gwolfee · 3 years
I am a big fan of country music so when I heard what Morgan Wallen did I was appalled. I was very disappointed in him. In the article they mentioned that this wasn’t the first time that Morgan Wallen has done something. In October, Wallen went out partying before he was supposed to do a Saturday night live show. His episode was canceled due to him breaking SNL Covid safety guidelines. There was a video released in late February of Wallen and his friends were walking back to the car when he said the n-word. The video was released and was all over social media in minets. As soon as Morgan Wallen label saw this they released him from his contract. They said they don’t tallerat those kinds of words or actions and that his contact was suspended indefinitely. Many fans and fellow artists started to distance themselves from Wallen.
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I think this was the right thing to do for the music label to do because they don’t need to have someone who is a say the n-word signed with. I wouldn’t want someone who says that word to work with me either. Country music has a stereotype of being white men with their cowboy boots in their bluejeans seeing their country songs. The stereotype is mainly true but there are a few artists who make sure to step outside the stereotype like Darius Rucker, Kane Brown and a few others. Many people when they see Kane Brown think he is a pop singer and not a country singer. We need to work together to make country music more inclusive to all.
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I love country music but I believe we need to make it more inconclusive. We need to make country music a place where no one feels discriminated against and everyone is welcome. I have now become more causish of what artists I listen to. In the summer there are 3 big country music concerts around here. Two in the city (Chicago) and one right by the border of Wisconsin and Illinois. I know Morgan Wallen has performed at 1 of them and is supposed to play at another this summer. I think they should not allow him to play after what he did. He has made many apologies but he should know better in this day and age. The article also talked about how any publicity is good publicity because people start to look up the story and listen to his music. I think we need to change this. Celebrities should not get more popular because they did something bad, they should get less popular.
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gwolfee · 3 years
I am a big fan of country music so when I saw what Mogan Wallen did. I was very disappointed in him. This wasn’t the first time that Mogan Wallen has done something. In October, Wallen went out partying before he was supposed to do a Saturday night live show. The show was canceled due to him breaking Covid safety guidelines. Many people in the country music fan community started to distance themselves from Wallen. His label dropped him and said that his contract is indefinitely suspended. I think this was the right thing to do for the music company because they don’t need to have someone who is a say the n-word signed with. Country music is known for being white men with their cowboy boots in their bluejeans seeing their country songs. We need to make country music a place where no one feels discriminated against and everyone is welcome. We need to work together to make country music more inclusive to all.
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gwolfee · 3 years
The reason I picked this article is because covid 19 is such a big part of our lives right now. It impacts us everyday. Right now Illinois cases keep going up, which isn’t good. We are at 999,288 cases since the beginning of the pandemic.The Mayor of Chicago, Lori Lightfoot, said she is trying to do her best by getting the city more vaccines so Chicago can start opening up again. She says that we have given out 95% of the vaccine. Lightfoot wants more!! The next round of vaccines will go to residence 65 and older. JB Pritzker wants to make sure that all healthcare workers and long-term care facilities get the vaccine before they start opening it up to others. This relates to me personally because I have known many people who have gotten Covid but also know some people that have passed away, unfortunately. I want everyone to be safe in the world so they don't have to worry about dying. I am also planning on going to nursing school in college. The whole pandemic has really helped me see that I want to give back to my community and help certified that I want to become a nurse when I’m older. Nurses around the world right now are giving out the Covid vaccines which is making the world a safer place for all. This pandemic has changed the world and highlights the need for leadership in the health field and I want to be a part of that.
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gwolfee · 4 years
Student's response to a school assignment bravely challenges its cultural assumptions:
I find this article really interesting because I like how the student stood up to her teacher. She showed him that not all people have the same story. He changed his perspective on how he should proceed with his assignments. I think we need to being more of this to New Trier. We need to talk about the devastating things that happened in the past and how we can learn from it. There’s a line in the article that I really like she said not all history is pretty. We need to explore all different perspectives on my learning about our history. It can’t just be one side it should be from all sides.
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gwolfee · 4 years
Young People Are Fighting Hunger and Finding Purpose
I read the article Young People Are Fighting Hunger and Finding Purpose. This article was really powerful to me because kids nowadays are stepping up in so many ways. This makes me feel like we should do something in our community to give back to those who are hungry. There is a line in the article that really stood out to me, it was “‘It’s not like a ‘handout of food to the needy,’’’ he said, explaining that they do not feel that they are “doing charity,” but rather sharing food with neighbors and friends.” They are doing this for fun, not because they feel guilt. Since the pandemic started it has been harder to get by for some people. In April, the fear of not having food has doubled or tripled in households. This has affected everyone from the elders and every young childer. I love to help or give back to my community and the communities around me. I think New Trier should have a food drive to collect food for the New Trier food pantry. This pandemic has been hard on everyone whether it’s mental or economic challenges. This is a small way we can give back.
