gwarchtawelwch · 3 years
“If one of your ‘blows’ isn’t low, I feel like it’s probably because you messed up, or stuttered, or perhaps were too flustered to come up with a proper ‘sick burn.’” She was pretty sure that’s what they were called.
“And that one’s terribly uncreative, isn’t it? Come on, you’re hardly the first person I’ve heard boast about their curses!”
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“Tell you what, if you can come up with a curse even I would find frightening before we reach the top, I may refrain from tossing you from the canopy.”
“Well like I said; I mean what I mean. And there’s not much point saying anything if you don’t mean it, and there’s no point being mean in a half measure, you know? Otherwise you’ll just have to repeat yourself.”
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Gwinifer rolled her eyes before giving her head a little shake.
“...You’re not going to throw me off the top.” She assured, definitely not just to herself. “Even if I’m sure you would find it amusing to watch me drift down... Are you asking me to scare you? Aren’t you scared of lights.”
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gwarchtawelwch · 3 years
That little grumble let Midna knew that she won, even if it was never a competition and there was no prize. Midna felt like she won… something, somehow, and that was the only important part here. She even snickered aloud at her own victory.
“What do you mean, what do I mean? You’ve always been one with a sharp tongue, no? Even now, you’re threatening to curse me.”
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She ran her hand along the floral guard rail that outlined the leafy steps, pausing to take one petal from a flower as her hand passed it by. (No one would mind, right?)
“What kind of curse? Tell me all the details.”
“I mean what I mean, and what I mean is the implication that you’re implying my blows are of a typically low nature. Which is rude, even for you.” 
She gave her head a little upturn, clutched her broom and continued up the leaf steps, but she couldn’t keep  a little smile off the corner of her lips.
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“What kind of curse?” She didn’t stop, but she did slow down for a moment. “There’s a great many curses I could inflict, each one more terrible than the last. Like making all your pillows smell like bad feet.”
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gwarchtawelwch · 3 years
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So it’s been...................... 13 months since my last rp ad...
I have forgotten how to read and write. Please, my brain, she is sick.
So rp ad? Small interaction with a vapourwave witch? I need to get back into the swing of things. I’m not going to cap this but I am probably not gonna be fast, and I’ll prioritise people she already knows, if they’re still around.
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gwarchtawelwch · 3 years
Gwinifer should already know she’s special, Midna thought, but decided not to voice it because she figured Gwinifer could already sort of feel it, maybe? She was still a little unsure exactly how Gwinifer’s powers worked, exactly.
As soon as the threat was voiced, though, Midna stopped, and gave Gwinifer a cold stare.
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“That’s a low blow, Gwinifer. Even for you. I’m heartbroken…” she said, with a dramatic spin, lightly hitting Gwinifer in the side with her cape. But, the tiny witch would absolutely be able to tell that Midna was trying her best not to laugh.
Oh she could feel it, and it only made her greyer. A confusing sort of fuzz that kept her silent for a moment, but she still followed. 
Followed until Midna twirled around at least, and then she had to stop so she didn’t walk right into her. Stood there wide eyed at the suddenly cold expression.  Extra confusing yes, because it didn’t feel cold and reconciling the differences between what she saw and what she felt always made her pause. 
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But with the dramatic spin and the princess continuing on her way what she felt finally overpowered the façade, and her response was simply to make a little grumble of mostly faux annoyance. 
“What do you mean ‘even for me’? I’ll curse you.” 
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gwarchtawelwch · 3 years
Midna’s laughter was near immediate, all warped and Twili and loud. But she calmed down after a few hearty chuckles and, when she was sure Gwinifer wouldn’t immediately fall off the step, she set her back down.
“That never gets old! You wouldn’t believe how many people I’ve gotten with that trick.”
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“I don’t usually catch them though.” And then she was once again rising up the steps, though only half sure if Gwinifer would still follow.
It was a painful predicament; enjoying Midna’s laugh but only growing more embarrassed at being laughed at. Also still being held up by her, that was as terrible as it was fantastic. Still, she made sure to give an extra loudh “Tsk..!” As she was set back down, smoothing out her dress again for effect.
“Well lucky me, I guess I’m special...”
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After clearing her throat she did follow, hoping to move swiftly on both literally and metaphorically. “Do it again and I’ll stop making you cookies.”
