gwenadier · 40 minutes
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gwenadier · 2 hours
i wore red eyeshadow today and this lil mexican boy like 10 yrs old had his silver chain and hat and was all puffed up machismo but got all shy walkin over to the counter and was like “i really love your eyeshadow” in the most genuine awestruck voice. can’t believe i almost didn’t wear it. i almost missed out on bein “masc mexican dude wearing makeup” representation my heart was so full
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gwenadier · 6 hours
the thing about darker than black is i know i started watching it like 3 times already and got distracted but i have no idea if i ever finished it (this is like when i watched charlotte a second time thinking ive never seen it and it took me until the last episode to realize i already watched the entire thing)
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gwenadier · 8 hours
saw someone say "if i didn't know better i'd think [the missing submarine case] was just viral marketing for markipler's iron lung" ajnd was briefly captivated by this world where markiplier sends 5 billionaires to their deaths to promote his movie
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gwenadier · 8 hours
theres something about being disabled and needing to sit down constantly in public spaces that makes you notice how often benches are put up as tributes and memorials. and before i hit an age where i really started to need them as frequently i think i never fully understood the sentiment but now its become very endearing to me. a bit of relief and care for you in the name of someone who offered us the same… i dont think i had a point with this post but i hope everyone thats been memorialized as such knows how loved they were to become synonymous with respite even to total strangers
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gwenadier · 8 hours
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gwenadier · 8 hours
making art sites that don't allow NSFW is useless to me. not even to get my rocks off, i mean at this point not allowing NSFW ends up being a nightmare of random queers getting banned because the guidelines are too ill-defined and art that presents the human body, especially femme and trans, will just get obliterated for no reason despite not being sexual.
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gwenadier · 8 hours
If you want a good object lesson about what we can and can't know about the past, we don't know Ea-Nasir was a dishonest merchant selling shoddy goods.
What we know is we have found a cache of complaint tablets about him selling low quality copper as high quality, in a site that was probably his own residence. We know multiple people complained he was a cheat. It's entirely possible they were right. It's also entirely possible that he kept these complaint letters as records of people he would no longer do business with, because they had made accusations and threats in order to bully him into giving them free copper. That is an equally valid interpretation of the evidence.
My point is not that we have maligned Ea-Nasir, my point is that thousands of years later, we do not and cannot know.
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gwenadier · 8 hours
I don't care about Dungeon Meshi otherwise but "Tallmen" is SUCH an elegant solution to placing humans in a fantasy setting that it's still blowing my mind. Just the term itself is enough to instantly recontextualize humans. They're no longer the default race. They're those big goobers with long legs, striding about all the time. I can so easily envision much more interesting relationships between humans and non-humans because of it. Like perhaps "tallmen" are stereotyped as shepherds by other races because they can watch over their flocks better, or as vagabonds because they are better suited to long travel on foot. And of course, they don't *literally* have to be taller than everybody else, they were just the tallest around whenever the label became the norm, or something like that. I just feel like it's so much better than what I've seen in settings like D&D that go "and humans are the... adaptable, generalist people :)!"
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gwenadier · 8 hours
If something doesn't work, you try another method. You can't tell me to "vote blue no matter who" when I have literal decades of proof that it doesn't stop Republican policy and often results in rightward shifts in the Overton Window as the bad policy democrats do enact just makes people think bad is actually good.
Remember "no more kids in cages"? Do you even care about that anymore? If you give up your political ideals so easily in exchange for *checks notes* lies and rhetoric, why should we listen to your political advice? You keep hitting yourself with a hammer and demanding that it will save everyone if enough people just do it.
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gwenadier · 9 hours
Changing pronouns during sex, forcing you to change yours to parry the homosexuality with the right timing
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gwenadier · 10 hours
Biden: *ignores covid, funds multiple wars and genocides, funds the police MORE, enforces more deportations than Trump, etc.*
Also Biden: *caps a drug price or two.*
Liberals: "This is HUGE! We MUST RELECT BIDEN!"
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gwenadier · 11 hours
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Prison abolition. Today. Always.
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gwenadier · 11 hours
started to terribly misspell there and my phone helpful suggested “disco estradiol” which is
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gwenadier · 11 hours
Oh ground beef dumplings recipe I wanted to try but forgot to write down… where art thou? :(
You should be starting a recipe book. I don't give a shit if you're only 20-years-old. The modern web is rotting away bit by bit before our very eyes. You have no idea when that indie mom blog is going down or when Pinterest will remove that recipe. Copy it down in a notebook, physically or digitally. Save it somewhere only you can remove it. Trust me, looking for a recipe only to find out it's been wiped off the internet is so fucking sad. I've learned my lesson one too many times.
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gwenadier · 11 hours
Omg. Just Stop Oil just broke into the private airfield where Taylor Swift’s private jet was parked and spray painted it orange
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gwenadier · 11 hours
Racism is alive and well in America
This Juneteenth as we celebrate and reflect on the progress we've made and look to what we can do to improve equal rights for black folks I want to bring attention to an issue far too closet to my heart- environmental racism.
I had a friend who died, far too young. It's been many years so newer tumblr users won't know him. His name was james and he was a popular tumblr user when he was alive @kumagawa . I idolized him like an older brother, and still do. He lived in Flint, Michigan. He was around 27 when he died. He was a healthy man, other than the fact he lived with dirty water in Flint, Michigan.
I'll never fucking forgive the US government for killing my friend, my brother. Why did James die? Because Flint, Michigan is 56% Black. Because it would be expensive to fix the lead pipes that gave my friend lead poisoning and killed him.
As of April 24,2024 the city of Flint, Michigan still hasn't replaced all the lead pipes that are poisoning the people living there.
If you can help, give money to Mari Copeny's go fund me.
Mari Copeny, better known as Little miss Flint, is now 16 years old and over the past few years has raised nearly a million dollars for her community.
She has a website to links for other ways to support the community
Please reblog this post if you can't give any money... It would mean the world to me if I could use my friend's memory to help promote environmental racism and the issues still facing his community today.
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