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gwolfee · 6 years
Racial Slurs at Schools
Race has been a topic of conversation for decades it went from really bad discrimination to getting better, but now it’s coming back down. The issue is getting worse and it has been taken to more extremes. With other issues emerging because of the time like LGBTQ and the rising depression rates, the issue of bullying because of race has been taken to the next level. One example of a race cause suicide was with a 9 year old girl. She was bullied to the extent of killing herself. In what world is it ok for a nine year old little girl to be bullied so much that she feels like, there’s no other option. This is an issue that will not be fixed unless we find a way to get racial bullying to stop. In the bigger picture everyone should just be nice to everyone, but that’s not the real world and that’s not gonna happen so we need to think of something else. My question is why do people see a person of color and immediately think they are not welcome, not as good, not worth anything and worst of all don’t deserve to live. People of color never did anything to you so why do you have to make their lives terrible. Everyone is different and everyone has something going on so why can’t we all just be nice. Just think of that little girl who took her life because of some white privileged kids who have nothing better to do.
Last week, two boys at GBN sent a video of themselves saying the n-word to their Snapchat story, and two black students. Obviously, this is unacceptable. This affects all of us very personally, because it happened in our own backyard. We always talk about the New Trier bubble and how we are all shielded from diversity and the outside world. In a way it’s proving we live in the bubble, but it also shows that it burst the bubble. It burst the “perfect north shore” idea. Also, the fact that these students thought it was a good idea to post this is unacceptable. Them thinking it was acceptable shows a lot about our community and their school. It shows that students in our community have no idea the difference between right and wrong, and that they have learned nothing about respect and kindness.
Our community is mostly white, and therefore we can't really understand the hardships that the black students and adults have to go through. I think that ignorance contributes a lot to the derogatory comments you see around the North Shore. Although these comments are very hurtful and inappropriate, I don’t think that everyone says these words to necessarily directly target or hurt someone. People intent can be very different then the impact it has. People often don’t intend to be hurtful or mean but because of their ignorance they have a bigger impact on the targeted group then they anticipated. Most if not all people who live in the North Shore are very privileged and sometimes believe that they are better than others. This can easily lead to people being bullied for being different. Race is an obvious difference, especially in the North Shore where the are black community is by no means large. It’s important for kids and adults to learn that words can hurt even if they Sargent meant to, and that it's good to be different and no one should be bullied or harassed for it.
Although we cannot fully understand what these children have gone through, we realize that something needs to change so these students can feel welcome in their own school. This is why our class, Civics and Social Justice, is so important. We learn certain perspectives we wouldn’t otherwise explore, or understand. In this situation, perspective is crucial to making fair conclusion about each separate solution.
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gwolfee · 6 years
In movies woman are given stereotypical gender. In movies woman are told that they have to clean, stay home with the kids and do everything for the man. While the man of the family is working at making money. The movies tell woman that they can’t do any, that the man has all the power over them. In movies woman are some time betrayed as needing help by men. In new movie there are trying to break out of gender stereotypes, like in the new movie Wreck it Ralph Breaks the Internet. (Spoiler Alert) The little girl tells her friend Ralph that she doesn’t need him to protect her and that she will be ok without him. More and more movies are starting to break the gender rolls. They are starting to show that women are independent and don’t need to have a man in their life.
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gwolfee · 6 years
Migrant Caravan
It’s so sad to see what these immigrants are going through. It is not fair that they are not allowed in this country. Trump will stop them at all cost from coming to the US. This is not the first time that Trump has done horrible things to the immigrants in Mexico. First, he said that he wants to make a wall to stop them from coming in. Second, he stops giving aid to the countries that need more help to keep their people in. Third, Well a ton of immigrants came into our country he separated the families. The immigrants can’t get across because our army is standing at the border ready to shoot and throw tear gas at anyone that tries to get in the US. There were many young kids at the edge of the border that got hit with tear gas. Little kids shouldn’t have to go through such a traumatizing event. That is not fair. We need to help them. We need to help them in their own country so they don't want to come to the US as much.
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gwolfee · 6 years
Post Mallon
I agree that Post Malone is a good singer and that he does have catchy songs. I also agree that he stands for nothing. Most artists stand for something. For example Chance the Rapper helps out in Chicago and give us back to his community. Cardi B stands up for woman and race. And there’s a lot more artist to do similar things. Post Malone makes fun of races and genders. He also uses bad language in his songs to sound more cool. He’s not a good influence on people and on the current generation that listens to him. I think that Post Malone needs to change something about him he needs to have a purpose of voice.
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gwolfee · 6 years
Response to Caravan and Pittsburgh shooting
Trump is not going to let the caravan into the country then he needs to try to help the country succeed better. Trump is trying to take away financial support from the countries that people are leaving to come here. If you wants the immigrants to stay in their own country he needs to help them and give them better financial support to keep their own people in their own countries. Also since Trump has been in office it seems to be like there is more and more shootings. The shooting in Pittsburgh at a synagogue was horrible. That’s so unfortunate that people have to be scared to go to a synagogue,church, school or anywhere. People shouldn’t have to be scared that they’re going to get shut out everywhere they go something needs to be done about it.