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gwarchtawelwch · 3 years
The best part about levitating upwards is that she could just as easily do it backwards as forwards, leaving her free to face Gwinifer the whole way up if she wanted.
“You say that, but…” With an unnecessary twirl of her fingers, turned a bit of the leaf just where Gwinifer was about to take a step into Twilight Particles, creating a hole small enough for Gwinifer’s foot to fall through, and for her to stumble forward right into Midna’s awaiting arms.
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“But you can hardly even manage the first step.” After her signature glitchy laugh, she propped Gwinifer back up onto her own two feet on the next leaf up.
“I do say that.”
But that was all she had time to say. A small furrow of the brow at the twirly fingers, then the absolute assurance she was about to die as her footing suddenly wasn’t there. Dying on the first step... She should have figured.
Yet before suffering the torment of having her own life flash before her eyes, she realised she’d been caught by the princess. She hung on tightly, but only for a moment. 
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“...Yes yes, very funny...”
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gwarchtawelwch · 3 years
“It put out these leaves for you! And what kind of self respecting witch would you be if you denied the leaves their use?” she said, making no moves to un-float and instead floating over the first of many leaves.
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“But if you get tired and need me to carry you, I won’t tell the tree.”
“And I intend to make full use of them. You are free to do as you best see fit, as I’m sure you will.” She gave her head a little upturn with what was essentially a silent hmph, but still she smiled. Then she started walking.
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“I certainly wouldn’t be a witch of the wood, would I? And how very kind, but for this I think I can manage.”
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gwarchtawelwch · 3 years
“Walk? I said I would scale the tree with you, lil Gwinnie, but I did not say I would walk it all.”
She had limitless levitation now, something she immediately began to make use of. It was only a few inches off the ground, but the effort it saved her was immense with just that.
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“You have your broom, and I have my powerful self. We’re even.”
Puffed out her cheeks at that nickname, but aside from that and a slight greying of the cheeks she kept her composure.
“Of course I have my broom, what kind of self respecting witch would I be if I was caught outside without it.”
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“But I don’t intend to ride it up... That wouldn’t be respectful to the tree, and quite a tree it is. Look, it’s even put these leaves out just for us.”
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gwarchtawelwch · 3 years
Standing in the shade of the boreal titan Gwinifer glanced first at her phone, then up at canopy of the great tree. Should be enough time. Then a look to the leafy staircase before finally settling on Midna as she clutched her broom close.
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“So you’re an active princess, I trust you’ll be all right with the walk? It’s quite a tall tree...”
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gwarchtawelwch · 3 years
Midna wouldn’t say it was rare to see Gwinifer so genuinely and outwardly enthusiastic about something, but it was nice to see when it happened nevertheless. So Midna adjusted herself in her seat to get a closer look and pay more attention.
“How many… en pea sees? Do you know them all? And do they know you?” The answer to Gwinifer’s question was… probably very obvious.
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“Never in my life! This’ll be a first for me. Is it hard? It’s just clicking and… clicking.”
“Forty five.” She said without hesitation. “Though I suppose there’s only twenty eight in the actual village...” She paused again. “Yes! I suppose they do in other save files, but I haven’t met them all in this one yet.”
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“Well! This is a good first game to play, I think. It’s fairly simply to control, and you don’t have to worry about much at the start while it still leaves you plenty to build on later.  Would you... Like to play? There is multiplayer...”
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gwarchtawelwch · 3 years
[ @gwarchtawelwch​ ]
“So you just… farm?” she said, watching Gwinifer play a particular pixelated farming sim game over her shoulder. “Doesn’t that get boring after a while?”
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She knew this was one of Gwinifer’s hobbies, though, so she was trying to understand. “Is that you?” she asked, pointing to Gwinifer’s farmer girl avatar at the center of the screen.
“That is... Basically the name of the game, and it is set primarily on a farm, yes. But despite being a farming simulator, there’s so much more to do than just farming! It’s basically a life simulator.” She half turned to look at the princess, her enthusiasm already shining through.
“You want to try and make money and farming is one way, but there’s a whole bunch of other ways to do that! And there’s lots of great NPCs in town that all have their own fleshed out personalities, likes, dislikes and routines...”
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“... Have you played any videogames before?”
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gwarchtawelwch · 3 years
“The only thing scary about her is how scary hot she is,” came her easy reply, almost absentmindedly. “Seriously, I think she’d love it!”
