gwendolyn02 · 2 years
Through Me
Pairing: kinda Bucky Barnes x reader, kinda Steve Rogers x reader, kinda Stucky (honestly this is the second thing I've ever written and I dont know how to really lable this)
Word count: roughly 85
This is angsty
Synopsis: Did they love you or eachother.
An: This is more of a snippet or a prompt I guess, I don't really know what to call it. But I thought it up and felt the need to share. If you do use this as a prompt or inspiration please tag me I'd love to read what you write!
They were both trying to woo me, or that's what I originally thought. It started with flirting and light touches to full blown make outs. But after a while I realized they touch me exactly where the other had. They weren't trying to love me, no, they were trying to love eachother through me. They were scared and ashamed to love eachother, which I guess with the day and age they grew up in is understandable, but they were using me as middle ground and I can't stand it.
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gwendolyn02 · 3 years
Binge watching Teen Wolf and am only a couple episodes into 5a and am already missing Derek
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gwendolyn02 · 4 years
How do you make friends, like legitimate friends that won't leave and ignore for no reason? Cause I'm feeling lonely and in need of some of those right about now.
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gwendolyn02 · 4 years
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Just watched Julie and the Phantoms for the first time. Reggie's my favorite and it just so happens I had everything to replicate his outfit from the first episode in my closet so I was like lets do it why not.
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gwendolyn02 · 4 years
For Him - Spencer Reid x Reader
Summary:  Reader would do anything for Spencer to be happy even if she doesn’t think her feelings are reciprocated, and when Maeve’s life is on the line she proves that. Plus reader and Spencer are able to talk effortlessly and have a deep connection not Maeve and Spencer. Also kind of inspired/based on Yellow by Coldplay
Word Count: 1985
Content Warning: Blood, guns you know normal criminal mind things :/
A/N: This is my very first fanfic I have ever written. I don’t really know what i should put as warnings and such so I’m winging it along with all of this. Also I don’t know what to classify this but I’d guess angst with a happy ending. Like I said this is my first fanfic so bear with me. I also did not proof read this because I was so excited to post it so it might have spelling or grammatical errors.
Spencer and you have been the best of friends since a month after you joined the team, and you’ve had feelings for him just as long, little did you know the feelings were mutual. The whole team could see the longing looks when the other wasn’t looking, they even have a bet of when you guys would get together. You were always there for each other comforting and consoling the other when a case hit a little too close to home for either of you. You’d distract yourselves if you didn’t want to talk about why a case had upset you; You’d read to each other, watch Doctor Who, play chess, or even go on walks late at night to look at the stars.
When Emily “died” Spencer would come to your apartment crying his eyes out and you stayed strong for him as he has had so many people leave him, he needed comforting more than you, and that made your heart ache even more. You decided to take him to your couch, lay his head on your lap, and run your hands through his hair. It would calm him so much that he’d fall asleep. He looks so peaceful well he slept with his head on your legs you couldn’t help yourself to lean down and kiss him on his forehead and whisper, “Do you know, you know I love you so.”
It’s been a while since then, Emily is alive and in London, and everyone has gone back to normal, well everyone except for everyone’s favorite genius. He was happier than normal, but also more secretive. The team thought that you guys must have finally started dating until one day you came in to work looking a little down, and your longing looks towards Spencer also had pain in your eyes. That was the day after you found out about her. You were having one of your normal hang outs with Spence when you noticed he was spacing out a lot and he had this look in his eyes, a look you knew well. It was the same look you’d get when you thought about him. You didn’t like it, you almost denied it but you had to ask him if your suspicions were right.
“Who is she?” you blurted out. He jumped your sudden outburst blush started to creep up his neck.
“Who is who?” he asked hesitantly.
“Spencer I’m not stupid. You've been extra happy and more secretive lately, and you were just spacing out with a smile on your face. You never space out when we’re watching Doctor Who. So, there is only one reason, you’re seeing someone. What’s her name?” you ask hoping he’ll deny it meaning it’s not too serious or that you were somehow wrong.
