured Player vs. Player
Increased the size of all PvP badges while not in PvP.
Added retaliation to all target golems.
In order to streamline the experience of Fractals of the Mists, every fractal has been replaced with Swampland.
Removed all terrain and environment assets from the Mossman encounter. Players will now engage the Mossman in a featureless, gray, circular room, and this is why we can’t have nice things.
Fixed a bug that allowed ascended boxes to drop from fractal daily chests.
Mystic Forge
Added toilet-flushing sound effect on use of the Mystic Forge.
All dungeons now penalize failure and have been darkened based on their difficulty. Dying in lighter dungeons will delete items or currency, but dying in the darkest ones will delete your character.
Profession Skills
Removed fire attunement.
Added dual keyboard support to better support proper elementalist key binding.
Now deals 50% bonus damage to dragons and their minions.
Aegis now ends after 5 attacks instead of 1 attack.
Now gains bonus items when salvaging.
Elixir X now uses a random skill from all skills, including monster skills.
Fixed an exploit that allowed chronomancers to go back in time and kill their opponents in PvP before the match began.
Portal’s recharge has been removed, and the colors of the effects have been changed to blue and orange.
Death shroud can now only be activated from the downed state.
Scepter autoattacks now apply fear.
Coalescence of Ruin: Increased damage, range, number of targets, and area of effect while in WvW.
Added a Kilroy Stonekin legend. All skills cause you to run at the closest enemy and scream “KILROY STONEKIN!”
Stealth no longer ends when you attack.
Steal now transfers ownership of a random weapon from your opponent to you.
Fixed a bug that allowed warriors to get kills in Ranked PvP.
Hundred Blades: This skill’s number of attacks has been increased to 100 to properly match its name.
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