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“As sweet as you?” Given the state of the plant right now and the uncertainty of whether or not there’d be more berries in the future, Memo didn’t want to ask for one of Gwin’s… but if they can heal it, then…
“Oh, heck yeah! I mean, that’s… good, right? I mean, not because of the emotions thing, really, but… but good to feel like yourself again, right? I hope?” She hoped. Otherwise, she was gonna feel awkward.
“Oh, what else can you do now then! Show off for me! Unless it’ll attract things other than me. Like monsters. Don’t attract those.”
The mention of hotness not in relation to her made her go a bit greyer, and the mention of sweetness absolutely in relation to her only deepened the blush. “I don’t want to impose...” She manage to squeak out.
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Was it good? She wasn’t really sure. “Well... I don’t know, maybe... I’m just glad I had a house out here before it all came rushing back... I never really go anywhere near cities at home, the two closest towns can be more than enough most of the time...” Another pause. “I guess it’s nice having the other things, I suppose... I got my broom back...” A broom at least, and it’s not like the broom itself did anything anyway. 
“S-show off...” Stumped for a moment, she sat there dumbfounded. But eventually she raised a hand and a small wave of cascading and prismatic lights went fanning out above them, curling and shining like faerie fireworks. It was a brilliant display of light, but she didn’t let it go on for very long. 
“Probably don’t want to make too much of a show of it... What do you  mean attract you?!”
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gwarchtawelwch · 3 years
“If I told Crow she needed her forge to have literally no iron in it and still be capable of making a sword… she’d probably take it as a challenge. And get it done. I’ll bring it up to her!” She would, even if Gwinifer didn’t actually say she wanted Memo to. Memo could just tell that Gwinifer thought the idea was cool.
“Something only we know… makes it more special. How quickly did it get like this? Did you get any berries before it started to wilt? It’s almost hard to remember what they taste like…”
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“Ohhh… I think I’ve heard you talk about that sort of stuff before, now that you mention it. Been a little bit, though, I thought you couldn’t really do that sort of stuff yet?”
“I don’t really want you to go inconveniencing her just for me... Even if she wasn’t a scary vampire...” Perish the thought. “I think so too... Uhm, slowly, really... Which was also kind of strange. I do have a couple of the berries saved. Not as many as I’d like though, they’re some of my favourites...”
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“Sweet..” For a moment, she didn’t realise she had a dumb smile on her face as the recalled the taste. She promptly turned greyer when she did.
“Uhm, no, I suppose it has been... W-well, that changed, a little while ago... For the longest time it seemed like the only part of me I had was the worst part really, feeling people’s emotions... At least it was in a small range.” She paused, brow furrowing for a moment. “But that changed. I feel... Exactly as I did before I arrived here now.”
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gwarchtawelwch · 3 years
“Crow and I could teach you, if you wanted! Doesn’t even have to use iron, could use copper! Which is fine because I assume it’d just be decorative. Could have a nice forest witchy hilt, too.” Though she offered sincerely, she was not sure if Gwinifer would even be strong enough to do any forging work. Memo herself was already barely strong enough.
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“Maybe I should go back there more often…. honestly, even if it’s not doing so well though, it’s still really nice just to see it. But if the well doesn’t work, then… at least this means that there might be others, right?”
The sphere didn’t escape her notice, and she was sure Gwin could sense her curiosity anyway, so she decided to just come right out and ask.
“What about the crystal ball? What’s that for?”
She spent a moment longer looking at the sword. A copper sword with a thematic hilt... That would be cool. “Decorative, yes... B-but, well... I’m not sure how much I’d enjoy being in a forge... I’m only guessing, but I assume it’s mostly steel and the like...”
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“Right..? Don’t get me wrong, plants from other worlds is something I thought I’d never get to experience... But there’s something comforting about finding something that seems to only be from your own world... Something you know, something from home...”
She did sense the curiosity, and her eyes followed Memo’s.
“Oh, well... I mean, I was thinking that if we really couldn’t find it I could... I could try to scry on it... It’s kind of a desperate measure really, there’s less chance it’ll work properly if I haven’t been to or seen the place with my own eyes. But sometimes... Sometimes information is enough...”