He’s hesitant but he says, “Maeve, her name is Maeve.” Your heart drops at this, and you tell him your happy for him. You were happy it was getting late so it wasn’t suspicious when you said you were heading home after that episode. As soon as you closed your apartment door behind you, you leaned against sliding down to a sitting position finally letting your tears fall.
When he walked in late the day after that wearing your favorite outfit of his you realized you couldn't go through with your original plan of slowly distancing yourself from him even if you wanted to, because his happiness was more important to you than your shattered heart. So, you continued to be his best friend even if it ripped out your heart every day and you now had to listen to him gush over her.
It was all good until one day at work he told everyone about her and how he was sure she was missing and how because of that he couldn’t focus on anything for more than four seconds making him the dumbest person in the room and needing the team and your help. You have never seen him like that, it hurt you in more way than one, he loves her, it's clear in his voice cracks along with how much pain he is in, and at that moment you promised yourself you’ll do anything to bring her back to him alive.
*Time Skip to outside Diane’s loft*
Diane knew your feeling for him, and that you’re his best friend, how she found out your unsure, but she did, and she wanted you both there. If you had to guess it was to raise the stakes for Spencer.
“Take your guns and vests off.”
You and Spencer followed her orders.
“Now just you two come in.”
You guys got to the top of the stairs and she opens the door with gun in hand, “Put the blindfold on him and lead him to the chair,” Diane says to you. You do so very carefully as she has her gun pushed into your back as she follows you.
Spencer asks if he can take the blindfold off and gets told no. He and Maeve swap hellos as Diane is putting her hand down Spencer’s shirt and complimenting in his brain and looks until he mentions her thesis, as you watch a little confused on what you're supposed to be doing so you start to mouth to Maeve that everything will be okay.
Spencer is trying to trick her into thinking her thesis is valuable enough to keep her save and out of jail, as you are trying to run through all possible outcomes of this situation in your head. He is trying to convince her he loves her not Maeve, and to let Maeve live with her irrelevancy. She makes sure to make Spencer say he doesn’t love you too, which confuses you, he doesn’t love me anyways you think, but he hesitates for a quick second and you and Maeve catch it but somehow Diane doesn’t. She then kisses Spencer and when he doesn’t reciprocate, she knows he’s lying. He grabs her gun and it fires into the air and then Spencer’s arm, it happened so fast you weren’t able to help him in fact you were knocked onto the ground. The rest of the team was in the room now as you hear Spencer repeatedly saying to stay back. Your standing back up when Spencer is telling her, “There is still a way out of this. Diane, I offered you a deal and you can still take it. M-”
“Me for her,” you interrupt him.  
“Why should I do that?” she asked.
“Because he hesitated in saying he didn’t love me, if you kill her you wouldn’t kill who he truly loves. You’d still have the real competition for him left,” you lie for the second half of this, but you aren’t looking at Spencer whose eyes got even wider in fear as what you were saying was actually true, and Diane sees that and aims her gun towards you. As she does that the team all have their guns pointed at her head. You hear two guns go off and Spencer screaming “WAIT!” you and Diane are on the ground now. Your stomach was gushing out blood. Diane his down a few feet away from you a bullet hole right between her eyes. Spencer rushes over to you and applies pressure to your wound as he tells the others they need medics, now, your vision as blurring and everything you hear is incoherent. Then everything goes black.
You hear movement around you and even though your eyes are closed you can see how bright the lights are in the room you’re in. You open your drowsy eyes to see Spencer pacing the room, he seems to be a mixture of worried, nervous, and stressed. It also looks like he’d been pulling at his hair some too.
“Hey Spence,” you croaked out. He immediately turns to you and lets out a sigh of relieve.
“Y/N, you’re awake, thank goodness. How are you feeling?” he asked.
“Like I’ve just been shot, but other than that perfectly fine,” you chuckle. He doesn’t laugh back, instead he gives you a very stern look.
“Why’d you do it Y/N, why’d did you trade yourself for her?” he questions. You look up at him and think what the hell, might as well tell him the truth.
“Do you know Spence I’d do anything for you, I’d even bleed myself dry,” you tell him in all honesty. He looks at you completely flabbergasted. Then he flushes pink and looks extremely nervous.
