gwentheharpy · 4 years
David Bowie - Sound And Vision
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gwentheharpy · 4 years
Jake had always preferred to walk home from work instead of apparating if the weather was nice. It had been his main reason for choosing a flat in the city, the chance for a bit of air and exercise without going out especially for it. He smiled at people as he passed them, offering nods or the occasional ‘hello’ as he took a detour through the park. The evening was warm and sunny and he had no rush to be home.
He almost didn’t recognise Gwenog behind the sunglasses and the gigantic ice cream, already offering up a polite smile when she spoke and his eyes widened in recognition. “Gwenog! Hi! It really has been too long. I’d ask how you’re getting on, but I keep seeing your name in the sports section of the papers so I imagine pretty well.” He took a seat next to her.
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Gwenog’s laughter bubbled from her easily, as always, as she smiled at Jacob. It was nice to see a familiar face. “Well, that’s life as a the nations latest Quidditch prodigy, I suppose,” she grinned, her tone full of mirth. It was easier to address her fame as if it was still some great joke. After all, she felt barely any different about it all than before she’d gone from reserve on the Harpies just a couple of seasons ago to their current Vice Captain. 
“But as far as I’m aware, you aren’t in the paper,” she said as he sat next to her. Sliding her sunglasses up onto her head. “What have you been getting up to since I saw you last?”
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gwentheharpy · 4 years
Work had let out and Ted needed to drop by Diagon to pick up a new set of robes. As usual, the distraction of ice cream quickly left him sidetracked. The treat took on new importance since there was still a little time left before he needed to return home for dinner. That, and no threat of Nymphadora eating her own dish then insisting on stealing from his. It was too good of an opportunity to pass on.
Vanilla cone in hand, Ted couldn’t help but chuckle once he spotted Gwenog. “The elusive Ted Tonks out in the wild without his wife or daughter to dote on. Such a rarity,” He shook his head. “You should take a picture since this is likely the last time that will happen.”
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“The perfect disguise!” She grinned up at Ted, taking a bite from her own cone before she put on a silly, confused voice. “That man can’t be Ted Tonks, he doesn’t have an absolutely adorable daughter or a wife that’s too hot for him.” 
She’d often teased him in school too. It was easy to joke around with most friendly quidditch rivals. Gwenog was competitive, sure, but she liked to think she wasn’t usually an asshole. “Where are your lovely daughter and lovely wife?”
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gwentheharpy · 4 years
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Moodboards (1/?) 
- Introducing Gwen
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gwentheharpy · 4 years
The city was perhaps Gilderoy Lockhart’s favorite place in the world; which was saying a lot, for someone who had been traveling since they were young. To see him walking or jogging down the London sidewalk wasn’t an uncommon sight for those who often visited the block near his loft. 
“Hey, Gwenog.” He stopped and flashed a dazzling smile, then lifted a brow. “Are you sure? There was a whole page dedicated to me in Witch Weekly last week. If you don’t have a subscription, you should get one soon. My life’s getting a bit busy. That’s probably the best way to keep up with me.” He made a mental note to send her a copy of last week’s magazine, if for no other reason then in hopes that it would spark conversation among the woman’s teammates. “What about you? How’s the season going?”
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“Quite sure, Gilderoy,” she said, the smile she returned was a little tighter than his, but still not unkind. She contained a roll of her eyes. “I’m not sure Witch Weekly is my kind of publication, to be honest. They don’t usually have up to date Quidditch scores.”
“Not too shabby. We thrashed Arrows last week, though of course, that was in the Prophet.” She didn’t like to wave the success of the Harpies around, even when they were having a season as good as this one had been so far. It felt too much like tempting fate, even when almost the entire squad was injury free and her first year in the vice captaincy couldn’t be going better. But there was something about the way he brought up his own fame so easily, that it dragged the competitive edge out of Gwen.
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gwentheharpy · 4 years
It wasn’t an unusual thing to find Gwen, or in fact any of the Harpies, at the Leaky Cauldron. It was where they usually went for birthdays and celebrations that warranted something a bit more special than the pub local to the stadium. It was one of the chasers celebrating tonight, and Gwen was sure they’d said six, but there was nothing wrong with arriving early. She’d never been able to get timings right on stuff like this anyway. She was much more a show up when she could type of person. Plus there was nothing wrong with a coupe of pre-drinks.
When the woman appeared next to her, she couldn’t help but raise a curious eyebrow. “An interesting way to choose your drinks,” she commented wryly, though she raised her glass to her anyway. The double shot of red-currant rum hardly suspect but still not necessarily identifiable. “What if it’s really awful?”
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The days where Amelia caught herself looking at the clock more than her actual work were the worst. Sure, it obviously meant that she was bored, and being bored always got on her nerves. Being bored at work, though, was a special kind of bad for Amelia. It started with her wishing she was somewhere else, and usually quickly evolved into her spiralling about her career and ambitions. This had been one of those days since two hours into her shift, so as soon as her clock rang 5 o’clock, she was quick to gather her things and leave her office. 