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gwarchtawelwch · 3 years
“I made it, thank you very much!” she said, with more than a little proud defiance in her voice. And then followed up in a much smaller voice: “…but she did help a lot yes.” She pulled it out of the sheathe just enough to show her initials engraved onto the bottom of the blade and a hint of its damascus-steel-esque patterning.
“I tried armour, too, but… fun fact, armour is really heavy and it gets really hot.”
When Memo peered inside the backpack and recognized what it was (or rather, the significance of what it was) she gasped, and very nearly wanted to grab the backpack right out of Gwin’s hands to get a better look.
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“Oh! Oh!!! Did you get this from the garden?! It’s been years since I’ve seen one!” And then she did peer in a little closer, and it looked, well… “Mm… ones I saw last looked a lot healthier though. Do you think the lifewell will work on this? It’s not exactly native to here… or, I guess technically it kind of halfly is?”
At that she did give a respectful nod. “Still, I’m sure it couldn’t have been easy... Swords are neat...” She was still wary, but the pattern on the metal was pretty, and the initials a cute touch. “I don’t know much about... Forging.” She tilted her head, humming in agreement. “I don’t know how fun a fact that is, but I believe you.”
The glow of emotion that followed the plant’s reveal was a pleasant one, pleasant enough to suppress what would have been a glare at any potential grabby hands. 
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“Mhm, that’s right... I’ve visited there quite a few times, but... I almost never see the berry plants like we have back at home...” With extreme care, she lifted it out of the backpack to turn it around and get a better look, simultaneously revealing a big crystal sphere in the bag underneath it. “I’m not really sure what it counts as... But I know a thing or two about plants and I can’t really explain why this one isn’t doing so great... The ash shouldn’t be a problem and even if it was... It needs it. I don’t know, I guess I’m being optimistic about the well...”
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gwarchtawelwch · 3 years
“You don’t strike me as the ‘inviting trouble’ sort of type. Unless I’ve got you all wrong. Worse comes to worse, though, I can take care of both of us, so don’t even sweat it!”
She patted the hilt of her small sword on her hip, one that she made herself (with a lot of guidance and help from Crow). “This thing is… mostly for show. I just barely get any excuses to keep it on me. But it looks cool, right?”
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At the mention of the mysterious ‘something,’ Memo glanced over at Gwinifer’s backpack. “’Something’ you say. Is it a pet? A tiny little Mistwood critter? You put breathing holes in your backpack, right?” she said, before sticking out her tongue and bumping her hip against Gwin’s side.
“Why so secretive!”
“Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that...” She wished she could say something along the lines of; ‘if we saw anything perhaps I could scare it off or distract it!’ but even now she knew that wouldn’t be the  case, she’d only freeze up or panic.
She eyed the sword with the same level of caution she did for most iron or steel objections, which was to say a lot. But still... “It does, yes. You look good with a sword... Did your girlfriend make that..?”
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Being the featherweight she was, the little hip bump was more than enough to move her. With a little hop she landed a few feet away, then hesitated. “...Well, it’s not a critter...” A moment later she gently unslung her pack, zipping it down to reveal what the Jirachi would certainly be able to recognise as a small Salac Berry plant, though not the happiest looking specimen. 
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gwarchtawelwch · 3 years
“Wandering? No, I try not to… I’m soft, and squishy, and also really tough and steel like, but mostly soft and squishy.” Something she’d rarely admit, but it’d do no good to pretend like you could withstand the Mistwood monsters when you were actually in the Mistwood.
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“I barely know anyone who would even know what I was talking about if I mentioned the lifewell,” she said, taking a small step closer to Gwin as they wandered. Properly wandered.
“What’s got you into the idea of finding it all of a sudden, anyway? I forgot to ask before we left.”
“Soft, squishy, and also really tough...” She repeated, humming to herself. “I can’t really claim to be an expert on the... Supernatural things that roam the woods, but I think we’ll be okay if we don’t go inviting trouble...” And if they did, well... She was choosing not to think about that.
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“Either way I’m sure you can take care of yourself...” Heavens forbid anyone would have to rely on her to take care of them. “No, I suppose not...  Though, mysterious and esoteric is usually how I prefer my forest knowledge.” When the question was posed to her she didn’t respond right away, continuing to pick her way through the forest in silence for a moment. 
“I’ve got something that isn’t too doing too good. Normally I can heal anything, it’s never something I’ve struggled with before. But this seems... Different.” 
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