“There’s uh... something I need to tell you,” he mumbles and you look at him intently, telling him to continue with your eyes, “I’ve got to tell you this now, I can’t hold it in any longer, especially after almost losing you, you know, you coded on the operating table twice? I almost lost you, twice. So, you need to know Y/N I'm in love with you and I have been for four years six months ten days eight hours twenty-three minutes,” he glances down to his watch really quick, “and fifteen seconds, and I broke up with Maeve, she knew when I hesitating in saying I don’t love you that I really did, and sure I loved her but nowhere close to how much I love you, I only started dating her because I knew there is no way you’d return my feelings, but that was unfair to her,”  he exhales loudly as he rambled forgetting to breathe in between sentences. You look at him in awe, mouth gaped open, and when you realize he staring at you waiting for you to say something.
“I love you too Spence, I have for a long time now, but I thought a genius like you would want another genius, not me,” you say blushing. He moves closer to you leaning towards to you and you lean towards him and gently brush you lips against his. He takes in that you want to kiss him too and smashes his lips into yours for a passionate kiss. You were so caught up in the kiss that you didn’t hear the doors to your hospital room open as the team walks in, you only realize when you hear Derek wolf whistle and Penelope squeal.
“My man,” Derek says slapping Spencer on his shoulder.
“Congrats,” Rossi and Hotch tell you guys, Hotch even wearing one of his rare smiles on his face.
Alex just smiles. While JJ pulls Spence into a hug before carefully doing the same to you. Penelope is so excited she hyperventilating a little bit in the corner with Derek now trying to calm her down, he looks over his shoulder at you two and say, “We’ll give you lovebirds some privacy” leading Penelope out as the others follow. You and Spencer just look at each other and smile contently.  
Bonus Scene
As the team are outside of your room with a finally calm Penny G, JJ calls Emily and puts her on speaker, while the other each hand Rossi a twenty.
“Hey Em guess what just happened?” JJ says, and Emily doesn’t know so she replies with a what with a chuckle as she could hear the smile in JJ’s voice so she knows it's not a serious call. “Y/N and Spe-”
“You owe me twenty bucks,” Rossi cuts in.  
“Are you for real?” Emily asks knowing exactly what he was talking about, the bet the made when you first joined the team that they updated every so often and started going by months instead of days or weeks since you guys took so long. They had updated it right before Emily left and when Alex came, she decided to join it too. Rossi had this month.
“Yup,” JJ confirms, “we walked in on them kissing.”
“Well it took them long enough,” Emily says, and everyone laughs in agreement. Even though you were shot it ended up being a happy day.
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gwendolyn02 · 4 years
I'm thinking about writing my very first fan fic but I'm not that good of a writing. It's going to be spencer x reader and deal with the whole maeve death scene although I haven't gotten there in the show yet but I know a bit due to the fan fics I have read. It also is kinda going to go with the song yellow by Coldplay. Does anyone find this interesting if so it might be up sometime within this week maybe as I have the basis of what I want to happen planned out but I'm binge watching the show right now and am on season 7 episode 22 so I'd like to actually get to maeve before writing it.
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gwendolyn02 · 5 years
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gwendolyn02 · 6 years
Fish, how do I board the train?
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gwendolyn02 · 6 years
I know the feel, my birthday is tomorrow
I just realized there’s less than a week till my birthday.
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gwendolyn02 · 6 years
Love marriage and happiness, well I'm too young to get married so this is wrong lol
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gwendolyn02 · 6 years
I read this and pictured someone raving like "you ain't get any sleep tonight, my dude!"
Draw the minor deity of sleep
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gwendolyn02 · 6 years
Ok... but my childhood stuffed animal is missing, I've been trying to find it for over a month now
Your childhood stuffed animal is missing. It went on a quest to save you from something terrible.
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gwendolyn02 · 6 years
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gwendolyn02 · 6 years
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gwendolyn02 · 6 years
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Some art I did, I've been in kinda down lately.
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gwendolyn02 · 6 years
Love marriage and money, all not happening lol
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gwendolyn02 · 6 years
Hit that reblog if you sad as fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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