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gwolfee · 6 years
Pittsburgh Shooting
On Saturday, there was a shooting in a Synagogue in Pittsburgh. There was 11 people killed. This is an anti-Semitic attack on Jewish people. Robert Bowers came into the Synagogue and started shooting everyone. Before the shooting Bowers wrote many conspiracy theories and said “invaders in that killed our people”. He did not like that there was other people here that did not look or believe what he did. In USA Today said “Bowers didn't vote for Trump, because he was too soft on those of Jewish faith”. Bower did not like Jewish people. Trump is making people think that can do whatever they want because he not going to do anything to try and stop them. Everyday, there are more and more shootings because we have no law put in place to stop someone from getting a gun. People shouldn’t have to be scared to go to the store, religion places, schools. Something needs to change, we can’t live in fear. Trump said "If they had protection inside, the results would have been far better. Maybe it could have been a very much different situation”. Places that are supposed to be safe safes, shouldn’t have to have guards or security outside watching who comes and goes. That’s not how it is supposed to work. Our own president knows there is a problem but is not doing anything about it. He needs to step up and try to help the country that he is running.
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gwolfee · 6 years
Trumps wants stop and frisk searches in Chicago
Trump wants to try to stop gun violence in Chicago, he told the International Association of Chiefs of Police in Orlando. Trump wants to have stop and frisk searches to try to make the city safer. In the past “ Chicago suffered 762 homicides in 2016 and 650 last year but has seen a significant drop in violence in 2018. The city has recorded 418 homicides through the end of September – more than 100 fewer slayings at the same point in 2016 and 2017.” This is a good improvement for Chicago. At this rate shooting will go down but if trump tries to step in he will make it worse. Trump wants the police to do stop and check on random people. This is going to cause more violence against police and the citizens of Chicago. It is wrong for the police to search people without a cause. Chicago know in the city some of the towns don’t have a good relationship with the cops. If the cops start doing stop and frisks this relationship will get worse. Trump has no right telling us what we should do. Chicago has gotten safer without his help. If he tries to step in he will make it worse. Trump has no right in getting involved with the Chicago police department. He need to stay away. Trump is trying to do this so he can look like the good guy because he is not doing anything about our gun problem.
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gwolfee · 6 years
How are the Girls to blame?
When I first was this article I was a palled. An assistant principal in Tennessee called out girls for ruining everything. He talks about how students should not be wearing any shorts above their knees. Many boys and girls get detention for it. The assistant principal says boys if you want someone to blame blame the girls they ruined the dress code and everything else. He also tells the students to suck it up and deal with it because it’s going to be like that for the rest of your life. This is not ok the assistance principal for blaming the girls and telling student to suck it up. Most girls shorts don’t go past their knees. If it does it is considered pants. This school is not a private school so they don't have a dress code. Student should be able to wear whatever they want to express how they feel. I know there has to be some restriction at school for example gun and alcohol shirt like that. But it is unfair to have a rule practically saying you can't wear shorts to school. The assistant principal blames girls for ruining everything. What did we do, we did nothing, absolutely nothing. Girls need to be thought that they are beautiful inside and out. Girls should NOT be told they are to blame for everything. GIRLS DID NOTHING WRONG!
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gwolfee · 6 years
Immigrants family’s
Trump has tried to keep immigrants out of this country for almost 2 years. When he separated more than 2,500 parents from their kids, that’s when the went to far. After many protest, the trump administration was forced to reunite the families together. When many families were reunited, they were taken to non profit groups to make sure they stay safe. But the sad thing is that more than 500 parents were deported without their kids. Some old buildings are being converted to hold all these immigrants, an old Sisters of Loretto convalescent home was converted to help the immigrants. In the home, a little girl asked how long can she take a shower for because in the camp she had 5 minutes take a shower and 3 to brush her teeth. Is makes me so sad that she had to ask how long she could shower for. These kids were all by them self for weeks, months and had know idea how to like without their parents. They were in bad conditions with all kids and were so confused. They just wanted to be with their parents. That makes me so sad. Trump could have kept the family’s together but he wanted to separate the kids and parents, why? It makes no sense to me. They are a family keep them together. After the immigrants went to the house. The non profit organisations helped them if a or long term situation. They helped them get a plane ticket to other family members or friend. They are scared that the government will try to deport them but for now they are trying to forget what happen. They are trying to live in the moment. Everyone can help change the world to make it a better place for everyone. We can help in so many ways.
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gwolfee · 6 years
Guns or People?
When I first read this article one sentence really stuck out to me, “There are close to as many guns in the US as there are people.” I was astounded to here. There are 325.7 million people in the US. Then I looked up how many guns there are just in the US. They say there are roughly 300-350 million guns. It hard to tell exactly how many guns there is because there isn’t a database to show how many people buy guns. People who work for federal law (police, FBI,etc.) are not required to have a license to own a gun. We need to change that. The government should make everyone that owns a gun should have to have a license and register it through a database or you shouldn't be able to own it. There is so many things that we can do to help stop shootings. We are one of only county that is having this problems with guns. Everyone needs to feel safe in there home and community. People should not be scared to leave their house. My question are why has the government done nothing to stop people from getting shot? I know it is our right to have a gun but there needs to be more laws to stop people who want to cause harm. The government and others are trying to reduce shootings and suicides by making jail sentences longer, spending more money in school on mental health and making it harder for them to buy guns.
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