Amelia didn’t intend to end up at The Leaky Cauldron, but then again, when did she ever? She had quickly changed out of her work clothes before leaving the Ministry, and her wandering through London just so happened to lead her to the magical inn. She entered and looked around, it wasn’t quite busy yet but had a fair amount of witches and wizards, and that was typically the pub atmosphere Amelia prefered. She walked right up to the bar, setting her bag down next to her stool of choice, and glanced at the person sitting near. “I’ll have whatever they’re having.” 
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gwentheharpy · 4 years
She had walked by Gwenog at first, stopping short at her ‘Oh it’s you!’ and promptly turning on her heel. A large grin spread over her lips and she did a doubletake. Soft laughter could be heard as she approached, grinning once by Gwen’s side.
“You’re going to have to yell at me to get my attention next time,” Millie rolled her eyes and shifted her bag back over her shoulder. “I’m embarrassed to admit I almost didn’t recognize you under those sunglasses.”
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Gwen laughed loudly at her friend’s surprise, and pulled off the sunglasses. “You know me, Millie” she laid on a false, put-upon voice. “Trying to keep a low profile” It wasn’t like she was likely too be bothered out here anyway. The beautiful thing about London, rather than Holyhead, was people were too wrapped up in their own lives to notice a nationally renowned quidditch player eating ice cream.
“Why are you out and about anyway,” Gwen asked lightly, shifting her bag aside in a silent invitation for Millie to take a seat, if she wanted. “Don’t you normal people have things like jobs with regular hours?” she teased, smirking all the while. 
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gwentheharpy · 4 years
A park somewhere in Wizarding London
Gwenog was glad to be out of the Daily Prophet offices. The worst part of her day job, which was on the whole pretty spectacular, was doing press. The idea of inviting people into her life still a little uncomfortable. She liked to think she was a genuine person, but there was something about interviews that always made her feel more like an actress, out of those muggle movies her dad still liked to watch.
She’d taken herself straight to Fortescue’s ice cream parlour, rewarded herself with an obnoxiously large mango and chocolate concoction and settled down in the sun to relax and reset her mind. There were no shortage of friendly faces of course, and from behind her sunglasses she smiled at almost everyone passing by until she saw a more familiar face. “Oh it’s you!” she greeted, “Long time, no see.”
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gwentheharpy · 4 years
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Aisha Dee + making us swoon
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gwentheharpy · 4 years
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gwentheharpy · 4 years
Date: 2014
Location: Quidditch World Cup Quarter Final // Brazil vs. Wales
“Just who I was looking to see,” Ted chuckled, opting for shaking his head when Gwenog hit her head against the table. He bit back a smirk and kept his mouth shut until he was certain he would be able to speak without laughing at her.
“I hate to say it,” He sighed. “But the bloke deserved it.” The match easily counted as one of his favorites and he took a tremendous amount of pride in having watched it with his grandson. “Teddy wouldn’t stop going off about how you almost knocked his nose off. He still doesn’t believe we used to play together.”
She peeked up at him with the same sulky pout she would have used in school. Decades ago, but Ted Tonks managed to make it feel like days. “You flatter me,” she stuck out her tongue. She waved a waitress over for another drink before grimacing as she finally met Ted’s look. The easy laughter equally reassuring and reminding her that she’d been a fool. “’Course he did, Barboza’s a prat. But- argh, I’m still an idiot, Ted. And I- I let, y’know, all of Wales down.” 
Her curiosity perked at the unfamiliar name. “Teddy? Your... grandson? Merlin now I’m setting bad examples for the youth as well.” Of course, she hoped Teddy the younger had also learned a valuable lesson about standing up to assholes. Of course, there was a time and a place, and that was not in front of a stadium-full of witnesses. “Please only tell him the good things I did when playing against you lot and not the time I turned the Slytherin captain into a woodlouse so he thinks today was a one-off.” 
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gwentheharpy · 4 years
Date: 2014
Location: Quidditch World Cup Quarter Final // Brazil vs. Wales
Some people would say the shirt had started it. Others would say it was the gossip-mongering Rita Skeeter still managed to drive. Whether it was an out of context comment or not, Gwen had heard her team bad-mouthed and she wasn’t about to sit idly by. There was the ICWQC ban on managerial trash talk, but when had little things like authority ever managed to stop Gwenog Jones. 
She’d removed the Haiti shirt, missed three fouls - which she would at least admit were fouls, eventually - and glared down the Brazilian team’s manager. For two awful hours and eleven excruciating minutes. She’d seen Silva catch the snitch in her mind’s eye seconds before he actually did it. It was a beautiful dive. The welsh seeker couldn’t have done it. So, perhaps, it was the guilty feeling created by her own doubt, combined with the crushing feeling of defeat, that made her see red when José Barboza made his sexist little comment and she punched him in the face before pulling her wand on him and his subsequently bloody nose. 
Apparently, the healers said his skin had almost regrown by the time she was released. She’d escaped the photographers waiting outside the holding cells and found her way straight to a bar to drown her sorrows, and she was doing a pretty good job before someone caught up to her at last. “Alright! I know it was stupid! You don’t have to say it!” she sighed, head hitting the table with a thud. “My own bloody team has told me enough.”
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gwentheharpy · 4 years
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Morning person, 
           exposed brick, 
                           bright blue sky, 
                                          subtle  w i n k s.
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gwentheharpy · 5 years
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gwentheharpy · 6 years
I refuse to die ordinary.
tenx  (via princessrpg)
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